Rated Hokage

Chapter 384 384, Water Mist City Pirate Prison!

The province of water.

"Leave the construction of the Sunrise Tower to me, why bother Shisui to come here in person." Hyuga Qingyuan smiled at Shishui.

"It's not that the pirates are rampant in the province of water recently. Among these pirates, there are some powerful people. His Majesty ordered me to supervise the construction here. It was originally in charge of Kakashi seniors, but he recently came out. Other tasks will fall on me." Zhishui also said to Qingyuan with a smile.

Speaking of pirates, Hyuga Qingyuan also sighed: "These pirates that popped up suddenly are really a headache. Although they have become more peaceful after strengthening their arms, they have also made many people dare not go to sea easily. The merchants who applied for ninja guards almost smashed the door frame of my office."

Zhishui asked: "Is there not enough manpower? I remember that there should be quite a lot of registered ninjas in the Water Province."

Qingyuan Hyuga said: "It is true that there are many registered ninjas, but ninjas are also divided into different levels. The accompanying escorts of these businessmen must be above Zhongnin, and the origin of Hara Kirigakure is the priority, and dozens of people are needed at every turn. , all want to find some way from me.”

Zhishui couldn't help laughing and said: "It's such a big shelf, the guards of the famous princes in the past are no more than this standard."

Hinata Qingyuan said: "Who makes ninjas worthless now, and these businessmen just don't lack money."

After the ninja reformation, those ninjas who had wandered in the market had a formal organization, and the base of ninjas increased a lot, which made ninjas worthless. The businessman issued a guard mission to the ninja union, and instantly You can see a large number of people gathered around to apply for a job.

Of course, this situation does not apply to Junin. In such an era, the strong are still welcome, and now there are many small guilds in every province. Most Jnin are these small guilds. The leaders or high-level members of the guild are just like the mercenaries in the past, but they are still under the control of the trade union. The empire has formulated strict laws and policies to limit the number and behavior of small guilds.

"Now the survival and development of the Water Province has been seriously affected by this group of pirates, and the pirate chaos must be quelled as soon as possible."

Zhi Shui pondered and said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty is already working on this matter, and it will bear fruit soon."

Hyuga Qingyuan also nodded and said: "I naturally firmly believe that His Majesty can succeed."

After saying that, he laughed again: "Let's not talk about that, Zhishui is not easy for you to come to Shui Province once, so give me a chance to entertain you well today."

"Senior Qingyuan is being polite."

Shimianwei has a high status in the empire. Now most people in the village, even the elders of the same clan, have to respectfully call "Master Shisui" when they see Shisui.

"The ninjas in the entire empire can clearly see Shishuiyou showing his might at the exchange meeting. If you let the ninjas in the Water Province know that you are coming, I don't know how many fans you will attract."

"Hahaha, senior Qingyuan is too famous." # The Water Mist City, the main city of the Water Province, was also the capital of the original Water Country. After the establishment of the empire, the Water Mist City was rebuilt, and the entire government agency was replaced by people sent by the empire.

The Straw Hats all changed into traditional local costumes, except for Chopper, who didn't attract much attention.

"Robin, why are we here?"

"That's right, it's good to go straight after the supplies are replenished, and it will be troublesome if the navy finds out."

Facing Luffy and Usopp's inquiries, Nami couldn't help scolding: "Idiot, you don't have a record pointer, and you want to lose your way at sea!"

Robin patiently explained: "I found that this country is a bit special. It seems that there is no connection with the information of the outside world. The people here don't know the navy and the world government at all, and they don't even know Bailey. That's why I want to investigate carefully here. some."

It is estimated that the previous town was often attacked by pirates and the vigilance was too high, so everyone came to this city.

Sanji said: "If it's just a remote and small country, it's not worth our effort."

Robin shook his head and said, "A city of this level of prosperity cannot be located in a remote and small country."

She smiled: "Besides, seeing some novel things is also part of the sailing adventure, isn't it?"

Sanji instantly lost his resistance to her smile, and nodded with a simple smile.

"Miss Robin said so!"

"Why don't we find a place to eat first, I want to eat meat!" Luffy said enthusiastically, he didn't care about staying here temporarily.

Nami said helplessly: "The lack of currency is a troublesome thing, so I can only pawn some things first."

Usopp said, "Don't we still have a lot of gold?"

The gold was obtained from the empty island not long ago, and Nami also brought some with her on this trip. Gold is hard currency everywhere.

I found a shop to exchange some local currency, but couldn't resist Luffy's request, so I walked into a barbecue restaurant.

Everyone looked at the mesh oven and the fresh meat slices on the plate with curiosity. It was the first time they tried this way of eating. Fortunately, Sanji quickly grasped the essentials and took over the job of grilling meat for everyone.

"Luffy, don't eat it all at once, save some for everyone!"

"Bastard Luffy!"

On the other hand, Usopp got into an argument because he ordered wine but was suspected of being underage by the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper also pointed at Chopper to plausibly say, "Pets are not allowed in the shop, and extra money is required!"

This annoyed Chopper: "I'm not a pet!"

The store owner was startled when he saw Chopper uttering human words, and then looked him up and down: "It's a ninja... I'll serve you wine, please wait a moment."

Robin wasn't thinking about eating. He looked at the people in the surrounding seats from the corner of his eye, and tried his best to listen to their conversations, but most of them were trivial matters.

I also heard some words such as "union", "ninja" and "communication meeting".

In the middle of the meal, a person suddenly rushed into the barbecue restaurant and shouted: "Everyone, Uchiha Shisui-sama has come to the city of water mist! Now he is at the trade union!"

Not only he was shouting, but also similar words were faintly heard from the street outside.

Seeing that many people got up to check out, Robin couldn't help but grab one of them and asked, "Excuse me, who is Uchiha Shisui-sama?"

The man suddenly looked at Robin with an expression of looking at an alien.

Robin laughed and said, "We are all from the surrounding islands, so we don't know anything about the land."

The man looked impatient: "Uchiha Shisui-sama, one of the Ten Crown Guards, don't hinder me, there must be more people waiting!"

The straw hat group couldn't help looking at each other, Luffy's mouth was full of meat, and his eyes were full of clarity and stupidity.

Nami asked: "Would you like to see it?"

Robin said: "I've seen this name in the local newspaper, it should be some kind of big shot."

A group of people also left the barbecue shop, watching the crowds swarming towards one place on the street, they also moved over.

The branch of the Ninja Union in the City of Water Mist.

Countless ninjas gathered here, while Uchiha Shisui was standing on a temporary high platform and told everyone about the construction of the 23rd Sun Tower. Because it was an urgent project, a group of ninjas were needed To act as a labor force, the participants will be rewarded for C-level tasks after the completion of the project.

C-level tasks are not considered high-level tasks, but in such a period when tasks are scarce, they are very attractive to these ninjas, and most of the tasks issued by the union on weekdays will be snatched by some small guild organizations. Just sell some coolies and get a sum of money, so why not.

After Zhishui finished speaking, the trade union also posted a huge notice, which explained the task in detail, and Zhishui asked those who wanted to register to queue up for registration.

When Luffy and the others came to the union, they found that there were so many people that they couldn't even squeeze through the gate. There was a lot of noise, and shouts like "Master Zhishui" could be heard from inside from time to time.

Usopp couldn't help muttering: "What is this Shisui-sama, so many people come to see him."

His words were heard by a crowd of passers-by, who immediately mocked: "Where did you come from, even Lord Zhishui doesn't know."

"Huh?!" Usopp was stunned, and his anger soared instantly. He was still stopped by Nami, and it is not easy to make trouble now.

Robin was tall and tall, and she stood out from the crowd. She saw from a distance that in the main hall inside the gate, countless people surrounded a person on a high platform.

The man seemed to sense something, and suddenly glanced at her.

The other party's eyes immediately made Robin's heart tremble, and he said to his companion, "Let's go."

"Hey, don't you want to watch it?"

"Robin, what's wrong?"

Everyone followed Robin's wishes and left the crowd, but they didn't understand what happened. Just as they walked through a street, suddenly a purple light hit from the sky, covering five people and one deer in straw hats instantly.

"what happened?"

"I can't move!"

The few people irradiated by the restraint light froze in place and couldn't move, and the passers-by around saw this and moved away from them.

Not long after, Luffy and the others saw a group of people in standard attire rushing over, the same attire as the law enforcement officers in the town where they first landed.

The leader held a strange instrument and swept it at Luffy and the others one by one, and the indicator light lit up red.

The person reached out and pressed the mini-communicator on his ear: "It's confirmed, it can be transferred."

Lu Fei and the others felt a blur in front of their eyes, and when they came back to their senses, they were already in a prison cell with three walls locked by iron bars.

"What happened?"

"Where is this?"

Everyone was still in a daze, the sudden change was completely beyond their expectations.

"Are we being arrested?" Sanji frowned as he surveyed the surroundings.

Everyone is here... If Sauron hadn't stayed to watch the ship, the group might have been wiped out.

"let me!"

Luffy leaned on the iron railing and exerted all his strength, the arm-thick iron railing was twisted and deformed under his force.

Seeing this, Robin immediately used his fruit ability to help destroy the cage together.

At this moment, the door of the cell opened, and the people who came in were surprised to see that Luffy and the others had bent the cage with their own strength.


"Come on! A few of them want to escape from prison!"

Several ninjas rushed in, holding long sticks to stop Luffy's movements.

Seeing this, Usopp directly took out his slingshot weapon.

"Kill Egg Star!"

The space in the cell was very narrow, so many people poured in, it was even more cramped, and there was no room to escape. The black shadow shot from the slingshot exploded on one person's face, and the foul smell immediately diffused and opened his mouth.

"It stinks! What smell?!"

"Damn! This bastard is attacking me with shit!"

"Damn it! It's rotten eggs!"

Taking advantage of this gap, Luffy finally managed to open a gap in the iron railing, ejected his whole body, and quickly knocked all the ninjas to the ground.

He looked very excited: "Escape!"

Leaving the cell was a long, dark corridor, with only light at the front exit. Everyone ran forward at high speed, but when they successfully left the prison, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

This is a huge circular field, surrounded by some cage buildings, piled up three floors up and down, like an arena, and there are no spectators.

"A newcomer has come in!"

"The two chicks look good!"

"I recognize them, they are the Straw Hat Pirates, the Straw Hat Boys with a reward of 100 million!"

"This small bounty can be 100 million?"

Luffy and the others looked around, and Nami said in surprise, "These people...are they all pirates?"

It should be said that they were captured pirates. The costumes of these prisoners were very similar to the pirates they knew.

"Luffy." Sanji said suddenly.

"Look who that is!" He motioned to a prison in the distance.

Lu Fei followed his gaze and saw that the people in the prison did not make noise like the others, but leaned against the wall calmly, and he could clearly see the profile.

"Crocodile..." Robin next to him whispered. She had worked under the other party before, so she was naturally very familiar with him.

"Has one of the Seven Martial Seas been imprisoned? What is this place?!" Nami said solemnly.

At this moment, a figure appeared on a high platform not far away, looking down at them

"Hey, newcomer, go back to the prison honestly, so as not to suffer some flesh and blood."

Luffy just reached out and pressed the straw hat when he heard the words.

"don't want!"

Robin, Sanji and others are also ready to fight.

But Goju Yakura on the high platform didn't intend to make a move, but just took out the communicator and whispered twice.

A purple beam of light shot from the sky again, enveloping them.

This trick again...

The few people who were irradiated by the restraint light couldn't move at once. Luffy gritted his teeth and tried his best to resist, but it was useless.

"Shut up."

Kutachi Yagura instructed the people beside him.

Luffy and others, who had just come out of the cage for only a few minutes, were taken back to the prison, and their hands and feet were also chained.

Usopp and Chopper were there bluffing and cursing at the jailer.

Robin sighed, "It's all my fault, everyone was arrested."

Nami and Sanji comforted her not to care, just find a way to escape.

"It seems that all the prisoners here are pirates."

Pirate's Prison...

Luffy stood alone in front of the bars in silence.

"Luffy, what's wrong with you?"

"Luffy, have you thought of a way?"

Everyone looked at their own captain, hoping that he could find a way to escape from here.

Lu Fei stared outside the bars, then took a deep breath and shouted outside.

"Zoro! Come and save us!"


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