Rated Hokage

Chapter 409 Chapter 410, Hinata's friend

Ayano is pregnant.

After the examination in the hospital, the news was confirmed, which immediately surprised the whole family.

"Do I want a sister?"

Hinata hugged her mother, and carefully pressed her face against her abdomen, wanting to feel the newborn life inside.

They all still remember that when Hinata came to another world, they said that Hinata would have a younger sister.

Hinata has always longed to be a real older sister.

"It's not formed yet, what can you hear." Ayano looked at her daughter and laughed.

She felt relieved, whether it was a son or a daughter, they were all her children, weren't they? And Neji, Naruto and Sasuke also called their mother.

"I can feel that my sister is calling my sister." Hinata said seriously, making everyone laugh.

Naruto looked curious: "Really, let me listen too."

He is a few months younger than Sasuke, and he really misses having a younger sister who can call him brother.

Hinata raised her face from Ayano's belly, and said to Naruto, "Sister said, I don't like your brother."

Only then did Naruto realize that he was being tricked, and he was a little mad.

While feeling happy for Ayano, Hyuga Natsu felt a little depressed at the same time. She pulled Zhen aside and asked her in a low voice: "Didn't you say you don't want children?"

Zhenxin said: "I didn't do it on purpose, I remember that I have been avoiding risks."

Seeing Hinata Xia's sad face, he really hugged her tightly and said, "Don't worry, this kind of thing can't be rushed, when the time comes, we will naturally have children."

Hyugaxia put her face on his chest, and said in a low voice: "From now on, you are not allowed to go outside when you are with me, or you won't even think about me going to Sister Lingli's room to serve you together."


The arrival of the little life in Ayano's womb made the atmosphere of the house joyful, and Ayano also re-enjoyed the feeling of being served by everyone when she was pregnant.

Some of the housework at home, the other women are also rushing to do, she also feels at ease about this, and enjoys it.

Hinata is the happiest and most excited. Now the first thing after school every day is to run home to accompany her mother.

Ayano said to her: "The baby will not come out until 10 months, do you want to do this every day?"

After she became pregnant, many people came to visit her at home.

For example, Samuel, Ten Crown Guards, Rizai and so on.

Except for Naruto Tsunade and Hongdou, the Ten Crown Guards all sent gifts one after another.

The first to come were Huomen, Kakashi, and Kai. They were very respectful and left without staying after presenting gifts.

Shisui was brought by Itachi, while Dou came by himself.

It was the first time for Terumi Mei and Ye Cang to visit the inner hall of the imperial palace, and it was different from the extreme luxury that the emperor's residence should have as expected. This is just a warm family with a sense of life, and there is not even a servant.

Seeing these people's happy appearance, Terumi Mei was extremely envious, and she felt a little throbbing in her heart, imagining that it would be great if she could blend in in the future.

Ayari and the others were also very polite to Mimei and Hakura, Terumimei put down the gift cautiously, said some polite words, and left with Hakura again.

Walking out of the palace, Ye Cang saw Terumi Mei's preoccupied appearance and asked, "Why, are you envious?"

Terumi Mei just smiled lightly: "Why, don't you envy?"

Ye Cang said: "If you are envious, go and fight for it."

Ning Ci also came with his friends.

Sheren, Shigego, Fatty Tono Katasuke and Daito.

Tohno Katasuke and Dadong insisted on coming along. One of their fathers was the head of the Science and Crafts Department, and the other was the deputy head.

Lingli and the others were more enthusiastic about children, and Sheren looked at this bustling home with envy in his heart.

After leaving, Ning Ci saw that Sheren's expression seemed a little sad, so he asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I suddenly feel that you are very happy, Ningci." Sheren smiled.

Ning Ci couldn't help laughing: "What are you thinking, you can come to my house anytime in the future."

Sheren smiled.

"Let's go, let's go to the archery hall in the afternoon." Ning Ci suggested again. In the new January, he just got his pocket money, so he has enough confidence.

Tohno Katasuke immediately said, "Your Highness, the archery hall is opened by a relative of mine. We can play for free when we go, and the drinks and snacks are also free."

Ning Ci was silent for a few seconds: "...you didn't say it earlier."

He thought about it for days.

Tono Katasuke asked strangely: "Eh? Didn't I tell you the other day that I wanted to take your highness to play, but your highness refused."

"Shut up!"

A few people came to the archery gym in the afternoon. As Tono Katasuke said, he and the curator here are relatives. Hearing that His Highness Neji came down, his attitude became more enthusiastic. He nodded and bowed in front of Neji with a flattering face.

Ning Ci was used to this, he had seen too many people like this.

They asked for a quieter place, but they met two acquaintances.

Mitarai red beans, and Nohara Lin.

"Miss Hongdou, Miss Lin." Neji greeted them very respectfully and politely.

"It's you." Hong Dou glanced at Ning Ci and his party, with a neither salty nor weak tone.

She looked at Katasuke Tono more, and said, "Aren't you the fat guy who jumped in the queue?"

Tohno Katasuke looked embarrassed and said, "I've already changed it."

Then he said hastily: "This archery gym is opened by my relatives. Master Hongdou can play here for free."

Hong Dou didn't say anything, but looked at Neji again, and after a moment of silence, suddenly asked: "You..."

She paused for a moment, as if she didn't know how to speak, and finally said: "You're going to have a younger sister again?"

Lin next to her was stunned when she heard the words.

Ning Ci smiled and said, "Ah, Ayano's mother is pregnant."

Lin was a little dazed, looked at Hongdou, then at Neji.

Hongdou said lightly: "Well, it's okay, you guys can play."

Ning Ci also knew something about Miss Hongdou's temper. In order not to hinder each other, he took a few people to a new location.

Lin then asked Hongdou, "What's going on?"

"What's going on?"

"It's... about the pregnancy."

"That guy's woman is pregnant, what's so strange, there are five women in his family."

Lin pursed her lips and said, "...how did you know so quickly? I don't even know."

Red Dou raised a smile at the corner of her mouth, looked at her and said, "I'm the crown guard, isn't it normal that the news is faster than you? Huomen, Kakashi and Kai have looked for me and wanted to take me there to visit. Refused."

Lin didn't say a word, and looked at Ningci and the others not far away, feeling a little dazed.

She suddenly murmured: "In a few years, his child will grow up."

Hongdou stretched out her bow and set her arrows, straightened her back sideways, fixed her eyes on the target in front of her, then let go of the string suddenly, and the feathered arrow was nailed precisely on the bull's-eye in an instant.

She said calmly, "Why, do you want a child too?"

"...Who am I going to have a child with?"

"You always know that in your heart."


The sky quickly darkened, and after having dinner outside with Hongdou, Lin was walking home alone.

Her thoughts were erratic, and she arrived in front of the palace by accident. Looking at the unlit attic in the distance, she felt sad for a while.

At this time, he must be accompanying his pregnant wife... # In the morning, Hinata was woken up by the alarm, and faintly heard rustling sounds in the living room.

She wakes up very early, usually only Naruto will stay in bed.

After brushing her teeth, washing and changing her clothes, Hinata went to her mother's room first, and saw that she was already awake, sitting on the bed reading a book, while her father lay beside him and fell asleep soundly.

Came to the other side of the bed, hugged mother, put her face on mother's belly, and said in a rare and gentle tone: "Good morning, sister, I want to be happy today."

Then he came to the side where his father was sleeping, pinched his nose with his hands, and within a few seconds, he was really woken up.

Zhen opened his eyes and saw that it was Hinata who was at fault, and said vaguely: "Go away, I will sleep for a while."

Hinata pinched her real cheeks with both hands, and said, "Don't sleep, mom is awake, you have to get up quickly and take care of mom and sister."

Really helpless, had no choice but to sit up slowly.

"I get it, I get it, I'm getting dressed."

Only then did Hinata grimace at him with a grin, and quickly left the room.

Ayano looked at this scene with a smile on the side, and Jianzhen seemed to have not woken up before asking: "Would you like to sleep a little longer?"

Zhen yawned: "It's time to get up too."

Hinata came to the bedroom of his brothers again. Ning Ci got up early, and his work and rest were very regular, and he was the earliest among the children.

When she came in, she saw Sasuke just getting dressed.

Sasuke was taken aback, and said helplessly, "Knock on the door."

Hinata looked at Naruto who was still sleeping soundly in the bed, as if he had a sweet dream, with a smile on his face.

"Sleep late again."

She walked directly to Naruto's bed, took off her slippers, and put her feet on Naruto's face.

Looking at this scene, Sasuke thought that he was uneasy again this morning, and then he walked out of the room without asking.

A few seconds later, Naruto's roar sounded in the palace.


Jiu Xinnai in the living room heard the voice and thought helplessly: The brothers and sisters started again.

In fact, Hinata looked quite aloof at school, but only at home did she appear so self-willed and savage.

Most of the girls in a class are her followers, and the seniors will respectfully call out "Hinata Your Highness" when they see her, even the teacher is no exception.

She is also accustomed to this, after all, she is a princess, she can have everything she wants, and she is admired by stars wherever she goes.

The only dissatisfaction is that I have not received a love letter.

Although she didn't think much of the boys in her class, Hinata saw that all her followers had been confessed by boys, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

As for Yamanaka Ino and Haruno Sakura, Hinata didn't think about what to do with them, and she didn't bother to care about what the followers did.

What Hinata didn't expect was that Haruno Sakura suddenly sent a love letter to Sasuke in public in the class.

This kind of behavior directly made the girls in the class secretly hate Haruno Sakura. Sasuke was already handsome and had an extremely noble status. In the hearts of the girls, he was the unattainable Bai Yueguang.

How dare you Haruno Sakura!

Not surprisingly, Sasuke refused without even reading the content of the love letter, frowning secretly in his heart, is this girl crazy?

Haruno Sakura didn't expect Sasuke to be so indifferent and decisive, she didn't even read what she wrote, she spent a lot of thought on this, changed countless pieces of letter paper, and thought about what she thought was appropriate...

This made Haruno Sakura very sad, a little unacceptable, and ran out of the classroom.

The girls in the class gloated and mocked.

"It really deserves it."

"This broad forehead dares to confess his love to His Highness Sasuke!"

"Why is she!"

"She really thinks she is worthy of His Highness Sasuke!"

Hinata looked at Haruno Sakura who ran out of the classroom thoughtfully, could it be that she was wrong, Sasuke didn't mean anything to her?

And next to Hinata, the two girls couldn't help but slander Haruno Sakura.

"Sister, do you also think Haruno Sakura is not worthy of His Highness Sasuke?"

Hinata casually said, "It's none of my business what Sasuke likes."

But in his heart, he was sarcasm, Haruno Sakura is not good enough, so is it possible that you are good enough?

Haruno Sakura is at least willing to stand against the whole class for the sake of her friends, not much better than you fools.

Hinata never thinks highly of the group of people around her, but they follow her every day and call "big sister head", and Hinata is willing to let them follow. .

In Hinata's view, the only people who can be called friends are Toneri and Shigego who are next to Neji. These two people are quite interesting.

Thinking of this, she suddenly wanted to get in touch with Haruno Sakura more.

Iruka noticed Haruno Sakura crying on the playground and Ino comforting her next to her, and hurried over to ask what happened.

Haruno Sakura wiped away tears: "I'm fine, Mr. Iruka."

Iruka looked serious, and said in a deep voice: "Sakura, don't be afraid, you can tell the teacher if you are wronged, no matter who the other party is, the teacher will help you make the decision!"

In the past few days, he also found out several groups in the class, and knew that Ino and Sakura were not very popular with Hinata and the others.

Haruno Sakura still shook her head: "I'm fine, thank you Mr. Iruka."

Iruka turned to Mukai Ino, "Ino, can you tell me what happened?"

Ino also said: "It's okay, Mr. Iruka, don't worry about us."

How could I tell my teacher about this kind of thing, Ino had no choice but to help Sakura hide it.

But Iruka was sure in his heart that Sakura and Ino were bullied and threatened, which made him very angry. Even the emperor's daughter can't bully people like this!

When His Majesty handed over this class to him, didn't he just ask himself to educate these children well?

When class started, Iruka walked up to the podium with a serious face, glanced over the whole class, and stayed on Hinata for an extra second.

He said lightly: "We are all classmates in the same class. We should be united, friendly, and live in harmony. I don't want any bad-natured bullying incidents to happen in our class."

After saying this, there was no sound in the classroom.

"Today I saw Haruno Sakura crying on the playground, can someone tell me what happened?"

Hinata found that when Mr. Iruka said this, he seemed to be looking at himself.

She was stunned for a moment, wondering if Iruka-sensei thought it was me who bullied her?

Still no one spoke in the classroom, Haruno Sakura buried her head very low.

Iruka's face darkened: "I hope the students who did this can take the initiative to admit..."

"Iruka-sensei!" Ino suddenly interrupted Iruka's words.

"Sakura is fine, don't worry about this anymore."

But Iruka said: "Ino, don't be afraid, no matter who the bully is, the teacher will make decisions for you."

Hinata couldn't help rolling her eyes when she heard this.

Of course, she originally rolled her eyes, so she didn't need to roll them.

Iruka seemed to want to say something more, at this time, the voice of a female classmate sounded again in the classroom.

"Mr. Iruka, Haruno Sakura sent a love letter to His Royal Highness Sasuke today, but was rejected by His Highness Sasuke. That's why she cried."

There was instant laughter in the classroom.

Haruno Sakura, who was lying on the table, couldn't take it anymore, and ran out of the classroom with a blushing face. Seeing this, Ino was very anxious, and before leaving, she gave Iruka a glare.

Iruka, on the other hand, was a little dazed on the spot.

He looked at Sasuke, then at Hinata.

love... love letter...

Are the children of today so precocious?

The classroom was in a mess, most of the people thought what happened just now was ridiculous, and took Sakura as a laughing stock.

But Hinata was upset when she heard it, and suddenly raised her voice, "Stop laughing!"

The noise stopped abruptly in an instant, and the elder sister's words sounded more effective to them than the teacher's.

Hinata also got up and left the seat, said "I'm going to the toilet" to Iruka, and left the classroom.

After Iruka sorted out all the context, he felt annoyed by his behavior, and felt that this must have hurt Haruno Sakura's self-esteem.

He opened his mouth to apologize, but Hinata and Sakura were not in the classroom, and he didn't know who to apologize to, so he had to maintain order in the classroom.

Naruto and Sasuke here.

"Aren't you going out to have a look?" Naruto whispered to Sasuke.

"None of my business." Sasuke said coolly.

Hinata found Sakura and Ino on the playground, and they were sitting on the rubber floor inside the barbed wire.

Sakura seemed to be crying again, and Ino kept persuading her, but when she got closer, she heard that Ino was speaking ill of Sensei and Sasuke.

Some words like "Iruka-sensei is an idiot" and "Sasuke is nothing good".

Ino looked at Hinata unkindly: "What are you doing here?"

Hinata crossed her arms, and there was a barbed wire fence between them, with a calm expression.

She said: "That guy Sasuke is really not good."

Both Ono and Ino were taken aback.

Hinata continued: "Always act self-righteous, but he can't even beat me."

Sakura wiped her tears, and said weakly: "I think...His Majesty Sasuke is very good."

Hinata stood there with a sideways glance and said, "Except for his good looks, what's the best thing, what happened today, and I didn't see him come out, so it's okay?"

Sakura shook her head and said, "It's none of His Majesty Sasuke's business, it's me...to make my own decisions."

Hinata said, "You really are an idiot."

Sakura weakly said nothing.

Seeing this, Ino asked, "Then what are you doing here?"

Hinata looked into the distance: "Who made me his sister?"

But Sakura said: "But I heard that His Highness Sasuke is older than you..."

Before she finished speaking, Hinata frowned instantly, scaring her to stop her words.

Ino looked at Hinata thoughtfully, and seemed to feel that she was not malicious.

Mild afternoon, quiet playground, noisy cicadas, a gust of wind blowing from time to time...

"Hi." Hinata said suddenly.

Sakura and Shizune looked up at her.

"I invite you to drink milk tea, will you go?"

"We have money," Ino said.

Hinata Akira walked towards the school gate.

"Then invite me."

py, Li Siyang's book, I promised it for a long time, but suddenly remembered that I forgot to give it.

The author of Huo Jiujian and the correction tape, the big brother in the fan, the quality is guaranteed.

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