Rated Hokage

232 Chapter 231

Under the Tower of the Sun.

Anbu, the guard, saw the person coming from a distance, and immediately stepped forward to salute.

"Master Nidaimu, why are you here?"

Tobuma looked at the Anbu wearing an animal mask and thought, "Your voice sounds familiar."

Anbu bowed and said, "I used to be your guard in the research institute."

Feijian nodded lightly: "I have something to do when I go up."

Anbu did not stop, but took the initiative to get out of the way: "Please."

Feijian walked directly into the tower and went all the way up to the top floor. This is the control room of the Tower of the Sun. Inside are the staff of the original enchantment class, responsible for the protection of the village.

Just as he was about to go in, someone came out first.

"Master Second Generation."


"Is Master Nidaime here for something?" Kakashi bowed and bowed his head, showing respect.

Tobuma said, "I'm conducting an experiment and need to study this tower."

Kakashi asked: "May I ask if Lord Fifth Generation knows about this?"

Tokaima said, "This experiment was entrusted to me by the Fifth Generation."

Kakashi also gave up his position after hearing the words: "Please come in."

The so-called control room is also the base of Tenseikan. The entire room houses the lower half of Tenseikan. There are some instruments placed in the circular room. The surrounding walls are full of square LCD screens, arranged together, and the information displayed on it It is the picture of the entire Konoha Village.

This is where the entire village is monitored, and several ninjas are in charge.

Tobuma scanned the entire room and said, "Let's temporarily stop the operation."

The person in charge was startled when he heard the words, and immediately walked over to Tobima and said, "Master II, Lord Hokage of the Fifth Order ordered martial law to be enforced today."

Kakashi on the side said: "You obey the order, and it just stops running temporarily."

The person in charge looked at Tobima, then at Kakashi, before stopping the monitoring system.

The purple light of Tenseiyan can only be seen from the outside, what can be seen so close is a gentle white light, although it is extremely pure white, but it can be clearly seen in the form of its flow in the glass container, very beauty of.

Tobima walked into Tenseikan, his eyes fixed on it, he could feel a majestic energy close at hand.

He ordered again: "You go out first."

Everyone walked out of the control room, and the person in charge was a member of the Hyuga family. He couldn't help but say to Kakashi, "Kakashi, do you want to inform Lord Hokage?"

Kakashi's eyes flickered slightly, but he said: "Hokage-sama has something important to do today, otherwise the whole village wouldn't be under martial law. Nidaime-sama is also Hokage, and he won't do anything to harm the village, so why worry about it."

The person in charge said helplessly, "Okay." # Konoha Prison.

A slight sound of footsteps slightly disturbed Namikaze Minato's thoughts.

At this time, it should be the person in charge of the prison who delivered the food.

He lay on his side on the bed, looking at the wall expressionlessly.

As a repeat offender, he and the rest of the inmates did not eat together.


There was the sound of an iron lock being pulled, followed by the sound of the iron gate opening.

Minato couldn't help turning his head to look over, and found a figure standing outside the iron gate, and it was he who opened the lock.

In the past, the prison staff would never open the iron gate when they delivered him meals. Only the ninjas who came regularly to change his daily necessities would open the iron gate. At that time, at least two jōnin would come.

Counting the time, it's not time to replace daily necessities.

And just when he was doubting, a white-haired figure slowly rose from the shadow of this person, making Minato startled for a while.

Toad Pingying's technique.

And with the appearance of Jiraiya, the person who unlocked the lock also passed out on the ground.

Jilai also breathed a sigh of relief, looking at his disciple in the cell, his hair was disheveled and his expression was sluggish, he had long lost the golden glitter of the past.

Feeling guilty and distressed, he whispered, "Shuimen..."

Shuimen said in a daze, "Mr. Ziraiya, you...why are you here?"

"Rescue you out." Jilai also said concisely, stepped forward and grabbed his arm, rolled up the sleeve, and saw a black sealing spell on the wrist.

After examining it carefully, he tried to undo the spell, but found that the level of the seal was far higher than he thought, and he couldn't untie it at all.

His sealing skill attainment is not considered low, and the threshold for breaking the seal is lower than the threshold for performing it.

Minato said at this time: "Master Jiraiya, let me teach you how to break the seal."

His level of sealing technique is top-notch, but he can't use any chakra right now.

Under Minato's guidance, Jiraiya undid the four seals on his limbs and the fifth seal on his neck.

Minato moved his body and felt that the chakra in his body could be used again. This long-lost feeling made him heave a long sigh of relief.

Zilai also said, "Come with me, Minato."

"Where are you going?"

Jiraiya also said: "It doesn't matter, but Konoha, you can't stay any longer."

Minato looked calm, neither sad nor happy.

He said: "Teacher Zi Lai Ye, you go first, I have my own things to do."

Jiraiya grabbed his arm first: "Minato! You can't do stupid things!"

Minato asked blankly, "Mr. Jiraiya, are you going to stop me?"

Ji Lai also looked at the disciple in front of him, he no longer had the gentleness and warmth of the past, but only endless coldness, as if he was harboring a huge hatred.

This made him extremely distressed: "Minato, he is Hokage now, if you do anything, you are making an enemy of the entire Konoha."

Minato sneered coldly: "I have long been Konoha's enemy, doesn't Konoha now regard me as a sinner?"

Jiraiya said, "Do you want to hurt Konoha?"

Minato said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, I just want to kill him now!"

As he said that, there was endless hatred in his eyes.

"No... just kill them!"

Zilai also sighed a long time, he said: "Do you know who asked me to save you?"


"It's Kushina."

When Minato heard this, his pupils shrank slightly.

Jilai also continued: "I don't know what happened here, but I can see that she has been thinking about you all the time, and her current situation is probably not as good as she imagined... Kushina let me After rescuing you, take you away, leave Konoha."

Minato stood there trembling uncontrollably, and suddenly let out bursts of laughter, and the laughter became louder and crazier.

He turned around and punched the wall hard, blood flowing.

"Why...why..." he muttered to himself.

He thought of the scene he saw with his own eyes that day, and his heart ached.


After a while, he said suddenly.

"I'm going to see her."

He seemed to be talking to Zilai, and also seemed to be talking to himself: "I'm going to ask her personally if everything that happened that day is true. If she was forced, I will take her away. I want to take her away...I want to take her away!"

Jiraiya hesitated and said, "Now...you might not be able to see her."

Minato suddenly turned around and asked, "Why!"

"Because... she is... giving birth now."

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