Rated Hokage

Chapter 412 414, I want to be friends with you

Hinata has been a little distressed recently. Her former followers took the initiative to clarify the matter of Sheren to outsiders, but she still feels sorry for Sheren and wants to make amends.

She thinks that Ino and Sakura are good girls, after all, they will not take the initiative to flatter and please her like other people, and they are very firm and sincere towards their friends. alright.

As for the other girls, Hinata really can't think of anyone who is worthy of Sheren.

It's a pity that now Ino is aware of her intentions, which makes Hinata's thoughts come to nothing.

Sheren's temperament is very gentle, so she shouldn't blame her for this matter, but the more this is the case, Hinata feels very sorry.

After thinking about it, Hinata felt that since it was not enough to take the initiative to introduce, it would be better to create an opportunity to meet by chance.

She took Sakura and Ino to the milk tea shop, where she often met Neji and the others. Sure enough, when she saw Tono Katasuke and Daito coming in to buy milk tea together, Hinata saw Neji and Toneri outside the door from a distance. He Chongwu and the others stood there.

Hinata immediately called Sakura and Ino out together.


Ning Ci heard the sound and took a look. He was not surprised to see Hinata, and he was used to things like her calling him by his name.

Hinata coughed lightly, and said, "Let me introduce, this is Neiji Hinata, this is Tonero Hinata, and this is Shigego."

Sakura and Ino greeted honestly, they all knew these three people, how could there be someone in the ninja school who didn't know His Highness Neji.

Hinata then introduced the two people beside her: "This is Haruno Sakura, and this is Yamanaka Ino."

Ning Ci looked at the two girls thoughtfully, and it was the first time for Hinata to introduce the people around him. In the past, Hinata didn't even mention the names of those followers.

"Hello, I'm Ningji Hyuga." He was very polite to his sister, and nodded to the two girls.

Sakura was immediately flattered: "Your Highness Neji, hello."

Hinata said: "You don't need to be so polite, just call him Neji like me."

Ning Ci was helpless, but seeing Hinata's appearance, he knew that his sister should regard these two as friends.

He murmured: "You don't need to call your Highness, I'm a class higher than you, if you don't want to call me by my name, you can call me Senior."

"Senior Ning Ci!" At this moment, Ino beside him suddenly smiled.

She looked at Sheren and Chongwu, and called each other seniors, Sheren nodded with a smile, while Chongwu looked calm, as if he was not interested at all.

Hinata suddenly took the initiative to praise Tonero in front of Sakura and Ino, saying that he is very popular in the class, and his grades are also very good.

This made Sheren a little embarrassed.

Ning Ci glanced at Hinata, but said nothing.

But Ino's eyes stayed on Ning Ci: "Senior Ning Ci is the chief, right?"

Ning Ci let out an "ah" to admit it, but he knew in his heart that there was something wrong with him as the chief, and Sheren always gave way to him.

Hinata took the initiative to talk to Neji Sheren and the others about how good Ino is. This kind of thought made everyone present except Shigego understand what was going on.

The smile on Ino's face disappeared, but his attention was on Neji.

Hinata realized something was wrong, and the smile on her face stiffened.

At this moment, Tohno Katasuke and Dato, who went in to buy milk tea, came out, seeing Hinata respectfully shouting "Hinata Your Highness".

"Let's go first."

Ning Ci left with a few people, and Ino waved goodbye to him with a smile.

Hinata finally couldn't help asking: "Why are you being so attentive to Neji?"

Ino asked her in turn: "Otherwise, who should I be courteous to?"

One sentence left Hinata speechless.

Ino continued to ask: "To you, or to that sacrificial person?"

She folded her arms around her chest, looked at Hinata in front of her and said with a sneer, "You say you treat us as friends, but your condescending attitude hasn't changed at all. You just feel that compared to the people around you before As far as I'm concerned, Sakura and I are more worthy of your friend status?"

Hinata kept a dark face and said nothing.

Ino persisted: "Do you need to worry about who I like and who I want to be with? If you really want to introduce me, please introduce your brother to me. If I become your future sister-in-law, I can do whatever it takes."

"Ino!" Sakura finally couldn't help but stop.

She looked at Hinata and said quickly, "Hinata, don't get me wrong, Ino doesn't mean that."

Hinata clenched her hands tightly, her eyes fixed on Ino, and Ino also stared at him without giving in.

"Hinata, Ino, both of you, calm down." Xiao Ying was so anxious that she tried to persuade her repeatedly, but the two ignored her, and Xiao Ying suddenly couldn't help squatting on the ground and crying .

Her crying immediately made Ino panic, and quickly squatted down: "Sakura, don't cry."

Hinata also calmed down, and her whole body became relaxed. Looking at Sakura who was squatting on the ground crying, she remained silent.

At this moment, Ino raised his head and gave her a hard look.

Many passers-by around were watching here, Hinata was silent for a long time, and suddenly said to Sakura who was squatting there: "Xiao Sakura...yes...I'm sorry."

After she finished speaking, her eyes averted a little. This was the first time she apologized to anyone.

Xiao Ying stood up wiping her tears, and said to Hinata, "Hinata...you don't have to apologize to me."

Hinata only felt that her thoughts were a little confused, and she didn't respond, she turned around and left directly.

After seeing her leave, Ino said to Sakura: "I really can't stand her!"

Sakura said, "She's not malicious either."

Ino snorted coldly: "Then why does she decide my affairs on her own?"

Sakura said softly, "I think...Senior Sheren is pretty good, and many girls in the class like it."

"It's her arbitrariness to decide my affairs that makes me very upset. She is arrogant and arrogant. She thinks it is my honor to introduce a boy to me. Should I be grateful for that?"

"Ino, I don't think Hinata meant that."

"That's what she meant!"

"...Then, Ino, do you really like Your Highness Neji?"

Ino shrugged his shoulders: "It's okay, he's handsome, and he's His Highness, so it's not impossible to consider it, but just now I did it for Hinata on purpose."


In the afternoon, Hinata didn't come to class.

This made Sakura feel a little worried, and during the break, the girls who used to be by Hinata's side suddenly came to Sakura and Ino on their own initiative.

"Hey, Yamanaka Ino, where's the eldest sister?" A girl said in a blunt tone.

Yamanaka Ino frowned: "How do I know?"

Another girl pointed at her and said, "You must know, you must be the one who made big sister angry!"

Ino smiled: "If she doesn't come to class because I made her angry, then she is too small."

These words immediately made these people furious: "How dare you speak ill of Big Sister!"

Sakura was on the sidelines trying to persuade them to make peace, but seeing the aggressive appearance of this group of people, there was no room for her to speak.

"It's so noisy, you guys, be quiet!"

At this moment, an impatient voice suddenly sounded in the classroom. Several people followed the sound and found that it was Sasuke who spoke, and lost their temper immediately.

He gave Ino a hard look, turned around and returned to his seat.

Hinata is currently in the attic of the palace, lying on the recliner where her father often lies, looking at the scenery outside calmly.

But his father is not here, he should be in the inner hall, accompanying his mother.

Samyi was quietly handling official business beside him, and no one disturbed each other.

Just when Hinata turned her head to look at Samui, she found that Samui was also staring at herself.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

Samuel smiled lightly: "It's nothing, I just think His Highness Hinata is very similar to His Majesty."

"Where does it look like?"

"When His Majesty is lying there, he also likes to admire the scenery outside with his cheek."

When Hinata heard the words, she was thoughtful, and then realized that she was touching her cheek. After thinking about it, she did have this habit, and her father seemed to have it too.

She asked, "My dad is usually busy, right?"

Samui replied: "Your Majesty is concerned with the affairs of the empire."

Hinata continued to look out of the window with her chin resting on her cheek. There were many buildings, and Konoha in her memory always changed so quickly, a tall building would stand on the edge of the city every few months.

Her mother told her that everything in Konoha and everything in this world belonged to their family, but she still had to be sensible in front of outsiders and act like a princess.

But this was what her mother told her in private, and it was different from what her father and others taught her in normal times.

Ever since she was a child, the stars around her have made her really feel that what her mother said was right.

If what mother said was right, why would Ino Yamanaka dare to treat him like this?

"Is Your Highness worried?" Samuel asked softly again.

Hinata glanced at her and said "hmm".

Samuyi showed a smile on his face: "If Your Highness doesn't mind, you can tell me your troubles, and I might be able to help His Highness clear up your doubts."

Hinata hesitated there, but still told the whole thing.

Then he expressed his thoughts: "Sheren is so good, how many girls like him, I introduced him to Ino, and this guy didn't appreciate it."

The smile on Sam's face remained undiminished, and he asked, "But what is the original intention of His Highness doing this?"

Hinata choked for it: "..."

Her eyes flickered, and she pursed her lips. She felt that if she didn't tell the truth, it would be meaningless to talk about it with Samyi.

She wanted to hear something flattering to her, but there were so many of her former attendants.

"I think... I did something that hurt Sheren, and I want to make up for Sheren."

After she finished speaking, she was a little depressed.

Samuyi said: "I think His Highness is very clear in his heart, but His Highness hasn't figured out what he wants."


What do you want... She really wants a friend like Sakura, and a friend like Ino...

Those people around her before made her feel bored, but she was also used to blindly taking from them and treating them with a domineering attitude.

She is doted on by her father at home, and admired by the stars outside. No one has ever disobeyed her wishes, but friends should give to each other. Treat Sakura and Ino with the same attitude as before. Sakura is cowardly and will not say anything, but how could Ino not rebound.

Hinata leaned on the recliner, staring at the scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling windows for a long time.

Before school was over, she went back to school, went to Ning Ci's class first, and found Sheren.

Hinata said with some embarrassment: "I said the rumors about you in school. I didn't think about it that much at the time, and I didn't expect it to become like this... Sheren... I'm sorry."

Sheren smiled softly when he heard the words: "It's okay, I didn't take it to heart, in fact, it's good to have such rumors, it saved me a lot of trouble."

Hinata was a little confused: "Huh?"

Sheren then said: "Ning Ci has a noble status, and many girls who look up to him and admire him dare not take the initiative to express their feelings, but on my side..."

He looked helpless.

"So, saying that I like boys can save me a lot of trouble, and I don't care about the rumors outside."

Hinata looked at Tonero thoughtfully, and suddenly asked: "You don't really like men, do you? Neji or Shigego, or Naruto, Sasuke? Hiss—you don't like that fat guy Katasuke Bar?!"

Scheeren's face suddenly darkened.

Hinata was also joking with him, seeing his appearance amused, and said: "So, I did you a favor, remember to owe me a favor."

"You really know how to make progress." Ning Ci's voice sounded from the side at this time.

Hinata shrugged and said: "Sheren has already said it, it's a good thing for him, why is he making progress, remember to treat me to dinner later!"

She winked at Schieren, turned and left.

"This guy is really..." Ning Ci said helplessly.

Sheren smiled and said, "I think Hinata is very cute."

After finishing speaking, Ning Ci looked at him suspiciously again.

"What's wrong?"

"You should go see an ophthalmologist!"

Hinata came to the door of her class again, and waited until the last class was over, when Sakura and Ino came out.

The two of them were taken aback when they saw Hinata, and Ino turned his head aside with a stinky face.

Sakura took the initiative to come forward and asked with concern: "Hinata, where did you go this afternoon?"

"I... feel unwell, I'm going home." Hinata made an excuse.

Sakura was even more worried: "What's wrong with you, what's wrong with you, have you seen a doctor?"

Hinata warmed up and said, "I'm fine, thank you, Sakura."

She looked at Ino again.

Seeing this, Sakura hesitated for a while, and wanted to take the initiative to speak.

"Ino, I'm sorry!"

When these words came out of Hinata's mouth, not only Ino was stunned, but also the passing students stopped, and Naruto and Sasuke who came out of the door just now looked here as if they had seen a ghost.

After Hinata said the words, her expression became more generous, and she continued: "Think about it carefully, what I did before was indeed too much, and I have also seriously repented, I hope you can forgive me, I really want to be friends with you .”

Ino was stunned there, staring blankly at Hinata, Xiao Sakura stabbed her quietly, but she only uttered one word in a daze: "Ah?"

"I said, I want to be your friend, Ino."

Under everyone's gaze, Hinata said so.

Ino came back to his senses, and stared at Hinata with wide eyes.


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