Rated Hokage

Chapter 259 Chapter 258

The chakra threads in all directions seemed to be pulled, responding to the white dragon's knot seal, and all of them flew towards the red bean in an instant.

I don't know what kind of technique Hongdou didn't dare to touch hard, and he held his breath to prepare to dodge, but at the same time, the lines on the ground were shining brightly, and he wriggled by himself. Following the change of these lines, Hongdou was shocked to find that the whole ground was also moving. transform.

For a while, the feeling of dizziness hit, everything in front of him was distorted and intertwined, and various colors mixed together, and when the strong dizziness faded away, his limbs were shot to death by countless blue chakra threads around him. The binding was lifted and he could not move.


Hongdou was in shock.

No! Not just illusions!

These chakra threads are still devouring her chakra. With the imbalance of various energies in her body, she was also forced out of the fairy mode by the kite mark. The eye shadow on her face dissipated, and the terrifying chakra and The powerful aura also disappeared.

Bailong looked at Hongdou who was restrained and said with a smile: "The immortal power Hinata really gave you is nothing more than that, Hongdou, you are still too tender after all, it seems that I didn't teach you how to fight at the beginning."

But Hongdou said angrily: "You are not Mr. Orochimaru at all!"

But Bailong said blankly: "It doesn't matter, I will be a brand new Orochimaru! Shed my mortal body and become a real dragon! I will be the only supreme god!"

He walked towards Hongdou slowly, without any disguise at this moment.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly stood in front of Hongdou, it was Qi Daotian Ji.

Hong Dou looked at the person in front of him and couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Qi Daotianji grabbed Bailong's wrist with one hand, and begged: "This is Hongdou, please let her go, there must be other ways!"

But Bailong frowned, and slapped Qi Daotianji fan directly to the ground with his backhand.

Hongdou's pupils shrank slightly, and said angrily, "You bastard! What are you doing?!"

Bailong glanced at Qi Daotian Ji on the ground, and said to Hongdou lightly, "Don't worry, she won't die. If she dies, it will still be troublesome for me."

Qi Inadaji covered her red and swollen cheeks and the corners of her bleeding mouth, and looked at Bailong with a mournful expression.

"Please let her go, that's red beans! Have you forgotten!"

Bai Long sneered: "Since you are so unbearable, why do you still help me?"

As he spoke, he raised his neck and said indifferently, "Of course I know she is Hongdou. I remember too many things. Ever since I met this child..."

Bailong quickly said many things in the past, everything he said was very concise and accurate.

But these words did not have the slightest warmth, Hongdou felt countless sorrows in his heart.

Master Orochimaru... Master Orochimaru...

Bai Long said again: "But even so, what can we do?"

He stared at Hongdou tightly, and said with a sneer: "Abandoning these useless emotions has always been what I pursue. I am indeed not a complete Orochimaru, but I am the most perfect posture of Orochimaru."

"Is that so..." Hongdou whispered.

Bailong said indifferently: "That's right, the two emotions I most wanted to get rid of in the past, one was the Third Hokage, and the other was you."


Hongdou lowered her head, her hair hanging down to cover her eyes, but a deep laugh came from her mouth.

Seeing her crazy appearance, Bai Long frowned slightly, and he didn't want to waste any more time.

However, at this moment, Hong Dou suddenly spread out her right hand that had been tightly clenched, and a pile of black residues fell from her palm, falling to the ground like a hooked jade.


Then he suddenly felt a chill hit him, making him take a step back instinctively.


It was just a blue light, and a figure appeared in front of him in an instant.

This person was dressed in ordinary clothes, with a neat kappa head, thick and thick eyebrows, a resolute face, and a blue chakra flame that was about to be extinguished, as well as white smoke like steam.

With his appearance, Bailong found that the sealed barrier he had set up was broken in an instant, and the chakra thread that bound the red beans was also broken.

quick! too fast!

How did he appear, Bailong didn't see clearly at all!

"Hongdou, who is he?" Kai stared at Bailong, and asked Hongdou who had broken free behind him.

Hongdou looked at Bailong and paused, "Enemy!"

"Really." Kai muttered to himself.

Bailong only felt a sudden blur in front of his eyes, and then there was a sharp pain in his abdomen, as if he was hit by a big mountain, and when he came back to his senses, his whole body had been punched into the ground.


The entire bedroom was shaking, and the loud noise was deafening.

Bailong's eyes only saw the red bean-like eye shadow appeared on Maitekai's face, and more complicated lines were extended, forming a "three" character on the face.

Just one punch directly made him lose his fighting power.

Bai Long felt like his whole body was completely falling apart, if it wasn't for his special constitution, his blood would have already spattered on the spot.

He looked at the lines on Kay's face and was shocked.

What exactly is this power? ! How can a fairy mode be so terrifying!

Hinata really... Hinata really!

The bedroom also returned to calm after the shaking, Hongdou was also shocked by Yu Kai's strength, she stepped forward in two steps.

"You didn't kill him, did you?"

The eyeshadow and lines on Kai's face faded, and he looked at the white dragon in the deep pit on the ground, and said, "It's not dead."

Hongdou breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

She looked at the white dragon in the deep pit, whose abdomen was completely sunken, with a complex expression.

Bailong let out a "ho ho" sound, and the eyeballs in the two eye sockets were turning separately, and finally they all locked on Hongdou's body.

"Red... Dou..." He struggled to make a sound.

red beans:"……"

"You...sooner or later...belong to...me..."

After Bailong said these words, he fell into the ground quickly.

Kai was shocked when he saw this, and quickly punched out again, but this punch only hit the rock below, and countless cracks appeared on the floor.

He entered the fairy mode again, opened the perception, and covered the entire Daming Mansion.

"Disappeared..." He looked shocked.

Hong Dou also remembered that the other party's escape method this time was the same as that night.

"Let him escape."

Kai got up and was about to leave: "I'll go after it!"

"No need." Hongdou stopped him.

He was able to escape in Konoha before, so how could the two of them catch up.

Kai was secretly annoyed there, he shouldn't have taken it lightly when the opponent lost his combat power.

But Hongdou was very calm in his heart.

She looked at Qi Daotian Ji at the side, stepped forward and asked her, "How are you...?"

Qi Inada Ji's face was still red and swollen, but she just shook her head slightly after hearing this.

Hongdou hesitated, "You...can't fight?"

Qi Inada Hime said, "No."

Hong Dou looked at this woman, and didn't know what to say for a while. Bai Long said earlier that the other party was also one of the split bodies of Lord Orochimaru, but why did she appear as a woman.

But this woman didn't seem to be malicious to herself, and she wanted to protect herself just now.

Hong Dou hesitated and said, "You..."

Qi Daotian Ji said first: "Hongdou, I want to tell you something."

Hong Dou heard this and looked at her.

Ki Inada Hime said, "Before me... no, for you, it should be before Orochimaru."

"It is true that I want to give up some emotions, but this does not include you."

Hongdou froze in place for an instant.

Qi Inadaji stretched out his hand and gently stroked Hong Dou's cheek, but this time he didn't make Hong Dou feel any resistance at all.

"Red bean, you are the most special to me... to Orochimaru, otherwise, Orochimaru would not leave such a body to you."


Hongdou suddenly reached out and took the other's hand caressing her face, and said, "Come with me, follow me back to Konoha."

Qi Inadaji shook her head, and said softly: "I am a sinner there, and I don't want to go back. There are too many people there that I don't want to see. Now I just want to stay by Mr. Yuan's side."

After finishing speaking, she lowered her head again: "Of course, if you plan to take me away by force... I can't help it. If my affairs are really found out, I will definitely become his experiment and research object, Hongdou, I hope you Can let me go."

Hongdou stood there silent.

The woman in front of me is very gentle and weak, I can't imagine that this is a part of Oshemaru-sama.

Orochimaru-sama is a sinner to Konoha, if he really knows all this, he is really Hokage...


Hong Dou held Qi Inadaji's hand tightly, she bit her lip tightly and remained silent.

Qi Inadaji pulled her into his arms, and Hongdou hugged her tightly, her body trembling slightly.

"Master Orochimaru, do you know how much I miss you..."

"Why, why did you leave me alone!"

Qi Inada Hime just sighed lightly, stretched out his hand to gently rub Red Dou's hair.

After a while, Hongdou let go of her slowly and calmed down.

At this time, there was a sudden sound outside.

Everyone thought they were attracted by the sound made by Kai just now, but they didn't expect a shout from outside.

"It's not good! Master Yuan has an accident!"

Master Yuan... Your name!

The three of them lost their minds for a short while and were suddenly startled, and Qi Inada Ji let go of the red beans in a panic, and ran towards the outside of the bedroom, almost falling down.

The daimyo is dead!

Died in bed! Death without warning!

Although the body has always been very weak, it is far from being terminally ill.

The surrounding area of ​​the daimyo's dormitory was full of people, Qi Inadahime was crying heart-rendingly while hugging daimyo's cold corpse, the whole person seemed to be insane.

Hongdou and Kai stood in the crowd watching this scene with complicated expressions.



"I have something to tell you."

Hongdou took Kai to an uninhabited corner.

"Kay, are we friends?"

"..." Kai didn't respond immediately. If Hongdou had asked this question in the past, he would have answered yes long ago.

But he is not a fool, he has been listening to what Hongdou and Qi Daotianji said.

Seeing that Kai didn't respond, Hongdou actually knelt down in front of him.

Kai remained indifferent, and asked, "Are you asking me to hide this from Hokage-sama?"

Hongdou said: "For you, Orochimaru is a heinous sinner, but for me..."

Kai frowned: "Hongdou, do you know what you're doing?!"


At this moment, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps outside.

A group of armored guards broke in with weapons in hand. The leader seemed to be a general, shouting loudly.

"Kill that witch!"

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