Rated Hokage

Chapter 416 Chapter 418

When it really appeared suddenly, the faces of the people present suddenly changed. Those who have mastered time and space ninjutsu are not mortals. Nagato and others immediately became vigilant.

"Who are you!" Xiao Nan asked aloud.

Zhen Zhen glanced at the few people present, looked at the weak Nagato more, and said: "It seems that I came early."

He thought that even if Nagato is not dead now, then Obito should be unable to restrain himself and directly take the reincarnation eye, so it is impossible for Obito to let Nagato revive Madara.

"Who are you!" Obito asked in a deep voice.

Zhen Dan smiled, and his eyes locked on the black and white Jue.

"I am a fairy."

In the next second, Hei Jue, who was attached to Bai Jue's body, felt an extremely powerful force clamping his body, and Bai Jue quickly peeled off from it.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this, and suddenly felt a terrifying coercion sweeping over them. Suddenly, a pair of invisible big hands strangled their throats, and a strong sense of suffocation covered their hearts.


All the people present widened their eyes, staring at Zhen in disbelief.

A fairy suddenly appeared in Muye Village, is this the person? !

Hei Jue was really tightly controlled, and there was no room for him to escape. This self-proclaimed immortal rushed straight at him as soon as he came up, which made Hei Jue feel a little bit of fear.

Throughout the ages, only Datsuki Yuyi is truly called a fairy!

Who is this person, why I don't know him at all, why there is nothing related to him in the history of Ninja World!

Nagato said in a deep voice, "What purpose do you have!"

Zhen smiled: "Do you need to tell us what the immortal is going to do? However, I can let you listen to a story."

Zhen really controlled Hei Jue's body and hovered it in the mid-air between the crowd.

"Do you know where this guy came from?"

His eyes flickered under the mask of Obito. In his opinion, Nagato and Konan should not be clear. This black is definitely Uchiha's will to monitor him.

Nagato and Xiaonan were silent when they heard the sound.

Zhen looked at Heijue and said, "The real identity of this guy is the will left in the world before the mother of the Sage of the Six Paths, Otsutsuki Kaguya, was sealed."

These words made Heijue's expression change suddenly, while Obito and the others were stunned, who was Datsuki Kaguya, and why did he get involved with the Sage of the Six Paths again?

"Uchiha Madara, and you Uchiha Obito, were all deceived by him. This guy has been hiding in the dark, trying to revive that taboo woman. The so-called Jinchuriki of the Ten Tails is actually becoming Kaguya Otsuki. Just a resurrection sacrifice."

The complexion under the mask of Obito became a little ugly.

"Infinite monthly reading is a lie. You will never succeed from the beginning to the end. Everything you do will become this guy's wedding dress in the end."

Zhen said to Obito and Nagato.

Dead silence.

Nagato and Xiaonan are silently digesting this message, they have always been aware of what this masked man is plotting, and the two of them have been just using each other, and at the same time they are also guarding against each other.

At present, it seems that this masked man has also been used by others.

Such a result made Nagato happy to see the success. After attacking Konoha and failing to capture Kyuubi, he had a premonition that the other party might attack him, and his lifespan was coming to an end. Before that, at least Xiaonan's safety should be guaranteed.

It really opened a crack in space, directly threw Heijue into time and space, and strengthened the seal on it at the same time, unless someone like Obito who has the power of time and space deliberately rescued it, Heijue would not be able to survive in this life. Don't think about it.

After eliminating Heijue, Zhen really dissipated the pressure on Obito, Nagato, and Konan, allowing them to move freely.

"I came here for the Tailed Beast." Zhen said bluntly.

"Give me the heretic golem directly, and save me some trouble."

Obito snorted coldly: "Are you trying to take away the achievements of the Akatsuki organization for so long with just one sentence?!"

Zhen glanced at him sideways, and found that the power of time and space was all over his body, and he had already activated the divine power, so he had the confidence to talk to himself.

Obito in this state is immune to all physical and ninjutsu attacks. He transferred his body into time and space, leaving only a projection in this world.

Zhen narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Obito and said: "You are quite courageous. On my side, I still appreciate you, after all, the house is built so well."

Obito couldn't understand what he was talking about, he frowned and said nothing, he was ready to escape here at any time, it would be best if he could take Nagato with him.

However, in the next second, he felt in a trance for a while, and his body suddenly became lighter. After regaining consciousness, he realized that his body was floating in mid-air, and half of his body on the ground disappeared instantly, leaving only half of his body .

Really let his soul leave the body directly, and he is opening the power of the gods, half of his body is in time and space, after the power of the gods ends, the body is also directly separated by the power of space in the two worlds.

"Since you're so courageous, I'll send you to die." Zhen raised one hand lightly, with the palm facing the direction of Obito, and Obito, which was floating in mid-air in a spirit state, instantly shattered, turning into countless light spots and dissipating in the air .

do you died?

Xiao Nan couldn't help but swallowed, looking at the half-dead corpse on the ground.

Is this person's power still in the category of ninja?

She fell into self-doubt. Nagato, who clearly has the eyes of reincarnation, has already stood at the pinnacle of this world, but compared with the person in front of her, she is not in the same dimension at all!

Nagato breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly coughed violently.

"Xiao Nan, you go!"

He made mudras with his hands, as if he was planning to perform some kind of spell.

At a glance, Nagato couldn't move for an instant, and Yuyin's hands were forcibly separated.

"Don't worry, I haven't said I'm going to kill you yet."

Zhen Youyou said, he looked at Xiao Nan a lot, and although his appearance was the same, he had a different temperament from Xiao Nan on his side.

Xiao Nan in his other world has a much gentler demeanor, and usually treats people with a smile.

In this world, Xiaonan has a cold and indifferent demeanor, wearing a red auspicious cloud black robe, and lip nails under her lips, looking ascetic and seductive at the same time.

Zhen slowly said to the two: "I am actually an immortal from another world. In that world, I unified the five major countries, established the only empire, and created a long-lasting peace."

Nagato and Xiaonan looked surprised when they heard the words. While feeling absurd about this kind of thing, they also felt that the other party didn't need to lie to themselves.

"In that world, the three of you are all serving under me, I mean plus Yahiko, the three of you."

When Yahiko was really mentioned, Nagato and Konan were shocked for an instant, and then quickly calmed down.

This kind of thing, no matter how you listen to it, is unlikely... what other world, what this person said is too unbelievable.

Seeing Nagato and Konan's expressions of complete disbelief, Shin continued: "If I remember correctly, the relationship between you and Yahiko, Konan, should be far more than just friends."

Xiaonan: "..."

"In my world, Yahiko and Xiaonan are also in love, but because of Nagato, they haven't really come together. The two are trying to introduce a suitable partner to Nagato..."

If you really want to know about your subordinates, you can easily know about them. There is nothing he can't do in the entire Sun Yao Empire.

Xiao Nan felt trembling all over after hearing the words, and all kinds of past flashed before his eyes one by one.

Zhen said again: "When you were young, you raised a dog, right?"

Again there was silence.

This is a room located at the top of the tower in Yuyin Village, with walls on three sides, and the remaining side is completely empty.

Nagato wanted to speak, but coughed again.

"You...why are you telling us this kind of thing? Do you want me to hand over all the tail beasts to you?"

Really frankly admitted: "You are going to die soon, and what you want to do can't be done in this life, why don't you hand over all the tailed beasts to me together with the reincarnation eyes and the golems of the heretics. In exchange, I can take Xiaonan to my house. In the world over there, let her live there, with Yahiko and Nagato over there."

Xiao Nan froze for a moment.

Nagato remained silent, as if he was thinking about the credibility of the truth.

Seeing this, Zhen narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "I can kill you directly and take away your samsara eyes. The heretic golem and tailed beast are also all mine. This is a gift, don't be ungrateful."

Nagato: "..."

He slowly raised his head and looked at Xiao Nan beside him.

Xiaonan realized something, and quickly said to Nagato: "Nagato, we..."

"Xiaonan." Nagato interrupted her.

"We have no choice, and, indeed, I am going to die soon."

Xiao Nan felt a pain in his heart and said, "What does everything in the other world have to do with us? In this world, I only have you."

Nagato smiled sadly: "If that world is real, then Yahiko and I there will definitely regard you as family."

He made Yahiko's body into Tiandao Payne, just to make an illusion that Yahiko was still with them.

Why doesn't he miss Yahiko, everything he does now is to inherit Yahiko's behest.

Nagato turned his eyes to Zhen, and said in silence for a moment: "I hope everything you said is true, otherwise even if I die, I will curse you forever in hell!"

Zhen didn't pay attention to his words, and with a wave of one hand, Nagato's body froze for an instant, a blue light lit up on his body, and the purple eyes of reincarnation in his eyes came out by themselves.

The two samsara eyes just fell into Zhenzhen's hands, and Nagato's exhalation suddenly became heavy after losing the samsara eyes, and his red hair turned white at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Nagato!" Seeing this, Xiaonan was shocked, and quickly went to help Nagato.

Nagato's face was haggard, looking at Xiaonan who was close at hand, he wanted to reach out to touch her cheek, but the outstretched hand stopped in mid-air, and then fell down.

"Long... door..."

Xiaonan stared blankly at the lifeless Nagato, this was the second time she watched her family leave her.

Zhen is currently feeling the power of the reincarnation eye in his hand, there is no Bai Jue, he can only use his own chakra to slowly drive the reincarnation eye, which is a bit troublesome.

"Let's go." He said to Xiaonan.

Xiaonan hadn't recovered from her grief, she just kept silent when she heard the sound, and said after a while, "At least... let Nagato have a good burial."

Zhen directly released a ball of flames, burned Nagato's body, and said: "He is a member of the Uzumaki clan, and he still had the eyes of reincarnation. If his body is left behind, it may be desecrated by later generations and disturb him in the pure land." sleep."

Xiaonan also thought that there is a forbidden technique called reincarnation in this world, which plays with the souls of the dead.

She stared blankly at the dancing flames in front of her, knowing that Zhen had a hand on her shoulder, and the scene in front of her eyes changed instantly, and she was already above 10,000 meters in the sky when she regained consciousness.

"Where are you going next?" Xiao Nan asked.

"There are eight tails left."

Really took Xiao Nan to speed through the sky, and arrived at the ancient teleportation array with the moon in less than a minute, which made Xiao Nan extremely frightened.

At this time, Sasuke has already found Hachio, and Kirabi has also left Unlei Gorge, where he went, and those who have no information from Bai Ze can only rely on the golden Tenseikan on the moon to help him find it.

He is the only one in this world who can drive the Golden Tenseigan, even the Sheren on the moon can't do it.

After spending a lot of effort, Zhen sealed the eight tails into the golem of the heretics, while the nine tails were in Zhen's body.

Moon, Hamura Shrine.

Xiaonan's body was shining with a blue light at the moment. This was the chakra that really covered her body. The golden reincarnation of the Yumura Temple cast a spell, and people who were not of Yumura's blood would be drained of chakra and die if they came here.

In this short period of time, Xiaonan has already confirmed Hinata's identity as a true immortal. The time and space transfer, the ability to suppress Yao with a single lift of his hand, and even bring her to the moon are all things that are beyond the reach of mortals.

There are two purple eyes of reincarnation floating on Zhen's palm. When I drove it to summon the golem of the outside world, I really felt the power of this eye of reincarnation clearly. It is completely different from the eye of reincarnation, but it can faintly resonate.

After going back, I still need to let the pocket study it again.

Really put away the eyes of reincarnation, activated the golden Tenseigan, and opened the door to the space that connects to another world. This is a dark chaotic vortex, and what is inside cannot be seen clearly from the outside.

"Let's go." Zhen said to Xiao Nan.

Seeing this, Xiao Nan couldn't help but roll his throat, and followed Zhen into the door of space.

It took a lot of work for Zhen to travel through time and space, but it turns out that the coordinates of the world are not only space coordinates, but also time coordinates. When Zhen and Xiaonan reappeared in front of the giant golden reincarnation, this time was just not long after Zhen left. .

"This..." Xiao Nan looked at the surroundings that hadn't changed at all, wondering in his heart, could it be a failure?

"By the way, this world is still alive."

Really said suddenly.

Xiao Nan was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Have we... already come to another world?"

With a calm expression, he said, "It's my world, my empire."

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