The battle between Ji Xing and Lan Ran was very fast.

The frequency of the confrontation is very fast, and when it is intensive, there will be five or six collisions per second. It is almost difficult for others to catch the trajectory, and it ends very quickly.

Three minutes later, with the detonation of a nuclear bomb and the tremor of a magnitude 10 earthquake on the ground, the blue dye mask deeply embedded in the bottom of the bowl-shaped pit exploded, half of the bones on his body were broken, and he fell into a temporary loss of strength. failed.

It's not bad to last for three minutes under Ji Xing's powerful spiritual pressure, which is only under the spirit king. Now there are very few people who can't be stabbed by Ji Xing for a second.

Lying at the bottom of the deep pit, Lan Ran had no intention of struggling anymore, and looked at the empty circle of the sky leisurely, as if he had fallen into a daze.

"How about it, vice-captain Aizen, do you regret giving me a chance to grow up a hundred years ago?"

"No, if my guess in my heart is correct, I will be very grateful. And Ye Sang, after everything is over, can you give me a chance to talk alone?" Aizen asked expectantly.

"no problem."

Aizen's defeat does not mean the end of everything, and it does not refer to those battlefields where the winners and losers are basically determined, but another matter.

Ji Xing looked not far away, Lan Ran deliberately led him to the Lingwang Palace during the battle, the magnificent palace was very clear, and just after Ji Xing completely defeated Lan Ran, a strong figure It fell from the Lingwang Palace.

Bald, rosary, wide sleeves.

It's Ichibei of the Bingzhubu!

How could this god of death, the leader of the gods of death, who had lived for millions of years, be so easily plotted by Aizen? You must know that in the original timeline, among the five special battle strengths set by Yuhabach, the leader of the army, Yibingwei, is on the list with wisdom!

He was in the state of ensuring that nothing would happen to the Spirit King, allowing Aizen to lead him to death, and prepared his own recovery in advance.

In a sense, he is immortal, as long as someone knows and calls out his name, he can be resurrected no matter what the situation is!

And allowing Aizen to 'kill', naturally he wanted to promote the battle between Aizen and Ji Xing, and wanted to know about Ji Xing's details from the side. If Aizen could cause damage to or even kill Ji Xing, he would be happy See.

But obviously it's not that simple.

Lan Ran, who was lying in the pit, got up and looked at Ji Xing and Yibingwei from the perspective of a bystander standing on both sides of the huge pit with a diameter of 100 meters.

Looking at Ji Xing, a military guard from the main military department suddenly sighed: "When every Shinigami gets the shallow sword distributed, I will immediately know the name of his Zanpakuto. 110 years ago, this incident happened in the There was an exception for you, and since then, I have always cared about you, Mashi Yono.

But maybe I lost enough vigilance in the long years, I didn't take any action immediately, and you completely exceeded my expectations, just 110 years, no, not counting the 100 years of reincarnation and rebirth in the middle , you have only been active in our field of vision for 10 years. "

Compared with his million-year lifespan, 10 years is too short, and when he feels he has to deal with it, it is already very difficult to deal with.

This is also considered a shortcoming of the longevity species. Maybe a monk can pass ten years with one big sleep.

But before Ji Xing could answer, several figures suddenly appeared around them, they were Jingle Shunsui, Yakomaru Lisa, Ukitake Shiro, and Kuchiki Rukia who had defeated the enemy intact.

Seeing the situation where Ji Xing and Yibingwei of the Bingzhu Department seemed to be confronting each other, Jingle Chunshui's expression turned serious, and he stretched out his hand to stop the people around him.

"Don't talk, just watch quietly!"

The monk looked at them, shook his head, and said to Ji Xing: "The opinions of Shigekuni Yamamoto and other gods of death have also had a great influence on me. After all, you have guarded the soul world many times, and you are very popular. I have to Consider these."

"But now..." His voice became more serious: "It's time to have an explanation!"

The surrounding figures added a few lines, and the monk flicked his sleeves, and he held a huge brush in his hand, and his momentum became extremely majestic.

"Your real name, origin, and why you can be reincarnated, I need an answer!"

The surrounding air was heavy, and Jingle Chunshui and the others felt a little suffocated. They cast their eyes on Ji Xing and understood the current situation.

The question asked by a soldier from the head of the army was actually something they had doubts about, but because of their relationship with Ji Xing and what Ji Xing did, they kept it in their hearts.

Is it finally time to ask? Is it appropriate to adopt such a method of questioning?

Lan Ran in the pit showed anticipation, and this was actually what he wanted to talk to Ji Xing alone, so he interjected, "I guess Yuye Sang's real name is Ji Xing, the name of that Zanpakuto."

Ji Xing exclaimed, "You guessed it right."

Azure's eyes lit up.

The surroundings were dead silent again.

In fact, Ji Xing could understand the actions of the Bingzhu Yibingwei, just like he was cleared out by Shenjing Qumo at the end of the forbidden world. He was an invader after all to the world of death.

However, under certain circumstances, especially when the intruder world star level is getting higher and higher, the possibility of the identity of the intruder being discovered is increasing, which will naturally attract the vigilance and hostility of monks.

That's all.

Of course, in this natural opposite, it is only natural for Ji Xing to resist. He has never had the thinking of "invading the world is a mistake first". To cause damage to the world, it would be more beautiful if we help each other.

There were more and more people around, and in the deathly silence, Ji Xing finally said, "It's hard to explain, let me show you my swastika."

Swastika solution? Wait, the terrifying power shown before is actually just a beginning solution? !

But the swastika is not...

In an instant, various thoughts lingered in everyone's minds, and Lan Ran also recalled the conversation he had with Ji Xing before he entered hell. He thought that he was not given his real name by the monk. You 'can' yourself.


The monk is the most astonished, is it a real fight? Just like his sword "One Word", evolved under his power, before all the swastikas?

"Actually, it's called Swastika, it's more like Guijian."

"I didn't use it before, mainly because I was worried about some unknown troubles, and I thought it would be boring, but after generally confirming the limit of the meaning of hell, facing the current situation, it doesn't matter if I use it." Ji Xing added again Two sentences.

The Zanpakutao in his hand suddenly shattered, even the handle turned into powder, and floated into Ji Xing's body!

"Swastika, God descends."

If one ignores Ji Xing's spiritual text of liberation, everything will appear flat.

As if nothing happened, the only difference that everyone could notice was that they couldn't perceive Ji Xing's spiritual pressure standing there at all.

No, even the existence of Ji Xing seems to have disappeared with that sentence of swastika, completely integrated into the environment, or does not exist in this world!

Among all the people present, only Lan Ran and the monk were faintly aware of something, Lan Ran was startled, and his eyes widened somewhat out of composure.

The monk was silent, and slowly dropped the tip of the pen.

"Ling, Lingwang?" He said in a deep voice, "You actually already possess the power of a Lingwang?!"

In Ji Xing's body at this moment, he couldn't feel any power, but he felt that he could destroy the world at any moment!

And the similar feeling, he has only experienced it in Lingwang, no, in a sense, the power of Ji Xing in front of him is more restrained than that, or it is more beyond his comprehension!

Could it be... no, it's impossible!

The monk's words were like thunder, and Ji Xing shook his head under the horror of everyone's gaze.

"It's not the same as the Spirit King."

His right hand gently grabbed forward, and a figure was fished out by him from an unknown place.

It is the strongest carrier of the meaning of hell, one of the three jailer commanders, who was fighting fiercely with three members of the Zero Division, suddenly appeared here, still a little confused, and then disappeared into powder.

Then Ji Xing reached out to grab it again.

Tosen wants.

"Stop following Aizen, I've already reported your hatred, and I'll do the same thing you want." Ji Xing said so, and Dongxian Kao disappeared in his palm.

Harribel, executed by Takeoka...

The distance seems to have lost its meaning, whether it is tens of miles or thousands of miles, as long as Ji Xing thinks about it, he seems to be able to reach out and grab it in his hands!

Jingle Chunshui and the others held their breath as if they were reading a myth. They had no doubt that if Ji Xing thought about it, they would lose their lives in an instant. Let alone resist, they couldn't even understand it!

What's this?

The power of the Spirit King? ! Can such a person really exist in this world? !

Ji Xing didn't stop until he caught only Shikatori Bayunsai who was enjoying the battle with Kenpachi, and the war turned into a farce under this kind of power!

Yoruichi and Suifeng in the distance looked at each other stupidly because they had lost their opponents. Kisuke Urahara, who was treating Kensai Liusha, found that Shijima Chigiri had disappeared, looked up at this side, and sighed in his heart: "Is it true..."

More people didn't have his wisdom, and just looked at Ji Xing in the center as if they had lost their ability to speak.

Ji Xing looked around and said with a smile: "Let you see something more intuitive... well, it's too troublesome to pull down a few stars and blow them up, so how about it."

The sound fell, and time stood still.

Rukia felt that her head could still turn and her eyes could still see, but the wind stopped, and so did the sand. The barren sand that had been blown up by the wind hovered clearly in the air, unable to move at all.

Only Ji Xing can act.

He walked in front of the still people with a smile like that, and he could kill them ten thousand times if he thought about it. After walking around for a while, he stopped in front of Yi Bingwei, the head of the army, and asked, "Compared with me in this state, who is stronger or weaker?"

Time turned again.

A soldier in the main military department regained his mobility, dropped a letter in his hand, fell silent for a few seconds, and then said awkwardly: "I don't know."

He roughly understood what was going on.

Kurosaki Ichigo didn't understand. He yelled out the voices of many people: "Mr. Hirakawa, no, Mr. Ji Xing? Is this..."

"It's the power of his body!" Aizen responded with an unprecedented passionate tone!

Ji Xing turned to look at him, and got the right answer again.

The content of his swastika is 'Use my half soul to carry my strength'! It was something he started to try after invading the world of the god of death this time!

Since half of the soul potential can be brought in for development in the world of the god of death, it also means that the essence of this soul is exactly the same as that of Ji Xing's body! If you try to find a way to co-tune your body to a situation similar to the main body, the same soul-like body should be able to exert similar regular power!

This is 'God's Fall'! At this moment, Ji Xing can temporarily display a kind of physical combat power distorted by the rules of the death world!

What is distorted is also the body, even if it is only about one-third, it is beyond the level that ordinary life in the world of death can understand and bear!

In this state, he is a scumbag who can completely ignore everything, maybe only the spirit king who doesn't know the upper limit can fight him!

Facing Ji Xing's eyes, Lan Ran confirmed everything, his usual calm expression gradually collapsed, and bloodshot eyes appeared in his eyes!

It's unfair to challenge such an existence, no matter how hard you struggle, even if you master the power of the Spirit King, the winning rate is zero.

No wonder Ji Xing was always so calm.

But Aizen doesn't care about that now.

He was extremely excited: "Sure enough! Sure enough! It's not reincarnation at all! It's just two clones cast! The starting point is a 16-year-old boy, the first Yono Masashi casts less power, and the second Hirakawa Gong Shu has a lot of power!

Yuye Sang, no, Ji Xing, your body is an existence located in this world, outside hell outside the Three Realms, stronger than the Spirit King, and greater than the existence of this world itself! "

He answered all the monk's previous questions for Ji Xing, although he no longer needed to answer.

This astonishing reality makes everyone lose their ability to think! Only Aizen's mind was spinning fast, he forgot to be reserved, his tone was full of pleading, and even his body was trembling in anticipation!

"This is the development and ending I've been looking forward to for a hundred years, Ji Xing! Is there a way to take me there?!"

"I want to see a wider world!"

"No matter what request, what needs me to do, I can promise!!"

3k7, there will be a story of the main world next, it will take a long time, and the update is not very coherent, for the convenience of understanding, you can briefly read the last chapter of the previous volume, the first chapter of this volume, and the fortieth chapter of this volume Three chapters.

The first chapter update may not be at noon tomorrow, I have to sort out my thoughts, but there will still be two updates.

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