Rated Hokage

300 Chapter 300

Hokage house.

After Hongdou sent the two children back, the women in the family were shocked.

Lingli quickly reached out and found a red jade necklace from Naruto and Sasuke's necks, and was relieved to see that both of them were in good condition and not damaged.

This is really specially made for children. It can activate itself after sensing the malicious chakra, and get in touch with the tower of the sun. The tower of the sun will immediately shoot out a beam of light that can protect and divert them.

Ayari kept thanking Anko, who waved her hands indifferently.

Mikoto and Kushina were both there and severely reprimanded the child for daring to run outside in such a dangerous situation, especially Kushina, who reacted violently by grabbing Naruto's shoulders with both hands.

Sasuke became honest after being scolded by his mother, but Naruto was unconvinced.

"We're going to fight bad guys for Dad!"

Kushina's eyes turned red instantly, both angry and disappointed, but she didn't continue to scold Naruto, but went back to her bedroom without saying a word.

Hong Dou didn't want to see their parents' slander, so she offered to leave. She didn't say who Naruto and Sasuke met, but just sent them back.

Mikoto persuaded Naruto there, saying that Kushina was also worried that something would happen to Naruto, and that it was really dangerous outside,

Seeing his mother's reaction like this, Naruto seemed to know that he was wrong, so he lowered his head and remained silent.

"Go and apologize to mom."

Seeing Naruto obediently going to Kushina's bedroom, Mikoto also sighed.

"Jiushina, she..."

"It's okay." Ayori just said.

Kushina sometimes behaves like a single mother in this family. Her originally carefree temper has now become very sensitive and extremely insecure. All her thoughts are placed on Naruto.

After Naruto opened the door and walked into his mother's bedroom, he saw his mother sitting on the bed alone, not saying a word, not saying a word.

He slowly walked up to Kushina.

"Mom, I know I was wrong."

Seeing that his mother didn't respond, and seemed to be still angry, Naruto held Kushina's hand with both hands, and showed her a big smile.

"Mom, I know I was wrong."

Looking at his son's smile, the depression in Jiuxinna's heart slowly dissipated, but he asked with a straight face, "What's wrong with you?"

"I shouldn't run around when I'm in danger, worrying my mother and everyone."

Kushina continued to question: "Your Mikoto mother gave it to you, right? Do you really know it's wrong?"

Naruto nodded honestly: "It was Mikoto's mother who taught me, but I really know I was wrong. I won't do this again in the future. I'm sorry mom."

Kushina's eyes flickered, and she couldn't help reaching out to touch Naruto's hair, and Naruto took advantage of the situation to hug his mother.

"By the way, Mom, that bad guy seems to know you today."

Jiuxinna couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then asked: "What did you say?"

"The man asked me what my name was, and what was your name?"

Kushina was slightly absent-minded, looked down at Naruto who was hugging her, and asked, "What does that person... look like?"

Naruto thought for a while: "The hair is yellow, and he looks a bit fierce."

Kushina's hands trembled unconsciously, and continued to ask: "Are his eyes... blue?"

"I don't remember." Naruto shook his head.

"Mom, do you know that bad guy?"

Kushina didn't respond, but took out the red jade from Naruto's neck, put it in his palm and looked it over carefully.

He didn't hurt Naruto...

Kushina was silent, slowly hugging Naruto tightly into his arms.


"It's nothing. Mom... knew him before. He is a prisoner in the village and escaped secretly."

"Oh, so, Dad will definitely bring him back again?" Naruto raised his head and asked Kushina.

Kushina reached out and stroked Naruto's hair: "...Of course, your father is the most powerful, and Naruto will become as powerful as your father in the future, so that no one can bully you and hurt you." you."

"Yeah!" Naruto nodded vigorously. # In the dense forest on the edge of the leaves.

When Hinata really came, Minato and Jiraiya felt like they were facing enemies in an instant.

They have already seen the strength of the Seven Crown Guards, so what about the strength of this Hokage?

I have never seen him take a shot, and Hokage's most famous record seems to be still in the battle of Kikyo Mountain.

At that time, they were still companions.

Minato rushed into the enemy line alone, was seriously injured and disappeared, and really searched the entire Fire Kingdom to find him.

Thinking about it now, it's sad and ridiculous.

Minato stood on the ground looking up at the figure in the sky, and after the monstrous hatred calmed down, the current situation made him feel tricky.

He came here only to rescue Jiraiya-sensei, every battle should be avoided as much as possible.

"Minato." Jilai also said in a deep voice beside him.

Next to it is the Konoha barrier, as long as they break through that barrier, the two of them can immediately use time and space ninjutsu to escape.

But when the two people's thoughts were flying, the truth in the sky suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was already behind the two.

Minato lost his mind for an instant, and before he could turn around, he was thrown backwards under the impact of a huge force.

Regardless of the pain in his body, there was only one thought in his mind.

When did the other party move!

Is there any speed in this world that he can't keep up with at all? !

Seeing this, Ji Lai was shocked, and wanted to fight back, but he raised his head and raised his palm slightly towards him.


With Jiraiya as the center, a storm surged up in an instant, the air currents danced wildly, and the dust and dust flew up!

Jiraiya froze in place, unable to move his body, unable to use Chakra, as if he had become a plaything in the opponent's palm.

His eyes widened, and he felt forces from all directions, tearing and impacting his body from all angles.

After Minato was knocked off the ground, he quickly stabilized his figure, and then flew towards Zhen's position. His speed was extremely fast, and he was close to Zhen in an instant, and a blue high-density chakra was also condensed in the palm of his right hand. sphere.


Helix Wan hit the real face, but hit an invisible barrier.

It's not some chakra barrier blocking, nor some energy field interference, Minato's attack just can't touch the real body.

He pushes forward with all his strength, and he can feel his own movement, but the distance between Hezhen and Zhen, which seems to be only a few centimeters, is like a moat.

Can't get close!

Standing there peacefully, the airflow generated by the spiral pill did not mess up his hair, and he just looked at the water gate calmly.

"Watergate." He opened his mouth slowly.

"Can you see the direct distance between us now?"

The water gate dispersed, Heliwan Wan flew back, fixed his eyes on Zhen, and launched an attack again.

But just like before, the helix pill he condensed once again stopped a few centimeters in front of the truth.

can't reach...


Minato couldn't figure it out, the opponent's ability had already exceeded his cognition.

He wanted to retreat again and look for opportunities again, but suddenly felt a mountain-like distance pressing on him, making him unable to move.

"Why, why can't you touch me." Zhen spoke again, expressing the doubt in Minato's mind.

"Obviously I have tried my best, and I clearly have the feeling of moving forward, why I can't touch it."


Minato was speechless, his throat rolled down, and now he realized very clearly that the power of the person in front of him seemed to be no longer in the same dimension as the Seven Crown Guards and him!

Zhen indifferently asked: "Do you know the distance between two objects?"

"The answer is, infinite!"


The storm on Jiraiya's side suddenly stopped, and Jiraiya, who had been in the center of the storm, fell directly on his back to the ground, life and death unknown.

There is a force between any object, and the existence of this force makes any object have a certain distance. This distance seems extremely small, but it is infinite in another sense!

You can control power at first, and it will be even more handy after you have Tenseikan.

The closer you are, the greater the force.

The closer you get, the more you will be hindered.

Maybe it looks close at hand, but it is a distance that cannot be crossed even if you give everything.

As long as he really wanted to, Minato Qiongji would not be able to touch himself in his whole life.

Minato opened his eyes angrily, staring at Hinata really.

Zhen sighed softly, looked at Minato and said, "Minato, you have fallen behind the times."


The spiral pill in Minato's palm suddenly spread out, and Zhen couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly when he saw this.

Unable to move the water gate, he opened his mouth with difficulty: "Not long ago... I met your two sons, and I didn't hurt them."

"Can you let Jiraiya go, he won't hurt Konoha."

Looking at him blankly: "Are you negotiating terms with me?"

Minato snorted coldly: "I don't even have a bargaining chip...it's a request."

He seemed to have suddenly recognized the reality, and he was struggling for the last time.

But this kind of behavior made Zhen really feel bored, he thought that Minato would scold him to vent his hatred in the end.

Really indifferently said: "Do you think you can hurt my child?"

After he finished speaking, he lightly clenched his fist with one hand, and suddenly there was a crackling sound of bones breaking on Minato's body.


Minato also fell to the ground without moving.

There was silence in the forest, when suddenly a gust of wind blew up and moved the real cloak.

And at this moment, Zhen suddenly noticed that there seemed to be something moving in the shadow of the water gate, about to go underground.

Zhen brows lightly, one hand forms a claw, and the powerful suction directly grabs it in the palm of his hand.

This is a mass of black matter, like a slime, if it doesn't have eyes and a mouth, it won't make people think it's a creature at all.

"This is..." I was really surprised, of course he knew what it was, but it was completely beyond his expectation.

Hei Ze has been leaning over Minato's body!

Could it be that Minato has become like this now, besides himself, there is a part of the credit for this thing?

"Hinata, I am..."

The black mass suddenly spoke.

"I know who you are." Zhen interrupted it suddenly.

"Is Uchiha Madara dead?"

Hei Jue was shocked when he heard the words, thinking to himself how he knew about the relationship between himself and Madara.

Earlier, Zhen had specially sent a letter to Yahiko, telling him to be careful of some liars pretending to be guides, but Hei Jue chose Minato.

Hei Jue seemed to have something to say, but he really knew it, so he was too lazy to talk to it, and directly used a sealing technique to completely imprison him.

The chief culprit of all the tragedies in the entire Naruto world, he can't let go.

Really flew the unconscious Jiraiya and Minato's corpses back to the Hokage Building, and gave some Anbu orders to deal with the aftermath.

Finally, standing on the roof of the Hokage Building, he glanced at Shigeaki Nanao who was still jumping outside Konoha.

The Sun Tower in the distance suddenly lit up with dazzling light, shooting out a pure white beam of light that instantly pierced through the body of the giant insect.

Nanao Shigeaki wailed, and his huge body collapsed rapidly visible to the naked eye.

Outside Konoha's main entrance, Huomen and Kai were startled when they saw this scene.

Nanao Shigeaki disappeared, leaving only the fainted Nanao's Jinchuriki on the ground.


Kai is still in the state of Bamen Dunjia and Immortal mode.

"It was Hokage-sama who made the move." Huomen Chang said with a sigh of relief, there was no joy in his expression. He felt that he had not handled the matter well.

Kai returned to normal, looked up at the sky that suddenly calmed down.

"How is the village now?"

"Since Hokage-sama has made a move, everything must be resolved."

Huomon stepped forward, resisted Nanao's Jinzhuli on his body, turned around and walked towards the inside of Konoha.

Except for a control room in the Tower of the Sun, Konoha was barely damaged.

Killed the traitor Namikaze Minato, prevented Jiraiya from escaping, captured Nagato, the accomplice of Namikaze Minato, and captured Nanao's Jinchuriki alive.

A pair of reincarnation eyes, a tailed beast.

It can be said to be a complete victory.

But he didn't have much joy in his heart. He didn't take care of the follow-up matters, but let people put these living guys in custody.

He went back to the Hokage building alone and lay down in the lounge.

Samuel let Zhenzhen rest on her beautiful black silk legs, and gently massaged his head.

"Hokage-sama, what are you worrying about?"

He just closed his eyes and didn't answer her words.

He had just killed Namikaze Minato with his own hands.

Of course, it is impossible to feel guilty and remorse, but when he saw Minato die in front of his own eyes, he felt a sense of emptiness for no reason.

It's like the disappointment and loss after watching a work in the previous life.

He suddenly realized what Orochimaru had said to him back then, if in the future, it would be a very good thing to have someone who can always be his enemy.

This kind of thinking is kind of morbid, so it really bothers me.

Shouldn't he have killed Minato? Did I do something wrong?

But if you think about it carefully, when you really stand at the top of this world in the future, it seems that only enjoyment is left, how boring it will be.

And that day isn't too far away.

"Master Hokage." Samui whispered again.


"Huomen and Kakashi are waiting for you outside."

Zhen slowly opened his eyes and let out a long breath.

How can I be wrong, everything I do is right!

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