Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 1009: Death of the Demon King

"Zheng Long is a five-star supreme human king."

Flying hundreds of millions of miles with the demon king Desire, the demon king Forgotten solved Desire's doubts with just one sentence, and found out why Forgotten had not appeared and why he had not destroyed the human race in all these years.

The strongest three-star supreme human king of the human race, who had always been suppressed by greed, actually had a five-star strength? ! Although it was only the gap between the two ultimate worlds, it was already a cliff-like lead, and all the demon kings could hardly be his opponent even if they joined forces.

"Then you..."

"Same." Forgotten said lightly: "As early as a million years ago, we both reached the level of five stars. With our status, although the ultimate world is rare, it is not difficult to find the sixth one, but we are both stuck in the swallowing and contract of the world will of the sixth ultimate world.

Maybe it has reached the limit, or maybe our talent is insufficient? After a million years, I have only digested one-tenth of the sixth ultimate will, and I think Zheng Long is the same."

He looked at Desire and smiled lightly: "If we hadn't reached the limit, how could the resources of the ultimate will be diverted to allow you to grow to two and three stars one by one?"

Desire's heart was slightly shaken, which solved a doubt she had always had. The demon tribe preys on the weak, and the leader is 'Greed'. Since he can occupy most of the low-star worlds, why would he allow the outflow of the ultimate world?

Just like the last time Mingji was assigned to devour the Dragon Ball World, all of them, the Demon Kings, actually "forgot" the fight, and let Mingji grow into a two-star Demon King like them, and forgot to fight for the power of three stars.

It turns out that the power of Lord Forgotten has always been acting on us, and we... after the rare few meetings with Lord Forgotten, we will quickly forget the existence of Lord Forgotten.

Although Lord Forgotten rarely appears, the demon tribe has been running steadily on the route set by Lord Forgotten! And the human race... has also been operating on the track set by Zheng Long?

"Do you have any agreement with King Zheng Long?" She asked humbly.

Although it was an inquiry, the Demon King Desire had actually determined it in his heart. This kind of thing is common in the small world of the Star Realm. The strongest restrain each other and do not fight each other, only allowing the weak to fight.

No matter what the results of the weak are, as long as the strongest does not win or lose, both sides will not have a real crisis of destruction. In the hearts of the strongest, only one step stronger is the real pursuit.

As expected, Forgotten's answer was roughly the same, except that the agreement with Zheng Long was made by Forgotten's own coercion.

"What if the human race is destroyed? As the largest race in the star realm, even if I kill all the resistance forces in the star realm, there will still be countless human races surviving in the small world. Tens of millions or hundreds of millions of years later, it is hard to say when human races will come out of the small world and lead the human race to revive."

... Lord Forgotten, you have the ability to forget, can you forget those human race novels?

"Oh, do you think what I said is unrealistic?" Seeing through Desire's thoughts, Wang Yu smiled and said, "You are too young to realize that this star realm favors the human race. I was born as one of the ancestors of demons, devouring the world, and I once thought that this star realm was my food.

But at critical moments, there are often obstacles, such as Zheng Long, such as the realm masters who have improved the power of the human race one after another, such as the new king of the human race who almost killed you just now. If the star realm has an overall will, it has always been favoring the human race. We only have one way..."

His smile became ferocious: "That is to swallow up this star realm will that favors the human race!"

The energy wind was surging, and Desire was temporarily captured by this spirit and shrank in silence.

After a while, Wang Yu looked at her again and said, "You said before that Zheng Long was trapped in the 004 Extreme World by Death's design?"

Yu Yu quickly responded, "Yes. That world is 002 in the danger ranking of the human race. In some works describing the Extreme World, it can also be called the 'Marvel World'.

Death cooperated with Death, one of the five great gods, and designed to lead the reckless king Zheng Long in and trap him there."

At least before this, the Demon King Yu Yu thought so, but after knowing that Zheng Long was a five-star human king, it was a bit unreasonable.

First of all, it is not difficult for a five-star human king to kill a one-star Demon King Death, so the premise of being lured by Death and breaking into the Marvel World does not exist, let alone falling into a trap?

Wang Yu did not believe it at all. After a little thought, he quickly laughed and said, "He is impatient."

Humans and demons discovered the Extreme World almost at the same time, or the Extreme World appeared in front of both sides almost at the same time.

The dispute of tens of millions of years ago was temporarily suspended, and the two races stood on the same starting line again, and the core of the competition was him and Zheng Long.

But compared to destruction, communication is always slower.

Especially when the will of the Extreme World has not manifested, Zheng Long wants to win over and venture into each world one by one, which is much slower than the Forgotten who simply destroys them!

Anxiety will lead to risks.

The small worlds in the Extreme World are also strong and weak, and the proportion of strong worlds is dozens of times higher than that of weak worlds. Zheng Long is conceited with the power of the Five-Star Supreme Human King and deliberately broke into the Marvel World!

But he may not have thought that under the corresponding world rules, even he was trapped there and could not get out of it. If the human race had not had a new king, the Three Body, this time at least there would be heavy losses.

But as an old rival, Forgotten felt that Zheng Long would not leave any backhands, what was it?

He suddenly asked: "Where is Death?"

The Demon King's desire stagnated, and he said strangely: "His body is half-confined in the Marvel world, but this time... he has separated an avatar to convey information to us. That bastard... we agreed that if there is an accident in the battle, he will sacrifice his avatar to create an opportunity for us, but he has never shown up?!"

Wang Wang looked far away, and he had never caught the breath of death near the battlefield. He could lock on to the madness and thick earth that fled millions of light years away after being frightened, but he still did not find Death.


At this moment, a sudden vibration like the collapse of the star realm came! The other side of the distant Extreme World radiated a brilliance far greater than the sun!

The brilliance flashed and disappeared, but the fluctuations revealed from it made Wang Wang's face change slightly.

What is that?

Is it the brilliance of the will of the Extreme World? !

"That direction is... the Marvel world." Desire said hurriedly: "What happened?!"

Forgotten was silent for two seconds, and growled: "I'm afraid that stupid Death has been seen through long ago, and Zheng Long took it as an opportunity to escape!"

After saying that, he ignored Desire and shot at the direction where the light just burst out.


Time goes back to half an hour ago.

In the main universe of the Marvel world, a good show is being staged in the Temple of Death - Thanos's courtship.

After a few months, Thanos finally completed the collection of the Infinity Stones and put on the Infinity Gauntlet he made. The power of the six gems was added to himself. All the rules of the Marvel world were controlled by him, and he was very proud.

To see the goddess of death that he loved deeply, he first presented a work of art - his subordinate, his granddaughter, Nebula.

He burned Nebula into a mummy with a raging fire, but used the power of the Infinity Gauntlet to preserve Nebula's life, leaving Nebula in a state of neither life nor death, in order to impress the goddess of death.

But what made Thanos unhappy was that the goddess of death did not give any feedback. She sat on the throne as usual, without saying a word.

You know, Thanos now has the Infinity Gauntlet and has the power to surpass the goddess of death! This powerful power also seized Thanos' mind and made his character distorted.

At this time, he remembered that he had not yet fully fulfilled the agreement with the goddess of death, so he snapped his fingers and the universe turned upside down.

Endless universe, endless races, all living beings are equal under this snap of fingers, and half of the lives perished in Thanos' snap of fingers!

After doing all this, Thanos wanted to seek the affirmation of the goddess of death, but found that the goddess of death was still sitting there, and finally got angry.

He created the purple potato man who loved him, wanting to make the goddess of death jealous, but failed. He crossed the space to pull his brother Star Fox over, beat him into a paper man, and did not get a smile.

"What do you want me to do?! Death!!" In such a questioning voice, the power of the Infinity Stones spread out in an instant.

This unexpected force alone destroyed 30% of the structure of the universe, shattered the Asgard, and interrupted the lunch that Galactus was having. Even if there was less than 1% left when it landed on Earth, it still turned the world upside down, shook the sea and even caused the Earth to directly leave its orbit and sink into the depths of the Milky Way.

Faced with this terrifying power, even Death's subordinates were terrified.

They could feel that if they were annihilated by this power, even the goddess who controlled Death might not be able to revive them.

Thanos, with a grim smile, looked at the lofty Goddess of Death. He loved Death deeply, and he didn't want to use coercive means unless it was absolutely necessary, even now.

But he wanted to know, wanted to understand Death's true intentions, and wanted Death to speak!

Just as he was about to ask again, the power brought by the Infinity Stones suddenly allowed him to capture a strange wave deep in the Temple of Death.

"Hmm? What is that? Death, the last time I left your temple, I felt a strange breath!" Thanos growled, "Who is hiding in there?!"

"Ha, amazing power. I have already homogenized energy and death to hide it, but I was still discovered?" The thin and gloomy figure of the Demon King Death slowly emerged beside the Death Throne: "My goddess, you seem to be in a little trouble, do you need my help?"

The Goddess of Death did not respond, and Thanos opened his eyes angrily, your goddess? !


The energy of the Infinity Gauntlet was booming again in an instant, and the power that could destroy the structure of the universe was compressed to a point by Thanos, vowing to directly annihilate the Demon King Death from this world!

But in the face of this attack, the Demon King Death only compressed and condensed the breath of death in front of him, and he corrupted and swallowed it without missing a single bit!

This was the first time Thanos encountered such a situation after obtaining the Infinity Gauntlet, and he was surprised.

The Demon King Death smiled at the Goddess of Death and said, "What a great artifact! This guy's power has directly risen to the 'super king level'. Now only I, who is not affected by the rules of your world, can deal with him. The 'Life Tribunal' is still suppressing Zheng Long, and I'm afraid he can't spare his hands. But... I want to kill him, but it's probably difficult."

The Goddess of Death smiled at him gently and gently covered his wrist with her hand, as if to encourage him, to cheer him up to kill Thanos, and even slowly gave him some of her authority in the field of death!

Thanos' eyes were red with anger.

The Demon King died without a smile on his face. Alone in this dangerous world, he never let go of his vigilance, and he never felt that his charm could conquer the goddess of death.

Just mutual benefit. His real goal is to eat the power of the goddess of death. Now that power is coming to his door, he is wary and repulsive.


At this moment, Thanos' roar and attack interrupted the Demon King's thoughts about death. Under the terrifying attack, the structure of the universe began to collapse, and the Temple of Death disappeared in an instant!

The subordinates of the Goddess of Death were also wiped out by this attack. In the collapsed universe, only the Demon King Death, the Goddess of Death and Thanos were left suspended.

After receiving Thanos' angry blow, the Death Demon King felt uncomfortable, and his expression became much more solemn.

But he said: "I don't need your power, my goddess, watch me kill him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he went straight to the A, choosing to fight Thanos in close combat, and the fighting was very direct, which could be called a violent collision with Thanos.

Whether it was the goddess of death who borrowed his authority or his own ability, he didn't use it until he was beaten several times by Thanos. He was in a trance and realized that something was wrong.

How did I become a 'reckless man'?

This ability was so familiar that the Demon King's deathly pupils shrank: "Mang King Zheng Long?!"

The strongest human king in the human race, his original ability is to control emotions! But Zheng Long always only likes to let his opponents 'go forward without hesitation' and 'fight to the end', so he got the title of 'King Mang'!

Am I being tricked?

When did I get tricked?

As soon as the picture in his mind turned, he remembered how Death had given him authority before, and he was filled with shock and anger: "Death! Are you plotting against me?!"

In fact, he was mentally prepared for this, but what he didn't expect was that the Supreme King Zheng Long would be involved. Compared with these super kings in the world that he looked down upon, it was the Supreme King Zheng Long who could actually kill him. !

He angrily forced Thanos away, but Thanos was a little stunned in anger. The next moment, the figure of the goddess of death appeared beside him, smiling and saying: "Thanos, help me kill him."

This was the first time Thanos heard the goddess of death speak. The voice was low and sinister, but it was like the sound of nature in his ears. This was the first time the goddess of death spoke, the first time she made a request directly.

Come on!

What the Death Demon King faced was Thanos and the Goddess of Death joining forces. During the break, he looked around in the distance. Although he saw no human figures, he felt that he could see shadows and various gods emerging one after another. Everywhere you look, there are enemies.

But he was filled with the urge to go up.

"Damn it... Zheng Long! Come out, Mang King Zheng Long!"

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