Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 1014 Ji Xing's Conspiracy

"Hmph, a bunch of rabble."

After leaving the spaceship of the 922 universe Thanos and returning to his own territory in New York, the 18500 universe Thanos snorted disdainfully, not caring at all that he was scolded.

He looked down on the 922 universe Thanos. As the convener, if the 922 universe Thanos had a little more courage, every time a parallel universe Thanos came, he would unite with the previous Thanos to set the rules, instead of waiting until almost everyone arrived to discuss the rules, and there would be no way the current situation would be.

On the other hand, although the 922 universe Thanos's brain and technological level are at the top among the Thanos, his hard power is too weak.

Strength means everything. He doesn't have any infinite gems, or does he have two and hide them as a trump card? At least from what he revealed, his strength is only at the bottom among the Thanos. What can he use to unify the Thanos?

At least he would definitely not accept it. Because he is one of the only seven Thanos among the three thousand Thanos who have collected all the Infinity Gems and possessed the Infinity Gauntlet. Except for the dozens of Thanos with four or five gems that he can take seriously, the rest are just a snap of his fingers. He doesn't expect those Thanos to stop the 616 universe Thanos, they are just miscellaneous soldiers!

'But if we don't unite, I'm afraid it won't work. The 616 universe is a little special. It is very likely the core universe. It has the Infinity Gems, which are much more powerful than ours. It should be about the same. The other six guys, the seven of us who have the complete Infinity Gauntlet should stand up and lead us in other universes! '

I know myself best. The 18500 universe Thanos calculated the time. It's time for the other six to send a message to invite me to a gathering-wait, they are not waiting for others to invite me like me, right?

He frowned slightly, and while hesitating, he suddenly heard a slight movement outside.

Huh? Coming? Actually came in person?

Bang! !

The next moment, the broken iron door flew backwards, causing his expression to change suddenly, and he raised his hand in shock and anger.

The Infinity Gauntlet on his right hand had been charged, directly causing the iron door to float 20 centimeters away from him, and then it was torn into pieces like a piece of paper!

The broken iron pieces flew in all directions, but Thanos did not see a figure in front of him. With a warning in his heart, he quickly used the energy of the Infinity Gauntlet to condense protective power around him.

But... it was too slow.

Or rather, the attack came too fast!

The blade passed by like light, and he didn't even feel the pain. He only saw his right arm wearing the Infinity Gauntlet flying up, and after a full second, blood splashed, and he cried out in pain!

At this moment, he still did not forget to rush forward and use his left arm to grab his right arm. Even though he didn't know who the attacker was, he knew that the Infinity Gauntlet was his only chance to turn defeat into victory.

But faster than that, a big foot stepped on his back, and the powerful force made him fall on the spot, smashing a small hole in the floor!

His right arm fell two meters away, and a double-edged sword across his neck stopped him from moving. At the same time, this familiar weapon that he owned also told him the identity of the attacker.

"Damn, you..." He gritted his teeth and turned his head, and said in surprise: "No. 922?! It's you?! Ha~ Good, really good, I underestimated you, you bastard..."

The nameplate number on the Thanos behind him told him that the one who attacked him was not another Thanos, but the convener he just complained about and looked down on.

The decisiveness, confidence and boldness of this move greatly exceeded his expectations. You know, if he had dodged the attack just now, once the power of the Infinity Gauntlet was activated, the 922 Thanos who had no gems on the surface would be directly wiped out!

Well, the original 922 Thanos did not have the courage and the ability to instantly cut off the arm of 18,500 Thanos, but now it is Ji Xing.

Ji Xing held the double-sided broad blade in one hand, hanging it on Thanos' neck like a guillotine, and moved his feet to pick up his broken arm.

He immediately threw the knife on the ground, took off the Infinity Gauntlet for the broken arm, and put it on his own hand.

At the same time, there was another blade pressing!

Seeing Ji Xing wearing gloves, Thanos would naturally not miss this opportunity, and directly grabbed the broadsword and slashed it horizontally, intending to cut Ji Xing in half!

But Ji Xing's left hand, which was not wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, just grabbed it, and eliminated the dozens of tons of force from the slash, and firmly grasped the blade!

Thanos looked horrified, and saw Ji Xing move his right glove, stretch it towards him, grit his teeth, hold his neck, and close his eyes to wait for death.

But he only waited for one sentence: "Waste!"

"You..." Thanos was furious.

Ji Xing kicked him against the wall and said coldly: "Do you think you are different after getting this glove?! External force is just external force. If we rely too much on it, we will lose our own strength! With your appearance, facing the lunatics of the 616 universe who also have the Infinity Gauntlet or even a stronger gauntlet, you will be easily killed!

I am different from you. I don't want to die! Since you can't listen to my kind advice, I will force you to listen!"

"...What do you want to do?!"

Ji Xing ignored him, raised one arm of the Infinity Gauntlet to the sky, activated the power gem, and shook it lightly.


A terrifying burst of energy directly turned the residence of 18,500 Thanos into ashes, and more energy gathered into a bright yellow light column, which penetrated the clouds and penetrated the sky!

This obvious scene and the power fluctuations of the Infinity Gauntlet alarmed all the Thanos in New York.

The other six Thanos with complete Infinity Gauntlets came quickly, and the other Thanos nearby also approached from a distance. So they saw Ji Xing with one arm to the sky and the Thanos of Universe 18500 lying on the ground, and they were surprised.

The 922 universe robbed the Infinity Gauntlet of Universe 18500? ... "What do you want to do?!"

Facing the questioning of the 2407 universe, another Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet, Ji Xing used the power of the Infinity Gauntlet to amplify the sound and broadcast to all directions.

"Let's set some rules for everyone! Since you don't want to listen to my good advice, then I'll have to ask those who don't listen to my advice to die!"

When this arrogant tone came out, some of the Thanos present changed their faces, some looked gloomy, and some showed disdain.

"Rules? Hahaha——"

"Whose rules? Yours?!"

"Do you think you can command us with the Infinity Gauntlet of the 18500 Universe?! Don't forget, we also have Infinity Gauntlets!"

"I really can't beat everyone with just this pair of gloves." Facing the disdainful questioning, Ji Xing also showed a disdainful expression, and said grimly: "But I can drag all of you to death!"

The voice shook the sky and echoed in the sky. Some Thanos were slightly shocked, and some understood what Ji Xing wanted to say and do.

"Have you all forgotten the purpose of gathering here? Or do you think that gathering like this can kill the lunatic of the 616 universe?!

I tell you clearly that it is impossible with the current mob! We will all be killed by him and become his tools to please death. We will not even have the chance to return to death in death. We will be completely wiped out by him!

Heh, instead of facing that kind of ending, why don't we take the initiative to die? Come! 799, 2407, 1085, 5523, 9796, 105681!"

He pointed out the other six Thanos who had complete Infinity Gauntlets in a row, and the Infinity Gauntlet he had just snatched was already glowing: "Why don't we kill each other to death first, and let the lunatic of the 616 universe save some energy, hahahaha——"

The 18,500 Thanos around him were stunned.

I said before that 922 was not courageous, but now... Isn't this too courageous? !

The six Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet looked even uglier. As Thanos, they thought it was not surprising that Thanos would do such a thing. They were all the overlords of their own universes. How could they not have such courage? It was just that too many "selves" gathered together, and it was inevitable that they had too many concerns.

Now it seems... because everyone was rejected after many gatherings, 922 was forced to be ruthless?

Those Thanos without the Infinity Gauntlet began to retreat quietly. It's not that no one suspected that Ji Xing was bluffing and forcing them to "obey" in a desperate state, but they were not as strong as others, so there was no need to be the one who stood out at this time.

The six Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet looked at each other, and they were unwilling to be the first to stand out, but they just cursed and ridiculed a few times to maintain their face.

Soon, Thanos of Universe 2407 asked, "What do you want to do? Universe 922!"

"I've already said it at the meeting before." Ji Xing said, "I've invited the universe elder 'Champion' of Universe 922 to come over. He should be here in the next two days. He will be fair at that time. Let's have a competition..."

"Really want to fight in the ring?! That's really stupid!" Thanos of 9796 interrupted.

"A simple arena is of course stupid, but it is not stupid if it is to select candidates with infinite gloves!" Ji Xing said: "These days, I have calculated that in addition to us, no, originally the seven of you have infinite gloves, everyone's scattered infinite gems can add up to at least 50 pairs of gloves!

The effect of a single gem against the madman in the 616 universe is probably negligible. Only by focusing can we have a chance of winning!

I plan to collect all the gems, and the seven of us and the champion will notarize them, and rush to make infinite gloves and distribute them to all the parallel universes that rank at the top of the competition. And during the competition, the use of infinite gems is naturally not allowed. Only in this way can we truly select the strongest among us to fight against the madman in 616!"

The six gloves Thanos' expressions changed slightly. 922 actually has such courage? Collect infinite gems to mass-produce infinite gloves and distribute them? ! This will indeed greatly increase the chance of winning over the madman in 616, but it will also increase our countless opponents!

Those who have infinite gloves and those who don't have infinite gloves are completely two levels of existence.

They wanted to refuse, but they knew that after the 922 universe Thanos announced such a thing, they could no longer refuse. Because they knew without looking, other Thanos without gloves would definitely support and fight for a chance.

Whoever refuses will be the target of public criticism, unless the six of us can work together.

But that is impossible.

Damn... I underestimated this guy 922!

"More than that." At this time, Ji Xing said in a deep voice: "Let's first count how many pairs of infinite gloves can be made, and how many infinite gems will be scattered. For example, if there are fifty pairs of infinite gloves, then the top fifty in the ring competition will naturally obtain their ownership, and the fifty-first to one hundredth can share other infinite gems and contribute to the fight against the 616 madman!

As for the others, if they didn't die in the ring, they can only pray for good luck. I hope that we and the 616 madman will both lose, or be injured in the internal struggle later, and pick up a one-billionth chance."

He said it very cruelly, because the Thanos knew the law of the jungle in the universe.

"In addition! The 51st to 60th place will get a right, that is, the opportunity to challenge the seven of us at will! We will not wear the Infinity Gauntlet to fight them, and the winner can still get the Infinity Gauntlet!"

When these words came out, the Thanos were shocked.

Isn't this asking for trouble!

You seven guys obviously have the final say, why leave a rule that can be replaced for yourself? Isn't this a problem? !

The 5523 universe's gauntlet Thanos wanted to refute it immediately, but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly took them back.

Something is wrong.

When the new Infinity Gauntlet is chosen, the people who own the Infinity Gauntlet will not only be the seven of us, but may become 57!

In addition to the seven of us, the other fifty are gloves that were obtained through fighting and killing. Can they obey us? Even if 922 does not take the initiative to propose, there may be similar unrest at that time!

On the contrary, if he took the initiative to bring it up, it would deepen everyone's recognition of him. Of course, it is hard to say whether this recognition is true recognition or more vigilance and deeper hostility.

Anyway, he asked himself that he was extremely vigilant against the 922 universe Thanos at this moment, and secretly felt that this guy deserved to be the convener.

He was outstanding in courage, self-confidence, decisiveness, and even the power to remove gems.

The gun hits the bird that sticks out. The 5523 universe Thanos felt that the 922 universe Thanos would most likely not have a good end, but now... his plans and arrangements are already difficult to refute, and whoever refutes will be the target of public criticism!

This is a terrible conspiracy.

The Thanos had many ideas.

In the end, no Thanos stood up and put forward opposing opinions, even supplementary opinions.

Listen to 922 first, and then wait and see!

With this mentality, the Thanos finally "united", with seven Thanos including Ji Xing guarding, and all the infinite gems in each universe were collected.

Coincidentally, in addition to their seven complete gloves, the Infinity Stones made up a total of fifty-three gloves, which adds up to sixty pairs.

Among the scattered gems, there are 183 power gems, 18 time gems, 27 space gems, 55 reality gems, and 33 mind gems. The Thanos decided to combine them to create a "small Infinity Glove" and distribute it to the 53rd Thanos after the situation.

In such an environment, there is really a momentum of multiple Thanos working together to kill the 616 Thanos.

Two days later, the Elders of the Universe Champion invited by the 922 Universe Thanos finally arrived. After hearing about the situation, this sturdy man who loves fighting laughed with his hands on his hips: "Hahaha, interesting!

But the fight between 3,000 people is a bit boring, and the lottery method is not fair. It is too easy for two powerful guys to meet in advance.

How about this, I will be the audition referee. Only the Thanos who can last one minute in my hands will be qualified to participate in the official fighting match!"

So the rules of the ring match were improved, and a ring was erected in the center of New York City!

The most unique competition in the universe has begun.

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