Rated Hokage

Chapter 302 Chapter 302, the child's dream

Yahiko is a very pure person.

I can really understand it, but there is no other emotion besides understanding.

In such a world, there are many such pure people, and there are many ninjas in Konoha. They are all such people, and they dedicate their lives to the village.

This belief will not be mixed with other things, and will always stick to it.

On the other hand, his ideas and three views seem out of tune with this world, after all, he has lived in the original world for decades.

An egoist, a very egotistical person.

When a person's strength and power are far above the masses, how can he not be himself.

He didn't pay attention to and delve into the thoughts in Yahiko's heart, and after he agreed to his request, he also agreed to visit Nagato.

Let Nagato and Jiraiya go, but before that, Nagato's reincarnation eyes must be kept.

I really don't want to kill them anymore, anyway, it won't pose any threat to my current self.

Letting Yuyin Village belong to Konoha is not just a nominal ownership, some handover needs to be done slowly in the follow-up.


When I really returned home, I was told by Ayari about the two children.

Naruto and Sasuke looked like they had made a mistake, and came to Zhen to criticize themselves. Zhen did not criticize the two, but because of Ayari, he still educated them.

"How's it going?" Ayari asked.

"Damn it, it's time to catch it."

Lingli asked hesitantly, "Who died?"

Take a real look at her: "Why are you so concerned about this?"

"I'm just asking." Ling Li pursed her lips.

"There are only three people making trouble during the day, right? Did Naruto and Sasuke meet..."

She obviously went to ask some people in the clan and learned about it.

Zhen calmly said, "So what?"

Lingli didn't say anything more, just said: "Get ready to eat."

Zhen went directly to Kushina's bedroom, Kushina was sitting on the bed in a daze, and was startled by Zhen who came in suddenly.

"Would you... have dinner?" She got up and asked, pretending to be calm.

Shin asked directly, "Did Naruto tell you who you met today?"


"he died."


To my surprise, a smile slowly appeared on Kushina's face.

"Is that so? It's a criminal in the village. It's a good thing to die."

Zhen took a deep look at her, and then said, "It's time to eat."

After that, he turned and walked out of the bedroom.

But after Zhen left, Jiu Xinnai staggered suddenly, but luckily sat on the bed.

She stretched out her hand to touch the position of her heart on her chest, then put it down silently, and turned her head to look at the photo frame on the bedside table, with Naruto's smiling face on it.

Also got up and walked out of the room.

At the dinner table, Lingli suddenly mentioned that she was invited to participate in the gathering of women in the clan.

Someone wants to persuade Jinzhen through her.

After hearing the words, Zhen Zhen couldn't help but said happily: "This is all ordered by the old guys in the clan."

Ayano said from the side: "If you become a daimyo, the entire Hyuga clan will be a royal family, so they will naturally be more concerned about this."

Zhen smiled and asked back: "Why, do you also want to be a queen?"

Ayano immediately said: "Don't provoke me, Ayari is the queen."

Ling Li just rolled her eyes at this, she was too clear about her sister's thoughts.

Ayano said again: "But if you really become a daimyo, then the children in the family will all be princes and princesses."

Hinata asked at this time: "What is a princess?"

Neji explained: "The daughter of a daimyo is a princess, a very honorable person."

Hinata said: "I don't want to be a princess, I'm my father's daughter, not a famous daughter!"

This remark made everyone laugh, and Zhen also laughed, and said to Lingli: "You see, Hinata doesn't want me to be famous, so you go back and tell those women, don't mention this kind of thing in the future."

Ayano, on the other hand, hated that iron could not be made into steel, and wanted to pull Hinata over to educate her about the noble status of a princess.

She also really wants to be a princess, and has always been looking forward to it.

Hokage's nominal wife is only Ayari, and she is actually no different from Kushina and the others, just a Hokage woman who lives in Hokage's house.

Recently, when some women from the He family got together, many people said that Hokage-sama would soon become a daimyo, and that she would be the princess in the future.

The princess is a legitimate and honorable status, which naturally makes Ayano yearn for it.

In order to please her, some people said that she could be the queen.

It is impossible for Ayano to argue with her sister, but this kind of words sound very useful.

It seems that Zhen is not interested in being a daimyo, which makes Ayano somewhat disappointed.

After dinner, I really talked with my son and daughter.

After Ning Ci popularized Hinata's father as a big name, Hinata naturally became a princess, and her father is still her father, and this will not change.

Hinata seemed to understand, but felt troublesome, and said that she should not be a princess anymore.

Naruto and Sasuke asked how the bad guys are doing today

Ning Ci said: "Of course they are all arrested, how could these people be father's opponents!"

Naruto asked again, "Where's that particularly big beetle?"

Zhen said with a smile: "I also caught it."

Naruto and Sasuke immediately said with admiration: "Father is amazing! You can even grab something that big!"

The worship of my own son is far more beneficial than that of outsiders, and he immediately boasted: "That's natural, your father is the most powerful person in the world!"

Naruto and Sasuke immediately said that they would become like their father in the future, they would become Hokage.

As a result, the two brothers quarreled because they both wanted to be Hokage. There was nothing indisputable between these two little guys.

After really appeasing Naruto and Sasuke, he glanced at Neji next to him and asked, "Where is Neji, do you want to be Hokage?"

Ning Ci thought for a while and said, "I don't really think about it."

"Then what do you want to do?"

Ning Ci immediately regained his spirits: "I want to be like Brother Itachi!"

Zhen Le said: "Then you have to work hard in the future, Itachi is a very, very powerful ninja in the village."

Ning Ci nodded vigorously: "I will!"

Ayano, who was cleaning up the mess on the dining table, heard the conversation between their father and son, took the bowls and chopsticks to the sink in the kitchen, and said to Ayari who was washing the dishes: "Ningji also said that he didn't want to be Hokage, but wanted to be like Itachi. Where is the Crown Guard?"

Lingli didn't take it seriously: "What do children know? Today they want to be here and tomorrow they want to be there."

Ayano disagreed and said: "Children's education is also very important. Neji will definitely become Hokage in the future. You have to guide him well."

Lingli said helplessly: "What Neji wants to do is Ningji's business. Even if he doesn't want to be a ninja, but wants to be a carpenter and bricklayer, I will not force him. We don't need to worry about it."

In the living room, Zhen asked Hinata what she wanted to do in the future.

Hinata raised her small head ninja and thought for a while.

"I want to be a sister!"

Naruto and Sasuke laughed at her as an idiot, and her sister is not a professional. Hinata should have a goal as powerful as them.

Now Hinata was annoyed, and she was about to teach them a lesson.

I had no choice but to hug Hinata into my arms for a while to comfort her.

"Okay, I'll work hard so that you can be an older sister too."

Ayano who had just come out of the kitchen heard these words, looked at Ningji, and then at her stomach, thinking about it.

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