Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 188 The Captain's Anger (4K asks for monthly pass)

"Hey, are you kidding me?"

The east gate of Jingling Court, outside Qingliu Gate.

Jingle Chunshui looked at the distant sky, and took off his bamboo hat in a daze.

In his perception, there are three condensed spiritual pressure beams that are expanding wantonly.

One red, one blue, one black!

Red like a raging fire, he is most familiar with Captain Yamamoto. The appearance of a blue spiritual pressure that can almost compete with the furious Captain Yamamoto was enough to shock him.

And the black that rose after that...

Still above the two of them? !

"How is this possible? The feeling of Reiatsu is a bit like... Brother Yono?"

"Yono Masashi is right." Ye Yishun stepped to his side: "It really makes people... I don't know how to use and what emotion to evaluate."

Not only them, at this moment, all the gods of death in Seireitei can feel a trembling smell in the distant sky!

They walked out of the house and the team building one after another, looking in the same direction. The somewhat chaotic nobles tonight also acted in the same way, looking at the sky in shock, awe, and fear.

"What the hell is... what?"

Is the world of corpses and souls about to perish? !


Closer to the battlefield, everyone in the 'Masked Legion' who felt difficulty breathing slowly woke up. Hiyori opened his eyes in a daze, and subconsciously touched his forehead, but did not feel the penetrating knife wound.

Yes, that guy's knife is...

etc? Masashi Yono? Is he all right? That bastard Aizen Soyousuke!

Also, what does it feel like? !

She turned her head in a daze, her mouth slowly opened wide.

Fa, what happened?

"What happened, Captain Hirako?"

Liu Che Quanxi helped her ask: "I remember me and Bai Qui... what is that?!"

"These three terrifying spiritual pressures... that black spiritual pressure, does it really exist?!"

"How is it possible! The red one is the captain? The other one is Aizen Soyousuke? That guy... who owns the black Reiatsu?!"

Mako Hirako looked dumb, and turned around to answer for everyone: "The three of them, Captain Aizen, Soyousuke Aizen, and Masashi Yono, are fighting fiercely."

The Masked Legion fell silent for a moment.

Ten seconds later, Hiyori yelled: "What did you say?! Baldy! You said Yono Mashi?!"

Mako Hirako took a deep breath: "Although I can't believe it, the black spiritual pressure, the strongest spiritual pressure, is indeed that kid's!"

"How can this be……"

Everyone fell into a state of aphasia.

Everything that happened tonight has messed up their brains and they can't figure it out at all.

It wasn't until the spirit pressure collided and turned into a gust of wind that tousled their hair and blocked their sight, someone suddenly remembered and asked, "Is this Liuhun Street?"

"Not good! Hurry up and protect the wandering souls!"

"If this spiritual pressure is passed on, it will take their lives! Bowl! Prepare to form a barrier!"




Ji Xing was stronger than ever.

500% improvement?

No, it is his own soul that has increased by 500%, and Xu's soul has also increased by 500% in a coordinated way!

At this moment, Ji Xing's spiritual pressure is more than 10 times that of his normal state! It is completely different from the previous concept, and even surpassed the captain!

The tingling sensation of soul burning stimulated his nerves, Ji Xing adapted for three seconds, and smiled at Lan Ran: "It doesn't work for me."

"If Yuye Sang thinks so." Lan Ran replied, and then his pupils froze.

Ji Xing flew towards him at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye. If it wasn't for the flickering white light and shadow, he wouldn't even be able to catch it!

"Eighty-One of Binding Dao: Breaking the Void!"

Lan Ran, who didn't want to try Ji Xing's power with her body at this moment, instantly released a ghostly wall on her side that was enough to block the false flash, but the moment it came into contact with Ji Xing's blade, the wall cracked and shattered in half a second. His power can still collide with Aizen's Zanpakuto!

Boom—a gust of spiritual pressure hurricanes surged, the captain's flame wall swayed with the wind, the ripple-like shock waves tore the ground apart, and abyss-like ravines expanded into the distance!

The two held each other for a moment, the captain's slash came from the side, and the thick flame aura condensed on his blade, and swept towards the two of them!


Lanran dodged in embarrassment.

Ji Xing resisted with a knife.

The flame rolled close to his body, and was wiped out by the black spiritual pressure. Facing each other, Ji Xing smiled at the captain.

"I'm sorry, Captain, thank you for your teaching over the past eight years."

"Little brat..." the captain murmured softly.


The two collided with more force, and the ground was torn even more riddled with holes, separated in two directions, and the next moment, they rushed towards Lan Ran at the same time!

Aizen's complexion finally changed slightly.

"The Ninety of Broken Ways - Black Coffin!"

Abandoning the chant, and stretching out his hand, he released No. 90's Ghost Dao, and a huge black coffin enveloped Ji Xing, with countless shadow blades stabbing Ji Xing in all directions!

Immediately afterwards, he quickly dodged again, avoiding the chief's slash, and fled into the distance.

However, the head captain also uses Ghost Dao.

"The Ninety-six of Breaking the Way - Cremation with one knife!"

Abandoning the chant, a huge knife-like flame rose directly from Aizen's feet, engulfing him, burning his body and Reiatsu!

Lan Ran, who escaped from the flames two seconds later, had a slightly charred left arm, coughed twice, took advantage of the cremation knife to knock out the captain's own burning city, and fled in a blink of an eye.

But at the next moment, Ji Xing, who had escaped from the black coffin at some time without any damage on his body, appeared above his head, and with a bang, he stamped Lan Ran back to the ground, into the ground, and vomited blood!

There were tingling pains in the internal organs, but Lan Ran didn't have half a minute to breathe. He turned over in embarrassment, escaped the sea of ​​fire, and was sent flying by Ji Xing's knife.

If Ji Xing was alone, he could easily hang around until Ji Xing's outbreak ended, but the captain defaulted to join forces with Ji Xing. Obviously, he could only be beaten, and even if this continued, he would not be too far away from being killed.

"It's really bad, Yuye Sang."

Rolling and bouncing on the ground to stabilize his body, Aizen thrust the knife into the ground, and the Reiatsu exploded!

If you don't try your best, you will really die!

"The ninety-nine of the broken way!"

"Five Dragons Turn Extinct!!"


The earth with a radius of hundreds of meters shattered and shook in an instant, and a huge dragon-shaped spiritual pressure drilled out from the ground, like an ancient beast, descended from mythology, roaring and biting at the captain and Ji Xing!

"Little rascal, you can even break the path of No. 99..." The captain narrowed his eyes and swung his knife.

"The blade is like fire - Song Ming!"

The dragon-shaped flame collided with the dragon-shaped spiritual pressure and bit each other. At this time, Ji Xing's state and unstable spiritual pressure made him unable to use any ghost way, but the strength of his own spiritual pressure also allowed him to wield Knife to slash anything!

Including the broken road on the 99th!


The blade cut off Lan Ran's dragon's head, and assisted the captain to destroy the No. 99 broken road.

Gorgeous brilliance erupted from it, and the space seemed to be torn apart by the impact of this force, and the flame cage of the captain was also destroyed, causing the sea of ​​flames to sweep in all directions, destroying everything!

Facing the attack, Lan Ran, instead of retreating at this moment, rushed towards the captain and Ji Xing who had just broken through the dragon-shaped spiritual pressure, and slashed with a knife!

Boom—the three strands of spiritual pressure collided with each other again, you pushed me forward, you devoured me, and I didn't know how many times they clashed in an instant, and finally turned into pure energy brilliance, shining brightly, tearing the sky, and even evacuating the surrounding spirits. Son, it affects Akita Bogen who is using the enchantment dozens of miles away!

Everyone in the Masked Legion looked in shock.

"Then there really is Yono Masashi?!"

"Aizen Soyousuke also..."

"What's going on with these two guys?!"

After a long time, the clouds finally cleared up.

In the center of the battlefield, three figures appeared.

The captain stood on one side, and on the other side, Ji Xing's knife pierced Lan Ran's chest straight!

Lanran's right hand held the knife hanging down, and his scorched left arm grabbed Ji Xing's wrist. He didn't move for a while, and only after a while did he utter a few words: "Stupid brat!"


A huge force squeezed the bones of Ji Xing's wrist, and at the same moment, Aizen, who was pierced by Ji Xing, became Captain Yamamoto!

The captain on the other side, of course, was replaced by Aizen who was panting rapidly. His exposed skin was covered with scorched black marks. When he saw the two of them, he still smiled and said: "It seems that Ye Sang hasn't completely solved my problem. It’s not a good choice to join hands with me to fight against my enemies.”

After the words fell, he turned around and fled in a blink of an eye.

In the confrontation of lightning and flint, Aizen fully exerted the power of mirror flowers and water moons! In the chaos, he shifted his position bit by bit, not hesitating to be severely burned by the captain's knife, and finally made Ji Xing mistakenly think that the captain was him for a moment!

"Little devil! Draw the knife!" The captain shouted in a low voice.

After the collision just now, the white flame on Ji Xing's body has dimmed a lot, and half of his own soul is burned. He shook his head at the captain, looked at Lan Ran who had fled far away, and smiled.

"I said it was cracked! Vice Captain Aizen."

"...Huh?" Aizen looked back.

"Captain, I'm sorry, I'll let you light the fire!"


The crimson flames erupted violently, but this time, it wasn't the captain, but Ji Xing! Ji Xing's spiritual pressure has returned to its full potential, even surpassing the moment when it had just increased by 500%!

What's this? He actually acquired the ability of the captain Zanpakuto? Swastika solution? !

Lan Ran looked surprised, turned around and continued to flee in a blink of an eye, but the next moment, Ji Xing's voice echoed in his ears: "Don't go."

Aizen stopped and smiled slowly.

"Amazing, Yu Ye Sang."


After narrowly avoiding the beheading blow, and after her hair smelled burnt, Aizen was unable to dodge the second knife that was almost to the limit! The blade wrapped in flames pierced straight through his lower abdomen, and almost instantly ignited all his internal organs!


The vomited blood dried up around the mouth, and the two who turned into flames fell like shooting stars!

Bang—it hit the ground!

The earth was shattered in an instant, the ground in a radius of several thousand meters was beating, Ji Xing pierced through Lan Ran, and went straight into the abyss! The white halo disappeared around him at an extremely fast speed, and the tingling of his soul made his expression a bit hideous.

And Lan Ran's face also showed a bit of ferocity, and his arms firmly grasped Ji Xing's wrist holding the knife, resisting desperately to reduce the damage!

"Black Knife Devour!!"

Ji Xing's Zanpakutao devoured Lan Ran's soul, causing his spiritual pressure to rise and fall, and he let out a "ha——" roar from the depths of his throat.

Lan Ran's spiritual pressure continued to drop, getting closer and closer to death, and he also let out an uh-ah roar!

"Broken Jade!!"

Zila——The burned-out dead bully dress, on the chest, revealing the mysterious crystal that is beating!

Ji Xing's eyes flickered slightly.

Aizen's eyes met his.

The berserk power swept across the world, and the explosion of the desperate two made it impossible for the captain to get close! Until a huge bowl-shaped pit with a depth of tens of meters and a diameter of a thousand meters appeared! Until Ji Xing inserted the knife into Lan Ran's body, it broke into pieces and disintegrated!

The spiritual pressure on Ji Xing's body went out.

Aizen's life is like a candle in the wind.

But in the panting, bit by bit recovery!

His ferocious expression dissipated, and his scorched face regained his composure: "Is this the end? Yuye Sang, I really want to thank you."

His breath is getting stronger a little bit!

"Are you familiar with Ye Sang? Beng Yu."

"Sometimes casual words can lead to great disaster, Yono-san. Thank you Yono-san for telling me the name Yuhabach, and let me go to Tsunayashiro's house to investigate by coincidence, and found that Tsunayashiro Tokinada was secretly collecting The viscera of King Ling gave me a lot of resources to improve my collapse jade."

Aizen's scorched face recovered.

"Thank you and Ye Sang for forcing me into such a desperate situation at all costs, and even taking nearly half of my soul, making me infinitely close to death, and let it finally accept me." The wound in the lower abdomen is also healing quickly: "You are faster than I expected do better.”

Ji Xing shook his head and smiled. He knew that Lan Ran had always been laissez-faire and waited. Even in the eight years of observation, he really didn't analyze his Zanpakuto ability in advance. destroy?

Even if it was only about fighting, he would have the opportunity to escape earlier, instead of playing some chasing games with himself in the captain's firewall, waiting for himself to be ready to integrate 500% of his soul and become stronger!

Sure enough, like Kurosaki Ichigo, Aizen is looking forward to an opponent who will push him into a corner!

Like Ichimaru Gin, Aizen awaits a post-mortem evolution!

"Vice-captain Lanran, it's really scary. Is my cooperation okay?" Ji Xing asked.

"Of course, it even exceeded expectations and brought me surprises one after another. Didn't I say that I was almost dead, did I really die?"

Lan Ran said with emotion: "It's a pity that Ye Sang is going to die. I'm afraid it will be hard to find an opponent like you."

"I won't die." Ji Xing said.

Lan Ran was stunned, and frowned slightly: "But Yu Ye Sang has... Could it be a soul reincarnation device? Did Yu Ye Sang succeed? Will he escape and be reborn in this world in this way? Really?"

"But it's hard to say whether you will die or not."

Ji Xing didn't answer, and turned into white light and dissipated, just like those wandering souls who disappeared, leaving only a seriously damaged Death Domineering outfit in place, and only one meaningful sentence for Lan Ran.

Aizen's figure froze suddenly.

Obviously he was cornered by Ji Xing as he expected, obviously he was accepted by the unfinished product Bengyu as he expected, and he was about to gain stronger power as he expected!

At this moment, Aizen felt a chill all over his body, as if falling into an abyss!

"So it turns out that this is the last blow with Ye Sang, the relationship. Your disappearance and my remnant made the strongest god of death angry. I am about to see the scariest god of death. He took the initiative to seal it up and said it can destroy power of the world."

"As expected of you, Yuye Sang, you have long been prepared to kill me, and once again, you really exceeded my expectations. Indeed, it's really hard to say whether I will die this time."

Aizen looked calm and looked back.

The captain closed his eyes and held a knife, standing in the distance.

"Swastika - Remnant Fire Sword!"

I can't write anymore, it's not broken chapters, 4200 words ask for a monthly ticket.

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