Rated Hokage

Chapter 337 336, The Method of Traveling Through Time and Space


Itachi looked at Sasuke's eyes full of hatred, and suddenly had a thought in his heart that made him feel absurd.

He swallowed involuntarily and asked, "Who is it?"

Sasuke stared closely at Itachi's eyes, and saw many complicated emotions from them.

Unbelievable, at a loss, at a loss...

There are many pedestrians on the street, passing by them non-stop, the sound is noisy, like vague white noise.

Sasuke clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

Sensing his struggle, Itachi tried to speak again: "Sasuke?"


Sasuke suddenly seemed to be discouraged, and his whole body relaxed, lowering his eyes.

"It's nothing, who the murderer is... I also forgot."

After speaking, he turned around and continued to walk forward.

Can the murderer be forgotten?


Itachi stood there for a while, then silently followed.

The current Konoha is very different from Sasuke's impression, and he has been away from Konoha for too long, but fortunately, Konoha's old city is still somewhat similar to his memory.

At first, Itachi wanted to take the initiative to take Sasuke for a stroll, but found that Sasuke took the initiative to walk over to a place.

"Where do you want to go?"

"The land of the Uchiha clan...isn't it here?"

"It's so remote here, how could the Uchiha clan land be here."


Sasuke stopped abruptly, only then came to his senses.

The fate of the Uchiha clan in the two worlds is different, and the treatment they receive is naturally different. As the Konoha clan, if Uchiha is not excluded, it is impossible to be on the edge of Konoha.

This reminded Sasuke of everything that happened to the Uchiha clan in his own world.

After a long silence, Sasuke walked to the bench by the side of the road and sat down.

Seeing this, Itachi said, "Please wait a moment."

After that, he disappeared in the same place in an instant. Sasuke sat on the bench for two minutes, and Itachi appeared again in an instant.


He offered a drink.

"This is your favorite taste in this world." Itachi smiled.

Sasuke hesitated for a while but took it. As a ninja, it is normal not to pick up the drink offered by such a person who is still hostile to him.

But Sasuke didn't hesitate for too long, so he inserted the straw in and opened his mouth to drink. The mouthfeel was very sweet. He really liked sweet things at first, influenced by someone's taste.

There were not many pedestrians on this street, and the two of them sat on the side of the road in a quiet environment, only the sound of drinking through straws.

Sasuke suddenly said, "Tell me about me in this world."

Itachi froze for a moment, then showed a gentle smile: "Okay."


Institute of Biotechnology.

"Your Majesty, this kind of human cloning experiment is the first of its kind here, and it will take some time."

Dou expresses his views on Zhen's request.

"how long will it takes?"

"Cultivation doesn't take too long, but more rigorous tests of various human body functions will be required later."

I really plan to clone a Tsunade's physical body for use by Tsunade in another world, and it can also liberate Tsunade in this world, just like the soulless white body made by Orochimaru.

Anyway, it's just a plaything, so I really dare to be so unscrupulous.

And judging from the recent successive soul travels, time travel is absolutely feasible in theory, and there will be countless identical people on a timeline.

However, he has never done such a thing as cloning a real person's body. The cloning experiments he has conducted in the past are only for individual organs and parts, such as white eyes, Otsutsuki serum, flesh and blood armor, etc.

"It is conservatively estimated that it will take two months."

Two months is not too long.

Zhen nodded slowly: "Then let's start as soon as possible."

Coming out of the research institute, I really have another reagent in my hand, which is a serum containing Otsutsuki Chakra, which was developed on Schieren's body using cloning technology.

Shinshin relied on it to open the Tenseigan at the beginning. There were three in total, and Shin himself used one. He originally planned to use it for Neji and Hinata in the future, so that his two children who inherited the white eyes could awaken Tenseigan. , but now he has a new choice.

When we got home, Sasuke was already back.

With Itachi's company, he probably has gone where he wants to go, and knows everything he wants to know.

"I have something to tell you." Sasuke said to Zhen.

Really took him to the bedroom again.

"I... want to meet, Uchiha Fugaku." Sasuke made a request.

The child wanted to go back to the original world, which was not surprising, but he smiled and said, "Why, isn't this world not good?"

"...It's very good for me here." Sasuke said slowly, and then fell silent for a while.

"But not mine."

Even if this Sasuke is in the world over there, he is only sixteen or seventeen years old. He has experienced and burdened no less than anyone else.

To say he was rebellious was just a joke.

I really sometimes think that changing the world by myself is definitely a good thing for many people, but many people may not understand it.

At least in this world, Naruto and Sasuke, as his sons, will surely grow up happily.

"Yes, you didn't belong to this world originally." Zhen nodded in agreement.

"...Thank you." Sasuke lowered his head and said suddenly.

"Thank you?" Zhen laughed.

Sasuke hesitated for a while, and said, "Thank you... for giving me, my mother... and that guy... such a good life in this world."


Zhen sighed silently, stretched out his hand to stroke Sasuke's head, Sasuke's body froze, but he didn't refuse. Although this man was not his father, he could feel the genuine kindness.

Then, Zhen took out a reagent.

Zhen said slowly: "I can probably guess the time when you came. After you return to your own world, you are still in a huge conspiracy. Even if you know the truth, it may make you even more Dangerous, you are not a match for those people yet."

Sasuke was thoughtful and understood the meaning of the truth. Truth had told him everything before, and he also thought about what he planned to do after returning to the original world.

"This is?"

"This is Otsutsuki's serum, which can change your body and bring you great power."


"More than that, the changed body belongs to Sasuke in this world, and this serum can also awaken something deep in your soul."

"What's the meaning?"

Zhen pondered for a while: "Sage of the Six Paths has two sons, and you are the reincarnation of Chakra of one of them."

When the serum was first made, not only the DNA of Toneri was used, but also the Chakra of Nine Tails.

In the original book, after Naruto became the perfect Jinchuriki, the tail beast form is different from the beast form of other people, but the form of chakra, because the chakra of the nine tails is the closest to the ten tails, so it is so special .

And the reincarnation eye itself is the power of the ten tails, that is, the sacred tree.

That's why I really say that this serum can awaken the Indra Chakra deep in Sasuke's soul, otherwise it may not be very useful to rely solely on Hamura's distant blood.

Really said slowly: "I need you to do something for me when I go back."

He intends to completely break through the barrier between the two worlds, and Sasuke is an important part of this.

Because of Sasuke's eyes of reincarnation, he also masters the power of time and space.

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