Ravages Korean Entertainment

Chapter 332: dangerous breath

When An Zhengxun returned to the villa, he felt that the atmosphere was not right, and all the women in the room were staring at him strangely.

"What's wrong with you?" An Zhengxun bent down and grabbed the glutinous rice that was running around on the ground: "Be honest!"

Glutinous rice whimpered, and curled up her limbs to pretend to be pitiful. Li Xiaoli walked over with akimbo, grabbed the glutinous rice, squinted at An Zhengxun and said, "Bao'er called my sister, does that mean you have been captured?"

"Cough..." An Zhengxun now knew why the atmosphere in the room was so weird: "You and Bo'er are best friends, and I've never heard of you before."

"Why should I tell you? I thought you would never have an intersection with Bo'er in your life." Lee Hyori said cheerfully, "I went home and asked Tae Hee, only to know that you are really good, and it was only the night before yesterday that I thought about it. Yesterday It was only early in the morning, and it was already rolled into bed last night. Those who didn’t know thought you were cheating on a young model, but if you look seriously, you are actually at the level of Bao’er. Can I say that you are already a humanoid aphrodisiac?”

An Zhengxun smiled: "I don't have that ability, I almost gave up, it's just your assist."

Lee Hyori was a little helpless: "Bao Er thought about it by himself, I'm just pushing the boat with the flow. The more powerful one is Tae Hee, who dares to come up with such a bad idea. In the future, whoever he likes, will you still help him hold hands and feet? ?"

Jin Taixi was about to say something with a straight face, when Han Jiaren burst out laughing, Jin Taixi immediately remembered that this person seemed to be holding hands and feet by himself, and the uprightness on his face immediately turned into embarrassment, scratching his head silently.

"Okay, okay..." An Zhengxun hugged Lee Hyori with a shy face: "Your assists are good, and you will be rewarded a lot at night..."

Lee Hyori broke free from his embrace. He smiled and said, "I don't have time to deal with you stupid gentleman. I have a popular song stage tonight. Are you picking up girls and forgetting the business?"

An Zhengxun immediately became more righteous than Jin Taixi: "I wish the generals success! The little ones don't hurry to prepare the dishes!"

Li Xiaoli smiled sweetly, and the room was full of brilliance: "When I'm done with my work, Bo'er's affairs will settle down. I'll accompany you with her... Let's see if we look alike."

The lights are on.

In the s*m company, Lee Soo-man was shaking a glass of red wine in his director's office, frowning at the neon outside the window, looking a little irritable.

He has been waiting here for an hour, and Quan Baoer, who originally thought there was no suspense, was nowhere to be seen. Especially the report he heard in the evening made him feel a little uneasy - Quan Baoer fired all the bodyguards and assistants around him. He didn't know where Quan Baoer got this confidence. A feeling that things seemed to be out of control came to mind.

He finally couldn't help but dialed Quan Bao'er's phone, and said coldly, "Have you decided?"

Quan Baoer's voice was very calm: "Director Li, for a board member who holds 5% of the shares, I think it's better for you to win over."

Li Xiuman twitched his forehead and said coldly, "You... actually leaned on An Zhengxun completely?"

"Director Li really sees it clearly and immediately knows the source of my shares."

"My support and cultivation for you for more than ten years is not as good as a few sweet words from the surname An?"

"I'm sorry...Teacher..." Quan Baoer was silent for a long time, and then said with some difficulty: "I just want to control my own destiny, not a puppet led by a rope, or a plaything I want."

"Hey..." Li Xiuman sneered: "Then what's the difference between you and An Zhengxun? He probably shouldn't have too much fun with you."

"An Zhengxun...except for the many lewd women...he has respect and trust in me. It can overflow from every detail. Maybe you can't imagine why so many women are willing to be with him, even Shun Kyu ... His special charisma cannot be understood by your thinking. Teacher. You should wish me to find my home."

Li Xiu was very angry and laughed: "Be a shameless mistress, and compete with a large group of women for a sausage! It really is a good home!"

Quan Baoer didn't argue, and said softly, "I sincerely thank you for cultivating me over the years, but from now on, teachers are just teachers. On the board of directors, if you need help, I will help you."

Listening to the busy tone in the microphone, Li Xiuman angrily squeezed the phone and wanted to smash it down. He raised his hand in the air, suddenly lowered it slowly, and sighed deeply. After standing still for a few minutes, he raised his head and drank the red wine in his glass, frowning and muttering to himself, "I smell an extremely dangerous aura... Jin Yingmin, do you feel it?"

Of course Kim Young Min didn't feel it. The rumors that he operated with one hand are already being circulated.


On September 13th, Inkigayo, Lee Hyori defeated Quan Zhilong again after the previous Music Bank, and won the Inkigayo No. 1.

September 17, m! , Lee Hyori defeated Quan Zhilong three times and won another one. So far, Lee Hyori has taken the top spot in the three major TV stations, and the industry is a little lost. It is no surprise that Lee Hyori can win Quan Zhilong once or twice, but it is a bit scary to win all the three major lists with different scoring standards. Quan Zhilong's originally visible trend came to an abrupt end, and he shook his head helplessly.

On September 18th, at Music Bank, Lee Hyori defeated Quan Zhilong four times and won the second consecutive title of Music Bank. The industry has been powerless to complain, and no one would have thought that this 30-year-old old man would come back from a comedy variety show and be so fierce.

However, in the past few days, the public's attention has not been placed here, and many people have been attracted by a gossip.

The news is this: "T-ara, which was just merged into the company, was rumored to be unanimously excluded by the elderly. According to people familiar with the matter, ,, iu, and Lee Hyori have all expressed their dissatisfaction with t-ara's squeezed resources. meaning……"

The news spreads quickly through the Internet. This kind of thing seems very logical, and many people are willing to believe it. Even a family meal that is gradually taking shape, is thinking that this may be true... The fact that half of the people in t-ara have been practicing has not been made public. For the public, t-ara was originally and really popular. The cattle are irrelevant, the only connection is An Zhengxun's gossip group... After all, gossip is gossip, and no one takes it seriously.

The new team was warmly welcomed by the old man at once, which is obviously a bit dreamy. This news can be said to have hit the worries of many people, and the speed of dissemination is naturally fast.

The official did not refute the rumors, and those involved in the incident also smiled and said nothing. This attitude makes the queens a little worried, but fans of iu and fans are obviously reluctant to admit that their best rebuttal weapon is the group photo posted on the official website a few days ago. Everyone laughed so sweetly, especially Hyun Ya and Enjing are still face to face, ostracizing? Rank your mb...

This photo has indeed played a role in stabilizing the military's heart, at least slightly stabilizing the hearts of the queens. Although I still have doubts about what such a photo can prove, I have something to convince myself. In particular, the first thigh fan "It's a pity for others" called on everyone to be calm and calm. The calmness of the thigh has infected fans. Now everyone is waiting for the special combination Enjing & Hyun that is said to be released on October 1st. Ya's new single "".

Many people think that a lot of things can be seen from the stage cooperation of songs. Fan circles like to judge the relationship from some subtle movements and expressions, and they always think that it is evidence... Ahn Zhengxun has always felt that this kind of mentality is very strange. Stupid~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you only catch some special shots, the goddess will also become funny. If you have to find the true meaning from it, it can only be said that there is a problem with IQ. But for him, this time, he is not afraid of anyone picking on the thorns from his expressions, because the song is so ambiguous that the stage with a nosebleed is enough to shatter all suspicions.

Now that this song is less than half a month away, everyone has enough patience. Almost half of the rice circle is waiting for this song "", not only related fans, but also many unrelated fans and even passers-by, a lot of people are waiting to watch the show.

Jin Yingmin suddenly found out that he seemed to be inadvertently helping to hype a new single with great loyalty, and he didn't charge advertising fees...

Of course, he didn't take this kind of small failure to heart. What he really cared about was... Quan Baoer only stayed in Japan for five days, casually dealt with the promotion of the daily bill, and came back in a hurry... At the end of the month, s *m's third quarter meeting, do you really want this woman to poke there to sit in and even vote?

This is a big trouble... Kim Young Min finally smelled an extremely dangerous aura just like Lee Soo Man. (To be continued..)



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