Rated Hokage

Chapter 352 Chapter 352

Two days later, people from Soul Soul Realm came again.

The place where they appeared was still the Temple of Reincarnation. This time the team was slightly different. Captain Kuchiki Byakuya and his vice-captain Asai Renji did not come, but there was an extra person with a bloated figure and a strange mask on his head. And his adjutant, a slender and beautiful girl with braids.

This time they came, they also brought gifts, a total of twenty shallow dozen.

Zhen received them, and asked after seeing these shallow strikes: "Is there only these?"

Jingle Chunshui replied: "These are shallow swords, which are the original form of Zanpakuto. It will take time to build shallow swords, and we will send them one by one later."

Anbu came in and took away all these Qianda, and sent them to Dou according to Zhen's order in advance.

Zhen said: "Both you and I are also for the stability of this world, and I am willing to give you this patience."

Jing Le also responded: "Thank you for your understanding, has your majesty considered what we mentioned earlier?"

Zhen called another person, Yahiko.

"This is Yahiko. Next, he will represent me, the empire, and the present world. You can discuss the details with him."

The next step is the negotiation and negotiation session, and Zhen no longer participated in it, but left directly after handing over the power to Yahiko.

After a long period of negotiation, the Sunshine Empire and the Soul Society finally reached a series of agreements.


Except for matters related to the void and the whole (soul), the two parties will not interfere with each other;

The god of death is responsible for the purification of the void in the present world, and the soul burial (sent to the soul world) of the whole (soul).

Reaper can ask the local ninja guild to provide free help when he is crusade against Xu;

The Soul Society donates 20 Zanpakutō (shallow strikes) to the Sunshine Empire every month;

The ninjas of the ninja guild are not allowed to kill Xu at will, they are only allowed to capture him and hand them over to the god of death afterwards.

In addition to these, Soul Soul Realm also intends to establish a stronghold in Konoha, and send God of Reaper here to act as a connecting station between the Sunshine Empire and Soul Soul World.

Neither party made any excessive demands. After all, the two parties did not have any direct conflict of interest, and the agreement was quickly and smoothly reached, which made Jingle Chunshui's heart settle.

"In the future, the Soul Society will be a friend of the empire, and I hope this friendship will continue forever." Yahiko said with a smile.

Jing Le also smiled and said: "It will definitely."

"By the way, His Majesty plans to hold an Imperial Ninja Fighting Conference in the near future. It can be regarded as a competition-style ninja martial arts performance. Friends from the soul world are welcome to watch it together. We will officially hand over the invitation card at that time."

A contest between ninjas? This is an opportunity to learn more about ninjas.

Jingle thought in his heart that the emperor probably wanted to take this opportunity to show the Shinigami the power of ninjas.

"Since His Majesty has kindly invited you, how can we refuse?"

After everything was done, the masked person on the side said: "Mr. Yahiko, I am very interested in Konoha, I wonder if I can take a stroll in the city?"

"Naturally, I will arrange a tour guide for Captain Nie."

"No, I just want to wander around."

"Then please feel free to ask me anytime you want."


Zanpakuto is a very special thing for Shinigami, and it is also the source of their main power. Each Zanpakuto has a special power after awakening.

For example, the captain of the first team, Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni, the Zanpakuto is as fast as fire, and is known as the strongest and oldest Zanpakuto of the Yan family. The first release can release a flame with a temperature of 6000°C that reaches the surface of the sun. After the second stage of liberation, the temperature of the flame can even reach 15 million degrees Celsius, which is the temperature of the core of the sun, and it is not a problem to destroy the earth.

Another example is Aizen Soyousuke's Kyoka Shuigetsu, whose ability is to completely hypnotize and control the five senses.

It is precisely because Zanpakuto's potential is large enough that it really pays its attention.

However, the prototype of the Zanpakuto "Asaka" was created by the sword god Ermeiya Wangyue. When the Zanpakuto is obtained, the real name of the Zanpakuto will be known by the military master Ichibei. This is undoubtedly for the other party. Grabbed a handle.

Zhen also considered this point, so the purpose of his acquisition of Zanpakuto is to be able to thoroughly analyze and understand this power.

In the Institute of Biological Sciences, there are state-of-the-art instruments here, and Dou has some attainments in the study of the soul.

"This kind of thing is really hard to deal with." Dou looked at these shallow strikes and said with a big head. What was placed in front of him was a knife, not something like a creature.

He put the shallow strike on a detection instrument, and found through scanning that this thing was actually a high-density, high-condensation energy body, showing the shape of a knife.

The world view of Shinigami is different from that of Hokage. In the world of Shinigami, everything in the soul world is composed of spirits, but after the fusion of the two worlds, we can go back to its origin. Is the natural energy in the world of spirits and Naruto the same? What about things?

Zhen stared at the light knife for a long time, then suddenly stretched out his hand, but saw the brilliance of the blade flashed, peeling off a naked person with only a nose and a mouth.

Seeing this, Dou couldn't help but wondered: "This is..."

"It's the body of Zanpakuto." Zhen said, his tone paused.

"You can also understand that it is the soul of Zanpakuto."

The power given to him by the Sage of the Six Paths that Zhen used was the materialized form of Asada.

A look of shock appeared on Dou's face: "Is the Zanpakuto made of soul?"

"No." Zhen denied it.

"It is also possible that the moment Zanpakuto was made, a soul was produced at the same time. We have no way of knowing what happened."

Exactly how Ermaiwu Wangyue created the Qianda may not be known to anyone except himself... Maybe that Youhabach who claims to be all-knowing and omnipotent also knows.

"I have an idea now." Zhen said slowly.

Dou Wenyan's expression was shocked, and he respected the instructions of His Majesty the Emperor.

"Reform this soul and recast the Zanpakuto that belongs to our ninja!"


Nirvana Mayori has been wandering around Konoha for a long time, and the prosperity of this capital is quite surprising.

He noticed a lot of electrical appliances in the street market. Although they were nothing special, the way they operated was completely different from the technological civilization of the soul world, and also different from his original world.

What made him most curious about Konoha was the tower and the giant outside.

He asked Nie Yinmeng to ask passers-by, and learned that it was called the Tower of the Sun, and the information he learned from the local population was that the tower could fight bad guys.

And when they asked about the giant again, the expressions of the local residents immediately changed, and they were excited and spitting, telling the legend of the God of Justice.

It's a pity that the captain has issued a strict order, otherwise Nirvana Yuri would have to secretly capture a few ninjas and go back to study them carefully.

He passed by an electrical furniture store, went in and turned around, and found that these electrical appliances did not operate according to normal physical theories, but contained various special techniques. For this reason, Nirvana Yuri asked the store manager how the electrical appliances operate , I was told that as long as it is plugged in and powered on, it can be used.

Plugging in Nirvana Mayuri could understand, but the supply made him think for a long time.

The spells in the electrical appliances obviously need energy to operate. Before that, they were also investigating ninjas in Soul Soul Realm, and learned that they would use a kind of energy called chakra, which originated from themselves.

"How to supply energy, input chakra?" Nirvana Yuri asked, he is now in contact with a brand new civilization technology, and for this reason he is willing to restrain his previous temper.

The store manager laughed: "You are an outsider, how much chakra can you have for it to consume? There is an energy base station in the city, which is continuously supplying power and chakra to the entire Konoha."

Energy base station...

Nie Yuli walked out of the shop, and Nie Yinmeng asked for directions again, and the two arrived near the energy base station in the east of the city, which was sparsely populated and guarded by ninjas.

The two were far enough apart, but Nie Yuli could still clearly feel the majestic and terrifying energy coming from the buildings not far away.

This brought eagerness to his eyes.

This power... this power...

He is not greedy for this power itself, but he is eager to understand everything here.

At this moment, an Anbu suddenly appeared behind him.

"Mr. Nirvana Yuri, Your Majesty wants to summon you."

It is mainly Naruto, but there will be more characters.

Not only Reaper, but also can't write the main story of Reaper. If you haven't seen Reaper, you can use it as an original, and it's not a copy.

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