Rated Hokage

387 Chapter 387, those who disobey will die

There was a loud bang, and the calm sea was instantly turbulent, and there were huge waves. The Red Forth was shaking on the sea surface, and a huge wave hit it, almost overturning it on the coast.

This is an isolated island in the vast sea. It was originally deserted, but at this moment, a world-shattering battle is going on on it.

Hyuga Homon stood on the shore, opened his eyes and stared at the battlefield in the distance.

A group of pirates gathered beside him, the leader was holding a flintlock rifle, wearing a dark blue curly cloak, with a cigarette in his mouth, staring at the fire door solemnly.

Huomen's thoughts were all on the distant battlefield, and he said indifferently: "Don't be so vigilant, I'm not interested in you now."

Ben Beckman was silent, and he also looked at the jungle and low mountains in the distance. Here the waves were surging, but there was a wildfire there.

It's been a long time since I saw Shanks face such a hard fight. Who are these two people...

Suddenly countless black clouds gathered in the sky, the wind was strong, and it seemed that there would be a downpour in the next second.


A thunder light as thick as a bucket rolled down, and in the eyes of everyone, it was a dazzling white light, and it was the same sharp gun that pierced the sky and the earth!

What kind of person can control thunder and lightning?

In the hearts of Beckman and others, only those who have eaten the devil fruit can call the wind and rain like this.

Everyone felt a tingling sensation, and the humidity was pervasive under the tumbling waves, and powerful currents shuttled here, and some arcs could even be seen crawling.

"Thunder Dragon Fang Tianji!"


Another loud bang!

The white light that connected the sky and the earth suddenly moved, directly dividing the entire island into two.

The ground was trembling, and the other half of the island was annihilated in this endless white light. The sea was pushed away from the vacuum of more than ten meters, and gathered and rushed in quickly.

Everyone held their breath and watched everything on the island, and two figures appeared.

Shanks didn't look injured, but the cloak on his body was torn, his right hand was holding a long knife tightly, and his red hair was soaked in sea water.

Kakashi was holding the Thunder Blade, and black lines appeared on the black mask, and lightning was wrapped around his body.

"It's amazing power!" Shanks exclaimed.

"People who can take this trick, I'm afraid there are not many people in this sea."

Kakashi responded calmly: "If you don't, just take it."

Shanks chuckled twice: "It seems that you are not very lucky today, and you ran into a stubborn stubble like me."

"Shanks, I've already said what needs to be said, does a strong man like you have to be an enemy of the empire?"

Shanks laughed loudly: "We have never been anyone's enemy, but there are always many people who regard us as enemies, and we are used to being free and idle, even if the world is different as you said..."

He paused, then grinned: "It's just the world, not us."

Kakashi frowned and said nothing, another person like Whitebeard.

He had been wandering in the sea for a long time before, and had seen many pirates, most of them were thugs who were unscrupulous but greedy for life and fear of death, but when it came to White Beard and Red Hair, they all became heroes again.

What about the remaining two of the Four Emperors, are they all the same?

They are all strong, why do they want to be pirates?

Kakashi couldn't figure it out, it's not easy for this kind of person to want power and wealth, what can he get by floating in this sea of ​​nothing?

He secretly sighed that the task entrusted by His Majesty was really difficult to do.

If the content of the mission was just to exterminate these people, he would have no burden in his heart, but after getting in touch with Whitebeard and Redhead, Kakashi felt a lot of sympathy in his heart.

Seeing Kakashi not moving for a long time, Shanks couldn't help asking: "Why, don't you want to fight?"

Kakashi glanced at him: "If I don't hit you, why don't you fight? This is a fateful fight. You seem to care about me shooting you."

It was he and Huomen who took the initiative to find Shanks, and the negotiation failed to start a fight. How can ordinary people bear this kind of behavior.

Shanks said with a smile: "I haven't fought for a long time, this battle made me very happy, and you didn't intend to kill me, did you?"

He looked at the Huomen and his companions in the distance.

"That companion of yours didn't make a move just now, nor did he make a move against my companion. He is not an enemy of life and death, but he has the possibility of becoming a friend."

"It's just a battle. I don't care about the reason. Just treat it as you coming to me to exercise together. Kakashi, if you don't want to fight, I'd like to buy you a drink."

Kakashi: "..."

He silently dissipated the Thunder Blade from his hand, and Jianyu Thunder God turned back into an ordinary black knife, which was sheathed by him, and the black lines on his face gradually disappeared.

Shanks smiled even wider upon seeing this.

Kakashi suddenly pressed his hand to his ear, as if he was listening to someone.

Shanks asked, "What?"

Kakashi said calmly: "Your Majesty said that we can go back, and there is no need to fight."

The Fire Gate in the distance also received a message of agreement, and signaled to Kakashi.

Shanks asked again, "Are you still drinking?"

"No." Kakashi refused.

"Shanks, you rejected the goodwill of the empire, and when we meet in the future, you may be the real enemy."

Shanks sighed, "It's a pity."

He didn't know if he was referring to the fact that Kakashi said that the two sides would become enemies, or he was regretting that the two could not drink.

The surrounding sea gradually calmed down, and the black clouds in the sky also dissipated, but the island was in a mess, and half of it disappeared. ,

Kakashi dodged to the near side of the fire door.

"Why did Your Majesty suddenly let you go back?"

"There should be a more suitable candidate."

Fire Gate ignored the red-haired pirates, and took Kakashi directly into the sky.

Shanks also came to Beckman, and sighed: "After floating on the sea for so long, why did the sky suddenly change?"

"What's next?" Beckman asked.

"This Sunshine Empire should be the same as the World Government, it won't let us go."

Shanks pondered: "The sea is not what it used to be, let's go to land to see it."

He stared at the Fire Gate and the direction Kakashi left, his eyes flickering. # Pirate Prison.

Most of the ninjas surrounding Sauron and the others below were just middle-level ninjas, and there were only two high-level ninjas who were outside the battle circle.

But only these Chunin also caused great troubles to Zoro and others. Usopp and Nami are basically burdensome, and only Zoro and Sanji showed the strength to stabilize the Zunin.

However, the strength span of Chunin is very large. Some Chunin are only a little bit stronger than Genin when they just reached the pass line, while others are infinitely close to Jonin, but for some reasons they were not selected as Special Jnin.

After seeing the strength of several people clearly, he directly signaled the two jounin to join the battle, but in a short time, everyone except Zoro and Sanji fell to the ground.


Zoro held a knife in both hands and held the hilt in his mouth, surrounded by fallen companions and countless ninjas.

The strength of these two people in front of them is extraordinary, and it will take a lot of effort to solve them.

What makes him feel difficult is that they are in the territory of the enemy at the moment, the number of the enemy is not clear, and the situation of Luffy is also unclear.

At this moment, a huge black shadow flew back from the sky, it was a green giant, holding a purple light ball in its hand, it landed on the side of the Sun Tower, and placed the Tenseigan weapon on top.

There were already waiting technicians there, and after the Tenseigan weapon returned to its original position, they immediately operated the equipment to restart the Tower of the Sun.

And when he was really distracted for a short time, the battle below suddenly became fierce. For a while, the figures kept crisscrossing, the shadow of the sword flickered, and Zoro and Sanji jointly defeated the two Junin.

Zoro pointed the knife at Zhen who was sitting on the high platform, and asked with deep eyes, "Hey, where is Luffy?"

He guessed that it was really the one with a higher status in the group, but he didn't know why he remained indifferent when his subordinates were knocked down.

Goju Yakura took a step forward: "Your Majesty, this man is too arrogant to point a knife at you, just kill him."

Really waved his hand casually, telling him to back off.

At this moment, Sauron's face changed suddenly, and he turned his eyes to look aside. A black shadow that was so fast that it was almost invisible flew towards him. He hurriedly held the knife to block it, but he heard a "ding" of the knife. Sparks flew from his body, Sauron felt a tearing pain in his tiger's mouth, and Xue Zuo fell to the ground.

It was only a shuriken that knocked down his sword, halfway embedded in the ground.

Shisui's figure instantly appeared between Sauron and Sanji, and looked sideways at Sauron: "Next time, I will die."

The cold voice was like the scythe of death, Zoro and Sanji felt chills all over their bodies.


A figure was thrown on the ground, and several people found that Crocodile, one of the Shichibukai, seemed to have passed out, lying motionless on the ground.

Zhishui came to Zhen's side in an instant again, knelt on one knee and said, "Your Majesty, the man has been captured."

Zhen glanced at Crocodile lying on the ground and said, "Let him wake up."

Zhishui immediately released the illusion cast on Crocodile, and the sand crocodile, which was once famous all over the world, woke up slowly. Seeing the straw hats next to him, he couldn't help being stunned. He looked up and saw the real face sitting on the high platform. big change.

Emperor of the Sun Empire!

He had seen the figure of the emperor on the live broadcast of the exchange meeting between the two worlds. The strength of the Ten Crown Guards was already so terrifying, so what about the emperor?

Without even thinking about it, Crocodile turned into a ball of sand and was about to escape from here. However, the process of elementalization was only halfway through, and his body was restrained by an invisible force, and he could no longer move.

"Steal something and want to run away, where do you want to go?" Zhen asked slowly.

Crocodile lost his previous arrogance and stood there with an ugly expression.

As for Sauron and others, because of Zhishui's shot just now, they became much more peaceful.

Zhen asked Crocodile again: "This theft must have been planned for a long time, right?"


Crocodile's expression changed, he seemed to be unable to escape, but why did the emperor insist on his own side...

"Good." He responded aloud.

At the beginning, he collected a lot of information about the Tower of the Sun, and found out the deployment of the entire Water Mist City, and then found a suitable time to take the initiative to go to prison, and his subordinates were also on standby at any time.

The Straw Hats were completely out of the plan, but it also added a little bit of certainty to his plan.

Zhen said again: "Looking at your expression just now, you seem to know my identity."

"...Emperor of the Sunshine Empire, I watched that exchange meeting."

I really couldn't help laughing and said: "You have a lot of courage. After watching that exchange meeting, you still dare to attack. For your courage and resourcefulness, I decided not to kill you."

Sauron and the others on the side couldn't help being startled, and looked at Zhen on the high platform.

This man is the emperor?

In their cognition, the monarch of the kingdom is only called the king, and only the four in the new world in the second half of the great voyage can be called emperors.

Crocodile heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the emperor's words.

Zhen smiled and said: "Not only will I not kill you, but I will also give you power and power. Do you have the guts to accept it?"

Crocodile pondered for a while, and asked, "...what do you mean?"

"I plan to set up a maritime union to accept all pirates and govern all pirates. I originally planned to let one of the four emperors be the president of this union, but they seem to be unwilling to accept this favor. Now I want you to be the president of the union. Long, what do you think?"

Originally in the real plan, the Four Emperors were undoubtedly the most suitable for this position, with enough fame and strength, but these pirates are just like what he thought at the beginning, the stronger the person, the less likely they are to negotiate successfully, even if you Showed stronger strength than him, but who wants to have an extra mountain on their head?

Kakashi and Huomen have been away for so long and haven't come back. There is a high probability that the mission will not go smoothly.

No olive branch, just wait for the artillery.

Goju Yakura couldn't help being extremely surprised when he heard the words, why did the thief suddenly become the president of the maritime union?

Maritime Union...

Crocodile did not immediately agree, but pondered for a while and asked, "What is this maritime union?"

At this time, Zhishui took the initiative to say: "Thieves and bandits are not allowed to make riots within the jurisdiction of the empire. The Maritime Union is to restrain such evils as looting, burning and killing. Everyone in the empire must be a law-abiding citizen."

Isn't this the Navy...

Crocodile and the Straw Hats had this idea at the same time, Crocodile is okay, he already knows the world is different, but the Straw Hats are surprised, thinking that if you come to do this kind of thing, you need the Navy do what?

"Forgive me..." Crocodile was silent for a while before saying, "Do you think those pirates will be obedient to things like the maritime trade union?"

How can someone who is willing to abide by the law become a pirate?

The so-called nautical adventures and searching for secret treasures are just excuses. Most people like to live a life of rampage.

As long as you pay for force and atrocities, you can get what you want. Who wants to be a law-abiding person honestly.

"It's okay." He smiled lightly.

"Anyone who disobeys will die."

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