Rated Hokage

Chapter 277 Chapter 276

Institute of Mechanical Science.

In the huge hall, stood a giant tens of meters high, strictly speaking, it was just a giant skeleton assembled from metal.

But at a height of tens of meters, looking up from below, it still gives people a shocking feeling of looking up at the mountains!

Various mechanical instruments are running back and forth, many high platforms have been erected, and busy staff are running around.

This is an open-air venue, but because of a special barrier, it is impossible to see the scene from the outside.

"The bones forged from Chakra metal have all been assembled, but the progress of the flesh and blood armor on the side of Minister Dou still needs a long time."

On a high platform, Tonogawa is reporting the latest progress to Hokage.

"What about the technique?"

"The simple action formula has been completed, and I am planning to conduct experiments with physical actions recently."

Really nodded slightly, and then said: "The progress is already very fast."

It's already much faster than he expected. At any time, the efficiency of ninjas is still very high. Unlike ordinary craftsmen, some things that cannot be done or done by mechanical instruments need to be done by ninjas themselves.

As for the Flesh Armor that Dou's department is responsible for, it is divided into two steps: cultivation and body forging, and the time period required is not short.

Covering the entire giant with flesh and blood armor requires a huge amount. It is estimated that it will take years to wait until all of this is completed. There is no rush for such a thing, and there is really plenty of time. too much.

On the high platform, I really stared at the giant skeleton in front of me. It looked humanoid only from the outside, and some temporary armor was covered on the Chakra metal skeleton. I simulated the weight of the future flesh and blood armor through calculations, and then passed it soon. Calculate the consumption degree of Chakra in the subsequent body action experiment.

Every detail requires constant polishing and research.

The staff of the entire research institute have put in a lot of effort, they all fulfill their responsibilities, and work day and night, in order to see the scene where this big guy in the future will rule the world of ninja.

After leaving the Institute of Mechanical Science, I really went to another reception, which was mainly attended by businessmen. Of course, there were also many members of major families in the reception.

Konoha's new city expansion took more than two months and finally completed. It directly expanded the area of ​​Konoha by more than three times on the original basis. Obito held a commendation meeting, and Obito was awarded a medal in the eyes of many villagers and ninjas, thanking him for his contribution to Konoha Construction.

After the completion of the new city, various things will be done for the future urban planning. This reception is specially held for the commercial and economic development of Konoha New City. The new city will introduce more foreign businessmen, led by Hokage and local Konoha The original businessman established a Konoha Chamber of Commerce to formulate various rules and plans to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

Konoha was originally just a ninja village, a place to cultivate ninjas and provide legal force for the country.

Now it has been expanded into a large city, and its scale is not much bigger than the original capital. As a result, the nature of Konoha and the meaning of Konoha Ninja have become complicated.

I really intend to make Konoha the economic center and political center of the Kingdom of Fire.

In addition to this, there is another important matter, which was started after really thinking about it for a long time.

He sent people to invite the heads of all the famous mercenary organizations and ninja forces in the Land of Fire to Konoha, and also held a meeting.

These are rural folk forces, not recognized by the country like Konoha, but the country does not object to their existence, and they also make a living by accepting some missions on weekdays, but in such a country of fire where the Konoha family dominates, these The life of the power is not very easy, and the price is much lower than that of Konoha to attract customers.

I really plan to rectify these ninja forces and set up a ninja trade union organization in the country of fire. After being officially registered and recognized by the state, all task entrustments will be concentrated in one place in the future, and will be distributed to them after unified processing. Konoha will draw a certain amount of money in the middle For the commission, several task entrustment locations will be set up in major cities in the Land of Fire at the same time, and Konoha will be fully responsible.

To put it bluntly, these people will work for Konoha in the future, and Konoha will feed them.

This kind of thing is naturally good or bad, it depends on what they think.

The slightly larger forces have already accumulated some reputation, and they also have some fixed sources of customers. They originally occupied the mountain as the king and became the boss themselves. Working for Konoha also depends on Konoha's face, I guess I personally don't want to.

And some loose and weak forces are bound to flock to such a good thing as being able to have a fixed job.

The Ninja Union not only accepts these mercenary organizations and ninja forces, but also faces domestic wave ninjas. As long as they are willing to register and accept management, the country will reward them with food, and even face wave ninjas from various countries in the future.

This idea has been discussed with some high-level officials in the village, but such a bold idea has not gained much understanding.

Many people said that the task commissions of those folk ninja forces and mercenaries are very limited, and most of the task commissions are in the hands of Konoha. As long as they don't make trouble, Konoha doesn't have to care about them.

Even if they are taken in, it may not be a good thing. Not only is a part of the task entrusted, but these ninjas are mixed with good and bad, which will definitely affect Konoha's reputation at that time.

Of course, these are all excuses. Only then did I realize that most of the people in my family have a natural arrogance when facing these Yeluzi ninjas. They look down on these guys, as if being born in Konoha is a great thing.

I really didn't bother to say anything about it, but just insisted on going my own way, saying that it would be fine to formulate some strict relevant laws, and to conduct strict ninja strength and quality assessments on these ninjas again, and redesignate them.

As for those forces that are unwilling to join the union, it is true that after the establishment of the union, it will announce to the people that any ninja individual or collective that is not registered with the ninja union will not be recognized by the state, and will be held accountable for privately entrusted civil organizations.

This caused dissatisfaction among many mercenary forces, but none of them dared to show it.

law? Konoha is the law in the land of fire!

Even some well-known mercenary organizations are just little ants in front of Konoha, and they dare not go against Konoha at all.

Some people don't understand the real approach, but there are also people who can understand the real ambition, such as Tonogawa, who can see through at a glance that this kind of ninja reform is a plan after the unification of the ninja world in the future, and now it is just a trial in the land of fire.

To unify the ninja world, outsiders will only find it ridiculous when such words are spoken.

But Tonogawa knew that when that big guy in the research institute flew into the sky, he didn't believe that there was nothing in this world that could stop Hokage-sama's footsteps.

The rebellion in the Land of Fire has been quelled.

But after the rebels put down their weapons, they all became disaster victims. After all, it was still the era of farming. If you didn’t cultivate the land, you couldn’t eat. When you were a rebel, you looted everywhere, and the fields were desolate and no one cultivated them. I’m afraid many people will starve to death this winter.

I really can't ignore this, otherwise these ordinary people will rebel again when they are starved and starved to death.

As a result of the rebellion, the Nation of Fire's national strength was weakened, the treasury was empty, and the relief money and food were far from enough, so they could only borrow food from neighboring countries.

Fortunately, he found several mines on the moon, including gold mines, and sent ninjas to recruit strong men to travel through the teleportation array on the earth to mine gold mines, and use the mined gold to buy food in other countries to survive this difficult year .

A lot of money was also found in the ruins of Datongmu, but unfortunately the currency is not in common use, so it can only be kept as an antique.

It's already deep winter, and Konoha has also had a few snowfalls.

The residents of Adofu Street are constantly moving to Konoha, and the new city has officially opened.

During this period of time, Konoha has become much more lively. The aborigines of Konoha always like to stroll around the new city when they have nothing to do, and they are very enthusiastic about the new residents.

Among them is Obito, this guy pins the medal awarded by Hokage to his chest, and he wakes up early every day in the cold, and starts wandering around the new city to see how many people have moved in today, as if he is inspecting himself The territory is average.

The new urban area is very large, and it is expanded in a circular shape around the leaves. The residents of the entire Adofu Street can't be filled even if they move here.

The houses in one of the areas were really sold to the public, which instantly attracted a large number of rich people from the Land of Fire to rush to buy them at high prices. All fools understand that Konoha will be the new capital of the Land of Fire in the future, how could they let it go this time and live in Muye? Ye's chance, Konoha's house was fired up to sky-high prices for a while, and finally a vicious incident happened, Konoha had to come forward, but he could only manage the obvious things.

It is foreseeable that the area for public sale will be the wealthy area of ​​Konoha in the future.

It was another heavy snow that covered the entire Konoha leaves with a layer of silver.

Makoto was wearing a black cloak with soft white down on his collar. He stood on the roof of the Hokage Building, overlooking the current Konoha.

"Master Hokage."

At this moment, Samyi came over and brought a cup of hot tea.

After I really drank it, my body felt much warmer, and I suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

"After spring, the leaves will be completely new."

"This is all thanks to you, Hokage-sama."

Zhen Wenyan grinned softly: "Of course it's my credit."

If the third and fourth generations were in power, the current Konoha would only be the same as before, with the name of a five major ninja village, immersed in the dream of Konoha being the number one in the ninja world.

Maybe Danzo is still alive and busy fighting with Uchiha.

His vision is always so dangerous and short-sighted, so damn it, just die honestly.

Zhen took another sip of the hot tea, turned around and walked towards the Hokage room.

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