Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 385: Im's Identity and the Heavenly King's Strike!

"Losing?!" Hearing the voice from the opposite side of the phone bug, Sengoku jumped up from his chair and sat down slowly in the Navy Headquarters.

"I really lost..." fast!

From the time he got the news that Holo invited the three generals to the present, in less than an hour, the battle was decided. Three years ago, Holo fought against Big mom and Kaido with one enemy and two, but it was still used. Almost half a day!

This proves that Huo Luo's strength has made considerable progress in the past three years.

Although I had estimated it when I received the news, the veteran comrades in their 70s still felt shocked when they got such a result.

Roger, Whitebeard, and even Rocks and the Red Earl, in their heyday, would never be able to do this kind of thing that one person can face against the three highest combat forces of the navy, let alone win the battle.

Three years ago, when Hollow won two with one, he felt that the opponent might be a man who would bring about changes in the world, but this is too 'changeable', right? Is it purely based on the unprecedented strength?

He took a long breath, stabilized his emotions, and said, "He, what's the specific situation, how are the three of them?"

"Sakaski was seriously injured and comatose, the yellow ape was slightly injured, and the green pheasant was moderately injured. They are using their abilities to help Holo block the rolling sea water." Crane replied: "Hollow has also suffered not a light injury. The other direction is close to Egghead Island, and it is about to land, Warring States."

"So..." Zhan Guo murmured: "Okay, don't hang up the phone, Worm, He, let's listen to what Huo Luo is going to say."

Although the order of the world government was not to do unnecessary things, if they failed to win Holo, they would be notified immediately and then make arrangements, but at this time Warring States still made a judgment decision on its own.

The south side of Egghead Island.

The warship docked in the turbulent waves, and the sailors on board, whether they were generals or captains, looked at the huge trench on the other side that was making the sea level drop by a fraction, with a dazed expression on their faces.

The three most powerful admirals in the navy are the characters that all sailors believe in and look forward to the most. Compared with the marshal, although he is one level higher, his force is not weaker than the general, but compared with the meaning of the rank of 'general', he is still inferior. It has a unique meaning.

Today, faith has collapsed.

"Fragile children." He looked at them: "It seems that when we return to the Navy headquarters, we need to carry out some ideological education."

She prevented several generals from following, got off the warship alone, and walked towards Ji Xing.

After a while, amidst the flashing golden light, the yellow ape appeared beside her, and said with a chirp, "No way, Granny Crane, Huo Luo is too strong, we are no match at all, it's so scary~"

"You don't need to tell me, the old woman knows the ending." He said, "Warring States is on the other end of the phone bug. Let's talk to Holo. Maybe... we will hear some troublesome things."

When they got closer, Ji Xing didn't say anything troublesome. They first heard another trouble, which came from Qingzhi, who had just been frozen by the tsunami.

"Okay, okay, I'm exhausted." The lazy tone was the same as before, but what he said was "rebellious" words: "I completely lost to you, Hollow. As a loser, I want to hear what you and What Nicole Robin saw in Ralph Drew.

Is it related to the blank 100 years? Does it record something against the World Government? Tell me if... I'll consider quitting the Navy and give you a hand! "

The beard of the phone bug flew up, and Qingzhi seemed to have noticed the approach of the crane, scratched his hair and said: "Oops, it seems that the marshal heard it by accident, hahaha..."

"Kuzan, you..." Sen Guo's headache came from the opposite side of the phone bug.

Ji Xing looked at Qingzhi, then looked at Crane approaching with a phone bug, and said, "I'm sorry, Marshal Warring States, we messed around, we still have to communicate through phone bugs. My original plan was to go to the Navy headquarters to invite Fighting against the three generals, I changed my mind after seeing some things in Ralph Drew, and decided to come to Egghead Island, and changed the battlefield to here by the way.

Now it seems that we may not have the fate to see each other in a short time, haha. "

"Come to the Navy Headquarters to invite them to fight?" The phone bug stared and said, "Then I should be glad that you didn't come, otherwise the top three forces of the Navy would be defeated by you in the Navy Headquarters, and the morale of all the elites of the Navy would be knocked down by you." Bottom!"

"I've fought against pirates several times, isn't it fair for the navy to do it once?" Ji Xing laughed.

The Warring States choked.

Crane shook his head and said, "Holo, the sea breeze at night is getting colder and colder. The old lady can't stand it blowing like this. Let's talk about business first. Your goal has been achieved, so it's time to talk about your goal. Why did you suddenly go to Lav Drew, why did you come to Egghead Island, what do you want to do?"

After the words fell, she, Aokiji, and even Sengoku, who was opposite the phone bug, held their breath slightly!

They will also be curious about the blank hundred-year history, but they are limited by their responsibilities, and they cannot explore things prohibited by the world government.

Do you know that you have to 'have to' this time? How much impact will it have? Does the world government really have hidden sins besides the Tianlong people? !

Ji Xing smiled slightly: "Secret."


"You have misunderstood something." Ji Xing said: "From the fact that the world government tried its best to prevent people from exploring the blank 100-year history, it can be deduced that the 100-year history will be very detrimental to the prestige of the world government. When Drew learned the truth, he wanted to talk to the navy, which has always had a good relationship, and persuade you to oppose the world government. On the surface, it seemed logical.

But some things are not that simple, and I would not be so naive. As the navy that maintains order and peace in the sea, you have to consider the stability of the sea. It is unlikely that you will be advised to join me, and I don't need your help. "

"So... you really want to be an enemy of the world government?" Warring States said in a deep voice.

"Now it's not that I and the World Government are not enemies, but that they will most likely not let go of me, Robin, and Hawkeye who know the history of the century." Ji Xing said with a smile: "So always It has to be done. I just hope that the navy will not get involved. Today's battle has only one purpose, and it can be regarded as a warning.

If I think about it, the navy that arrived today, including Admiral Huang Yuan, may all be wiped out here! I was merciful once, and I hope the Navy will not interfere in the next thing!

As long as the navy maintains order and peace in the sea, don’t get involved in the disputes between me and the world government. The Marshal of the Warring States Period has taken good care of me in the past few years. I don’t want you to become my enemy. "

After the words fell, there was silence.

After letting them digest for a few seconds, Ji Xingcai said again: "General Huang Yuan has a very good attitude sometimes. He fishes and paddles. If you receive news that the world government is dealing with me again, you should be a little passive and sabotage. Just make a show."

Qingzhi wanted to speak again, Ji Xing looked at him and said, "General Qingzhi doesn't need to help me, just stay in the navy, the navy needs you more. I am fighting against the world government, if the sea is not stable, I still need you to ride I’m going around Pingding on my bike.”

Aokiji was dumbfounded, and scratched his hair.

"Okay, that's all for now. If you still want to hear about the blank 100-year history, I'll tell you. As for other things, I have nothing to say about what I want to do." Ji Xingdao .

The silence lasted for another moment, and the phone bug Zhong Zhan Guo sighed: "Forget it, I think... it's better not to know, Hollow... you can take care of yourself."

He was very disappointed with the performance of the World Government after the Blasphemer incident three years ago, but as Ji Xing said, as the Admiral of the Navy who maintained peace and stability in the sea, even if the World Government had a serious crime 800 years ago, he might not be able to do so. Determined to lead the navy to rebel, not to mention that the world government can rule the sea for 800 years, and it already has one strong hole card after another.

So... it's okay not to know.

Ji Xing smiled: "Thank you Marshal Warring States for your reminder. Oh, by the way, there is one more thing. Others can leave later, but General Akainu wants to stay with me. I will imprison him for a while."

"Huh? Holo! Sakalsky, he..."

"There is no special hatred or hostility, and it has nothing to do with O'Hara." Ji Xingdao: "In fact, from a neutral point of view, General Akainu can be called a very qualified soldier. He perfectly executes the orders of his superiors and has his own Judgment, zero tolerance for crime, but I, who was identified as a criminal by him, will have some headaches.

If he is allowed to go back, next time he will stand on the front line of the battle with me, unlike you Marshal of the Warring States Period, so I will keep him for a shouldn't be too long. "

Sengoku obviously knew Chinu's temper, he was silent for a few seconds, and then sighed heavily: "Holo, take care of yourself, I've always been very optimistic about you, but I didn't expect it to suddenly come to where you are today."

"Let Marshal Warring States bother."

After a few more conversations, without saying too much, the conversation came to an end.

After the phone bug hung up, Sengoku of the Navy Headquarters leaned back on the chair, closed his eyes and meditated, with an extremely dignified expression, and on Egghead Island, Lieutenant General Crane signaled Aokiji and Kizaru: "You two go back to the warship to bandage the wound first, The old lady has a few words and wants to talk to Holo alone, is that okay?"

Aokiji couldn't switch, feeling a little embarrassed at the moment, shook his head and made a haha, then walked towards the direction of the warship, and the yellow ape even turned away.

Only Ji Xing, He, and the unconscious Chigou were left, and He asked, "Holo, do you think the phone bug just now was monitored by the world government?"

"Lieutenant General He made a clear investigation, and the Marshal of the Warring States period should have found out, so he didn't ask much." Ji Xing said with a smile: "There is indeed a word to say in private, I hope you bring it to the Marshal of the Warring States period in person, so that the navy will not participate more Determination."

He sighed vicissitudes of life and looked up at Ji Xing.

Ji Xingdao: "The devil fruit comes from human desires, and it is the highest technology product of the huge kingdom 800 years ago. The birth of the devil fruit production machine is actually a coincidence."

Crane looked slightly surprised, she didn't know that the devil fruit had such an origin.

Then Ji Xing said again: "There is a person who is the key to its birth, and her desire gave birth to the world's first devil fruit. She was one of the key points in the war eight hundred years ago, named Yi Mu, many people think she is dead, but I think she is probably still alive, there are always people on the void throne of Holy Land Maryjoa!"

"!!!" Crane's eyes froze for a moment.


San Marie Gioia.

Wulaoxing put Poss as always.

The monitor phone bug on the table in front of them no longer made any sound, and the five of them had serious brows, and they didn't finally speak until the report call from the Warring States Period was over.

"I didn't expect... Even the three generals of the navy joined forces and were defeated by him."

"The loyalty of the Navy has also gone wrong!"

"Fortunately, the Warring States Period is still reasonable, and did not touch the 100-year history..."

"Aokiji has the most serious problem."

"But the core point is still only Holo."

"Ah, this guy has clearly expressed his hostility to the world government, and his personal power has reached the strongest level in history. He is the most dangerous enemy of the world government!"

"The chances of organizing more people to siege and kill him are slim. For the current plan, the only way to deal him a fatal blow is to ask Mr. Im to activate the national treasure!"

"I will let CP0, including World Economic News, lock his position as soon as possible."

"Vegapunk left with him..."

"He is also imprisoned by his side, the only Sakasky who is completely loyal to the Horo incident..."

The five of them looked at each other, their eyes flashing fiercely.


"I can only blame them for their bad lives!"

Having made a decision, they will each be busy in the next few days, and the world government will run at full capacity.

Until they reached the depths of Mariejoia, among the flowers, they knelt on one knee under Im on the void throne, and reported: "Master Im, we have confirmed the location of Holo, and he is taking a boat to Punk Hazard! "

Im holding the map in his hand, found Punk Hazard, and drew a cross on it with a red pen.

Put Punk Hassad on the map!


New World, Punk Hazard.

Walking in the abandoned Kaiser laboratory, the Vegapunks were chattering and not very satisfied.

After the battle between Ji Xing and the three generals was over that day, and after communicating with Lieutenant General He and others, he returned to the Vegapunk laboratory and found that the six clones of Vegapunk had gathered, and even the important experimental supplies were all there. It is very wise to pack up and prepare to go with Ji Xing.

This is also normal. He was originally a scientist who was arrested and controlled by the world government. It is not research to do research with anyone. In short, he can't resist.

Ji Xing's research is even more tempting.

This old man in his 60s and 70s is also a bit wicked. The six avatars are all beautiful, ranging from lolita to girls to Yujie.

Ji Xing didn't appreciate it, and was a little disgusted.

"Just study here?"

"It's too shabby."

"There are none of the equipment that should be..."

"What about research funding?"

"I suspect we made the wrong choice!"

Ji Xing let them make noise, stood next to Vegapunk's main body, and said: "After Caesar was captured, people from the world government cleaned up here, and only some ordinary instruments were left, which were also taken by my friends not long ago. gone."

Vegapunk raised his head in doubt: "Take it away? So it's not actually here..."

"Of course, it's too bright." Ji Xing said, "Next we may face the most terrifying blow, one of the most technologically advanced products of the giant kingdom eight hundred years ago!"

Vegapunk was stunned, his expression changed slightly: "The Heavenly King Uranus?! Yes, only ancient weapons have the power to deal with you, we..."


In the sky, a burst of thunder interrupted his words, and it also quieted down the chattering girls, feeling an extremely depressing atmosphere.

Vegapunk was shocked.

Ji Xing smiled and said: "It seems that he is always ready, it came so fast."

"You... let's get out of here quickly! Uranus, the king of heaven, is a super weapon that flies around this planet. It is full of energy and can wipe out a country from the sky in an instant! It is a force that human beings can't resist. We... ..."

"Try it, if you are an enemy of the world government, you must learn the power of this national treasure."

Without waiting for the anxious Vegapunk to speak again, Ji Xing disappeared in a flash and appeared on the top of the research institute, looking at the gathered dark clouds in the sky.

The three ancient weapons, Pluto the Pluto, Poseidon the Sea King, and Uranus the Heavenly King, each possess terrifying power!

Among them, Pluto is a huge battleship that can destroy the island with one blow. It is currently stored in the magma volcano underground in Wano Country, and it is difficult to activate it.

Poseidon, the king of the sea, is Shirahoshi, the princess of the mermaid kingdom. He has the ability to control sea kings with a body size of more than 5,000 meters, and he has not yet awakened.

Only Uranus, the king of heaven, is in the hands of the world government. It is the national treasure that Doflamingo has coveted for a long time and the world government controls the world!

Its essence is a huge spacecraft flying in space, and its effect is similar to that of space-based weapons!

"This feels... close to the striking power of my body's full blow. The four-star evaluation of Pirate World should also be pulled by these technologies."

Ji Xing let out a long breath of foul air.

The black knife clangs out of its sheath!

The next moment, all the muscles on his body protruded violently, and the black clothes he had changed into swelled and exploded in an instant, exposing his flesh with well-vascularized veins!

Ji Xing's height quickly rose from 2.4 meters to 3 meters, and the armed colors were wrapped in layers, flowing towards the black knife, and the overlord's color surged up!

"Bakai-double layer!"

On top of the overlord color that is active and exciting to stimulate strength, there is a layer of amplified overlord color, and Ji Xing's muscles are automatically cracked during the high stimulation!

The limit is the limit, breaking the limit is breaking the limit.

Li Wushuang-Demon Blade-Exceeding Limits!

Ji Xing's own body was destroyed by a force several times stronger than when he faced the three generals a few days ago, and his strength was also raised beyond the peak!

And when he climbed to the top, above the sky, in the dense clouds, 16 magnificent and thick laser-like columns descended, covering the entire island of Punk Hazard!

Each beam of light carries a world-shattering energy that distorts the space!

Under the horrified gaze of the vegapunks rushing out of the research institute, a giant shadow waved its blade, and in the horror that silenced the space, it went straight to the four central beams of light!


The world trembled!

The magnificent energy waves expanded round and round, and the seawater in the distance was smoothed out layer by layer! At the moment when he was swallowed by the white light, Vegapunk only heard a vague roar.

"If you lock me, I will lock you!"


The world is dead silent!


San Marie Gioia.

Wu Laoxing slapped the table angrily, his expression was frightened, mixed with trembling and fear.

"The national treasure was damaged?!"

"This is impossible!"

"Can it be repaired?! Can it be repaired?!"

"What happened to Punk Hazard?!"

"What happened to Holo?! How could he... How could this be possible?!"

The uneasiness lasted for a long time, and they got good news and bad news.

He sat back with a dull face.

The bad news is that the damage to the national treasure is difficult to make up for in a short period of time. It requires top scientists and a lot of money, but Vegapunk just didn't.

The good news is that Holo, along with the entire island of Punk Hazard, is gone... along with it!

Long-lost 5200+, ask for two tickets.

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