Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 379: The Beginning

Because Wanguo is suspected to have changed hands, the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Navy Headquarters and the intelligence department of the World Government have been conducting secret investigations to confirm the situation of Wanguo.

On Cake Island, there are CP members lurking.

The movement of the entire relocation and the war was too loud, and Ji Xing did not hide his whereabouts, so soon the Wanguo incident was presented on Wu Laoxing's desk in the form of intelligence documents.

"Holo actually went to Wan Guo?"

Didn't Warring States say that he went to the red-haired territory with Hawkeye and others a few days ago?

Goriba Qiaosheng said unexpectedly: "Avenge Charlotte Lingling for what happened three years ago? The news of Charlotte Lingling's death was indeed a rumor, but this time... can you confirm the specific situation?"

The CP0 member in front of him said: "No, the current Cake Island does not allow anyone to enter except for the children of Big Mom. I can only speculate based on some person faces Holo, who is not as good as Kaido. , Big mom should be really bad luck this time."

"That's it..." Goriba Qiaosheng nodded slowly: "This is a good thing, I know, continue to investigate the accurate information, and report to me in time if you find any new discoveries."

"Master Wulaoxing." CP0 in front of him said again: "We have become more vigilant and concerned about Holo's voyage this time. Before that, he hardly ever set sail with anyone, especially with many people. experience, but this time there are 13 people traveling together. Here is the list of 13 people, please take a look."

Goriba Qiaosheng stretched out his hand to take the reading. Except for the Hawkeye he was familiar with, the remaining 12 people had a brief introduction, and some important information was marked by CP0. After he read it, he couldn't help it. He looked up at each other.

"Isn't this a normal list? After all, we are going to the New World. He and Hawkeye can guarantee the combat effectiveness and safety of the ship. When we set sail, we will bring along a group of people with the best sailing ability among the subordinates and the most trusted people... ..."

As he spoke, he frowned slightly, read the list carefully, and stood up.

Ten minutes later, the five veterans gathered together and circulated the documents provided by CP0 one by one.

"Luo Si, the main person in charge of the Huo Luo business group, handles all the affairs of the business group for Huo Luo, has won the trust of Huo Luo, has the right to enter and leave Huo Luo's house at will, and is very respected by the Huo Luo disciples, suspected to have a relationship with Huo Luo Hollow is a husband and wife relationship..."

"Abe, the guard of Xiaochao Village who first followed Hollow, a Superman with oily fruit ability, can provide high-energy fuel for the ship..."

"Jin Xiao, the former helmsman of the Sasir Pirates, offered a bounty of 56 million Baileys. After being captured by Hollow, he chose to join the Hollow Merchant Group, and now he alone leads a large ship of the Merchant Group..."

"Tifei, a famous doctor in the West Sea, who is good at making various antidotes, Huo Luo personally recruited it when he traveled around the West Sea more than two years ago..."

"Scolera, navigator..."

"There seem to be too many people." Taiko Temple, who had a long knife on his waist, commented.

At the same time, they have Holo and Hawkeye, two of the top powerhouses among non-capable people. For them, they are inherently highly resistant to the dangers of the sea, so they don't need to bring so many people.

Of the 13 people on the ship, it would be no problem to reduce about five. For example, Luo Si, who manages the Hollow Merchant Group, and Doctor Tiffy, there is absolutely no need to go on a long voyage with the ship.

What's more, these are the elite of the host side of the Hollow business group, and they have nothing to do with the red hair. Normally, they just go to see the red hair, so there is no need to bring several of them.

Moreover, after going to the red hair, Holo split up with these people and went to Wan Guo alone. I don't know if he killed Big Mom, which seemed a bit abrupt and strange.

Why don't we drop by together?

If you are still acting alone, why bother to sail with others? Did he go to Wan Guo and leave the others in the red-haired territory?

Goribacho said: "Before departure, Holo talked with Sengoku on the phone. He said that the destination of this voyage is the Navy Headquarters, and he wanted to see Sengoku."

"To the Navy Headquarters?" Castro St. frowned and said, "The end of the voyage? Where is the route?"

"No. But it's not surprising. Huo Luo has had a lot of contacts with the Warring States over the years, and has contributed a lot to maintaining peace in the sea. The Warring States has always appreciated him."

"But I have always been wary of this person!" Saint Castro said in a deep voice, "The top combat power not under the control of the world government, the strongest domineering owner, Doflamingo The gibberish makes me feel like he is a hidden bomb just like that blasphemer!"

"The actions of the Revolutionary Army have been decreasing in the past three years, and the origin is the meeting between him and the Revolutionary Army Dragon. I can't believe this is the effect of his 'warning'!"

"Then what are they trying to do?"

"Everyone, there is one more thing I don't know if you have noticed. Since he came into contact with Nico Robin, the son of the devil in Alabasta, in the past three years, the traces of the son of the devil have rarely been grasped by CP0."

"O'Hara's Demon Son?!"

"Wait! Could it be that he..."

"A large number of excellent crew members have been assembled..."

"Impossible! He's not that D!"

"According to his performance over the years, he really has no motive or tendency, coupled with his excessive strength, we have always adopted a laissez-faire attitude towards him. But we have to consider the worst, In case... he has some ambitions and schemes, how should we deal with it?

If he joins forces with the revolutionary army or even the blasphemers, the scale of the disaster will probably exceed that of the Valley of Gods 36 years ago! "

In the end, Goribacho said: "Let CP0 keep an eye on them first. Didn't he say that this voyage is going to the Navy Headquarters? If nothing happens, let him drop by Marie Gioia. Let's meet the world's most beautiful man in person." Strong! If something happens..."

The five of them looked at each other, their faces becoming heavy.

"Anyway, let's notify the navy first."

In the naval headquarters, Sengoku, who received the notification from the Five Old Stars, sat silently on a chair for a while.

Does Wulaoxing also have a premonition of uneasiness?

Beware does not happen in an instant, but a qualitative change after a little bit of accumulation!

Since the Crocodile incident, he has always had a good opinion of Ji Xing, and he really doesn't want things to develop in a bad direction.

That's a man who would rather expose his contact with the Devil's Son than fight Aokiji and send Alabasta rain! That is the man who defeated the two Pirate Emperors and made the sea calmer in the past three years. He has countless fans in the navy!

But up to now, it would be the admiral's dereliction of duty to pretend that he has seen nothing and heard nothing.

He picked up the phone and said: "He, summon the three generals and come to my office together."


"That's right, I'm going to get One Piece."

A few days later, on Whitebeard's Mobidi, Ji Xingpan sat across from Whitebeard, and said this very frankly.

The complexions of Marco and Foil Bista, the captain of the Fifth Division standing nearby, changed slightly. The white beards on the opposite side looked down on Ji Xing. They were silent for a few seconds, and laughed loudly.

"Last time we met, you only had the courage to confront Lao Tzu's domineering brat just by the side of the red hair. , facing me, who is recognized as the biggest pirate under One Piece, even want me to give you the red history text?"

Ji Xing smiled: "'s really different."

White Beard raised his white beard.

"Yeah, you brat now has such capital, Charlotte and Kaido have both lost to you, the red hair is your friend, I have never thought about One Piece, you want to join the team that competes, indeed No one is more qualified than you!

But... what about the Navy? You don't think you can get One Piece without anyone noticing it, do you? Do you know what you are going to face? You know what that does to the world? "

"Then you don't need to worry about seniors. If the navy and the world government react quickly, they may have already guessed my purpose. I won't naively think that there will be no traces if I do it. My every move is stared at by too many people." Too many, I can't kill everyone." Ji Xing said.

"It doesn't matter what the big secret treasure is." He immediately interrupted what White Beard was about to say, and said, "I know it's probably not a treasure. One Piece is dead, and many of the crew of One Piece are still alive. If only There is no reason to put the spoils along the way on that island.

I didn't even want to be a One Piece, but I just wanted to see it, so I just went there. "

"If you want to see it, just go there?"

White Beard repeated Ji Xing's words, and once again burst into laughter: "Indeed, there is no more suitable reason than this.

Marco, go to Joz and send a rubbing of the text of the red history text! "

Marco looked at Ji Xing, nodded and replied, "I see, Dad."

"Thank you, Senior Whitebeard." Ji Xing said, looking sideways at the distant sea, and saw a big boat coming quickly, with a familiar slim figure standing on the bow.

"Hey! Holo! It's really you! Hahaha, long time no see!"

Yamato let out a big laugh, and his body flew towards the sky. After stepping on the Mobidi, his body swayed slightly, and he helped Ji Xing's shoulders when he got up.

At the same time, there was a young man wearing a straw hat with freckles on the boat over there, who looked this way for a few moments, then turned into a ball of flames and flew over, and greeted the white beard with "Daddy". Stand aside and look at Ji Xing.

"Come on, Ace!" Yamato said with a smile: "Let me introduce you, this guy is Holo, the guy who took Kaido into prison three years ago, took away Yamato... and took away Papa's title of being the strongest in the world." man!"

Ace nodded politely: "Hi, Senior Hollow, I'm Ace!"

Ji Xing nodded and responded: "Hello. Long time no see, Yamato, you have been on Senior Whitebeard's boat for four years, how are you doing?"

Yamato glanced at the white beard, leaned into Ji Xing's ear and said, "Well, it's so-so, he controls me quite strictly, only occasionally can he take the boat of the second division around, and most of the time he has to stay Fortunately, there are Ace and the others nearby to relieve boredom."

I'm really tired of this incongruity, and you ran away long ago. Ji Xing smiled and said, "How is Wano Country doing now?"

"Very good." Yamato said: "After Kaido was driven away, the acting general Kushiro really had a hidden identity as you said. He was Denjiro, one of the Nine Heroes of the Red Sheath, and he is still in charge of it temporarily." Focusing on the affairs of the Wano country, what are you waiting for for 20 years, waiting for my son to return."

Momanosuke? Traveling through time and space for 20 years, it will take two years to appear in this world, right?

Ji Xing said: "You still think of yourself as Kozuki Oden from time to time, Yamato."

Yamato said: "It's a pity that Dad saved Wano Country, and you defeated Kaido. I want to be a hero like Oden, but it's still far away!"

Ji Xing shook his head, and suddenly asked Ace: "Do you think Kozuki Oden is a hero?"

"Ah..." Ace was taken aback, thought for a while and said, "It should be... right?"

"A hero who would rather believe in the illusory prophecy of 20 years, rather than ask his friends and brothers for help, and let the country fall for more than ten years?"

Ace froze, White Beard frowned lightly, and Yamato said dissatisfiedly: "The disasters in our own country will be resolved by the people of our own country. Isn't such persistence a hero?"

"What was the result?" Ji Xing asked, "So Wano deserved what they suffered for more than ten years? Do you still think that Senior Whitebeard's action was superfluous? Didn't you say that Wano is doing well now? Then Do you forget when it's bad?"

Even after 20 years from the prophecy, it will not be the Wano samurai who will save Wano!

Yamato's expression twisted slightly: "But..."

Ji Xing smiled: "Okay, let's stop this topic for now, I'm not here to preach to you, you can think about what I said slowly. That ship is full of members of your second team?"

Yamato, who was unusually broad-minded, was cut off from the conversation, looked at the boat approaching the Mobidi, and said with a smile, "Ah, my brothers are all on board! Raymond! Tiki! Come out, I'll introduce you to replace Papa is the strongest in the world!"

Whitebeard glanced at Yamato, feeling his fist harden again.

A few people appeared on the bow, looking at the boat. One of them lacked a few teeth in his mouth. He had a rough appearance, thick hair, and a burly middle-aged man standing in the crowd, looking unremarkable.

Ji Xing noticed him at a glance.

Marshall D. Teach, the black beard who killed Ace and took away the white beard fruit in the future!

He was looking at him with a harmless smile, as if admiring him. Is this man the legendary Horo? Thief hahaha... so scary, such a young face... Huh? Why do you seem to be looking at me all the time?

"Is that that Tiki? I've heard it before." Ji Xing said with a smile: "A long time ago, I was curious about where the three scars on the red-haired left eye came from, so he told me the name Tiki. Yamato, your team is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

Yamato was taken aback, and Ace was even more surprised: "Red hair? Four emperors with red hair Shanks? Tiki, you actually hurt that guy?"

Tiqi looked at the curious eyes of the people around him, his expression froze and he laughed haha: "It was a long, long time ago, when we were all children and trainee crew members."

"Is that so?" Ace said, "Your qualifications are really scary."

The captain of the fifth team, Vista, thought for a while, and said: "Indeed, it seems that Tiqi boarded the ship at about the same time as me. He is an old man on the ship."

"Compared to Ace and Captain Yamato, I have no talent, and I can only talk about my qualifications." Tiqi smiled.

"No talent? Your body is very strong, and your blood flow is different from that of ordinary people. Do you have some special talents?" Ji Xing said.

Tiqi met a group of curious eyes again, cursed a few times in his heart, and said: "Thief haha... Everyone knows that I have some abnormalities in my body, but the benefit to me is that I hardly need to sleep at night. , no other benefit."

"He is a low-key man." Ji Xing said with a smile: "It's good, I also like low-key. Although I am recognized as the strongest in the world now, the time I miss the most is before killing the white lion. The time when Xiaochao Village practiced knives."

The expressions of the white bearded crew were numb.

Ji Xing teased Tiqi with these two sentences, and didn't say any more. Reminders are meaningless.

Tiki has been on the ship for so many years, and White Beard has never noticed his abnormality? This is impossible, even the moment Tiki boarded the boat, Whitebeard saw through Titch's not pure mind.

It's just that he attaches too much importance to family affection, and Tiqi has called him Daddy for too many years, and he doesn't want to speculate on Tiqi from the worst angle.

And if Ji Xing wants to solve this scourge, there are more than three better ways than warning Whitebeard, the most concise and clear way is assassination.

But it's not necessary.

After this incident, maybe the deformed experimental body Tiki can still be used. In the current world, there is no soil for him to suffocate.

In the next period of time, Ji Xing chatted with Dahe to reminisce about the past, talked about each other's experiences in the past few years, and got acquainted with the very polite Ace.

Wait until Marco brings the engraving of the red history text, and wait until the ship controlled by Hawkeye enters Whitebeard's territory.

Four historical texts of road signs, complete!

The white seagulls were noisy on the sea surface, and the two converging parties Yu Marko and saw off COSCO.

Go, Ralph Drew!

Whitebeard stood at the bow of the boat and looked at the distant sea, Roger's figure appeared in his mind: "He is not D, but is it true that only D can do it? That brat... is already stronger than us."

Almost at the same moment.

In the deep sea, a super-large sea king over 5,000 meters made a strange howl!

On the sea, Aokiji, who was riding a bicycle leisurely, put the phone bug in his arms and sighed leisurely: 'When I doubt whether my behavior is correct, then don't doubt it, I was wrong. That's what you told me, Hollow, do you think what you're going to do is the right thing to do? '

Admiral Crane, accompanied by Magellan, walked to the deepest part of the cell in the deepest part of the impelton submarine prison, the sixth floor, and found the man who was tied up in a large font.

" it finally starting?"

In the depths of the holy land of Mariejoa, among the flowers, the five old stars knelt on one knee under the high throne.

"Master Im!"

The dim silhouette raised his head, and a photo in his hand showed Ji Xing's face against the candlelight.

The state is still poor and is being adjusted. Sheep shift once every two days, I have never been so depraved, the new crown probably has a real sequelae, alas, I hope you can give me back my clever little brain soon...

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