South Korea, Seoul Hospital.

Lin Lie and Qi Xuan hurried into a high-end ward carrying two boxes of nutritional supplements, and saw Xiao Zhao lying on the bed with a pale face.

His upper body was wrapped in bandages, and a faint ray of red was still visible on it. Even though it had been a day and a night since he was injured and he had received the best treatment, he was still in this state. It can be seen how serious the injuries he had suffered before. Even with a physique of half the Hulk, he almost died.

"Why did you get into this state?" Lin Lie frowned and asked, "Who is the enemy?"

"You are here." Xiao Zhao smiled weakly: "After asking for help from the Shenmao Bureau, I guess it will be you two acquaintances who come."

He reached out and knocked on the laptop on the bedside table, saying, "You can see it for yourself."

A video was paused on the laptop, and Lin Lie stepped forward to open it. The video was recorded from a far distance, and it seemed to be a surveillance camera somewhere, but it was enough to see the enemy Xiao Zhao was facing.

It was a leopard.

It is over two meters long and weighs no less than three hundred kilograms. Even when facing the transformed Xiao Zhao, it does not look petite, and its strength is amazing.

Ordinary tigers and leopards will only be beaten up when facing superheroes, but this yellow-haired leopard with black round spots is unusual. It pounced on Xiao Zhao, who is known for his strength, and knocked him off balance. The subsequent running and running were all left as afterimages in the video!

When Lin Lie and Qi Xuan saw the leopard again, it had appeared behind Xiao Zhao, and its claws dug into Xiao Zhao's body fiercely!

The two of them changed their expressions slightly. They had fought side by side during the invasion of the Nine Realms, and they knew Xiao Zhao's strength very well. Although he was known for his intelligence, he was not much different from the two in fighting. How could he be easily defeated by a leopard?

It's not that Xiao Zhao is weak, but...

They slowed down the video five times before they finally saw the movement trajectory of the leopard. The speed of that instantaneous burst was definitely several times the speed of sound. Xiao Zhao's "daze" was natural.

After Xiao Zhao fell to the ground, several Korean superheroes rushed over and saved Xiao Zhao's life. The last picture captured by the surveillance camera was a leopard standing up, with a human body and leopard claws, and the wind from the claws directly tore the surveillance to pieces!

"Is this guy... a human or something else?" Lin Lie frowned and asked: "You didn't catch it? Or..."

"If you could catch it, you wouldn't ask for help." Xiao Zhao shook his head and said: "It should be a Far Eastern leopard that turned into a monster.

According to records, there has been no Far Eastern leopard in South Korea since 1960. I don't know where this one came from and why it appeared in Busan."

"Monster?" Lin Lie and Qi Xuan looked at each other. After joining the Shenmao Bureau three years ago, they had read some information. China is vast and rich in resources. There are indeed occasional "monsters" in the deep mountains and old forests, that is, some animals with extraordinary abilities. It is also one of their jobs to prevent them from causing chaos.

But those monsters are just abnormal animals, not monsters. The one in the video has changed into a human form and can even speak, right? !

"You alone are not enough." At this time, Xiao Zhao said again: "Everyone was repelled by it, or... if the army had not been dispatched, we might all die. Its maximum instantaneous speed is more than five times the speed of sound, and its claws are enough to tear steel plates over 50 centimeters long. It is an absolute monster. I even think it is not much worse than the Fire Giant Queen. We must not underestimate the enemy!"

"Fire Giant Queen?"

Lin Lie was naturally impressed by the battle three years ago. Everyone could only barely hold on for a while. If the weather witch had not arrived, they would have died there. But...

"Xiao Zhao, these three years have not been wasted." Lin Lie smiled confidently and said, "Because we don't want the mecha army to be completely 'eliminated', everyone is working hard. I can already exert the power of this sword more. Even if we face the Fire Giant Queen again, we may not be unable to win."

Xiao Zhao was stunned and not very reassured until he confirmed from the Cyclone's expression that Lin Lie was not exaggerating even if he said big words, and then he said, "Then you have to make a trip. There may not be a battle. Since breaking out of the army's encirclement, the leopard has disappeared."

"Ah, leave it to us."

Soon after, Lin Lie and Cyclone came to the place where the previous fierce battle took place.

The staggered and cracked earth and the charred baptism of artillery fire proved the fierceness of the battle. Lin Lie handed over to the South Korean military and learned the direction of the search.

"Maybe he ran into the mountain in the south?"

He and Cyclone looked at each other and headed towards the small hill in the south. After arriving at the foot of the mountain, Cyclone immediately took advantage of the wind and flew into the air, observing from a high position.

According to Xiao Zhao, there were some abnormalities on the edge of Busan City long before the leopard appeared. Some residents were hospitalized with strange fevers, and some even fell into a coma like they had heat stroke, and had hallucinations saying they saw some monsters.

Is the problem in this mountain?

She didn't find anything for a while, but Lin Lie, who walked into the mountain, had a different feeling, or to be more precise, the Fuxi Sword on his back gave him an unusual feeling.

'What... is attracting it? '

Lin Lie's expression changed, and he quickened his pace, shouting at the same time: "Cyclone! Southeast! Yes, a little further! What's there?!"

The cyclone landed a little, and said in surprise: "A temple? Lin Lie, when did you have the ability to perceive?"

"It's not me." Lin Lie ran wildly: "Temple? What temple?"

Soon, they found the dilapidated little temple deep in the mountains. Its appearance was completely different from the dilapidated temple in Changbai Mountain. It was full of Korean style. The temple did not enshrine Mrs. Bai, but a huge green snake.

Worshiping snakes in a temple was unprecedented, but Lin Lie and Qixuan were more concerned about the continuous claw marks on the dusty ground, which belonged to the claw marks of a leopard!

"It is spreading outward..." Qixuan turned around and said, "Why are there no footprints entering? It has been spreading outward for a while."

Lin Lie tensed his body and did not speak. For some reason, his heartbeat speed has risen to an exaggerated level since he stepped into this place.

The Fuxi sword on his body was trembling, no, it should be said that he was excited and roaring?


He took off the sword, walked quickly around the back of the temple, and murmured facing the open space: "Is it here?"

"Lin Lie?" Qixuan chased after him in confusion, and saw Lin Lie gathered all his strength and chopped forward with the Fuxi sword in his hand!


The ground exploded and collapsed, a huge pit suddenly formed, and dust filled the air.

Is there something underneath? Lin Lie didn't need to explain. The cyclone that had been with him for a long time automatically used its power to blow away the dust, and a black object appeared at the bottom of the deep pit that was cut out.

It seemed to be... an arm?

The right arm, which was similar to a human arm, seemed to have been burned by a fierce fire, covered with scorch marks, but it looked exaggeratedly thick.

If he really wanted to match this arm, the person would have to be at least four or five meters tall!

The moment he saw the arm, Lin Lie was shocked. He had never seen this thing, but the reaction of Fuxi Sword told him everything.

His face was pale, and he staggered forward half a step. A breeze blew, and the arm suddenly turned into flying ash and drifted between heaven and earth.

Lin Lie fell to the ground with a buttock.

"Lin Lie?!" Qixuan was shocked: "What happened, what is that?!"

"It's... the arm of the demon god Chiyou..."

Lin Lie said with difficulty: "It's impossible. When Huangdi borrowed the ancestor's magic sword to kill the demon god Chiyou, the remains of the demon god Chiyou were burned by Huangdi's daughter Nüba for forty-nine days and turned into ashes. The remaining power was also suppressed by three artifacts until it completely dissipated. How could it be here..."

"You said this is Chiyou's arm?!"

As a Chinese, Qixuan could hardly have not heard of that legend. She paused and said: "Cheer up, Lin Lie, Chiyou has been dead for more than 5,000 years. Even if someone hid his arm and planned something in secret, in this era, it is not a person's bravery that can punish the evil..."

"You don't understand." Lin Lie shook his head and said: "The power of the magic sword I control is not It's just a tiny bit. When I got it, I knew that this Fuxi Sword was a star-cast weapon with the potential to destroy the planet!

And 5,000 years ago, Huangdi finally killed the demon Chiyou with the help of three such weapons. If we use the terminology, Chiyou is also a mutant, but his level is definitely above level five, Omega level! "

He stood up with the sword: "But you are right, as the descendant of the Three Emperors, I must do something, and things are far from the worst. No matter who is using the power of Chiyou's corpse, or even trying to resurrect Chiyou, it is my mission to stop it.

That weird leopard seems to be related to it, cyclone, help me, let's pass the information back to the Shenmao Bureau and do our best to kill it! "


Shenmao Bureau.

After receiving the report from Lin Lie and Qixuan here, Zheng Xian immediately raised the highest level of alert and summoned several high-level Shenmao Bureau to discuss.

They didn't know how strong Chi You was, but the name was worth paying attention to. In addition, there was a similar mutant ancestor in the United States - Apocalypse, whose power could be used as a reference.

Although the mecha has developed to the fourth generation, Zheng Xian was still unsure about the legend, and just hoped that things would not develop to the worst.

But what you fear often comes true. When the SHIELD agent who went to Thailand communicated there, he learned about a black bear similar to a Korean leopard, and found a ruined temple and dug out the "Chi You's left arm", and told them that this was by no means accidental.

Connecting the commonality between the two, Zheng Xian immediately flew to Jilin and visited a white-haired old lady living in a village at the foot of Changbai Mountain.

The old lady's name is Huma. She is now 107 years old, in good health, and has an extraordinary power - the horse fairy.

China is a vast country with a variety of long-standing powers. The Chuma Immortal Family is one of them. Similar to witchcraft and magic, practitioners can summon spirits of monsters and use them to cure diseases and save lives or do other things.

Among the four major Chuma families, the Hu family ranks first, and this Hu Ma is the former head of the family and the living fossil ancestor of the Chuma family.

After hearing Zheng Xian's purpose and questions, the old lady was silent for a while, and sighed: "What a big hand, what a courage.

The northeast is Liuxian, the southwest is Huangxian. There is no need to check the northwest and southeast, most of them will worship fox fairies and gray fairies, and the one in the middle is white fairy.

Using half of Asia as a chessboard, Chiyou's body as the center of the formation, listing the temples of the five fairies, and summoning the residual soul of Chiyou, this kind of magic is no longer a mortal magic. At least my old bones can't do it even if all the people in the horse-riding family help."

"Do you really want to revive the demon god Chiyou?" Zheng Xian said solemnly: "And it's obviously a horse-riding technique, but even you can't do it? Stop it?"

The old lady shook her head: "My wife said that it is not a mortal skill. If it had been discovered ten years earlier, I might have been able to destroy it at the cost of my life, but now... heh.

The monsters that host Chiyou's power have appeared in all directions, just like the four beasts of tiger, leopard, bear and bear. This proves that the guy in the center who can carry Chiyou's power has been born. Want to stop it? It's difficult."

"In the center..." Zheng Xian said quickly: "You said... we also have one in our country... maybe even the strongest one?"

The old lady said: "Ah, if the old woman guessed correctly, The direction is probably northeast or even in Changbai Mountain, where Chiyou's torso and head are buried. But it is meaningless to look for that thing. Its power has been drained long ago, and it will also disappear when it is dug out of the soil.

The key now is to find the person or beast who got the power of Chiyou's torso! When the five beasts gather and Chiyou revives, the old woman is not optimistic about the mecha that has been very popular in recent years. "

"You said that the four beasts in other countries will also gather here?"

"Most likely."

Zheng Xian thanked him solemnly.

Soon, the mecha army started!


At the same time, the village chief of the Monster Village, 'Bull Demon King', was walking in a small town with two bottles of Maotai.

Oh, he is no longer called Bull Demon King now, he has a human name, or he has used a human name again-Niu Zhenfa.

In the past three years, his life has also changed dramatically.

As the village chief, he was the first to accept the improved product of Lan's technology's 'X potion', which did not take away his mutant power, but allowed him to freely control the characteristics of mutants.

He became a strong man with 'infinite strength', had a home in an ordinary town, and soon took advantage of the convenient conditions to become a contractor.

As for those guys in the monster village, at least one brick can be as good as ten, and with the help of the Shenmao Bureau to help them integrate into ordinary life, their construction team quickly became famous and expanded.

Now he is also well-known in the ten miles and eight villages, and has a small family property, enough for him and his brothers to eat, drink and have fun, and this ordinary life with satisfaction is also very satisfying for him.

Look, there is no banquet for guests, and Maotai is also bought casually to take back and drink with brothers.

But just when he was about to turn the corner to his home, a man wearing a wide hooded robe suddenly came to him. Niu Zhenfa couldn't help but look at the other person twice, because even with his two-meter-tall and three-hundred-pound figure, he was no match for the other person.

Is he from out of town?

He was muttering to himself, when the wind blew by, and the shadow of the man's robe on the other side narrowed, and Niu Zhenfa saw the fluttering golden hair.


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