Rated Hokage

344 Chapter 343, Naruto Tsunade

In the evening, when Tsunade returned home after finishing his day's work, there were bursts of busy sounds from the kitchen, probably Shizune was preparing dinner.

"I'm back." She said, took off her high heels, and stood in the entrance, holding the shoe cabinet with one hand and rubbing her ankles with the other. The black stockings that had been worn all day felt a little greasy to the touch.

Hearing the sound, Hokage Tsunade came out of the bedroom, drinking with a glass of drink with a straw in his hand.

"What are you drinking?" Tsunade asked.

"Drink, what is it called Yangzhi Ganlu? I bought it for Komachi when I was in the hospital. I thought it was good. When I came back, I bought another cup." Hokage Tsunade said, pointing to the coffee table, where there is still Two cups are for Tsunade and Shizune.

Komachi is the young girl Hokage Tsunade met in the hospital. Tsunade also knows her. She is his subordinate, and he often asks her to do some errands on weekdays.

"It seems that you are doing well in the hospital today."

"Forget it."

Hokage Tsunade walked to the sofa and sat down, and said, "Those doctors in the hospital are all pretty poor."

Tsunade explained: "Konoha has made great achievements in medical equipment, cloning organs, and bionic human body. Now the requirements for medical personnel are not as strict as before, and the theoretical knowledge is stronger."

Naruto Tsunade sneered: "What's the use of what you said? Can it replace the medical ninja?"

Tsunade said: "Things such as regeneration of severed limbs are completely possible. Now that there is no war and the world is unified, medical ninjas who can deal with injuries urgently are indeed not so needed by the times. The research direction of the medical industry has already changed." Turned to various intractable diseases."


Naruto Tsunade suddenly fell silent, she was able to understand everything Tsunade said and was worried about the future of the medical ninja.

Tsunade said again: "Our worlds are very different today, and I can't fully understand what I told you before. In the future, you may find that ninjas will become what we don't know."

She is often by Zhen's side, and she is clear about Konoha's current research.

The Institute of Mechanical Science has produced a batch of machines, which are in the process of experimentation and ready to be put into use. This kind of machine is similar to a dormant cabin, which can exercise the user's physical body at a high intensity, so that it only takes a short period of time to obtain long-term strength. Practice results.

Tsunade was with Zhen Zhen at the time and witnessed these machines. She felt that this thing was a bit scary.

"He is changing the world, changing this era."

Hokage Tsunade was silent, the drink in the cup was finished, and there was a sizzling sound.

Whether what Hinata really did is a good thing or a bad thing.

Advanced medical equipment does serve people, but when the tools are too handy, it will also make people inert. When machines can completely replace manpower, is it true that ninjas themselves do not need to exist.


A sound of bells interrupted Hokage Tsunade's thoughts, she watched Tsunade approaching, and said with an unnatural expression: "You... can you get rid of that thing first."

Tsunade sat down on the sofa opposite her with a normal face.

"It's okay, I'm used to it, I wouldn't even bother to touch it if it wasn't for other physiological needs."

Her words were full of numbness, leaving Hokage Tsunade speechless.

Tsunade picked up a glass of drink on the coffee table, plugged in a straw and drank.

"Does Shizune know?" Hokage Tsunade asked.

"I don't know... I mean, I don't know if she knows."

"She...isn't a stupid kid."


Hokage Tsunade looked at her calm face and asked again: "Do you want her to understand you?"

Tsunade asked back: "Understand what, understand that I was forced? Understand why I am like this?"


"Do you know what kind of feelings that child has for us?" Tsunade continued to ask Hokage Tsunade.

In terms of age between the two, Hokage Tsunade should be older and more experienced than Tsunade, but now, Tsunade seems to see more thoroughly than Hokage Tsunade.

They have all experienced ups and downs in life, life and death, but only Tsunade has experienced their own humiliation, coercion, being treated as a plaything, and their dignity has been completely torn apart...

When facing Hinata Ma, Hokage Tsunade was able to raise his eyebrows and would rather die than surrender. Tsunade did the same before, but it was also because of his arrogance at the time that he was so unbearable now.

Tsunade said slowly: "For Shizune, not knowing these unbearable facts is the best situation."

Suddenly there was a sound of frying pan in the kitchen, making the living room noisy.

Hokage Tsunade was also thinking, what exactly did he go through to become like the person in front of him? How bad is that Hinata really means...

"I have something to tell you." Tsunade suddenly looked up at her again.

"You know he's watching you now. If I'm ordered to do something... that's not good for you, have you thought about what to do?"


With great strength, Hokage Tsunade crushed the empty plastic bottle in his hand.

"What did he ask you to do?"

"It hasn't reached this point yet, but it should come soon." Tsunade said slowly.

"I have a hunch... Let me tell you in advance, if I get to that point, I won't refuse him, and I can't refuse him, and I won't have any burden in my heart, even if the other party is you."

Hokage Tsunade was silent for a while, and said, "I am you, and you are me."

Tsunade shook his head and said: "No, I am just a person named Tsunade now, and you are Tsunade... You have lived more than ten years longer than me, I hope these ten years of experience can make you not lose This ego."

The living room fell silent.

Hokage Tsunade still felt that he still had time this morning, but he was too optimistic. If he really got to that point, he must be caught off guard.

After a while, Jing Yin suddenly poked his head out from the kitchen and spoke with a smile.

"Master, Tsunade-sama! The meal is ready, come help serve the meal."

Shizune prepared a hearty dinner, but Hokage Tsunade was a little preoccupied, Tsunade ate with relish, and chatted and laughed with Shizune's parents there.

"Master Tsunade, what's wrong with you?"

"Ah, it's all right."

"You obviously have something on your mind."

"...It's nothing, seeing you are so attentive, I suddenly thought of Shizune over there." Hokage Tsunade said with a smile.

"Oh, that's it..." Jing Yin nodded thoughtfully, and then asked again.

"How old was I when you came over there?"

Hokage Tsunade thought for a while: "It's more than thirty."

Jing Yin immediately lowered her head in discouragement: "Over thirty...do you not have a boyfriend yet?"


Naruto Tsunade: "..."

"That's right!" Hokage Tsunade suddenly thought of something.

"When I went to see Kakashi first, I mentioned you to him."

"Huh?" Jing Yin was a little confused.

Hokage Tsunade said: "Kakashi is also single, and you are also single. I think you two are quite suitable, so that Kakashi can find you more contact."

These words made Shizune blush in shame: "Master Tsunade, how could you say that to him! You make me face Kakashi in the future!"

In her opinion, this is completely a social death incident. Will Kakashi feel that he likes him, so he let Tsunade-sama talk about it.

Tsunade said happily: "If you really want to be together, why worry about these things?"

Jing Yin went crazy: "Master!"

The farce ended with dinner. In order to stagger the use of the bathroom, Hokage Tsunade took a shower when he came back, and went back to the bedroom early to sleep.

Lying on the bed, her mind was full of chaotic thoughts. She opened the curtains and looked at the moonlight outside in a trance.

The door was suddenly opened, and a figure walked in.


It was Tsunade, wearing only thin pajamas.

Hearing the familiar voice, Hokage Tsunade froze for a moment, then sat up.


What she wants to ask is why you are here, and she also wants to ask why you haven't taken it off since you are about to sleep.

However, what she didn't expect was that Tsunade approached and pushed her down on the bed.

Hokage Tsunade was shocked: "What are you doing!"

She subconsciously resisted, but was shocked to find that she was no match for the opponent in terms of strength.

Tsunade said in a low voice: "Don't resist, you also know your physical fitness, you don't even have a yin seal."

Naruto Tsunade's physical body is just a better body than ordinary people, able to use Chakra, but he hasn't done any exercise, so how can he compare with Tsunade's original body.

Although fighting skills, experience, and various ninjutsu and chakra usage methods are still in her mind, she can't hold back the physical quality compared with Tsunade.

Knowing that there was no hope of breaking free, Tsunade Hokage, whose hands were firmly clamped by the other party, lay on the bed, and asked in a deep voice, "What do you want to do?!"

The person who suppressed her suddenly became silent, and Tsunade spoke for a long while.

"Do you remember what I told you just now?"

Hokage Tsunade was stunned when he heard the words, and quickly recalled.

【You know he's after you now, if I'm ordered to do something... that's not good for you, have you thought about what to do? 】

Hokage Tsunade opened his eyes wide, and then heard that familiar voice again.



She understood why there was still this voice when it was time to sleep. It is impossible for Tsunade to have such a habit, so there is only one conclusion.

That thing had indeed been taken down, and now it was for her.

Hokage Tsunade struggled hard, but it was useless in front of Tsunade's huge strength. She felt a strong panic. This time it was different from being forced by Hinata before. Before, she could at least vent her anger without restraint.

Now let her scold who, scold Hinata really? Or scold yourself?

Hokage Tsunade felt a hand on her pajama pants, she bit her lips tightly, buried her face deep in the quilt, and her body trembled uncontrollably.

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