Rated Hokage

211 Chapter 210, Fuyue: Let's give birth

Makoto stopped Mikoto who was heading home, and took her to an empty lounge in the Hokage Building.

Meiqin sat awkwardly on the sofa, glanced at Zhen and quickly avoided it.

"Master Hokage...do you have anything to do with me?" She forced herself to speak calmly, still maintaining a calm posture.

But Zhen directly asked the question that made her heart beat a beat slower.

"Whose child?"


Makoto stared at Mikoto closely, and this powerful gaze made Mikoto feel like a thorn in her back.

"Whose child?" he asked again.

Miqin forced a laugh and said, "Master Hokage's news is fast, and I just found out...of course it belongs to Fu Yue."

She was already a little unable to maintain a steady tone, and this posture was naturally an expression of trying to cover up in Zhen's eyes.

Zhen took out a piece of paper and put it on the table, Meiqin took a closer look and found her report card from the physical examination in the hospital.

"It's been two months. Are you so sure it's his?"

Miqin didn't look at her, and continued: "Of course it belongs to Fuyue, it must be Fuyue's..."

Zhen then nodded and said: "Since that's the case, let's give birth to the child. I think Senior Fuyue will be very happy when he hears the news."

Meiqin's face turned pale when she heard this, she felt as if she was going to suffocate, and she forced an ugly smile on her face: "Fuyue and I... have no plans to have a second child for the time being."

Shin said, "Why have I heard Itachi say several times that he wants a younger brother?"

"Children are ignorant..."

Her voice was getting lower and lower, and she was getting more and more afraid to look at the truth.

The recent physical discomfort made her flustered, and she was at a loss when she went to the hospital for a physical examination and found that she was indeed pregnant.

Counting the time, she hadn't been intimate with Fuyue for a long time at that time, and after that incident, she and Fuyue directly slept in separate rooms, and only with Hokage...

She was not prepared for this at all, and she didn't know how to face the next thing. The only way she could think of was to hide it first, and then find a way to get rid of this child who shouldn't exist.

But as soon as he left the hospital, he ran into Zhen.

"Are you afraid?" Zhenping asked.


"Tell me the truth."

Miqin's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. She knew that she would not be able to hide it from the other party, so she gritted her teeth and said, "So what? What about your child! Hokage-sama, you have your own family, and so do I. This child is originally What's the point of getting this answer, a mistake that shouldn't have appeared in this world?"

Zhen lightly frowned and said, "You are the mother of the child, how can you say that about your own child?"

Meiqin gave a miserable smile: "Am I wrong? Does anyone expect this child to be born?"



Mikoto was in a daze suddenly, looking at this man who was much younger than herself but had a firm face, Fu Yue's figure appeared in front of her eyes for no reason.

She felt that she was touched by something, she lowered her head, and smiled self-deprecatingly: "Don't be stupid, Hokage-sama... I will keep it a secret as long as the previous thing never happened."

Zhenzhen said: "No, you have to give birth to the child."

Meiqin was sullen: "Are you crazy? If Fuyue finds out about my pregnancy, he must know that the child is not his!"

Or does this person just regard her as a reproductive machine? !

Zhen said indifferently: "So what, so what if he knows it's my child? Does he dare to refuse?"

Mikoto couldn't help being stunned, she felt that this Hokage was really scary, and the toughness of the other party made her helpless.

She asked: "What about after the child is born, do you have the heart to watch him call another man's father?"

Zhen said, "I will make my own arrangements when the time comes."

In the end, Miqin could only say, "You are a lunatic!"

She didn't want to do this, and she didn't want her life to be broken by this unborn child. Although this life was bad enough, she still had an extravagant hope in her heart, that she and Fuyue could return to the way they were before.

Mikoto knew in her heart that the other party couldn't give her anything, this Hokage was so affectionate with Ayari on weekdays, and she was just his fling, this kind of stealthy behavior didn't carry any responsibility at all.

Zhen said slowly: "In short, you can just give birth to the child with peace of mind."

Miqin could only say in desperation: "...I think we both need to calm down, and we can talk about this issue later, okay?"

She came out of the Hokage Building and returned to her home.

Neither Fuyue nor Itachi came back yet, and the huge room was deserted.

Meiqin was sitting on the bed in the bedroom, holding a framed photo of her family in her hand. The group photo of the three of them made her look at it again and again, and kept stroking it with her hands.

Mikoto, who had been sitting for a long time, suddenly heard a voice coming from the living room.

"I'm back."

Fu Yue came back early from the fire department, Mikoto, who was in a state of confusion, immediately got up when she heard the sound, and walked quickly to the door of the bedroom, but when she was about to go out, she stopped in her tracks.

She collected her thoughts and made herself look calm.

Fu Yue came to her door at this time.

"Miqin...I have something to tell you."


With her head down, Mikoto came to the sofa in the living room and sat down.

Fu Yue sat across from her.

"You...are you pregnant?"

Mikoto's brain "boomed" when she spoke the first sentence.

Her pupils were slightly dilated, and she looked at Fu Yue. Her husband just sat there with his head bowed and did not respond to her gaze.

After a long silence, Meiqin just sat there motionless, she didn't know what to say, did she want to apologize, did she want to explain?

But wasn't it Fu Yue who caused all this?

Or should we discuss what can be properly resolved?

Mikoto's mind was in a mess, what happened in the hospital, what happened at Hokage's place, and what is happening now.

One after another, she was not given a chance to breathe.

Fu Yue then said something that made her feel completely numb in her heart.

"Since I'm pregnant, let's take care of the baby in the next time... Didn't Itachi always want a younger brother and sister?"

She opened her eyes wide, stared at Fu Yue, and asked, "Do you know what you are talking about?"


My husband, the father of my child, actually let me give birth to another man at this moment!

She had a premonition that her family would be completely torn apart by the arrival of this child.

Meiqin felt endless panic because of this, she seemed to have fallen into a dark well, it shouldn't be like this, her life shouldn't be like this!

This kind of panic made her completely let go of all postures, stood up almost collapsed and came to Fu Yue, held his hands tightly, and said in a tone she had never had in this period of time: "Fu Yue, I don't want to have this child , let’s get rid of the child and leave here, okay, our family can go anywhere after leaving Konoha, and let’s go back to our previous life, okay?”


Fu Yue's face twitched, as if he was holding back something, but all his emotions were covered by his reluctant smile.

This smile seemed extremely dazzling and ironic to Mikoto.

He said, "Mikoto, don't we live well in Konoha? We don't go anywhere."

Meiqin stared blankly at him, at her husband, at her former love and the man who once loved her most, her eyes could not help but overflow with despair.

Fuyue continued: "I have been transferred to work, and I will leave the village starting tomorrow. It is estimated that I will be away for a long time."

Meiqin didn't respond this time, she didn't even ask where he was going, she just got up without saying a word, and walked into her bedroom without saying a word.

Seeing this, Fuyue had no choice but to hold back the next words. He, the head of the Uchiha clan, was transferred by Hokage to the border of Fire Country to do garrison work. It sounds very absurd, but it is true.

He fixed his eyes on his wife's back, and what he felt was not loneliness, but an emotional barrenness of extreme disappointment.

The sound of closing the door was very soft, so soft that no trace of emotion leaked out, and her back was completely covered by the door.

The human heart can only tolerate a certain degree of despair, just as the surface of the sea has already absorbed enough water, and even if the sea flows over it, it cannot add another drop to it.

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