Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 471 Against Accelerator!

As a talented girl who has emerged in biology and psychiatry since she was a child, Bu Shu Dixin's temperament is somewhat similar to that of Xiao Ai.

She looks cold and expressionless on the surface, but she is actually kind-hearted. Ever since she discovered that Misaka 8912 has human emotions, she has been carefully observing the behavior of her sisters.

In more than two months, thousands of Misaka sisters were awakened from the training warehouse, more than half of them conducted outdoor experiments in batches, and a small half were presided over by Nusutsu Toshin himself.

She determined that as the experiment progressed, the emotions of the Misaka sisters were being gradually perfected.

Outdoor experiments are wrong.

Their personalities are awakening, which makes Nuosu Toshin unable to sit back and watch the experiment start again—by ​​then, 30 Misaka sisters will be killed every day to catch up with the progress of the experiment!

But her own strength is meager, and she has no way to stop this kind of experiment supported by the high-level officials of Academy City, so she thought of injuring Accelerator who made the experiment postponed.

It happened that one of the people who secretly controlled the experiment, Kihara Huansheng, had not heard from him for some reason recently, and it was easier to check the news, so he successfully targeted Ji Xing.

Yicha turned out to be a well-known guy who created a karate club with a size of a thousand people from scratch, which made her have a little bit of expectation, but... her expectations were not high.

A powerless person knocked down careless superpower NO.1 for the first time by chance, but the second time?

However, under her gaze, Lang Sen didn't feel nervous when he suddenly heard the news from her. He only looked at her a few times, then nodded and said, "I see."

Bu Shu Dixin was stunned, seeing Ji Xing passing by, and quickly said: "Wait! You have prepared for Accelerator's revenge, haven't you? I want to know what you prepared, and what did you do last time?" Those who hurt him, maybe... I can give you some help, the book in your hand..."

"Tell me not to ask anything, but now it's unreasonable to ask me?" Ji Xing smiled and continued to walk forward.

Bu Shu Toxin froze, and followed quickly. She had to determine whether there was a possibility of injuring Accelerator again in Langsen's bad field, otherwise she would have to find a way early, and a day of delay would cost 30 Misaka!

"To be honest, Accelerator and I also have hated (hatred), I hope I can find a way to beat (beat) him hard again, let him stay in the hospital for a longer time..." When she was anxious, she liked to mix English The habit emerged.


the other side.

"Unfortunate!" Kamijou Touma lamented in his heart, walking along the road with a girl.

The girl next to her looks like a junior high school student, with a black ball head. She looks cute. She wears a beige top with a brown neckline and beggar trousers. The legs of the trousers are irregular and have many holes, revealing her slender and fair skin. His calf, and sophisticated electronic instruments such as smart phones, handheld TVs and PDAs are hung on his chest.

This is what he just met on the road. The girl walked while staring at the ice cream stand on the side of the road. He dodged left and right, but unfortunately he was hit in the arms, and the girl threw him directly on the ground.

If you don't bump into each other, you don't know each other.

At this time, the girl was licking the ice cream beautifully, but buying a cheap ice cream for her was not the reason for Touma's misfortune, but because he saw the girl seemed a little confused, and asked her warmly where she was going.

The girl said that she wanted to find someone, a boy named Lang Senbaichang. Kamijou Touma realized that she knew it. Isn't this the karate president that the class has been talking about some time ago?

So he volunteered to take her there, until he saw the picture of Lang Sen's bad scene on the girl's mobile phone—isn't this the bad guy who stared at me to withdraw money on the third day of the new year and tried to rob me? ! It also caused me to crush my bank card while running!

Is he the bad game of Wolf Sen? !

Last night, because of a discharge girl, I provoked a group of bad guys, and in the end, the discharge girl gave me a shock. Are you going to provoke the big boss of bad guys today?

I wanted to repent, but seeing the girl's innocence, I was worried and unable to speak out, so I could only ask the girl what she wanted from her while walking, but the girl actually said that she wanted to confirm 'whether the other party was related to the death of a grandpa', This made Kamijou Touma turn pale with fright, and hurriedly asked for details.

As it turned out, he questioned the ball-headed girl, and Bu Shu Dixin questioned Ji Xing, and the two of them collided head-on by a very 'coincidence'!


"Yo, classmate, we meet again."

After a brief awkward atmosphere, Ji Xing first smiled and reached out to greet Kamijou Touma.

Still remember me? ! Kamijou Touma froze for two seconds, then raised his right hand like a beckoning cat: "Ah, hello, I'm Kamijou Touma."

"Wolf Sen is bad."

acquaintance? Not quite, what's the matter? Bushu Texin, who didn't know the two people opposite him, observed calmly. The instrument the girl was playing with seemed...somewhat sophisticated and high-end?

Seeing that the girl called up Ji Xing's appearance on the instrument and compared it with the information, she raised her head and asked, "Brother Langsen, did you kill Grandpa Huansheng?"


The atmosphere instantly became ten times more awkward.

Kamijou Touma's eyelids twitched wildly, how could he just ask in the street like this in front of his face? ! While laughing dryly, he faintly protected the girl behind him, thinking to himself that although he couldn't defeat the three villains at the same time, there was only one in front of him, even if he was the president of the karate club, maybe he could...

Also has the strength to fight?

Bu Shu Dixin was startled, Grandpa Huansheng? What Gensei, Kihara Gensei? Is Kihara Gensei, who lost contact during this period, dead? Is it also related to this wolf scene? !

Ji Xing was puzzled: "What phantom? Kill? Little sister, do you know me?"

"Well, I'm Yuzuki Kihara." The ball-headed girl didn't have the self-consciousness to spit out amazing words, and pressed the instrument in her hand a few times, projecting a chart on the wall next to it and reflecting it back into the retina.

"If it's Grandpa Huansheng... After you defeat Accelerator, he will definitely collect all your information, discover strange things, become curious, and test you. And because it may not be accidental that you knocked down Accelerator, then Grandpa Huansheng You must be very cautious in your temptations..."

She analyzed it absent-mindedly, and murmured strangely: "But why is Grandpa Huansheng still dead? it you?"

Kamijou Touma was confused when he heard it, but Fusu Teshin was secretly shocked. What do you mean? Wasn't it a coincidence that he defeated Accelerator? Even Kihara Gensei tempted him and died because of it? !

Ji Xing looked at the ball-headed girl opposite.

The Kihara Clan, the highest position in Anbu of Academy City, the Anbu of Anbu, its people spread all over the various fields of Academy City, and each one is the most peak scientist in a certain technology.

No, or it can be said that the top scientists are Kihara. Whenever there is a case of abuse in a purely scientific field, there will be a Kihara as an 'executor'.

They rarely have normal values, and they are as crazy in technology as Kihara Gensei.

Academy City has been ahead of the world in science and technology for 20 to 30 years, and its root is Shichinokihara, who founded Academy City with Aleister.

And now there are more than 5,000 Kiharas in Academy City, and they are the backbone of the technology side.

Accelerator is just the strongest superpower in Academy City, while the Kihara Clan, who are good at using technology, is obviously stronger. There are many people who can easily sanction Accelerator today. To them, superpowers are just "guinea pigs" 'That's all!

Among the Kihara clan, Kihara Gensei's level can only be regarded as the middle and lower level, while Kihara Yuzuru in front of him... is the tail of the crane.

According to the uncommon law of the tail of the crane, Kihara Yuzuki does not have his own research field and is good at technology, but he analyzes the thinking of all Kiharas, and can freely load the thinking and fighting styles of any Kihara.

Belonging is a copy of Kihara Kaka Zhou.

Obviously, after loading Kihara Gensei's way of thinking, she focused on Ji Xing and made the analysis just now.

But if it's only because of her, there's no need to come to Ji Xing for the "Grandpa Huansheng" who can't be beaten, and it won't take a month and a half to find Ji Xing. Presumably someone else has entrusted her to her.

Sure enough, Yuzuki Kihara continued: "If you killed Grandpa Huansheng when Grandpa Huansheng was vigilant, Grandpa Huansheng would be very happy instead, and would willingly give you his research materials on body crystals to help you You are a helping hand.

Sister Christina said that if this is the case, she will not avenge Grandpa Huansheng, as long as you make a copy of the data and send them back to their original storage place, you will not pursue this matter any more. "

Sure enough, as Ji Xing guessed, Christina, Kihara Gensei's granddaughter.

On the surface, Ji Xing looked confused, and spread his hands at Kamijou Touma: "What's the situation? Classmate, your sister?"

Touma wants to ask what's going on!

He whispered: "Yuanzhou, did you make a mistake? Fang Accelerator, Ti Jing... what does your Huansheng grandfather do? And when... er, that one, passed away?"

"Yes, when?" Ji Xing also said.

Dip—the chart projected into the retina was turned off, and Kihara Yuanzhou withdrew from Kihara Huansheng's way of thinking, thinking: "It seems to be... April 27th, brother Dangma, brother Langsen."

Due to certain childhood experiences, Kihara Enshu lacked the concept of good and evil, and did not show any hostility at all because he suspected that Ji Xing was the murderer of Kihara Gensei. Kamijou Touma was even more confused by his well-behaved appearance. What is going on today? !

Ji Xing refused to let go, and pointed to Dang Ma and the thoughtful Bu Shu Di Xin: "Little sister, you are slandering me, why am I a murder suspect, if I am guilty, please let the security guard come Sanction me... By the way, April 27th?

Didn't I just join the police branch that day, because I was involved in the Study company incident. Both Mr. Huang Quanchuan Aisui and Mr. Yueyong Xiaomeng can testify for me. It was morning and afternoon... I should have gone to teach the members karate. When did your grandpa Huansheng pass away? night? "

Kamijou Touma was surprised: "Student Langsen knows Mr. Huang Quanchuan and Mr. Xiaomoe?"

That is his physical education teacher and head teacher.

Kihara Yuzuki shrank back: "Ah, I'm sorry, I just... came to deliver a message..."

Seeing this, Ji Xing paused, seemed to shake his head helplessly and smiled, and said, "Forget it, I can only say that I am worthy of being the number one in Academy City. After I hit a pass, I wondered why only the chairman summoned me once. There is no other trouble.

That's it, little sister, if you have evidence, go to the police branch and sue me, and... this senior? If you don't want to explain the real purpose of coming, don't follow me, it's a waste of time. "

Academy City... Accelerator is the first one? Do you mean superpowers? No way, can bad groups even beat such a guy? ! Kamijou Touma's heart skipped a beat, but Lang Sen-san in front of him seemed to be more talkative than expected, not too bad, not too murderous...

But he didn't completely rule out his suspicions, it's fine if he doesn't know, since he heard about it, he has to check it out for Sister Zhou Zhou!

Otherwise it's not his character.

This is especially true for Bu Shu Di Xin, who has a very high IQ. She knows a lot of secrets of Academy City and the existence of Anbu. If Langsen knocked down Accelerator in a bad scene, it was not a coincidence... Then his current attitude is... Force me to say?

say here? Do you want to take a gamble?

Recalling those 'corpses' in her mind, seeing that Ji Xing was about to leave, she suddenly said.

"Absolute ability evolution experiment."

Ji Xing stopped and looked back.

Kamijou Touma, who was about to leave with Yuan Zhou, also froze: "What...experiment?"

"That's an experiment proposed by Grandpa Huansheng." Enshu Kihara explained indifferently: "Let Accelerator, the most powerful person in Academy City, kill 20,000 clones of the third superpower, Misaka Mikoto, to be promoted. Level 6, understand the will of the gods with a mortal body, and be promoted to an absolute ability."

"You said... what?" Kamijou Touma's eyes widened, "Twenty thousand... 哔哩哔哩?!"

Bu Shu Texin quickly observed Ji Xing's expression, but found nothing more than surprise.


After a while, Ji Xing's home.

"How could... such a thing happen?"

Kamijou Touma couldn't help clenching his fists after hearing the story of the cause. As the protagonist of the catalog of forbidden books of magic, he is such a person.

It is his personality, or the essence of "God Purifies Demons", that attracts Fantasy Killer who can break all unnatural powers including magic and superpowers, rather than being "lucky" possessed by Fantasy Killer.

"It seems... I did a good thing unknowingly." Ji Xing murmured softly.

Bu Shu Dixin took a look at him, and couldn't help doubting his own judgment. If it was a performance, this guy must have the acting skills of a movie king. Is it really just an accident and misunderstanding?

It was a mistake to roll in Kamijou in front of him as hemp... Tsk, because of this little girl named Kihara Yusuke, things have become messy.

She shook her head and said, "That's it. Due to a coincidental conflict, Lang Sen broke one of Accelerator's limbs, which interrupted the experiment for two and a half months, but now the experiment is about to restart.

Because Accelerator is about to recover, and he will definitely take revenge on you, Lang Sen, so I found you and tried to find a way to prevent the restart of the experiment. "

Ji Xing nodded: "I understand. Indeed, our goals are roughly the same, but please forgive me that I still can't fully trust you and tell you the countermeasures I have prepared. Of course, there is also this little sister."

"Huh?" Kihara Yuuzuki looked innocent.

Fusu Toshin and Kamijou Touma could understand, Kamijou Touma was silent, and said: "Langsen is the same, please count me in, I... and Bilibili, Misaka Mikoto, can be regarded as acquaintances, uh, probably ... I guess we know each other."

He recalled how he was hunted down last night.

"Yes, I can't wait for more helpers, and it's not just you." Ji Xing said: "Since it involves Misaka Mikoto, the third person with super powers, I don't know if she is clear about this experiment. If she doesn't know, she may also be help."

Kamijou Touma was startled: "Looking for her?!"

Ji Xing asked back: "Well, what? She is the person involved. If she doesn't know, then apart from the hostile relationship between me and Accelerator, she is the most likely to become my ally. Why didn't I look for it?"

"Yes, it makes sense..." Kamijou Touma scratched his hair, he was not used to this method of directly asking girls for help as he always likes to give silently.

Ji Xing smiled: "I can still find Shitoshi Mugino, the fourth superpower, to help. If Misaka Mikoto is also a helper, our strength will be greatly enhanced, and our chances of winning will also be greatly improved."

Fusuto Tonobu and Kamijou Touma looked at each other, there was no more objection, Kihara Ensu innocently watched the play.

The 'Accelerating Force against One Party' has been initially established!

4k5, more and less, I want to cheer up! Two updates tomorrow!

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