Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 553: The Heart of the Spirit King!

"No way?! Both Askin and Lijiebaluo's spiritual pressure disappeared?!"

Gisele Jewell, a cute boy with long black hair and light purple eyes, looked at the battlefield in the distance with a dazed and terrified expression.

In front of him, the team building of the 12th Division has basically been turned into ruins. Most of the team members were stained with his blood and turned into zombies under the power of the holy character Z for him to drive. With only the ability to resist, another captain who can turn into a giant is already dying under the siege of his three zombie sisters.

But he knew that his big victory only slightly affected the outcome of the battle. The key point lies in the collision of cutting-edge forces, and the death captain who left them with endless fear 43 years ago!

But now the old man doesn't seem to move, and Askin, Lijie Barrow, Gremi...all died in battle? There is another monster in Reaper? !

At least... At least he was seriously injured, right? Otherwise, will you find me here next? !

"Although the strength of that bastard surprised me very much, it is really unpleasant to rely on him to distract my enemies and gain a chance to win." At this moment, there was a sudden sinister The voice echoed in his ears.

At the same time, Gisele Jewel felt a tingling pain in the back of her neck, and her pupils dilated slightly.

Not good... careless... what is this...


Near the team building of the Eighth Division, Jingle Chunshui held two knives, facing Helibel, and sighed softly: "If you are number two, one of the three people who besieged Ye Sang over there is number one, right?

One-on-one and three have already won, and Ye Sang had also eliminated countless enemies before that, but my side has not even achieved results in one-on-one, which is a bit outrageous. "

Hribel did not respond. The third-veteran captain among the current captains had already put a lot of pressure on her before, and now the pressure seems to be even greater.

No, not just his stress.

Aizen-sama, what are you doing?

"Flowers are fluttering in the wind, flower gods are singing, heavenly winds are fluttering, heavenly demons are laughing, and flower sky is crazy." Jing Lechun's voice echoed behind her: "Don't be distracted, beautiful lady with a broken face."


"It seems that the victory and defeat have been decided."

Among the broken walls and ruins, Ye Yi wiped the gray marks on his cheeks, looked at the broken face opposite him who was wearing a white one-piece robe, a two-horned helmet on his head, and a wide black wing on his back, and said with a smile: "The one who fought with the wild has already It's the three most powerful of you, so you're still not an opponent. Do you want to consider surrendering?

Yono that guy is amazingly strong right now. Hahaha, facing him like this, Aizen Soyousuke probably has nothing to do, right? "

There was obviously a temptation in the words, but Ulquiola on the opposite side was indifferent but seemed to be paralyzed, holding only the moonlight sword made by Lingzi in his hand, quietly watching the distant battlefield where the spiritual pressure subsided for a few seconds, then he flapped his wings, Kill Ye Yi again!

"Cut, what a boring pomian."

Yeyi spat lightly, the explosion exploded instantly, and fought fiercely with Ulquiorra again.

Not far away, inside the team house of the Fourth Division.

The wounded are constantly being sent here, and there are painful groans and the busy figures of the team members everywhere. The existence of Inoue Orihime has helped many wounded who were dying to be treated, but her spiritual power is limited, and she only saved two people. Lun was seriously injured, so Huche Yongyin forced him to rest aside.

Sitting next to her was Kurosaki Ichigo who had just cleaned up a wave of soldiers. He smelled the smell of blood, looked at Inoue's slightly pale face, and felt the fierce battle between Yoruichi and Ulquiorra again. Feeling a little down.

I can't get involved at all, I can't participate in the battle between Yoruichi-san and that face-off, Isaoki Hirakawa doesn't even have the courage to approach, and even the Maou underground prison where Rukia is being detained can't go through to check...

"Sure enough, I'm still far behind. I'm sorry, I have involved you, Inoue." He murmured softly.

Inoue was taken aback by the sudden emotion, and quickly comforted him, "Kurosaki-kun has worked very hard..."

"No, I... I'm not blaming myself, I just hope that I can help more."

Kurosaki Ichigo shook his head: "If there is a next time, I will definitely!"

"Well, I also want to help more..."

'Change me! ’ Accompanied by Inoue Orihime’s soft reply, there was a gloomy and hoarse laughing voice that suddenly echoed in Ichigo’s heart, “Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie—trash, if it were me, I would be able to tear that broken face apart in an instant broken!"

Ichigo's body trembled, and he seemed to see a pale face that belonged to him in his mind, and the Reiatsu became a little disordered, and he pressed his head in pain.


"...I'm fine." Ichigo shook his head again and again.

Next door, Uno Hana Lie, who was treating the wounded, noticed something, his eyes turned, a strange flash flashed, he was silent for a few seconds, and came over and said.

"Mr. Kurosaki Ichigo, please don't leave the 4th team building until this war is over."

"Ah..." Ichigo was stunned, looked at Uzhihua Lie, nodded and said: "Please rest assured, Captain Uzhihua, I will protect the fourth division!"

Unozhihua smiled strongly: "Thank you for your hard work."

The very normal conversation made Ichigo feel a little subtle in his heart. He scratched his head, not knowing what was wrong, he smiled and said: "It should be, I want to thank you for taking care of Inoue-san..."

As soon as the words fell, a small figure appeared in a blink of an eye, carrying a large package, looked up at Uzhihua Lie and said: "This is the medicine I found in the homes of those nobles, all of which are special healing medicines, they evacuated I actually forgot to take it with me when I went to school, and many of them were buried in the soil, what a pity!"

Looking at the pink-haired young girl who was begging for praise, Ichigo blinked. Although it sounds natural, this an act of theft? Also, where is the aristocratic residence, and how did this kid manage to go and come back? !

Just when he was a little confused, the big and small in front of him suddenly turned their heads to look out the window, stared for a while, and then looked, their eyes opened obviously.

Even Yeichi and Ulquiola, who had just started the fierce battle, both stagnated.

"what is that?!"


"Compared to that guy Yono, we really don't look good, Rojuro."

Not far away from the 5th squad, Mako Hirako and Rojuro Tohohashi were in a distressed state, gasping for breath and recovering their spiritual pressure. The two vice-captains had already left the field, and their opponent was only one person.

Vertical purple punk head, purple eyes, somewhat unorthodox man, scorching hot Buzzby, the holy text H allows him to release flames that are not inferior to the temperature of the captain's initial solution, and can also release powerful explosions at will , With his own strength, the two captains fell into a hard fight!

"43 years ago, I felt that these guys were not so strong." Fengqiao Loujuro asked a little puzzled: "Are we regressing?"

"Who knows." Hirako Mako said: "Anyway, there is no progress. There is only one monster like Yono since the captain, and Ms. Hikko is incomparable. It is rare in thousands of years."

Buzzby in front of him was looking distractedly at the battlefield where Ji Xing was. He didn't seem to have any fighting spirit, and let the two death captains pant until another powerful spiritual oppression approached.

Makoto Hirako turned his head to look, grinned and said, "Hey, what a disgrace, are we the only ones who are at a disadvantage in all the battlefields now? The captain actually sent you to help us? Vice-captain Sparrow."

Sparrow Minister Jiro, who arrived in an instant, looked meticulous, and said: "During the raid by His Excellency Yono Masashi, we have indeed wiped out most of the enemies, and the battle situation on all sides has stabilized!"

"Ha, that's amazing..."

"Annihilation? Stability?" At this moment, Buzzby turned his gaze back and snorted sarcastically: "Do you think you can win? Death. The fewer people left, the stronger our strength will be. Although the guy who killed the two guards is a bit surprising, but... this is probably all in the plan of that bastard Hugo."

Um? In the plan?

The three gods of death were stunned, and in the next moment, they suddenly felt a vast spiritual pressure coming, making people want to bend their backs involuntarily!

This feeling is the fourth time in today's Sei Lingting, but compared to the previous one, even the time when Ji Xing and the captain collided, it is far beyond, terrifying to the point of trembling!

The spiritual pressure is majestic and vast, like an invisible golden rain falling in the sky, penetrating the heart and spleen!

Whether it was Nirvana Mayuri who had just defeated the enemy and was about to reap the fruits of the battle, or Jingle Shunsui who had just gained the upper hand in a sneak attack, they couldn't help but stop and look. The point where the spiritual pressure appeared was near the place where Ji Xing had just fought fiercely with the three powerful enemies, but it did not belong to any of Ji Xing and the three powerful enemies!

It was new, a spiritual pressure that they had never felt before, and they also saw a strange figure.

All can see!

Because that's a giant!

It wears a mask decorated with wings, has blond mid-length hair, a cape and black trousers, armor on the front of its limbs, and an olive branch crown on its head. It looks a bit like a superhero in American comics, And the height is more than two hundred meters, like a giant in the clouds above his head!

Similar to his body shape, it is the giant sword and shield held by his left and right hands. Ignoring the terrifying Reiatsu, just judging from his size, it can be discerned that he has destructive power beyond imagination!

Whether it's Shinigami or Xu, one can't help being shocked to see his majestic appearance.

Even the captain who was sitting at the seal point of Youhabach couldn't help but walked out of the quiet room with his newly braided beard that was missing, and looked at the huge figure with serious eyes.

"What kind of monster is this?!" Many gods of death blurted out, feeling that the heartbeat rate was forcibly changed. The gods of death who experienced the incident 43 years ago had never seen such a terrifying thing!

"The power of the holy text of all members of the Star Cross Knights is granted by Juhabach." Buzzby explained to the three gods of death on the opposite side with a slightly self-deprecating expression: "In other words, the strength of our holy text depends on the strength of the holy text. It depends on how much His Majesty bestows.

Hmph, this time Yuhabach is very generous. As the number of people decreases, more and more power is concentrated on the few of us remaining, allowing us to have stronger and stronger combat effectiveness!

The bastard Hugo didn't show up for a long time, so he was thinking of this kind of idea, hmph, I thought that bastard would wait until I died in battle before letting Gerald Valkyrie activate his God's Scale! "

Mako Hirako understands, and also understands why these Quincies are stronger than they were 43 years ago. The concentration of 26 people's power on a smaller and smaller number will naturally make them stronger!

But anyway...

"Isn't that kind of thing too illegal?!"


"In the Knights of the Star Cross, Gerald Valkyrie is also a very special existence."

Xuquan, Xuye Palace, Hasward said calmly to Aizen: "You should have discovered it a long time ago, Aizen Soyousuke. Gerald is not only His Majesty's bodyguard, he is also the heart of the Soul King." .

The holy word M, miracle, reverses the situation that is absolutely unfavorable to oneself, it is a miracle.

He can transform the damage suffered by his body into his own strength, which is manifested in the form of "God's Scale". The more damage he suffers, the more he will improve in all directions with his body size.

Only he can bear His Majesty's power indefinitely. Under normal circumstances, even His Majesty is unwilling to let him expand his size to more than 200 meters, but at night, His Majesty's power is on me, and now His Majesty has given me permission , this time you can let Gerrard play. "

Lanran smiled, patted his hands lightly, and said: "So that's the case, the way Yuhabach bestows power is really magical. It turns out that Askin and Lijiebaluo besieged Ye Sang before, and they deliberately sent them to death , take back your strength?"

"No." Hathward denied: "I expect them to win more, and Gerrard's power is reserved for forcing Shigekuni Yamamoto to use the swastika, which consumes more Shikuni Yamamoto's physical strength.

It's a pity that Yono Masashi's appearance has disrupted the plan too much, and deliberately concealing such information is not what an ally should do. "

There was accusation in this sentence, but Aizen didn't seem to care, and said: "This is my negligence, and my subordinates have paid the price for it, even the first person in the front died in battle for nothing." .”

"Did they...really die in battle?"

"Can the dead be resurrected? There is only one person who is as special as Ye Sang." Lan Ran asked back: "Could it be that the sacrificed Quincy can be resurrected? No wonder, you don't look like someone who would send your companions to die."

"The life and death of those who are empowered by His Majesty are in His Majesty's hands." The victims can all return as long as Yuhabakh is sanctified once.

"Really?" Gin Ichimaru suddenly smiled from behind and said, "If I were Yuhabach, in that kind of predicament, I'm afraid my subordinates would die after clearing some enemies for me, and take back all their strength. .”

Hasward's pupils froze for a moment.

Aizen turned around, and said with reproach: "Don't talk nonsense, Yin."

"Yes Yes."

Hasward glanced at Ichimaru Gin, met Aizen's eyes again, and said silently for a moment: "I don't know what you are planning, but at least our goals should not conflict, and Gerrard has already won the best for us." time."

"Yes." Lan Ran nodded and said, "It's time for us to go to the world of corpses and souls. I have been looking forward to the reunion with Ye Sang for a long time. fleeing from the hands of the

"Nelliel, open your hollow cavity. After we leave, the Void Palace will be managed by you temporarily."

"Yes, Aizen-sama!"


As early as the one-on-three, Ji Xing noticed that someone was peeping from a distance.

Sure enough, there was no time for him to rest. The first battle had just ended, and the first battle started again. Looking up at the giant that covered the brilliance of the stars and the moon, Ji Xing, who had known the information of the Quincy earlier, was not too surprised.

"The heart of the Spirit King?"

In the original timeline, the guy who can't be killed by sword eight swastikas, draws You Habach's blue to draw You Habach to activate the holy holy to kill his own man!

It looked down, and the sound was like a bell, and it was an apology: "Sorry, I have tarnished the glory of the soldiers today! Whether it is waiting for the end of the captain's battle with you, or asking Penida to attack me to launch the divine power before the battle The scale is not the glory that a fighter should maintain!

But for Your Majesty, in the face of you, the chief culprit who destroyed the invisible empire, please forgive my rudeness today, and then... die! "

The giant sword fell, and the violent spiritual pressure fell.

The ground in a radius of ten miles collapsed and subsided, and the strong shock almost spread throughout the Lingling Court!

One day at 4k4, two updates tomorrow.

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