Rated Hokage

Chapter 240 Chapter 239

Daming House.

Master Yuan sat on the main seat with a haggard face, and beside him sat a graceful and beautiful woman.

His physical condition seemed to be much worse than before, and his whole body showed a state of malaise.

"General Oda, what's the matter?"

"Master Yuan, Mr. Kanai, who protects Shinobi, is old, and his subordinates have recruited a suitable successor for you."

Hearing that it was about protecting Shinobi, Yuanda was more concerned about it.

He asked, "Where is the man?"

Isamu Oda gestured to the door, and a young man walked in slowly.

Master Yuan was looking at the other person, but the beautiful woman on the side immediately showed a look of horror when she saw him.

The person who came was the Bailong whom Oda Yong had seen in Yuyin Village, but the woman seemed to know him, showing extreme fear.

Yuan-sama noticed the change in Ai Ji, and quickly asked what was wrong with concern.

Qi Inada Hime just said that he was feeling unwell and wanted to go back to rest.

Master Yuan was very anxious when he heard the words, and ignored Isamu Oda who was kneeling there, he was going to take Qi Inada Hime back to rest, and planned to call a doctor to check his body.

It can be seen that he regards this woman as his heart and soul, and this scene also makes Oda courageous.

"My lord... Let's finish our business first." Qi Daotian Ji glanced at Bailong at the bottom of the steps, and then said to Master Yuan.

With the help of the maid, she left and returned to her bedroom.

But just after returning to the residence, the maid next to her suddenly fainted for no reason.

Ji Daotian was trembling and dared not move.

"You seem to be enjoying your life here."

A voice suddenly sounded from behind, and Qi Daotian Ji was taken aback, she hurriedly turned around and retreated, looking at the white dragon who appeared at the door.

She said in panic: "I'm not your enemy, I won't fight with you or anything, just let me go."

But Bailong showed a smile: "Don't say that, I am you, you are me, we are one, aren't we?"

Qi Inada Hime kept retreating, but she tripped over her dress and fell to the ground.

"Now people outside say you are a witch, do you know that?"

"I don't want...I don't want that, I just want to be with Yuan-sama."

Bailong slowly walked up to him, bent down and squatted down, looking at the woman in front of him who looked sad and beautiful because of fear and bewilderment.

"It's so pitiful. Why did you choose such a man?"

He stretched out his hand and gently lifted Qi Daotian Ji's white and tender chin, admiring her appearance, but his eyes seemed to be looking at a treasure that belonged to him.

"Come and do something for me. As a condition, I can let you and your daimyo be together safely." # Hokage house.

Neji was squatting in the courtyard, staring at the ground intently.

The Sheren at the side asked, "Ning Ci, what are you looking at?"

"Watch the ants move."

Ning Ci said and raised his head to look at the sky: "Is it going to rain?"

And just as he looked down at the ants formation on the ground again, a foot suddenly stretched out and stepped on the ants group hard.

Ning Ci's face froze immediately, and he heard an angry voice.

"Ningji, Naruto and Sasuke won't listen to me, help me beat them up."

Looking up, there was a white-eyed little loli standing in front of her, with short hair reaching her ears, but her pretty and cute face was full of anger.


Ning Ci didn't speak, just looked at the ants running around on the ground and felt sad for them.

Seeing that Ning Ci was ignoring her, little Lolita looked at Sheren beside Ning Ci again.

"You are the younger brother of the new Neji, aren't you?"

Sheren said, "I am Ning Ci's friend, not my younger brother."

The little girl looked at Sheren carefully and asked, "Can't you see?"

Sheren said, "You can also see it."

"But you closed your eyes."

"I don't see with my eyes."

"Why don't you be my little brother? You call me sister, and I will protect you in the future."

"You should be younger than me."

Sheren always had a tepid appearance, which made the little girl feel very bored, so she ignored him.

She knelt down and said pitifully to Neji: "Ningji, Naruto and Sasuke bullied me, you have to help me avenge."

Ning Ci didn't even look at her and said, "It should be you who bullied them."

He knows his sister's temperament very well, she is the most unreasonable person in the family, but his father still spoils her very much.

Two figures ran over from the pavilion, but after seeing the girl in the yard, they hurriedly turned and left.

Seeing this, the girl immediately got up and chased after her, waving her small fists: "Naruto, Sasuke! You two don't run away!"

Seeing that the annoying sister had left, Ning Ci heaved a sigh of relief, sat on the floor in the corridor, and quietly looked at the clouds in the sky.

Although he is young, he is not noisy at all compared to his younger siblings.

Sheren also asked beside him, "Don't you like playing with your younger brothers and sisters?"

Ning Ci smiled faintly: "I'm already three years old, they are only two years old, they are too childish."

Sheren: "..."

Ning Ci continued: "People of different age groups have no common language when they are together. This is called a generation gap. I can introduce another friend of mine to you later."

"Another friend?"

"His name is Chongwu. Although he is one year older than me, he listens to me in everything. Hinata also wanted to accept him as a younger brother before, but he failed just like you."

Sheren asked, "Why does your sister like to accept younger brothers so much?"

Neji said: "Because she is the youngest in the family, she calls everyone brother, she has always wanted to be an older sister, but her father and mother have never had children, she often bullies Naruto and Sasuke, forcing them to call her older sister If Naruto and Sasuke don't agree, Hinata will beat them."

Sheren couldn't help but tilt his head when he heard this, he thought this Hinata was very interesting.

He has never had any brothers or sisters. Since he can remember, he has only his father by his side, and the only thing his father instilled in him is to complete the ancestral oracle in the future.


At this time, a voice suddenly sounded from the direction of the main entrance.

The two heard the sound and looked, and saw a young man standing there at some point. The young man had a handsome face, his tear grooves were a little obvious, he was wearing a Konoha forehead protector, and his long black hair was casually tied behind his head.

"Brother Itachi!" Ning Ci immediately showed surprise.

"You're back."

He got up quickly and trotted over.

Sheren hesitated for a moment and followed.

Itachi touched Ning Ci's small head with a smile, looked at the Sheren beside him and said, "You must be the Sheren."

Sheren nodded.

"Hi, my name is Uchiha Itachi."


Ning Ci couldn't wait to introduce to Sheren: "Brother Itachi is the champion next to Dad, and he is a very, very powerful ninja! I will become the same person as Brother Itachi in the future."

Itachi laughed and said: "My young master, how can you be the crown guard, you will be the one protected by the crown guard in the future."

Ning Ci shook his head: "No, I want to be the crown guard just like Brother Itachi!"

Sheren didn't expect Ningci to have such a longing for someone, not only did he become a little curious about this person.

Itachi asked, "Where are Sasuke and the others?"

"I was chased by Hinata just now and I don't know where she went."

Hearing this name, Itachi couldn't help but feel a little headache.


It's a bit stuck, the main line can't connect to the outline, so I have to take a good look at it

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