Rated Hokage

Chapter 296 296, Konoha Battle!

Tower of the Sun.

Facing this enemy, Kakashi did not dare to be careless at all, but what made him even more anxious was that fighting in the control room was not a good thing, and it would be troublesome if something was destroyed.

He intends to drag the opponent outside to fight, but this person's ability to fly makes him extremely difficult.

"Master Kakashi!"

Hinata Shimizu suddenly yelled at the rear, then turned around and fiddled with the instrument.

Kakashi understood the sound, and his figure appeared in front of the enemy in an instant. The distance was only a few meters away. With Kakashi's speed at this time, people can change places in a blink of an eye.

high speed! Indescribably fast!

Nagato thought this way at the moment, but Kakashi's swift arrival just now made him vigilant, and now he realized that the opponent's attack was also using the power of his own eyes at the same time.

God Luo Tianzheng!


Kakashi suddenly felt that he had bumped into an extremely hard wall, and this wall was still pushing outwards with great force!

This force could not be resisted, and he was bounced away, and his body hit the control instrument.

This feeling is exactly the same as being bounced from the air by the opponent just now. At first Kakashi thought it was a chakra impact.


Kakashi coughed and stood up, wiping the blood stains from the corner of his mouth. It's been a long time since he was in such a mess. The strength of the enemy is really weird.

At this moment, Hyuga Shimizu pressed a switch, and the bottom of the Tenseigan weapon in the control room glowed with dazzling light. Nagato also noticed that there were a bunch of strange lines on the surface of the giant light ball, as if many spells engraved on a glass sphere.

At close range, he felt an extremely terrifying force surging in it. Nagato realized what it was, and just raised a hand calmly.

A pure white light beam rushed out from the base of the light sphere in an instant. This is the purification beam. It was adjusted by Hinata Shimizu just now, and the target was locked on Nagato.

However, a scene that shocked all the staff appeared. The light of purification that could kill everything was blocked by the enemy in front of him with one hand!

An invisible barrier appeared in front of Nagato's palm, and when the pure white light beam hit the barrier, it was broken down into chakras, and then slowly poured into Nagato's body.

"This..." Hyuga Shimizu was dumbfounded.

The reincarnation eye has an ability, which was born out of Gao Huang Chan Lingzun, and it is called seal seal, which is also the ability of the hungry ghost.

It can absorb all ninjutsu attacks in the form of Chakra, even the fairy art is no exception. The Light of Purification of the Tenseigan weapon, to put it bluntly, also uses Chakra to attack.

Nagato looked down at the palm he had just raised, and then he glanced at everyone in the control room, and raised both hands at the same time.

God Luo Tianzheng!


A powerful air shock pushed him from the center to the surroundings. Kakashi saw the space distorted by a gust of air, and quickly stretched out his hand to block it in front of him.

All the personnel in the control room were blown away by this force, all electronic instruments and display screens were destroyed, the roof collapsed, and smoke and dust rose everywhere.


The outside of the control room was tens of meters high, and everyone was falling rapidly. Kakashi was the first to stabilize his body in the air, and used the released Chakra to land quickly, catching all the falling people.

In the destroyed control room, Nagato looked at the intact Tenseigan weapon thoughtfully, only then did he realize that there was a part of space between the giant ball of light and the base, it was suspended!

So when the control room collapsed, it wasn't affected.

He wanted to try another way to destroy the ball of light, but he felt a deep sense of discomfort when he took two steps towards it.

Nagato can feel the power contained in it is too terrifying, those Konoha ninjas can't exert its true power at all!

However, these instruments were all destroyed, so no one should be able to operate it for the time being, and his mission has been completed, Minato no longer needs to cover himself, and then he just needs to withdraw Konoha.

Nagato was thinking in his heart, his eyes moved slightly, and he didn't turn his head. There was another strong shock centered on him.

God Luo Tianzheng!

Kakashi, who was about to sneak attack from behind, had no choice but to stop, but this time he learned his lesson, feeling the moment the force spread outward, he stepped on the bottom and slammed to the brakes while flying backwards.

Nagato turned around unhurriedly, and raised a hand to Kakashi who had evacuated here.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

Another irresistible powerful force was tearing Kakashi's body, this time he was forcibly dragged towards Nagato, and he grabbed his neck with one hand.

With a short distance away, the face under the hood still couldn't be seen clearly, and Kakashi felt a little difficult to breathe.

"The Seven Crown Guards, that's all." Nagato held Kakashi's neck tightly with one hand, and said slowly, his voice was low and hoarse.

Kakashi opened his eyes angrily, and the black lines on his face became deeper and deeper, gradually covering his whole body, and also appeared on the exposed body parts like the back of his hands, and finally a black line appeared on Kakashi's cheek. "Two" word.


Surging chakra erupted from Kakashi's body, and Nagato felt that the part of his hand was being broken away by a tyrannical force, and chakra was gushing from every pore of the opponent's body!

Seeing this, Nagato had no choice but to let go of the opponent, and flew back at the same time, but the moment he let go, he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, and he was hit hard. He didn't even see when Kakashi This punch!


Nagato flew straight out from the top of the Tower of the Sun, and fell rapidly downwards.

He saw Kakashi standing on the edge of the tower overlooking him, with a blue arc wrapped around one hand.

Nagato instinctively felt the danger, and he didn't care about himself who was falling and the distance of more than ten meters between him and the opponent.

God Luo Tianzheng!

In the next second, Kakashi teleported and appeared in front of him.

This blow Chidori should have penetrated directly through his chest, but fortunately, Nagato predicted it first, and the strong repulsion blocked Kakashi less than one meter away from him.

boom! # Konoha main entrance.

After the psychic beast appeared in the village, martial law was immediately enforced, and the ninja guards did not dare to stand guard carelessly, but cheered up.

"Attention, someone is coming!"

A sudden sentence from the companion made several guard ninjas immediately vigilant.

On the road outside the village, a figure was staggering towards here, as if he was a drunk.

They didn't dare to be careless, seeing the other party approaching step by step, a Konoha ninja stepped forward.

"excuse me……"

Before he could finish his sentence, the man fell to his knees and vomited with a "wow".

What made several people's scalps tingle was that this person vomited a big puddle of blood!

He knelt on the ground and raised his head. His face was pale and terrifying, his chin was stained red with blood, his eyes were full of horror, and he spoke tremblingly.

"help me……"

The guard ninja looked at each other, and after the man vomited blood, his body suddenly changed. Dark red chakra burst out of his body like bubbles, and soon covered his whole body.

Some of the guarding ninjas had participated in the war and were more experienced and terrified when they saw this scene.

"Renjuriki... is Renzhuriki!"

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