Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 117 Ji Xing vs Yi Wo Zuo!

The haori of the ghost hunting team swayed in the night wind, and with Ji Xing behind them, Zhu Shi and Yushiro Ergui could no longer feel the oppressive force of Yiwozao.

"This swordsman is Zhu." Zhu Shi whispered, "Very powerful Zhu."

Yushiro's expression changed slightly, Ji Xing's disgusting appearance before and the image standing in front of him and Zhu Shi at this moment are completely different.

This swordsman turned out to be Zhu? !

But... the opposite is the third of the first string.

It is the winding ghost who has killed countless pillars!

He gritted his teeth, and wanted to tell Zhu Shi to take the opportunity to escape, but before he could say that, he knew that Master Zhu Shi would be very angry if he said that.

Is it important not to make Master Zhu Shi angry, or the safety of Master Zhu Shi?

There seems to be no hesitation.

But just when he was about to speak, Zhu Shi's face suddenly changed, and he pushed Yushiro away violently.

Yushiro fell to the ground in bewilderment, and saw Yiwoza appear in his original position, punching Zhushi head-on with his fist, and his eyes were tearing apart instantly!

"Master Zhu Shi!"


'Thunder's Breath · Three Shapes · Lightning Point Cut! '

Just when the punch was about to hit, suddenly there was a flash of lightning, and the blade gathered by the lightning was like a bolt of lightning striking from bottom to top, with boundless sharpness!

Zi—Amidst the sound of flesh and blood being cut, a severed arm was thrown flying!

Yi Wozuo jumped back again and again, widening the distance.

Touching the bloodstain on his neck, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "What a fast knife, it almost cut off my neck together."

Ji Xing held the knife in his hand, and said, "It's indeed a hundred million points short. But why are you beating them? They're ghosts, and you can't kill them."

With a puff, Yiwozuo's severed arm grew instantly, and all the blood flowed back from the cut, leaving only a few drops.

He licked it with his tongue: "I just don't want them to get in the way when we communicate."

"Well, I was stopped by you just after I found them, and I would be very sorry if I hurt them. So let's go further and communicate, okay?" Ji Xing's body glowed with electricity.

At the same time, Yi Wozuo planted his feet firmly, and put his hands into a fighting posture: "The technique is launched!"

Destruction Kill - Compass Needle!

In an instant, a twelve-pointed snowflake formation appeared under his feet. This was his own blood ghost technique developed by him who had experienced many battles.

He is proficient in hand-to-hand combat, and he can feel the fighting spirit of his opponent in battle, and through this perception, he can carry out precise attacks and defenses. Facing Lei Zhu, who is good at speed like Ji Xing, this move should be used first. !

But in the next moment, the moment Ji Xing's figure disappeared, Yiwozuo found that the all-pervasive destructive killing needle had lost its effect.

He couldn't capture Ji Xing's fighting spirit!

Completely mastered one's own grudge? !

"Could it be... through the world?"

With frenzied excitement and fighting spirit radiating from his eyes, Yiwozuo suddenly turned his head and punched Ji Xing who appeared by his side.

Destroy and kill random style!

Boom boom boom boom——

The pair of fists waved by him turned into afterimages, tearing the air, and the explosion and bombardment came to him at the same time!

Ji Xing's body folded.

Heh, the baby version of Yasogami Skystruck?

'Thunder's Breath, Six Shapes, Seven Star Slash! '

The figure suddenly pressed forward at high speed.


There was a crash, and the lightning-wrapped blade left bloodstains on Yiwozuo's body, causing his figure to shoot backwards, and the thunder and lightning followed him like a shadow, always keeping the same distance from him!

Om - oom - oom -

Second knife, third knife, fourth knife!

One knife is faster than one knife, and one knife is stronger than one knife! Yiwozuo's inverted figure bent and flew in the air, his waving arms were cut from the middle and then healed together at high speed, constantly splattering blood!

In the eyes of Zhu Shi and Yushiro, both of them have turned into afterimages, only the thunder light left by Ji Xing after launching the slash lingers in the night sky for a long time!

"This ghost hunter... is so strong..."

The thunder light struck together at a distance, and gradually formed a shape like the seven stars of the Big Dipper. When Ji Xing made the seventh cut, the previous six swords seemed to be connected, and they were all assisting the last cut!


The gorgeous thunder light expanded and exploded, like a firework bursting in the night sky!

Behind the beauty lies danger.

A severed arm was flying in the air again, Yiwozuo's golden pupils dilated, his right arm was broken, and his left hand desperately grabbed the sun wheel knife that cut off half of his neck, and was also severed at high speed!

"It's... so dangerous!"

With a wave of his right arm, the amputated arm sprang out at the same time, and swung towards Ji Xing!

Ji Xing drew his saber, and blocked it horizontally.


With the sound of a bomb exploding, Ji Xing smashed back to the ground, and his feet pushed the ground out of cracks!

Yiwozuo rolled to the ground, and the many wounds on his body had already stained him into a bloody man, but the regeneration ability of the ghost made him unable to find any wounds on his body!

Looking at Yan Zhushi and Yushiro, in just a few seconds, Ji Xing cut him over a hundred meters all the way, and even threatened to have his head cut off twice, but the smile on his mouth grew even wider.

"No wonder Master Wuyou cares. This fighting spirit has reached the highest level of human beings, right? I heard that you have only been a ghost hunter for eight months? Lei Zhu, Shang Xishi is empty!"

"The highest level? I'm still far away." Ji Xing said, "Human potential is unlimited."

"Huh? Human? Infinite? The potential of ghosts is infinite!" Yiwozuo laughed.

Destroyer, Fragmentation, Myriad Leaf Shining Willows!

He jumped up suddenly, and punched Ji Xing violently from top to bottom!

As soon as the fist was released, a strong wind of the fist pressed on Ji Xing's body, as if he was carrying a heavy weight on his body, causing Ji Xing's body to sink.

The body moved sideways and dodged, Yi Wozuo's fist hit the ground with a bang, the ground with a radius of more than ten meters shattered and jumped instantly, and the shock spread far and wide!

Destroy Killer Foot Style Flying Meteor Thousand Wheels!

Immediately afterwards, his body fell backwards, his feet flew across a beautiful arc like two shooting stars, he kicked frantically towards Ji Xing, collided with Ji Xing's blade, and there was a sound of metal and iron clanging!

"Oh, humans will grow old and die."


"Even a swordsman like you who stepped into the highest realm will lose his strength little by little!"


"How sad! sad! sad!"


During the fierce collision, the sand on the ground was pushed out like sea waves, and the billowing smoke and dust covered everything, including the person and ghost in the fierce collision!

After receiving a violent blow, Ji Xing's figure slid backwards, his feet plowed deep marks on the ground, and Yiwozuo, who was upside down, pressed hard on the ground with both hands, causing the ground to explode and at the same time, his figure leapt and fell. Get up and punch Ji Xing again!

destroy kill...

'Thunder's Breath · One Shape · Thunderbolt Flash! '


Ji Xing's figure seemed to teleport, and appeared beside Yiwozuo in an instant, and he slashed at his neck with a horizontal knife. Yiwozuo's eyes changed, and his moves changed again. He raised his arms and blocked the knife with a clang. .

"Hey..." Yi Wozuo smiled: "It's faster than before, Lei Zhu."

Ji Xing also smiled: "Liulian!"


The thunder light refracted around his body, and the hard-to-see attack came to him! In an instant, both arms and legs of Yiwozuo waving defense were cut off by Ji Xing!

Yiwozuo, who had turned into a human pig, fell backwards, and Ji Xing's sixth knife was already in his body!


With a yell in his mouth, Yi Wozuo stretched out his two amputated arms, and before the knife hit his neck, he regenerated two arms to block Ji Xing's knife!


A frenzied shock wave erupted.

Without legs, he hit the ground, rolled and flew across the ground for dozens of meters, and then he regenerated his legs, braked hard, and drew another ten meters.

The sprayed blood stained the road red, but Yiwozuo didn't seem to feel any pain, and didn't seem to have been hurt in any way. He stomped his legs hard, without any hesitation at all, and once again faced Ji Xing!

"It's useless! It's useless!"

"Don't you understand? Human! No amount of attack will be effective for me!"

"But look at yourself, are you tired? How many times can you make the same attack?"

'Thunder Breath · Four Shapes · Kirin! '

Ji Xing raised the knife with both hands, and slashed down hard.

At the same time, the breathing method was used to the extreme by Ji Xing, and the power of penetrating the world could see through everything! The falling knife seemed to have really attracted thunder from the sky, and with a loud click, a thunder and lightning beast gathered in front of Ji Xing, and rushed to the Yiwo seat with his slash, tearing everything apart!

Yiwozuo looked enthusiastic and excited.

Destroy the killing style!

Facing the Thunder Beast head-on, Yiwozuo sent out the most devastating punch, and the punch was surging!


The violent shock wave spread, and two colors, one blue and one gray, intertwined and devoured in the night sky!

Until it erupted suddenly, the annihilating brilliance spread to the surroundings, and Yiwo Zuo's body turned into a shooting star, attacking at high speed from multiple angles.

Destroy Killer Ghost Core Eightfold Core!

‘Thunder’s Breath, Five Shapes, Pentagram! '

Ji Xing, who was moving at a high speed, brought out four afterimages, as if he had split into four separate bodies, hooked up a pentagram in place, and swung his knife at the same time!

The pentagram shone brightly and flew out with a bang.

Yiwozuo, who was attacking from eight angles, stood still and protected his neck with both hands, escaped the beheading blow, but was cut off by Ji Xing in the middle!

"I really don't understand why there are always people who like to say harsh words while being beaten?"

Ji Xing chuckled and drew a circle with his knife.

'Thunder's Breath · Two Shapes · Thunder Ring! '


The ring-shaped dangerous lightning cut to Yi Wozuo's upper body, and Yi Wozuo punched it!


In the fading brilliance, Yiwozuo's upper body was broken in two again, and his arms were thrown flying!

The position above the chest was hooked to the head, and he shot it from a long distance. There was still a smile on his face.

"Because your attacks are all ineffective!"


Under the chest, the regeneration was completed in an instant, and the waving fists knocked back Ji Xing who continued to chase after him!

Ji Xing slid back dozens of meters, stopped, breathed deeply, and looked at Yi Wo Zuo.

Yiwozuo faced him, with his left hand fisted at his waist, his right hand pushed forward, posing a martial arts starting posture like a lunge into a horse, and said with a smile:

"Humans! Always have weaknesses!"

"You are indeed the strongest swordsman I have seen in the past three hundred years. You seem to be able to cut off my neck several times, but why are you sweating?"

"It's a pity that a powerful swordsman like you died here like this. I have a good suggestion, join us and become a ghost... how about it?"

Later in the next chapter.

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