Rated Hokage

298 Chapter 298

Yuyin Village, the chief's mansion.

Both Yahiko and Xiaonan were waiting anxiously.

Yuyin Village didn't dare to move lightly before the matter came to fruition, but Yahiko was planning for the best and the worst.

If Nagato and Minato fail to rescue Jiraiya-sensei and they are also imprisoned, they can only take this step.

He really didn't want to turn against Konoha, but he couldn't abandon Yahiko and the others for Yuyin.

They have the same aspirations and have joined hands to this point. If they sacrificed their companions in exchange for peace, it would be the opposite of their original intentions.

Yuyin is not Konoha's opponent, but in the current situation of the Fire Nation, it is impossible to start a war easily.

And if the instigator of the war is one of the five great powers, Konoha will not want to lose their ally Yuyin Village!

Yahiko was fully prepared for this.

"Master Yahiko!"

A ninja suddenly rushed outside.

Yahiko stood up abruptly, ignoring the painful wound under the violent movement: "Is Nagato back?!"

Xiao Nan also looked over eagerly.

"No, it's Konoha's messenger."

Messenger... Konoha!

Yahiko's heart skipped a beat, he looked at the sky outside, and it was too early to calculate the time.

A bad premonition rose in his heart, and Yahiko stepped forward, but staggered and almost fell to the ground, but Xiao Nan quickly went up to support him.

"Yahiko..." she also worried.

Yahiko asked: "Do you know the person who came here?"

"It's Konoha Kosuke, the squad leader of Konoha Jonin."

Yahiko took a deep breath: "See you!" # The alley was dead silent.

Minato stretched out his hand to Naruto, Naruto was so frightened that he closed his eyes immediately, but the other hand just touched his head.

Naruto opened his eyes and looked up at the villain in front of him, only to find that his face was distorted for some reason, as if he was trying to endure something.


But when Minato was immersed in his own sadness, an inappropriate voice suddenly sounded.

"Can I take your hand away?"

Everyone looked towards the place where the sound came from, and there was a girl standing on the empty street, holding a plastic bag with several strings of dumplings inside.

"Sister Hongdou!"

Seeing an acquaintance, Naruto and Sasuke were overjoyed and ran towards her.

And Minato didn't stop, just silently watched Naruto and Sasuke run away.

Naruto and Sasuke came to Red Dou's hand, each holding the corner of Red Dou's clothes, and made faces in the direction of Minato.

Hongdou handed the bag in her hand to the two children: "Help my sister carry it first."

After finishing speaking, he asked: "Don't steal it!"

Naruto and Sasuke took it, each holding one side of the bag.

Hongdou took a step forward, her eyes fixed on Minato and Jiraiya.

"Namikaze Minato, Ziraiya, you guys are the ones behind this farce."

After speaking, he snorted coldly: "The village is in such a mess, I really don't know how he became a Hokage."

Naruto said from behind: "Sister Hongdou, don't speak ill of Dad!"

Sasuke also agreed.

Hongdou turned her head and glared at the two of them: "Shut up, or I'll send you to the bad guys!"

The two children were frightened instantly and did not dare to say another word.

Sister Hongdou is so scary...

At this moment, Minato finally withdrew his gaze from Naruto, turned around and walked to Jiraiya's side, grabbed Jiraiya's arm with one hand, and the figures of the two disappeared in place out of thin air.

Hongdou, who was planning to do something at first, couldn't help being slightly startled, then glanced at the giant insect in the sky, and frowned thoughtfully.

She also breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to look at Naruto and Sasuke: "Why are you two outside, were you caught?"

"It's Naruto who insists on coming out to watch the execution."

"Nonsense, you were the one who said you were going to come out!"

"It's you!"

The two brothers began to blame each other, and Hongdou was upset by the quarrel, and slapped each of the two children on the head.

The two fell silent for a moment, covering their heads tearfully.

She reprimanded: "Hurry up and go home!"

After speaking, he took his bag and stood up.

Naruto and Sasuke grabbed her clothes again: "Sister Hongdou, we are scared, please take us home."

"..." # Outside the main entrance of Konoha.

Huomen and Kai are entangled with Nanao Shigeaki. The power of the tailed beast cannot be underestimated. The landslides and ground cracks happen when you raise your hand. The surrounding forest and the family on the surface are destroyed.

Fortunately, Konoha had a protective barrier, so it was not affected, and even resisted a shot of the tailed beast jade, and it flew out.

The two watched the hair-tailed beast jade explode in the distant sky, a huge mountain-like flaming mushroom cloud, the aftermath of the impact knocked the forest near them upside down, and countless big trees were forcibly uprooted.

This made the two of them terrified. If this thing hits them, there will be no bones left!

The most troublesome point for them is that Shigeaki Nanao's defense is not so high. The shell of the beetle's body is extremely hard. Huomen's forty god air strike that can shatter mountains only leaves a shallow line on it. White marks!

This is the power of the Tailed Beast!

Human beings are still too small compared to it!

"Huomen, what can you do?"

Kai punched Chong Ming's body hard, but the shock caused him to be in pain.

Huomon, who had just made a promise in front of Hokage not long ago, couldn't help but feel a little anxious at this moment.

Is it true that we have to wait until Hokage-sama handles it himself?

The chakra of Kai beside him skyrocketed again, and the blue chakra cyclone and white water vapor visible to the naked eye were already lingering around him.

Kai's eyes were already filled with white energy, and his whole body turned into a blue light and shadow, continuously launching attacks around Chongming.

But no matter how fast his attack was, he couldn't break through the Nanao's carapace defense. He wanted to attack the opponent's parts that were not protected by the carapace, but Chongming would spit out dense scale powder, making him unable to approach.

"This trick again!"

Kai couldn't help being a little annoyed, and suddenly saw that the other party had gathered chakra again, and the black, red and blue energy was continuously condensing and compressing in front of his mouth, and a solid black and red sphere appeared.

"Kay, be careful!"

Huomen yelled from below, reminding the opponent to retreat for the time being, and they can retreat to the inside of Konoha and use the protective barrier to block the tailed beast jade.

Just after Kai and Huomen retreated to the Konoha Barrier, they discovered that Shigeaki Nanao was flying high with his wings flapping.

"No, it's aiming at the ground!" # Naruto indoor.

The world was turned upside down outside, but Zhen sat on a chair and drank tea leisurely, admiring the scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

thump thump——


Push the door open and one person comes in.

"Hokage-sama, Kosuke-sama sent back a message that the mission has been completed and is on the way back."


Shin just responded calmly and put the teacup in his hand on the table.

The person who was in charge retreated, and Sam came over with a black cloak in his hand, and put it on the one who stood up.

"Master Hokage, it's cold outside, be careful."

Looking at Samyi who was arranging her clothes carefully, Zhen just reached out and rubbed her chin lightly.

"It's time for the farce to end."

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