Reincarnation, this saying originally came from Buddhism. Buddhism believes that a trace of human spirituality is immortal, so there are past lives, present lives, and future lives.

But this is just legend.

No one has ever really awakened Su Hui in the previous life. At most, someone accidentally came into contact with a trace of the undestroyed soul of a powerful monk, got part of the memory of the other party, and mistakenly thought it was his reincarnation.

Some people say 'Li He is the reincarnation of a fairy', but they are just saying that, expressing exaggerated admiration.

Who would take it seriously?

But today Ji Xing said in front of everyone that he would send Chen Duo to be reincarnated, that he was comforting Chen Duo, but he was serious, that he was serious... but this thing was too outrageous.

Ma Xianhong didn't believe it.

Temporary workers do not believe it.

Chen Duo herself also seemed to believe it, but she was quickly attracted by Ji Xing's choice, and after rejecting the second choice, she really wanted to do something for the disappointed people.

If reincarnated... "Will I have memories of this life?" she asked.

Ji Xing was startled, and said with a smile: "I made a mistake, I should ask this first. This is also optional, do you want the memory of this life?"

"Hmm—" Chen Duo was happy and confused.

If you want, will you still not be able to adapt to the world? If not, Uncle Liao and the others...

The kid really believed it. The temporary workers looked at each other without saying a word, Feng Baobao opened his mouth to speak, but was blocked by Zhang Chulan, and Ma Xianhong even got a bunch of warning looks.

Seeing that Chen Duo was struggling, Ji Xing guided, "How old are you when you came out of the Yaoxian Association, Chen Duo."

"13 years old."

"Well, then don't remember it for now, how about waiting until you are 13 years old to wake up? This will make up for a normal childhood, but if you don't have the current memory when you were young, you will be more likely to encounter danger, so you think about it before you wake up. choose."

Chen Duo's eyes lit up: "This is also okay?"


"Then, then wake up at the age of 13."

"Okay." Ji Xing said with a smile: "Then go back to the previous choice, what family?"

"Just...ordinary is fine."

"Do you want brothers and sisters?"

Chen Duo tilted her head: "No?"

"Both parents or single parent? Or a reorganized family? Or an adopted orphan?"

"... Both parents will be safe."

"What about cultivation talent? Ordinary, excellent talent, or no talent?"

A blush rose on Chen Duo's face: "If possible, is it better to be talented?"

Not to be shy about choosing talents, but to be happy that there are so many choices suddenly.

The two chatted more and more, farther and farther away.

The temporary workers were silent, getting more and more outrageous... But, it's good, whether it's true or not... Chen Duo, just be happy.

After making more than a dozen choices in a row to construct a general background after reincarnation, Ji Xing thought for a while and said, "Is there anything else to add, Chen Duo?"

Chen Duo thought for a while, then bit her thumb lightly: "It seems... there is nothing to choose."

She closed her eyes with a smile and signaled to Ji Xing that she could be reincarnated, but Ji Xing said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's not over yet. We've almost decided what to do after reincarnation, and I've remembered it too.

What about before reincarnation? After reincarnation, you are no longer Chen Duo, you may be Wang Duo, Li Duo, this Duo, or Chen Duo, do you have any regrets? You can choose, I can guarantee that no one can refuse your choice now. "

Chen Duo was startled, and opened his eyes in surprise.

"Is it really possible to choose?"

"You can do whatever you want."

"I, I want to go shopping once."

"Little things."

"How about taking off the protective clothing?"

"You can suppress the poison for a short time, can't you?" Ji Xing asked, "How long?"

"Well, the peak... 20 hours, if it is completely suppressed, it may not be that long."

"That's 18 hours. You have to give me some time to help you reincarnate, right?" Ji Xing smiled and said, "The time after taking off the protective clothing is very precious. Before that, we put all the preparations in advance. Do it, like change your hairstyle?"

He took out his mobile phone to search for girls' hairstyles, and there were a lot of them, and he showed them to Chen Duo: "Choose, any one is fine, and I will change it for you after you choose."

Chen Duo was instantly dazzled.

Ji Xing turned his head again and said, "Major Ma, please borrow some cosmetics from the girls in the village, and get some paste, silica gel, dye... come here."

Ma Xianhong stared at Ji Xing, stopped for a while, and finally turned around and went out. He could see Chen Duo's heartfelt joy, which was definitely not being induced and deceived by Ji Xing.

The rest of the temporary workers looked at each other, the scene was a bit strange, looking at Lao Meng who was sad alone, and then at Ji Xing and Chen Duo who was choosing a hairstyle...

Many people laughed again.

Is reincarnation important?

who cares.

Wang Zhenqiu raised his hand: "Immortal Li He, if you change your hairstyle, I can help!"

Clei Guan also said: "Everyone, let's see what we can help. Next, let's go to Chen Duo...before reincarnation, let's find a way to help her meet all her needs!"



Chen Duo had never put on makeup, nor had she changed into a complicated hairstyle. Finally, she chose a somewhat strange braid, and her lips were scary red.

It's weird, but she's happy.

A group of people went down the mountain together. In addition to the temporary workers and Ji Xing Zhang Chulan, the uneasy Ma Xianhong also expressed that he would send Chen Duo for a while.

They were all strangers with excellent feet. They walked outside the nearby town. Ji Xing nodded to Chen Duo, and Chen Duo took off his clothes with a smile.


It is obviously the most beautiful age, a young girl in the blooming season, but Chen Duo's body makes people unable to give birth to a little charming heart. From the chest down, it is all rotten and crimson in color, and the poison is breeding and growing in the body every moment. Feeling, just thinking about it makes people feel cold all over!

Ji Xing personally tore up the protective clothing that had bound Chen Duo for many years, and Chen Duo, who was able to wear a vest everywhere, said happily, "Go shopping?"

"Let's go, let's buy clothes first?"


Clothing store, choose a skirt.

The exposed arm was eroded by Gu poison, Ji Xing helped her wipe a layer of something lightly, but she didn't feel anything, but immediately returned to pure white.

Chen Duo smiled at him, without disturbing any strange eyes, and continued to go shopping.

"I'll go, Zhuangyuan brother, what kind of tricks are you doing, what kind of cosmetics did you tinker with before..."

"It's a small trick, it hasn't worked for a long time."

Claw machine, ice cream.

Look at the excitement of couples making out.

Listen to street guitar playing.

Chen Duo turned into a curious baby.

You can read everything, see everything.

It was almost evening when the few people entered the city, and soon the sun went down, and the night scene became more prosperous and charming.

Amidst the deafening music, Chen Duo stopped in front of a bar: "Here...I..."

"That's also fine."

Feng Baobao came to ask, "We can shake together in here, and I will take you to play?"


So a group of 'weirds' entered the bar, told Xiao Zizai and Clarinet a few words, Ji Xing let them play first, and dragged Zhang Chulan to the bathroom.

"What's the matter, brother champion?"

"Don't resist, just wait..." Ji Xing motioned him to stand in front of the mirror, and opened the bag that he had been carrying all afternoon. Zhang Chulan's eyes widened quickly.

"This, what is this?! What the hell?!"

Ten minutes later, the temporary workers who were wondering where the two of them had gone saw Ji Xing leading a dashing girl with white hair and double ponytails back.

"This, this girl is..."

"Isn't this the second strong man from the Northeast?!"

"She, Er Zhuang, isn't she..."

"No, it's Zhang Chulan..." Feng Baobao pinched the girl's face, picked up a small piece and bounced it back.

"What?! Zhang Chulan?!"

Ji Xing smiled, took out his mobile phone and said to the mobile phone: "Er Zhuang, you can't come here, so you can only make up for it with disguise."

Er Zhuang returned with a moved expression, and wrote again: "Although it is amazing... very happy, but... why does it have to be Zhang Chulan?" '

"Ma Village Chief can't agree either."

Ma Xianhong turned green, took two steps away, and looked up and down: "This... is really Zhang Chulan? You say your thing is... a disguise technique?"

"Where is the painting poison hidden in Thousand Faces?!" The temporary workers didn't believe it either.

The tall and slender Zhang Chulan touched her fake breasts, and with a look of death, she let out a sad and angry male voice: "I don't believe it myself."

"Hahaha..." Chen Duo laughed suddenly, then covered her mouth in embarrassment.

Everyone looked at each other and laughed.

Shake together, turn together.

Have fun together and play together.

"Who the hell touched my ass?!" Only Zhang Chulan was left shouting in grief and indignation.


Happy times are short.

In the middle of the night, Chen Duo couldn't move anymore, and the burden of suppressing the poison was getting heavier and heavier.

Upon discovering this, everyone left the bar and walked in the dead of night in the dead of night.

Chen Duo gently covered her lower abdomen with her hand, feeling a few eyes staring at her frequently, walked a few steps quickly, turned to face the others, and nodded cheerfully like an ordinary little girl.

"Thank you, Li He. Thank you, Village Chief Ma. Thank you, everyone, thank you!" She said with a happy smile, "I have no regrets."

"I'm leaving."

Lao Meng's eyes with shallow eye sockets turned red again, but the atmosphere did not become heavy because of this. Even Ma Xianhong's perception of the temporary workers changed greatly at this time.

"Let's go, after the last part of the journey, I'll send you reincarnated." Ji Xing said, "Don't you change the ones you chose during the day?"

Chen Duo smiled sweetly: "Yes!"

They came to a garden in front of them. There were two strong people there, and they were not afraid of being videotaped, so they could do whatever they wanted here.

"Let's take a picture first, as a souvenir."

Pulling Chen Duo to stand in the middle, the other five real and one fake temporary workers were separated to the left and right, making Ma Xianhong, who looked a little awkward and wanted to take pictures together but didn't say anything, took a few photos of them in succession.

Immediately, Ji Xing pointed to a stone bench and asked Chen Duo to sit on it: "Are you ready?"

Chen Duo looked around at the surrounding figures, the green pupils were brighter than the stars in the sky, imprinting everyone in them, and smiled happily.


Hum - black and white arrogance instantly rose from Ji Xing's body, and spread out in an instant, causing everyone to squint their eyes slightly.

Standing in the middle of the black and white, Chen Duo's smiling face with closed eyes was looming, and everyone moved in sync, bowing their heads in prayer.

Is reincarnation true or false?

They still don't know.

But in everyone's heart, the silent recitation is the same sentence: "Good girl, in your next life, you should be lucky and grab a good deck of cards."


‘Creating Chen Duoyi’s remains, half a year old, limited memory, awakened at 13 years old, has excellent cultivation qualifications… a total of 1843w starlight was consumed, should Chen Duo’s remains be made? '

'yes! '


Chen Duo's vitality slowly disappeared in the black and white brilliance, but she felt very warm.

As if returning to the mother's womb, the first baby cry was gradually issued, and the first newborn was born.

It seemed to be back after being taken out of the Yaoxian Society, and the human desire was activated, and he slapped the basketball to the sky with all his strength, looked up and saw the brilliance of the sun, cried loudly, and was reborn for the second time.

The pain of Gu poison is disappearing.

She saw Liao Zhong.

I saw 48 partners of the Yaoxian Society.


"Wow... wow... wow..."

"Hey, why is Duo Duo crying again? Did she pee? Oh oh oh... good..."


"Woooooo..." Lao Meng knelt in front of the breathless Chen Duo, and lost his voice: "The Immortal! The Immortal! Tell me, tell me quickly! Did Chen Duo succeed in reincarnating... did he succeed... "

Sitting not far away, Ji Xingpan met everyone's gaze, nodded and said, "It's done."


Demon Continent.

It only takes 1.04 million starlight to make a normal Chen Duoyi skeleton, but after adding up all kinds of needs, the consumption of starlight is close to 20 million.

The intruders she found were an ordinary but loving couple in Jinhui City, who met her requirements. They had been married for several years and had no children. There will be no children.

Watching the woman inside make milk powder for Chen Duo, who has sealed her memory and turned into a baby, to coax her, but the baby girl pouted cutely and peed on the bed.

Ji Xing smiled, turned and left.

Although he was in Jinhui City, Ji Xing did not intend to give Chen Duo any care, and he did not expect Chen Duo, who would wake up his memory after 12 and a half years, to help him with anything. At that time, he no longer knew where he had gone.

Whether it's being eaten by monsters on the way of growing up, or encountering other accidents, that's what Chen Duo needs to experience in his "life"!

Ji Xing just gave her a third chance to be reborn, everything else is irrelevant!

If you want to ask why you do this...

Yi Hai's position increases with the star lighting, there are three vacancies now, and there will be a fourth soon, and Ji Xing has only called Xiao Ai so far.

Not so much.

More than 18 million stars are not a big consumption for Ji Xing.

And at the end of the day, he's...happy.


"All sentient beings who have not been liberated have no fixed nature and consciousness, good habits bear fruit, and bad habits end their karma..."

Xiao Zizai put one hand on Chen Duo's forehead, and put the other hand upright in front of his chest, reciting scriptures.

Lao Meng's cry, Zhang Erzhuang's sad look with his head bowed, clarinet's sigh, Ma Xianhong's complexity, Feng Baobao's calm...

Listening to this, looking at this, and looking at Chen Duo's corpse, an unspeakable emotion rolled in Ji Xing's heart, and his breath became warmer again. Back in the body.

It seems that he has never been tricked by the corpse demon.

The demon's desire was finally completely subdued by the kindness of man.

His pure kung fu has entered a new stage.

This chapter 4k has been updated by 10000+. Sure enough, people still have to push themselves, although... tired and stupid.

I still owe five shifts of leave, and I have said more than 10,000 words. Shouldn't this be counted as paying back two chapters at once? Hahaha……

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