Rated Hokage

288 Chapter 287

Yuyin Village, the chief's mansion.

Yahiko, who has received treatment, is already able to move, but there are still many bandages on his body, and he needs to rest for a while to recover.

He suffered a lot of torture in that dark room, and thinking about it still makes him shudder, and he never thought that he could survive it.

When he was sent back to Yuyin, Huomen said that those three people had already been executed, and the truth was unknown, but he was very clear about who was behind the incident, but he had no strength, not only him, but the entire Akatsuki organization, The entire Yuyin Village cannot be an enemy of Konoha.

All he has to do now is endure.

He went out alone and fell into the hands of thieves, trying to seek wealth and kill him, but fortunately Konoha rescued him in time to survive.

The fact can only be like this, and it also gives Yuyin Village a step up.

"Konoha will publicly execute Jiraiya-sensei six days later."

Xiao Nan brought news.

Yahiko sat on the chair, took a deep breath, and let it out again,

Jiraiya-sensei surrendered himself to Konoha because of him, and exchanged his own life for his.

He said: "It's the bait. Konoha wants to lure Namikaze Minato to show up and let him fall into the trap."

Nagato pondered: "So this execution is fake?"

"...No, the execution is also true, but the ultimate goal is Minato."

Nagato immediately clenched his fists, looked at Yahiko and asked, "Yahiko, what should we do?"

Yahiko just looked up at the ceiling: "I'm thinking of a way, I'm thinking of a way."

When he spoke, his tone was calm, but he couldn't help repeating his own words.

Xiaonan saw the ups and downs in his heart, she said to Nagato: "Don't worry, we need a detailed and comprehensive plan."

Yahiko remained silent, Xiaonan was trying to persuade Nagato, but the meaning was obvious, he must save Jiraiya-sensei.

How to save it... Yahiko doesn't know, he doesn't want to turn against Konoha, and even if he goes to rescue him, whether he can be rescued is another problem.

That's Konoha, no matter how strong Hokage is, the Seven Crown Guards under him are already unbearable. With their strength alone, how can they rescue Jiraiya-sensei from the layers of vigilance? .

It's like a game you can't win.

If not to save...

As a student of Jiraiya, and he had just exchanged his own life for it, Yahiko felt a little unconscionable thinking so.

But at the same time, he is also the leader of Yuyin Village, the leader of Xiao, and he bears the common expectations of many people. Do you want to gamble with these things?

Yahiko felt that if he really ignored Mr. Jiraiya, he would live in guilt forever for the rest of his life.

He was a little upset, and he told Nagato and Konan that he needed to think about it.

Nagato and Konan left the chief's mansion.



"I think... Yahiko doesn't seem to be very enthusiastic about saving Jiraiya-sensei."

Xiaonan was slightly startled, and then said in relief: "Don't think about it, Yahiko is the leader of the village, there are more things to worry about, and he just escaped from danger, so his mental state is a little weak." # Konoha.

Tsunade's work all morning was just serving tea and water, and Zhen had been busy with business and ignored her.

This made Tsunade a little dissatisfied, her time was very limited, if it was only the same as the previous assistant's work for a week, then how could she let her go.

She hoped that she and Zhen could have some intimate contact, just like Zhen and Samyi did.

In Tsunade's view, his only advantage is his body, and he can only use this to exchange for something against his body.

She stayed by her side when Zhen was taking a nap. In fact, she could go to other lounges to rest for a while during this period, and just come back before Zhen woke up, but Tsunade still has no thoughts of rest now. Constantly thinking of ways to make myself better.

The living room was unusually quiet, so quiet that Tsunade could hear the sound of really even breathing, and the rustle of Samuel sorting papers outside.

Tsunade's gaze stayed on the real face. This young Hokage-sama looks good, but his face is bland. At first glance, he has that kind of inhuman temper. When he is asleep, the lines of his face are softer. Tsunade knew exactly what this kind of face would look like when it was cold.

She suddenly realized that there was a huge age gap between herself and him. She was no longer young, she was in her early forties this year, and although this Hokage was married and became a father, he might be too young for his age. His strong aura always makes people ignore his age.

Tsunade couldn't help imagining the scene when she had sex with him, but she couldn't imagine the details, it was just a hazy picture, but even so, it made her feel ashamed.

If it really came to that moment, how should I face it?

Time passed quickly without being noticed, and the person on the bed suddenly moved, as if waking up.

Tsunade stepped on the wooden floor with bare feet, came to the side of the bed and knelt down to look at him, calling softly, "Master Hokage."

When I really opened my eyes, my eyes were as gorgeous as an ocean surrounding a white hole.

"what time is it?"

"Three o'clock in the afternoon."

Heaving a sigh of relief, he turned over to lie on his back, with his arms pressed against his forehead.

After lying like this for a while, he sat up and saw Tsunade kneeling there quietly, as if waiting for him.

Seeing that there was no movement, Tsunade looked up.

"Master Hokage?"


I really don't have any other thoughts, it's just that I didn't wake up completely, my mind was a little muddled, and I sat motionless on the bed in a trance.

It was only after a rustle of voices outside that he regained his thoughts. It is estimated that someone came to deliver the documents again, and there was still business waiting for him to deal with outside.

It really made it to the edge of the bed, and my legs hung down.

But Tsunade in front of him made a movement that surprised him. She reached out to unbutton a shirt on her upper body, reached into her chest, and found a sock that he was wearing today. .

Really found it interesting and asked, "What do you do?"

Tsunade lowered his head and said, "It's cold, my socks are cold, I want to warm you up."

I really didn't expect that she could come up with such an idea. Tsunade in front of him seemed to be completely enlightened, since he stepped on her face yesterday.

She was exchanging everything she had for what she wanted. Dignity, body, and chastity were all regarded as bargaining chips by her.

Shin put her hands on the edge of the bed and lifted her chin with her feet.

Tsunade thought it would be the same scene as yesterday. While kneeling, he lowered his upper body as much as possible, and at the same time raised his head upwards, letting the other party use his face as a place to step on while wearing socks.

She became very active, and I could really see her urgency from this initiative.

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