Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 398 High-End Bureau

Hong Hong's reaction was not right.

As a 13-year-old girl, a low-level hunter, when she met a monster like Kong Yangzheng, her reaction was not right.

Her parents and elder brother were killed by demons, she should either be afraid, or she should be nervous because of hatred, but she should not be calm.

Ji Xing and Xiao Ai have a reason to be calm, what does she have? There can only be secrets. That is to say, both Yanqiu and Xu Shengnan's spirits are on Kong Yangzheng, otherwise something is wrong.

Cough, all three of them are wrong.

Recalling the first time I saw this little girl, it was nearly three years ago. She and Xu Shengnan were the first living people Ji Xing saw after he had just left Yangliu Town and traveled thousands of miles in the mountains and wilderness.

At that time, Sihu Town under the jurisdiction of Jinhui City was invaded by vicious big monsters. Even the president of the Hunter’s Guild was defeated and died. Hong Hong’s parents and elder brothers were all killed by the big monsters. buried family members.

Because of this, she was favored by Xu Shengnan, adopted and brought back, and has been to this day!

'Is it from the beginning? So even my identity is aware. '

At that time, Ji Xing had just experienced Ke Xue World and Naruto World, and his combat power was only at the level of a hundred numbered monsters. He could not tell, he walked back and forth on the edge of danger!

It doesn't matter now.

But... Xu Shengnan might be sad.

Ji Xing looked away and closed his eyes.

Ten seconds later, there was a sudden roar from the area five kilometers away, and a gust of wind that bends the flowers, plants and trees and blows them away!

The two Xu Shengnan staggered a little, stabilized their figure, looked back, saw the sky shining brightly in the distance, turned their heads and gritted their teeth and continued to run wildly.

Yanqiu and Kong Yangzheng are fighting!

With such a distance, there are such movements, and it is somewhat beyond her expectations as she is about to become a number hunter. The gap between ordinary number hunters and god hunters and demon gods is as big as heaven!

'Yanqiu probably has the level of a general, the lowest level of a godhunter? Kong Yangzheng is about the same level as when I was one against two, the gap is obvious...'

It was also Ji Xing's first time to 'witness' a battle at the level of a god hunter, and he finally had a basic estimate of the level of combat power in the Demon Continent.

‘Maybe there is a slight improvement after the outbreak, and counting the nine gods, the strength of this world is above the five-star level, and the scale is very large and there are many strong people. Can the strongest be at the level of Kaguya? '

If it's just like this, I should already have sufficient self-protection ability, but it's better not to be too careless, the more I know, the more I feel that there are more secrets in the monster.

Also, Kong Yangzheng said before that these nine gods were newly born in the past two hundred years, so what about the earlier gods? never showed up? Or in the so-called 300-year "carnival"...

All dead? End of life?

While making these analyzes and judgments in his mind, Xu Shengnan didn't know anything, and kept carrying them away from the battlefield for more than 30 kilometers. On the way, he killed a few low-level mid-level monsters, and his breathing was slightly thickened, confirming that the aftermath of the battle would no longer affect him. They found a cave in the forest.

Drilled in, put the three of them down, the two Xu Shengnan merged again, and returned to their original appearance.

Then she reached into her pocket, took out a medal, and immediately activated it with spiritual power.

Ji Xing's and Hong Hong's eyes glanced at the medal at the same time, and then closed it again. Ji Xing's eyes interacted with Xiao Ai, hugging her as if to comfort her, without saying a word.

And that medal was lit up by Xu Shengnan.

It was Yanqiu's liaison medal. When communicating with Kong Yangzheng earlier, Yanqiu quietly handed the medal to Xu Shengnan, laying the groundwork for the future.

And after the medal was completely lit, the familiar voice of Sun Qin came out from it: "Yanqiu? What's the matter, you should..."

"Sun Shenlie, it's me!" Xu Shengnan interrupted loudly: "We have encountered the demon god Kong Yangzheng, and now Yanshenlie is fighting him to protect us! The battle site is about 3,000 kilometers away from Zhongdu. In the early morning, I passed by a third-level city called Zizhuo City!"

Concise and concise, explain everything clearly.

Sun Qin on the opposite side was not at all ambiguous, and his voice was shocked: "What! You guys take cover! I will immediately mobilize the nearest God Hunter for reinforcements!"

Medal broken link. Xu Shengnan let out a sigh of relief, turned around and said, "I'm afraid the result is not optimistic. This place is still too far away from the Central Capital. If there is no God Hunter nearby, it may take more than half a day for the reinforcements to arrive!

Li He, Xiao Ai, Hong Hong... Alas, I told Lao Luo not to take random pictures! "

She rolled up her trouser legs vigorously, untied a row of bundled needle tubes on her calf, took out five of them, and took out three of them and handed them to the three of them one by one: "This is a brain rot agent. You should have heard of it. If you encounter In the worst case, do you have the courage to stab it into your own temple, destroy your own brain, and prevent yourself from becoming food for demons?"

"Of course, that's the worst outcome." She added: "I will leave some misleading traces in a while, and set off in another direction by myself! If you lose the hunt along the gods, Kong Yangzheng wants to find us again, Will go after me first!

You just hide here, take this medal to locate, and wait for the reinforcements to come to the rescue! "

After a short pause, she let out another long breath: "If luck is good, we can meet up after a while. If my luck is not good, Li He will be sad, and Hong Hong will ask you to take care of me!

And if your luck is bad...hahaha, don't be afraid, sister will accompany you! "

"Sister..." The red circles under her eyes suddenly turned red, and her performance was flawless.

Ji Xing looked at Xu Shengnan, and said, "Sister Shengnan has arranged everything so thoughtfully, how could I still be afraid, Xiao Ai, are you afraid?"

Xiao Ai shook her head lightly: "Don't be afraid, we will be fine, Miss Sheng Nan."

"Hahaha, you two!" Xu Shengnan stepped forward and hugged them lightly, then turned around and kissed Honghong's forehead forcefully.

"We... will all be safe!"

After saying that, she turned around and ran out of the cave, and headed back towards the battlefield to make misleading traces, without any more nostalgia for words.

But when she left, there were only three people left in the cave, but the atmosphere changed somewhat.

The red teardrops disappeared, and Ji Xing and Xiao Ai's reluctance disappeared, and the three of them looked at each other, confirming that they were all Oscar winners. If Xu Shengnan saw it, she would be stupid!

Ji Xing smiled and said, "It's hidden very deep, Hong Hong, switch to cultivating a demon god?"

Honghong said with a smile on her face: "You are not as powerful as senior. Senior's conversion is almost successful, right? The tenth god will appear on the Demon Continent. So far I don't even know which demon god you are converted to. I just know you must be strong.

And the situation of Xiao Ai's sister also confuses me, how does she look like an ordinary person? "

Xiao Ai didn't respond, but Ji Xing said: "I'm more curious about your situation. If I guessed correctly, the vicious invasion of the big monster in Sihu Town and the replacement of Gong Linghui by the big monster were all influenced by you, it was you." Infiltrating Jinhui City and making noise. Yanqiu Shenhun first came to Jinhui City, and he must have become suspicious, so he went to investigate.

So how did you, a demon god who was obviously at the center of the turmoil, hide it from him? "

"As expected of a senior, I analyzed so many things so quickly." Hong Hong said: "I was able to escape the investigation because of my special ability, and my way of transferring cultivation is also different from ordinary ones. As for the specific situation , it is inconvenient to tell you."

" this is where you are now?"

Hong Hong said: "Obviously, under today's circumstances, one or both of you and I must be exposed. Then as a junior, I naturally have to take the initiative. Your identity as Li He is about to be confused. If you have entered the core of human beings, you definitely don’t want your success to fall short.”

Ji Xing smiled: "Thank you so much."

After finishing the sentence, he pointed to the contact medal in Honghong's hand: "Actually, there is another way that we don't reveal it. It is this medal that Kong Yangzheng manipulated. If you just insisted that Xu Shengnan carry it, we are safe." of."

"Then sister Katsunan is dead, isn't she?"

Hong Hong giggled: "Thanks to her for taking care of me for so long, I will have some feelings. Just like what Kong Yangzheng said, after becoming a god, the meaning of race is not very important to us. Demons, humans, Actually all the same.

You don't look like a cold-blooded monster. You have a good relationship with Katsunan's sister, so you won't just watch her die. By the way, she will be very sad after I expose her, so please take care of her more from you and sister Ai. "

"Is that so... no problem."

"That's great."

The cave fell into strange silence again.

The three each have their own ideas.

It lasted for nearly half an hour, and the sky in the distance became clear, and there was a rustling sound in front of the cave, and the three of them showed nervousness and fear at the same time.

"Oh? One is missing, did you make a misleading trace?" Kong Yangzheng's voice came from outside the cave, and he seemed a little dissatisfied: "The current juniors are really not alert enough, so are you, Xiaoqiu, and so is that girl. Unexpectedly, how could I not find out the delivery of your contact badge?

Speaking of which, I heard that Xiao Sun is already number 013, and has grown a lot, but there is basically no improvement for the badge. "

When he walked into the cave, he still had the image of the majestic old man, but his clothes were a little tattered, and there were some scum on his face, showing cracked lines.

Looking back at Yanqiu who was held in his hand, his limbs and bones were cracked and broken to varying degrees, and his breath was sluggish. He held his breath and did not fall into a coma!

"Sun Shenlie...seeing you...will be very disappointed..." he said with difficulty.

"I'm the one who is disappointed. Even now, Xiaoqiu, you still refuse to trust the teacher." Kong Yangzheng sighed: "It's really a traitor to force the teacher to do something you don't want to do.

Well, well, for the sake of humanity, a teacher can do anything! Look in front of you, Xiaoqiu, what a young life these three are, now only you have the chance to save them.

Let go of your mind, strengthen your spirit, and become one with the teacher! As long as you are strong enough, stabilize your consciousness, and become a god with your teacher, they are safe!

Otherwise...well, otherwise what? Teachers really don't threaten people. "

Yanqiu managed to raise his eyes to look at the three of them, and squeezed out an ugly smile: "Sorry, it seems that I have troubled you this time."

Become a god? Kong Yangzheng, who has completely degenerated into a monster, became a god and is also the god of a monster! It is absolutely impossible for Yanqiu to cooperate with him!

"It's okay, hunting along the gods, we are not afraid of dying with Xiaoai. It's just a pity that Honghong is gone." Ji Xing sighed.

After saying that, he and Xiao Ai looked at each other, and at the same time picked up the hidden brain rot agent and stabbed it at his temple, Honghong did the same!

But at this moment, there was a gust of wind that easily shattered the potion in Ji Xing and Xiao Ai's hands!

"Haha, you are really brave juniors, but how could you make it so easy...huh?" Kong Yang stopped talking halfway, and frowned slightly.

He looked at Hong Hong, the brain rot agent in Hong Hong's hand, which should have been crushed at the same time, seemed to be protected by some force and remained intact!

"This is……"

The red face drooped down: "Why...why do you want to seek death?"

Crack—the brain rot agent was smashed by her.

When she raised her head again, the grin on the corner of her mouth cracked to her ears, her cute little face was gone, and her laughter became ferocious: "Ah?! Let me ask you! Why do you want to seek death?!"

Kong Yangzheng's expression froze.

Yanqiu's bewildered expression is also clear: ", how is this possible..."

I obviously stabbed her with a magic needle!

"The Magic Needle can indeed identify powerful fluctuations in magic power, but it is not always infallible." Hong Hong stood up and said, "Especially when I am prepared.

Alas, it was clearly lurking successfully! Obviously, they are about to mix into Zhongdu! But there is such a cowardly scum who keeps bugging me! "


A pair of huge red wings protruded from behind Hong Hong, tearing the clothes on her back, and at the same time a terrifying sense of coercion expanded!

Yanqiu, who was seriously injured, fell into a coma instantly.

At the back, Ji Xing hugged Xiao Ai and curled up into a ball, unable to see his expression and situation clearly.

Kong Yang showed shock on the front, took two steps back and said, "This feeling...what are you?!"

"Didn't you just mention my name?"

"... Thousand Sons Demon?!" Kong Yangzheng's shock turned into horror: "You are still alive?! And... you have successfully transferred to cultivation?!"

"Transfer to cultivation..." At this point, his heart suddenly moved slightly: "Yes, transfer to cultivation! Now you must not want to use too much power to make your appetite explode again, and you will fall short!

I was wrong, I didn’t know you were here to change cultivation, I will leave now, including Xiaoqiu can be left to you, there is no need for us..."

"Hee hee, stop pretending? Coward! Aren't you for human beings? Don't you protect them?!"

Honghong let out a chuckle, and her voice was sharp again: "You are right, I don't want to use too much power, but Yanqiu's number is 097, you should be around 070 among the demon gods now, and your number when you were still a human was 004 ,So……

You should know, what date was it before I hid my transfer? "

Kong Yangzheng swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Thousand Sons Demon, Raisa.

Demon number... 002!

Bang - a small hand suddenly clasped on his face, and there was a huge roar!

Yanqiu in Kong Yangzheng's hand fell off, and his body disappeared together with Honghong with the vibration of the pair of red wings. In the next instant, a hill a thousand meters away exploded!


The bright streamer engulfed the heavens and the earth, forming a terrifying and magnificent rewinding vortex!

Then, one after another!

In the cave, Ji Xing, who dragged Yanqiu to his side, tapped him on the forehead to make him unconscious for a longer time, and turned his head to meet Xiao Ai's eyes.

Xiao Ai asked: "How is Honghong?"

"To be completely liberated, it might be more difficult...if I don't become a god. Otherwise, I wouldn't have kept it from me for so long when we met frequently." Ji Xing said: "But...the problem is not too big , I'm worried about something else."

Xiao Ai hummed softly: "It seems that in the future, even people who get along day and night will have to carry out DNA testing secretly. It's really unexpected..."

Ji Xing shook his head and smiled: "Then it was detected that Sister Sheng Nan and Yanshen Lie are all monsters?"

Xiao Ai shook her head amusedly: "Then this world is really ridiculous."

In the distance, Hong Hong unilaterally beat Kong Yangzheng. The power she released now is at the same level as the god of magic, Dunan, and the monster form Holo!

It lasted for three minutes, and the wind and sand subsided.

The red breath is also gone.

With the ugly original shape of a monster, Kong Yang is lying at the bottom of the abyss formed by mountains and rivers, his black-haired face is full of the ecstasy of the rest of his life.


He vomited black blood and laughed loudly: "I made it through! I survived! Your appetite is ready to whet your appetite! Don't you dare to take another shot! Thousand sons of demons, given today, in the future I will..."


Turning his eyes to the figure that appeared beside him, the black-haired face froze, dazed and dull.

"you you??"

Ji Xing held up a finger, and purple lightning rolled on it: "It seems that the little girl still wants to see my methods, she is dishonest."

"Why...why...even you..."

Kong Yangzheng felt that he had fallen into a nightmare.

Stop Yanqiu, meet the Thousand Sons Demon who has disappeared for more than 20 years, and the Thousand Sons Demon who has successfully converted to cultivation is considered unlucky, and then...

again? !

What kind of team are you guys? !

"This high-end game is full of actors, you have come to the wrong place." Ji Xing smiled.

"...No, I will never believe it! Are you bluffing?!" Kong Yangzheng stood up.


"Do you believe it now?"

Kong Yangzheng fell down.

Desperately staring at the monster's eyes.

The crumble is gone.

I have already gone out, and today I have something to go out all day, and I will continue to work alone. Tomorrow's update will probably return to the underworld, and then from the seventh day of the lunar new year, the update will probably be a little bit more in the underworld.

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