Rated Hokage

431 Chapter 433, unless you replace her

Yahiko went back to see Konan, and said that he had already visited Hokage Konan.

"She looks pretty good, and she seems to have enthusiasm for the future." Yahiko said softly.

Then he briefly talked about his conversation with Hokage Konan.

After Xiaonan heard the words, she was silent for a while, and said, "Is she treating you... the same way?"

Yahiko was surprised: "Why, is there something wrong?"


Xiao Nan didn't want to say too much, she really didn't know how to talk to Yahiko about some things, after much deliberation, she decided that it would be better not to let Yahiko know.



"What if... Your Majesty suddenly wants to do something you don't want to see one day?"

Yahiko was taken aback when he heard the words, he looked at Xiao Nan in front of him, and felt that Xiao Nan would not ask such questions for no reason.

"Xiao Nan, what's wrong, Your Majesty?"

"...you answer my question first."

Yahiko frowned, the answer to this kind of question could be known by just thinking about it.

In this world, is there anyone who can go against His Majesty's wishes?

"Have you forgotten, did they confront His Majesty that time? Fortunately, Your Majesty forgives them, and the end is not so tragic."


Yahiko looked at Xiao Nan, and suddenly asked sincerely: "Xiao Nan, you have been acting abnormal recently, tell me what happened."


"Xiao Nan!"

Seeing Yahiko's attitude, Xiaonan couldn't be more perfunctory, but she didn't want to tell him anything, so she made up a reason in a whirl of thoughts: "It's another question of my... His Majesty wants her to leave here and go back Go to the original world."

Yahiko immediately believed it was true, and couldn't help but said: "There is nothing good in the original world, isn't there nothing for the other you?"

Xiao Nan lowered his head and said, "Ah... I think so too."

Yahiko frowned and thought hard, meeting another Xiaonan today, is what she told him all false, just to prevent him from worrying...

But after all, it was His Majesty's intention, he couldn't help clenching his fists.

After a long silence, he said, "I... will ask His Majesty."

Xiao Nan quickly said, "Don't go!"

She was a little flustered at the moment, and she didn't know how she came up with such an absurd reason, and she spoke so thoughtlessly, why did she ask Yahiko that kind of question!

"I mean... this is something His Majesty decides, so don't interfere."

Yahiko frowned: "Xiao Nan, do you know what you're talking about?"

Xiaonan also realized the inhumanity in her words, she was really speechless.

Yahiko said: "Isn't there a precedent for Master Tsunade? I believe the emperor may be persuaded."


Konan thought of the relationship between Tsunade-sama and His Majesty, it seems a bit strange, the original Tsunade-sama used to be His Majesty's assistant.

But she couldn't say that again.

Xiao Nan took a deep breath and said: "I... have already found a solution. You should not ask about this matter. You are now trusted by His Majesty. It is always bad to do something against His Majesty's wishes."

Yahiko asked suspiciously: "Really? What way?"

"I said you don't ask, I will solve it smoothly."

Yahiko felt that Xiao Nan's behavior was very strange, but he couldn't guess what Xiao Nan was thinking, so he had no choice but to give up, and said to Xiao Nan: "Okay, Xiao Nan, if there is anything you can't handle, remember to tell me .”


Not long after Yahiko left, Ye Cang came to the door again.

Xiao Nan looked at Ye Cang outside the door, and felt a little awkward. She thought about what the other party said when they were drinking together that day, and wondered if it was because the other party had drunk too much and made a slip of the tongue.

After all, we are still friends, so Xiao Nan forced a smile on his face: "Ye Cang, what's the matter?"

"Have Yahiko and Nagato left?" Hakura asked with a smile.


"I have prepared some wine and food at home, and I would like to invite you to drink some."

"But I... just had dinner."

"What I said while drinking that day was not pleasant, I want to apologize to you, I hope you will appreciate it." Ye Cang said with a smile.

Xiao Nan felt a lot better when he heard this, and the smile on his face became more sincere: "I didn't pay much attention to what happened that day, so you don't have to pay too much attention to it."

Ye Cang smiled and said, "The dishes at my house are all ready."

Xiao Nan thought for a while: "Call Shang Ming together."

"No, I have something to say to you alone."

Xiao Nan felt strange, and went upstairs with Ye Cang.

Ye Cang's residence is upstairs from her and Terumi Mei's, not far away, and they often come and go on weekdays.

She lives alone in Ye Cang's house, but the overall style is completely different from Terumi Mei's. The decoration is more particular, and there is a wine cabinet next to the refrigerator, which holds all kinds of wine.

There are several dishes and a bottle of wine on the table.

Xiao Nan had just had dinner, so he didn't have much appetite, but he could have a few drinks.

"I heard about you." After taking his seat, Ye Cang said straight to the point.

"I mean, another one of your business."

Xiao Nan pondered: "Did Ming tell you?"

Ye Cang chuckled: "You don't need to ask, I already know."

Xiao Nan was speechless, and the matter that troubled her was brought up again, but she just drank the wine silently.

Ye Cang continued: "I think you don't need to be so troubled, it's a good thing to be seen by His Majesty."

Xiao Nan looked up at Ye Cang, then lowered his head, and said in a muffled voice, "I'm different from you, I...we don't think this is a good thing."

Ye Cang didn't argue with her, but said with a smile: "Could it be, are you going to do something against His Majesty's wishes?"

What Yahiko said today meant the same thing, Xiao Nan's hand holding the wine glass suddenly clenched tightly.

She couldn't help asking: "Does he have to do what he wants to do?! Can he disregard other people's wishes for what he wants to do?!"

Ye Cang shrugged and said: "This world is like this. Your Majesty is the one who stands at the top of this world. Everything we have and enjoy now is bestowed by His Majesty. It is His Majesty who calmed down this troubled world, so we can sit like this." Drink and chat together."

Xiao Nan was speechless, she knew that the emperor had created great achievements, but she still couldn't accept that another self suffered such an unfair fate.

Ye Cang said: "It is well known that His Majesty likes women. Who dares to say anything about it? If you can serve Your Majesty well, you can get everything you want. Xiao Nan, let's face the reality."

Xiaonan bit her lip tightly.

Ye Cang continued: "You are so unwilling to let another you be possessed by His Majesty, unless..."

Xiao Nan looked at her: "Unless what?"

Ye Cang grinned and said, "Unless you do it for her."

When Xiao Nan heard this, his heart trembled. # Hokage Konan lay down early, he had persuaded himself over and over again to accept everything now, and when facing himself and Yahiko in this world, he also comforted them in turn.

Now when she really had to face this kind of thing, her heart couldn't help but flustered.

The light in the bedroom was turned off early, and the curtains were tightly drawn. The whole person was lying under the quilt with only half of her head exposed. She wanted to sleep and wake up the next day.

She could clearly hear all the movements in the living room. Robin, Nami, and Hancock were taking turns taking a bath, and then they chatted in the living room. The sound insulation effect of the room was not bad, but Hokage Xiaonan's senses were extremely sharp at the moment for some reason .

After closing her eyes for a while, Hokage Konan, who still hadn't fallen asleep, sat up helplessly. She heard Robin and the others talking and laughing, and it sounded very happy.

Are you happy with the arrival of the emperor?

Hokage Konan turned on the bedside lamp, then took a book and read it.

She has always had a good impression of Robin. She thinks that this is a mature and wise woman. Why can such a woman accept such a life, or is it because she is wise enough that she feels that accepting it is the right choice?

This is the same as what I thought during this time, it is good to regard the emperor's affairs as an insignificant episode in life.

But the idea is just an idea. When I really want to do it, it is not so simple. Hokage Konan didn't really convince himself, he has always been just self-deception.

Suddenly, she heard the voices in the living room suddenly quiet down, followed by a neat "Your Majesty".

This voice immediately made Hokage Xiaonan's heart tremble, she no longer had the desire to read, and sat on the bed feeling helpless.

She put down the book and continued to lie down under the quilt, but pricked up her ears to listen carefully to the movement outside. The people in the living room were talking, and the voice was too low to hear clearly.

She just noticed that after the emperor came, the atmosphere between Robin and the others was not so quiet and pleasant.

Gradually, the living room seemed to become quiet, and after a few minutes, strange noises sounded.

Hokage Konan instantly realized what it was. The face covered by the quilt might be a little hot because of being bored.

In this inexplicable shyness, she felt another wave of fear, afraid that the door of her bedroom would be knocked open suddenly, and afraid that they would force herself to join in.

With such worries in mind, Hokage Konan has been suffering like this for nearly two hours.

The movement outside stopped somewhat, and Hokage Xiaonan heard what Robin said: "Your Majesty, go slowly."

The emperor is gone...

Xiao Nan, who had been tense all the time, couldn't help but relax, and immediately a deep sleepiness swept over.

She seemed to be relieved for a while.

in the living room.

Nami lay on the sofa and moaned: "I'm so exhausted, I don't want to move anymore, I can really toss."

Hancock had already dressed and said, "I'm a little hungry."

Nami turned to look at her, and asked teasingly, "Why, didn't you eat enough just now?"

Hancock said rightly: "How can that thing be full?"

Robin also breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I'm hungry too, but I don't want to cook, why don't I go out to eat, there should be restaurants open at this time."

Nami said lazily, "Can you bring me a copy?"

Robin glanced at her: "I'm afraid you'll fall asleep before you come back."

Nami felt reasonable when she heard the words, so she also got up and began to dress, and the three women walked out of the house together.

The emperor didn't come here very often, maybe only once a week, and occasionally he would let them go to Samyi's place when they were interested.

The rest of the time is their own, they are used to it.

Hokage Xiaonan did not fall asleep immediately, but found that they left and walked out of the bedroom. The living room was in a mess, the air was filled with an abnormal smell, and clothes were still thrown on the ground. Xiaonan picked it up and looked, and found that it was a Some tattered stockings, she threw them away in a hurry.

She glanced around briefly. Robin and the others didn't clean the room immediately before they left. She felt that if she cleaned it, it might cause them to think about it.

Thinking of the voices I heard in the bedroom just now, my face became a little hot, and I turned around and walked back to the bedroom quickly.

On the other side, the three of Robin went straight to the new city after leaving home.

The place where they live is the old city, the land is remote and clean, and there is no nightlife. It is already past ten o'clock in the evening, and many people go to bed early.

But the new urban area is bustling.

The three of them entered an izakaya, and they were tall and glamorous, which immediately attracted the attention of all the guests. Fortunately, Konoha's law and order is very good, even in this kind of place where there are many drunks, no one would dare to deliberately cause trouble.

Hancock covered his mouth with his hands and heaved a sigh of relief, then smelled it carefully, frowned slightly, and smelled his body again.

"What do you smell?" Nami who was sitting opposite asked with a smile.

Robin gave her a blank look, the woman asked knowingly.

Nami got up suddenly, possessed herself in front of Robin, and deliberately breathed in her face.

Some strong smell immediately made Robin back up, and then glared at Nami.

Hancock ordered some staples and meals, and a bottle of wine.

The lights in the izakaya were brightly lit, and the guests were pushing and changing glasses. Some people stood up and sang around the table in high spirits. There were cheers from the side, and the atmosphere was very lively.

"They are so happy." Nami couldn't help laughing as she looked at the group of people singing songs, and her thoughts drifted back to the days when she was sailing on the Meili.

"This is a place for fun." Robin said, looking at the wine glass brought up.

"I thought His Majesty would let Xiao Nan join in today." Nami didn't get immersed in sadness, but quickly changed the subject.

Robin pondered for a while, and said: "Your Majesty has no shortage of women. In my opinion, he has so many women not just for their bodies."

Nami asked, "What is that for?"

The three of them are all beauties, as are the three in Miss Samui's family, and there are five other wives in His Majesty's family...

Robin thought for a while, his eyes flickered for a while, and soon he smiled nonchalantly: "It's nothing, just pretend I didn't say anything."

Nami tilted her head, curled her lips and said, "I'm so nervous."

Robin just chuckled, and Hancock got serious about eating.

"You said, will His Majesty invite Xiao Nan to accompany you next time?" Nami asked again.

"You seem interested in this," Robin said.

Nami said: "I think Xiaonan has a very special temperament... I really want to know what she will be like by then."

Hancock who was eating suddenly raised his head and said, "Same as Robin."

The corners of Robin's mouth twitched, while Nami couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Then I look forward to it even more."

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