Rated Hokage

423 Chapter 425, Kaguya in Konoha

Kaguya changed from the original loose white robe to a new attire. The white corset still looks dignified and dignified, and the long white hair hanging down to the ground somehow turned into a neat long hair with a shawl .

The body size has also become much smaller. It is a normal human body shape, but the double horns on the head still exist. It looks like a very strange Hyuga clan, but the beauty is real.

After Huiye came out, he looked at Samyi who was kneeling, his eyes changed slightly in his white pupils, and he cursed inwardly: Mortal scum!

She looked away, she was still wondering if the current cultural style has changed too much, why is it so simple...

She just stood there until Samui stood up.

"The clothes fit you well." Zhen said, looking at Kaguya's figure.

"Concubine... Slave changes her body shape according to the size of her clothes." Kaguya said.

Zhen nodded and said: "It's a useful ability, and Samuel will take you to your new residence later."

Kaguya asked: "Are different masters together?"

These words made Samyi couldn't help but glanced at her, frowned slightly, thinking to herself that this woman really didn't think about it.

Zhen smiled and said: "It's not necessary at night, just come here to serve during the day."

Hui Ye said again: "I don't need to sleep."

"If you don't sleep, I will sleep."

Really stretched, stood up and tightened his pants, and said to Samuy: "Take her there, don't let her live in the new city, and tell her what to do in the future by the way."


Hui Ye seemed to be completely uninterested in where he lived, so Si Sifan could only ask, "Can I walk freely in this city?"

"Okay." Zhen agreed directly, and there is no need to hide some secrets of the empire from such a woman.

Only then did Huiye leave the palace with Samyi.

On the way, Samyi began to tell Kaguya what the servants around His Majesty should do and how to serve His Majesty.

Kaguya didn't know whether she was listening or not, her eyes kept looking at the giant in the distance and the Tower of the Sun, she seemed to have noticed something, looking thoughtfully at the Temple of Reincarnation under the Tower of the Sun.

"Did you remember everything I said?" Samui asked suddenly.

Hui Ye glanced at her, and said lightly: "Yes."

This tone made Samuel frowned immediately, but she endured it and did not attack. No matter what, this woman belongs to His Majesty, and she will always have a chance to punish her.

Samyi brought Huiye to a secluded courtyard. There are many leaves like this kind of uninhabited and well-decorated house, and Samyi knew all of them in his heart. Every time His Majesty brought a woman back from the outside, , Arranging accommodation for them can be used.

"You can live here from now on." Samuyi said to Hui Ye, unlike how she treated Xiao Nan and Robin back then, she didn't want to show any good looks to such a woman.

But she said responsibly: "The houses are all well-decorated, and the daily necessities are complete. There is a sum of money in the drawer of the master bedroom, which can be used to buy some things you want. After all, the big commercial street is in the new city. side……"

Samyi led Hui Ye into the room, and led her to look around in each room, and introduced some new furniture and electrical appliances.

Kaguya finally replied with one word: "Yes."

Samyi frowned, and finally couldn't help but said, "Won't you say thank you?"

Hui Ye said indifferently: "These are useless things to the concubine."

Moreover, she is the ancestor of Chakra. In a sense, all human beings are using the power she once gave. In her view, it is reasonable to enjoy the service of these mortals.

Except for the "master" who is stronger than her, no one deserves her to take a second look.

Sam was annoyed, and didn't say anything more to this woman, and turned around and left here.

After Samyi left, Kaguya's figure disappeared directly in place, and when he reappeared, it was already inside the Institute of Mechanical Science.

There is an enchantment seal here, and outsiders cannot see the scene inside, nor can they force their way in.

But it was all useless to her, she was floating above the sky, watching the unfinished "Endless Fanatic".


However, her appearance attracted the attention of the researchers here, who questioned her loudly.

"White eyes... from the imperial family?" Tonogawa murmured after seeing the people in the sky clearly, and then told the surrounding people not to act rashly.

Kaguya ignored the people below, all his attention was on the Mecha God.

The inner bone is a special metal that can conduct chakra benignly, and many chakra-running formulas are engraved on it. The outer bone is...flesh and blood?

Kaguya's eyes showed a strange color, the flesh and blood armor somewhat exceeded her expectations.

In addition to the endless zealots here, there is also a cruise destroyer not far away, which is in a state of sleep.

She teleported over and found the tail beast core in its body, which was sealed in a special life form to provide energy for this huge mech.

Kaguya stared at the luminous body on the cruiser's chest. If she wanted, she could directly suck out all the chakra inside, but her "master" would definitely find out if she did so.

If he can regain all his own power, can he defeat the "master"?

She thought about it, and quickly dismissed the idea.

She needs the power of "Master" to help her defend against the future Otsutsuki Clan, so what if she defeats him now?

It's better to obey him now, as he is greedy for worldly desires, it's okay to satisfy him, as long as you get through the crisis in the future.

Hui Ye gradually made up his mind, and already felt that he could win the "Master" steadily, because he didn't want to do so on purpose.

After watching the mecha, she teleported again and came to the tower of the sun, floating next to the purple light ball, carefully examining the power inside.

"The power of mutation..." she said in amazement after examining the Tenseigan weapon carefully.

When Zhen originally fused this Tenseigan weapon, he used the technique of Onibura, fusion in the literal sense.


In the control room below, several people came out and stood on the tower to question her.

And the leader also has supercilious eyes.

"Blind eyes..." Hinata Shimizu was very surprised to see this beautiful and noble woman.

He didn't remember such a number one person in the family.

He frowned, even if he was a member of the family, he couldn't come here without authorization, so he said immediately: "Who are you! This is the forbidden area of ​​the empire!"

Thinking of the other party's white eyes, Hyuga Shimizu did not immediately use force to suppress it.

Kaguya didn't want to talk to these mortals at first, but he sensed their vigilance, and if he ignored them, trouble might happen.

If I make a move, will my "master" be angry because of this, just a few mortals...

She glanced at these Anbu and Hinata Shimizu indifferently, and said in a cold voice: "The concubine is..."

Hui Ye paused suddenly, and she suddenly realized that she didn't know the name of "Master".

"The concubine is His Majesty's...servant," she said.

Hyuga Shimizu was taken aback when he heard the words, Your Majesty's servant?

He looked at Kaguya's appearance floating in mid-air, thought for a while and said, "Miss, this is the top secret place of the empire, please leave."

Kaguya withdrew his gaze, and looked at the purple light ball in front of him again.

The appearance is a huge glass container, and many patterns of spells are engraved on this container, just like the mecha, and inside the container is the entity of the Tenseigan weapon.

If this light is dispersed, the body of Tenseigan Weapon will definitely not be attractive, but extremely terrifying!

Kaguya suddenly felt that the current human beings have great control over Chakra, otherwise how could they create such a huge mecha?

When Samyi took her to the residence just now, many electrical appliances in the house were also powered by Chakra.

Chakra is nothing more than pure power to her.

Kaguya left here.

Seeing this woman disappear out of thin air, Hinata Shimizu was startled again, changed his expression and said, "Notify Your Majesty."

The origin of this person is unknown, and His Majesty needs to know about it.

Kaguya went to the Temple of Reincarnation again, there were also guards there, and it seemed to be connected to some special place.

This city has many secrets, and the human beings now seem to be a little different from the ignorant mortals of her time. Kaguya can feel that mortals have been making progress in the past thousand years.

Although still weak, but not so stupid and boring.

Is all this the credit of her "master"?

She suddenly thought of her children, Hagoromo and Hamura.

If her two children can help her like the "master"...

Kaguya finally went back to the residence arranged for her by the "Master". In the empty and deserted room, she sat on the sofa in the living room, doing nothing, just staring at the front, motionless, not sure if she was thinking or doing something .

Front hall of the palace.

After Samyi returned to Zhen's side, he told Zhen that Hui Ye had been settled.

Kaguya's location can really be known anytime, anywhere. He knows that Kaguya went to the Mechanical Science Research Institute, the Tower of the Sun, and the Temple of Reincarnation.

Zhen and Samuy said: "I came back very early."

"I've told her everything I need to say," Sam said.

Zhen leaned on the recliner, and looked at her calm appearance with his cheeks.

"What's the matter, I don't seem happy."

He said that Samyi came back early because it took a long time for Samyi to settle Xiaonan and Robin in the past. In contrast, Kaguya was much faster this time.

Samuel pursed her lips and said, "I'm not someone who likes to sue His Majesty."

Zhen Shi smiled, took her into his arms, and said: "I have already said this, how can I not listen? Tell me."

Sam snuggled into Zhenzhen's arms, remained silent for a long time, and said euphemistically, "Miss Kaguya, isn't she very good at getting along with people?"

"Is she making fun of you?" Zhen put his hand into her collar and put his arms around her and asked.

"...No, I'm working for His Majesty, how can I be angry because of this."

Zhen pondered for a while: "She was once a goddess worshiped by thousands of people."

These words surprised Samuel, the goddess said from His Majesty's mouth should not be a joke.

"Her status used to be similar to mine now, ruling the whole world..."

Really cut out the story of Kaguya Otsutsuki and told it to Samyi.

After hearing this, Samyi was stunned for a long time before saying, "No wonder...then I should have more in the future."

Zhen chuckled and said: "I told you this, but I didn't make you give in to her. What if you used to be a goddess, but now you are still my servant?"

The expression on Sam's face suddenly changed, and he said, "Your Majesty said..."

Thinking of Hui Ye's cold and noble face, Samyi couldn't help feeling a little excited.

Zhen smiled strangely and said, "Why do you have this kind of thing?"

"It's not all His Majesty's."

"Talk!" # late at night.

Kaguya came out of the residence alone. Unlike ordinary humans, she does not need to eat or sleep. Her powerful strength can already maintain her body functions.

After staying in the room all afternoon, she actually didn't think about anything. With endless years, she naturally wouldn't feel bored because of nothing to do.

It's just that she suddenly had the desire to wander around this mortal world.

Her vision can cover the entire Konoha Capital, and she saw that her "master" is having absurdity with six women at the moment.

Kaguya went to Konoha New City, where there were still a lot of pedestrians at this time.

Walking street.

The neon lights on both sides of the street are flashing, various signboards are hung outside, and the aroma of food is wafting in the air.

Pedestrians are bustling and noisy.

She finally found a restaurant with few people and sat down.

"Welcome to Yile Ramen! What would you like to order?" A young girl asked energetically at the counter.

There were no other customers in the store except her, Kaguya looked around, and casually pointed to a sign with the name of the dish written on it.

"Father, he's from the royal family!" Little Calamus said to a man inside.

Otsutsuki Kaguya's white eyes are eyes that only the Hyuga clan has, and the Hyuga clan is now the royal family in the empire.

"Eh? Really!" Yile was also very surprised, looking at Otsutsuki Kaguya who was sitting.

"Did you order the secret soy sauce ramen? Please wait a moment, come right away!"

Immediately, he was full of energy and started to make ramen.

"My lord, why do you have two horns on your head?" Little Calamus asked curiously.

"Calamus, don't ask such rude things!" Yi Le reprimanded quickly.

Hui Ye looked at the little girl in front of her, was silent for a moment, and then responded: "This is... a proof of bloodline and strength."

There was a lot of noise and noise around, but at this moment it all became a blurred background sound.

Hui Ye was calm, looking at the curious and doubtful big eyes of the little girl in front of her, thinking in her heart: Is it the world of mortals...

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