Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 194 I want to be a teacher

Physical exercise can be said to be the thing Ji Xing is most familiar with. After all, it has lasted for sixty years in Ke Xue's world, and it is also useful in other worlds.

Although the magic of strengthening the body does not have those cool effects, and it is not the time and space that Ji Xing expected, it makes him very comfortable.

As long as you exercise, you can become stronger!

The stronger the body, the greater the amount of magic power that can be accommodated, the faster the speed of absorbing magic power, and the stronger the strength after using magic!

It's all a virtuous circle, and winning is numb.

After letting Conte see the magical power, Ji Xing continued his daily exercise and completed the initial accumulation as quickly as possible.

Every day, his physique is improving at a high speed, and the accumulation of magic power has also caught up with the peak that his current physique can bear due to his exaggerated absorption speed. As for the use of magic power, it is similar to Chakra and Reiatsu , let him get acquainted with it and get twice the result with half the effort, quickly and skillfully.

His figure is getting more and more stylish, and his spirit is getting more and more vigorous. This taste is so good that he gradually regains the feeling of pursuing higher, faster and stronger in the world of Ke Xue! Pure feeling!

And because of the difference in the world and the richness he has accumulated, the day before the expiration of the January period, he was sure that he had basically caught up with Ke Xue's 60-year strength under the condition of using magic power!

The power of five telegraph poles, achieved!

"I'm back, Dunan, I brought you dinner, it's on your table." Seeing him returning to the dormitory, Kante greeted him.

"Thanks." Ji Xing said with a towel to wipe his wet hair after taking a shower.

The relationship between roommates in this world is very harmonious, and it saves a lot of trouble to help bring meals without having to recognize the father.

He snorted and snorted and finished his meal, barely eating half full, thinking that the money was almost used up, and he had to find a way to make some money next.

Looking back, I found that Kante was still meditating like when he just came back. I was a little surprised, and observed Kante's face: "It's strange, how can you meditate for so long at one time today?"

"Hey, don't underestimate people, okay?" Conte opened his eyes and complained, "And it didn't take long. It's only been ten minutes since you came back?"

He speaks naturally, but his eyes are a little unnatural, and he will dodge when meeting Ji Xing.

Ji Xing raised his eyebrows: "What's wrong?"

"Uh, ah, what?"

Ji Xing took two steps closer and knocked on Conte's calf, and his expression changed suddenly with a hiss.

"What happened to your leg?"

"No, it's okay, hahaha..." Conte laughed dryly: "Cough, I was discovered by you. It's too shameful. I didn't control the speed when I was practicing magic today. I accidentally fell and knocked."

Ji Xing smiled speechlessly: "Don't do such bloody things, tell me quickly, who hit you, and why, if you don't say anything, I'll beat you too, and break your other two legs, making you unable to walk! "

"...You guys are really good! By the way, I'm not a monster, how can I have other two legs!" The simple Kante didn't understand, and didn't know whether he should be moved. After hesitating for two seconds, he muttered: "No Blame others, I am talking too much.

I just can't understand that guy Gray always thinks that he is the first to awaken magic and thinks he is the most powerful, just say, just say..."

He looked at Ji Xing with a guilty conscience.

"Just say that Dunan is the student who awakened magic the fastest, but you are not as ostentatious as him. And, and who knows when he awakened magic, maybe he just awakened or not awakened, just pretending all the time .”

"Then he let you see it?"

Conte smiled coyly: "Indeed, it is quite powerful. It seems to be a paralyzing magic. As soon as his hand touched me, I couldn't move, and then I was kicked by him, that's it."

"It deserves it." Ji Xing commented.

"...Hey! You are too much!"

Ji Xing smiled: "Take care of your own mouth, or you will be unlucky sooner or later."

"...It's already bad luck."

"What's this? It's just two days of leg pain. Be careful and die because of it." Ji Xing said: "Forget it, for the sake of my roommate, and for the sake of you bringing me lunch and dinner for a month, this Let me avenge you."

"This...isn't it necessary?" Conte felt a little weak: "That guy's really powerful, and it restrains you."

"I didn't say I was going to fight him. Students are punished for private fighting. Just wait, I will be late tonight, and I may not even come back."

"Huh... hey?" Conte stared blankly at Ji Xing leaving, then jumped off the bed with one leg, and saw from the window that Ji Xing was heading towards the school building.

Students will be punished for their private fights... He, he won't be going to sue the professor, right? ! No, you must not, then you will lose your life!


Fifteen minutes later, Professor Raoul looked at Ji Xing in a daze: "What are you talking about? You want to be the magic combat teacher in your class, or at least a teaching assistant?"

Boy, would you like to hear what you are saying?

The magic academy in this era is a training system. After the students enroll, there is no rule for how many years to graduate, and what kind of achievements they will achieve in a few years. It is like an educational institution, you can go to it after paying, and no one cares about you How long have you been here.

Poor students have to pay money and continue to study.

Good students are given the treatment of staying in school, and it is possible to serve as teaching assistants, teachers, researchers, or enter the law enforcement team or combat troops.

But that is at least two or three years of study at Amidian Academy, and Ji Xing in front of you... You have just reached the stage of mastering your own magic, and you can't even take the first practical magic class until tomorrow. Haven't taken it yet, so you come to say that you want to be a teacher of this course? !

Ji Xing explained: "It's like this. I have been good at fighting since I was a child, and the awakened magic is also good at physical strengthening for fighting. After a month of training, I feel that I can at least be qualified for the position of assistant teacher!"

"Good at fighting, physical strengthening..." Professor Raoul scratched the top of his hairless head with some headaches, looked at the confident Ji Xing, and sighed.

He put the fingers of his right hand together, pointed at the temple, and activated the magic of reading words.

"Pip, Pip, come to me!"

When he got a response, he put down his finger and said to Ji Xing: "Pip is your teacher of the actual magic class tomorrow. He used to be my student. I asked him to come here, and he will judge whether you have the ability to become an assistant teacher of the actual magic class. "

Ji Xing lowered his head: "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"No, it's nothing." Raoul looked at Ji Xing, who was always calm and confident, and calmed down at this moment: "I really hope that you can pass his test and prove your talent."

After a while, a brown-haired young man who appeared to be twenty-six or seventeen years old came in. He was holding a cigarette slantly in his mouth. He looked a little carefree, but he was serious when he spoke to Raoul: "Professor , are you looking for me?"

Raoul signaled to Ji Xing: "This is one of the latest batch of magic students in the academy. His name is Dunan, and it's also tomorrow you will..."

He recounted Ji Xing's remarks, and Pip also looked at Ji Xing in some astonishment, frowned, and took off the cigarette from his mouth.

"Huh—" Facing Ji Xing, he exhaled a puff of white smoke, enveloping Ji Xing in it! The white smoke circled and soon turned into a thick and long rope, binding Ji Xing tightly!

"Want to be a teaching assistant in the actual combat class? Heh, fighting in magic is different from fighting with ordinary people. You must not only have strength, but also wisdom. You must analyze and judge the opponent's magic effects in advance.

The professor's office area is non-smoking, but I was allowed to come in with a cigarette in my mouth. Students with magic combat experience should know and judge that my magic is related to smoke. When I spit out smoke, I will dodge immediately.

Like you, you don't even have the slightest reaction, how can you teach others? Just follow me and study for two years! "


Amidst the slight cracking sound, the smoke rope that bound Ji Xing suddenly collapsed. Ji Xing swung his right fist and stopped in front of Pip's door. A gust of wind blew his brown hair into a mess!

Pip's eyes widened for a moment.

The cigarette fell from his hand.

Ji Xing smiled: "Thank you for the teacher's teaching, but I didn't panic at all after being bound by Mr. Pip's smoke. Mr. Pip should also judge that the smoke can't restrain me."

"...cough cough cough?!"

What the hell?

My cigarettes can be tied to a bundle of wild boars!

The thinking has been clarified, and a make-up will be added to save a leave note.

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