Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 479 Goodbye Aleister and the contract

Estelle Rosenthal is a blonde girl who looks a bit like Lucy.

She is the 23rd generation head of the Rosenthal family, and the Rosenthal family is a magic family that masters 'necromancy'.

Necromancers will use the remaining thoughts in their brains as keywords to let false souls invade the body of the dead and let the dead fight for them.

When she entered Academy City, her intention was to investigate and understand the science side, but on the same day, she was noticed by the security guards because she was drooling while staring at the food at the roadside stall, and her identity was discovered.

Now, she was vaguely given the status of an inspector of the experimental group of "Where does the ability reside" by the high-level of Academy City, and she was heading to the destination by car, feeling a little nervous, not knowing what her future would be like.

The vehicle gradually moved away from the old commercial street in the eighth school district, and came to the industrial area where people and vehicles were even rarer. Looking at the scenery outside the window with confused eyes, the unfocused eyes caught a figure of a young man on the passing bus.

Its single arm rests on the open car window, and the wind blowing in from outside the car shakes a strand of red hair on her forehead. It is a pity that she is not a poet, otherwise she will feel that her fate is the same as that strand of hair.

Forget it, at least I have them with me.

The ancestors went to China to learn about the four evil talismans created based on the four evil after the corpse, as well as disaster fighting, gu carving... um... eh? ! She suddenly lowered her head, rummaged through her trouser pockets, and took out a handful of charms, but the most important ones were missing!

"Where are my four evil talismans?!"


In another car, Jie Biao Danxi, who was paying close attention to Ji Xing, watched Ji Xing flip his wrist, and a few strange cards suddenly appeared in his palm, and he began to flip through them.

What is this?

Appearing suddenly, it really is the space ability?

But for people with space abilities, there is a very important common sense, that is, AIM force fields between people with space abilities will interfere with each other, and they cannot move with people with the same ability.

The last time Langsen took me in to meet the director when he was in trouble, it showed that my AIM force field interfered very little with him, and his calculations could cover this interference, probably Level 5!

Moreover, the essence and characteristics of the ability are probably still above my coordinate movement.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never have imagined that one of the most famous students among the disabled in Academy City, the president of karate, Lang Mori, would be a superpower, and it is also an extremely rare spatial ability.

Even... being called a 'friend' by the chairman?

She was sent away from the windowless building after being asked to keep it a secret by the chairman that day. Curiosity has almost swallowed her these days. What did this guy say to the chairman after I left, and what is his identity?

Curious, but afraid to check. Not to mention anything else, just talking about Lang Sen's personal strength, I'm afraid it's hard to estimate. On the bright side, Accelerator, the number one player in Academy City, failed twice, and he didn't even find out that he was a capable person...

Maybe this guy is the 'strongest'? !

In fact, it is not as mysterious as she imagined. If she really saw Ji Xing's scoundrel face when he faced Aleister that day, the mysterious image in the girl's heart might be shattered.

In the streets of Academy City, there are more than 50 million nano-scale surveillance tools that cannot be seen by human eyes, collecting and transmitting all information for Aleister.

Therefore, unless he did nothing and walked to school normally every day, it would be difficult to hide from Aleister if he was moving around Academy City.

And if he wanted to collect starlight, Ji Xing couldn’t just do nothing, and leaving Academy City to develop was not in his interest, because without the AIM force field and the karate students, he wanted to change the phase rules a little bit, I don't know how many years of practice it takes to become the god of karate for a short time like before.

But it should be before the end of this year that the demon god will show his power with one eye, destroying and reshaping the world countless times. If Ji Xing does not have the corresponding self-protection ability, he can basically announce the end of the invasion.

At least you have to enter the field of vision of the demon gods.

And the demon gods are too invincible, and they have almost become happy people over the long years, and their pursuit is almost only happiness, freedom and happiness.

On the contrary, Aleister, who wanted to fight the demon gods with a "mortal" body, had more desires in his heart, and had to be a little more unpredictable.

The lesser of two evils, Ji Xing chose Aleister under the condition that he must be exposed to the demon god or Aleister.

And fabricating lies and deception is of little significance to Aleister, whose personality is much stronger than Ji Xing's body in the unique worldview of Mojin.

You can't be fooled. So facing Aleister, Ji Xing had only two choices - to tell everything according to the facts, or to say nothing.

He didn't say anything.

"You can monitor and investigate me, find a way to test me, or you can kill me directly, but someone from me... will never confess!"

Well, that's probably the attitude.

Anyway, the death of invading the world will not really die, and the starlight was directly promoted to three and a half stars at the moment it was exposed to Aleister, and the intrusion guarantee was reopened. After many worlds, Ji Xing took out this A 'whatever you want' attitude.

Because there is really no better way, only the strength of the soul is guaranteed, and it should be impossible to unknowingly read one's own memory.

As for this time, he is even more relaxed, because he has completely lit up the fourth star!

Starlight (five-star): 3%

Most of them were given by Aleister, maybe... and Aiwass?

Speaking of which, this is only a minor fame within Academy City. If it is enlarged to the entire Forbidden World, plus Demon God, there may be a chance to collect 10 trillion stars of the six stars!

Ji Xing has never lit up the sixth star yet.

Playing with the Four Evil Talismans in his hands, he and Yubiao Danxi, who kept peeking at him, came to the windowless building, nodded to the girl, and Ji Xing entered the building in a flash.

Cut - don't take me this time, Jiebiao Danxi cut with some disappointment.

Located on the top floor of the windowless building, Ji Xing once again saw Aleister hanging upside down in the life support device developed by Dr. Gutai that allows human beings to have a lifespan of 1700 years.

Its appearance is a handsome young man with silver hair. He opened his eyes and said in a gentle voice: "Suddenly taking other people's things will cause great trouble to others. Is there anything special about the Rosenthal family's four evil talismans? ?”

"Ah, it's for her own good. There are things in it that she can't grasp." Ji Xing said, "Master Chairman, let me give you a present."

He took out the 梼杌 from the Four Evil Talismans, rubbed it lightly on his fingertips, and a little vitality was transformed into Qi, which operated in a unique way.


As if an invisible wind was blowing, a pale man's phantom emerged from the 梼杌 talisman, with a flash of panic in his expression, he was manipulated into a dull look by Ji Xing.

"This should be the third-generation head of the Rosenthal family. He resides in the quasi-soul of Yuwu in a special way, waiting to be revived. His soul is in a semi-fused state with Yuwu, and has the potential to become a 'demon' ', it can also be modified to 'angel', which becomes a good combat power."

"I see." Aleister said, "Thank you for the gift, I like it very much."

"That's good."

The soul belongs to the card.

"The magic you use is very unique. Necromancy is more exquisite than that of the Rosenthal family. You can directly control the soul without a carrier."

Aleister said again: "No, those should not be called magic, but spells.

Compared with the magic of Christianity, I know very little about the magic and magic of the Chinese land. Are you a "reincarnated immortal" or a "living Buddha" in Chinese legend? But then why would he be reincarnated in the country of Japan? "

Ji Xing just smiled: "I'm just an ordinary freshman in Academy City."

"Well, I won't ask." Aleister also smiled and said, "However, I still want to congratulate you on becoming the 'God of Karate'."

"Thank you." Ji Xing smiled.

The surroundings were quiet for a while before Aleister asked again: "What do you think of Kamijou Touma?"

"I know Fantasy Killer." Ji Xing said bluntly: "In order not to disturb you, I didn't want to get acquainted with him for a short time, but I didn't expect you to send him to me with Kihara Yuzuki."

In fact, the entire Academy City was created to attract Kamijou Touma, and most of the dark experiments and secret things in Academy City are also the environment set up by Aleister to train Fantasy Killer !

Among all the students in Academy City, Aleister only valued about one and a half, one was Kamijou Touma, and the other half was Accelerator who really had the chance to become a person of absolute ability.

"So you took advantage of the situation to dominate the battle just now, and found a breakthrough in the AIM force field."

"Yes." Ji Xing responded.

"However, it also surprised me." Aleister said again: "I originally thought that the purpose of your establishment of the karate club to fabricate the story of the black organization is the same as the birth of Fantasy Killer, and I have always been curious about how you will use the power of your wishes. .”

Because the demon gods can delete, modify and add phases at will, and can easily destroy the world, but they are worried that the world cannot be restored after destruction. This wish is combined with the wish of all magicians in the world who are afraid of the power of demon gods, and the fantasy killer who can eliminate superpowers is born. up.

Fantasy Killer is the benchmark of the world and an 'anchor' for the Demon God to restore the world.

It can be seen that when multiple wishes point to the same direction, miracles may be born!

Aleister originally thought that Ji Xing established the karate club for this purpose, but unexpectedly...

"You used a more crude but advanced method, and only borrowed a little bit of wish power. That is also a spell to expand the domain, and it is fused with your superpower and greatly strengthened it."

"Turn me into a king, and the door after the wind." Ji Xing nodded and said, "Do you want to learn, Mr. Chairman?"

"Forget it, that seems to conflict with the knowledge system I have mastered." Aleister said softly again: "However... you have mastered the power that everyone has to care about countless times faster and earlier than I imagined, Even if it is very short.

The world is a dark forest, completely letting go and constantly observing you, whether it is me or yourself, will have more and more resistance and hostility towards each other until they become enemies.

In order not to let that day come, we sign an 'Abraham covenant', okay? "

"The Abrahamic covenant is a covenant of loyalty and allegiance, right?" Ji Xing expected this, and looked at Aleister: "This is inappropriate, is there anything else?"

"I'm not sure about other contracts that can completely restrain you, even Abraham..." Aleister bluntly said: "We can restrict the content of the contract, for need 'loyalty' only when I fight against the demon god For me. If you can, give me as much help as possible.”

"It's just that, that's reasonable." Ji Xing said happily, "I only have one small condition here, Misaka sisters, please arrange it properly."

"The so-called people are all stars."

Aleister didn't answer the question.

The meaning is obvious, my words have been plagiarized by you, how will I arrange Misaka Mikoto's clone, you really don't know?

You said this on purpose, aren't you reminding me of something?

Ji Xing smiled: "Take the contract."

3k4, there is another chapter, before nine o'clock, as early as possible.

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