Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 582 Tang Bi's Transfer

The next morning, the sun was shining brightly.

Yi Nan was wearing his best sportswear, with a new hunter's knife on his waist, which became one of the hundreds of numbered hunters. He was clean and handsome, and he walked on the street, attracting countless eyes.

He was looking forward to it, but also a little apprehensive.

I have been apprentice to Tang Bi for almost a year, and I often hear the master talking about my wife, but I have never seen her.

Finally going to visit today.

This outfit was last night when he congratulated Ji Xing on the success of the experiment and asked Ji Xing and Xiao Ai.

His original words were to ask for advice, "Do you want to bring something with you when you come to visit for the first time?" Ji Xing's answer was, "It's not to go to the old man's house. The first time you know the door is not yet your filial piety, and you can add Tang God." In the case of hunters, it’s good to be clean and tidy and show that you can inherit Tangshen’s hunting mantle. Oh yes, you must bring your hunter knife. '

Yi Nan also remembered that the teacher told him to dress up like a hunter, so he dressed like this, as if he was about to hunt monsters.

"Number 113, uh, number 113..."

Searching according to the house number that Tang Bi told him, Yi Nan gradually came to a single-family mansion, looked around in surprise, and found that the nearest house was more than 150 meters away from here.

There is such an open space in Zhongdu with a population of several million? Do they all belong to the teacher?

Although it is a bit too remote and quiet, the house is very luxurious, and it can only be said that it is worthy of being a teacher.

When he came to the gate of the house, Yi Nan was about to knock on the door, when he suddenly saw an envelope in the doorknob, with three big characters written on the envelope.

'Yi Nanshou'.

Yi Nan was stunned, my letter? Why are you at the teacher's house? No, this is the teacher's word?

He hesitated to pick up the envelope, checked it back and forth, and then took out the letter, doubts spread.

It is indeed Tang Bi's ugly word.

'Yi Nan, when you read this letter, the teacher should have already started to change majors. Sorry, you must have been looking forward to today for a long time, right? The teacher chose to give you a blow in the head, haha...'

Yi Nan's arm trembled, switch to repair? !


Inside the city of Zhongdu, on the top of a certain hill.

Tang Bi landed in front of a hut in the forest, and was taken aback when he saw the figure sitting on the wooden chair: "Mr. Huang? It's you... Ha, you are the one who supervises me."

It was a middle-aged man with slightly white temples. He was tall, with bright eyes and a mustache. His expression seemed a little melancholy.

His name is Huang Shizhen, ranked No. 002 in Shenhun, he has been the president of the Hunter's Guild for decades, he is nearly a hundred years old, and has countless disciples and grandchildren.

All hunters including Tang Bi had been taught by him, and unlike others, Huang Shizhen had saved the lives of Tang Bi and his wife, and was the guide for Tang Bi to become a hunter.

"Hahaha, it's fine if it's you. You haven't shown up in the past few years, so you must have switched to cultivation. To what extent has your strength recovered? Thank you for trusting me. The transition process is the most vulnerable time for Godhunt, so don't be afraid... …I took the opportunity to drink you? If I don’t bully you again, I’m afraid I won’t have a chance!”

Huang Shizhen was not amused by him, but said in a deep voice: "One year ago, I sent Zhao Wei away, and two and a half years ago, I sent Wang Xuehong away."

Tang Bi hesitated: "Cut, what level are they two, and they also switched to cultivation like us?"

Huang Shizhen shook his head: "I just heard about you. These have worked hard, but I hope I won't send you away here today."

"Why are you still playing the emotional card?" Tang Bi took off the standing flagon and drank it down, his face and eyes flushed together.

"I won't drink you today, next time, if I have a chance." He threw the jug away: "If you don't have a chance, bury this thing with me!"

After saying that, he had already walked into the wooden house, and saw a black and ugly low-ranking demon locked on the wall, and said dissatisfiedly: "Can't you choose a better-looking one? Forget it, all demons are ugly!"

Outside the wooden house, Huang Shizhen lay back on the recliner again, with a strange smile on his lips.


‘You know how to change cultivation, right? Yi Nan. The only way for Shenhun to go further. I will relax my defenses, let the weakest demon eat my brain, then control my appetite, and be reborn in the demon's body! '

Yi Nan felt that his eyes were a little dazzled, so he shook his head quickly, only to realize that it was his hands that were shaking, and it didn't stabilize until he invoked the spiritual energy.

'It's a very dangerous thing. Generally speaking, the success rate is 50%. After success, the brain-eating desire may lead to failure at any time during the reconstruction process. The teacher has no confidence, so this letter...maybe it is It's over.

Let me tell you a story that has been told many times. 23 years ago, the teacher’s son was also 23 years old, and his level is similar to yours now, with a bright future. But unfortunately, during a demon hunt, the girl who was trained as a hunter and grew up with him was eaten by a demon god.

He doesn't have the ability to take revenge, and he doesn't want me, as an old man, to be in danger. He can only vent his anger with alcohol. Got drunk.

But the kid lost the paralysis of alcohol, and thought of suicide in a hopeless way. '

Yi Nan has indeed heard about this matter many times, the teacher's son died because of this, causing the teacher's wife to blame the teacher, did not enlighten her son, and used her ability to borrow alcoholism roughly, these years have been close to the state of the cold war.

'Later, that kid died, and I avenged him, desperately killing the demon god who was numbered 008 at that time, and was promoted to God Hunter number 007. People came and went in front and behind, and I am still number 007.

But there is an episode in the middle, which is also the beginning of the disaster for me, teacher! '

episode? disaster? Yi Nan gradually had an ominous premonition in his heart, which was soon confirmed.

'That monster came for me, the demon god already has extremely high wisdom, that bastard deliberately chose my son and his childhood sweetheart, in order to attract me to take revenge, to attract my life, it needs to eat a god hunter, come Make a transfer.

So naturally it was prepared that it might not be my opponent, and it threatened me during the battle - I have sent my men to sneak into your city and stand by your wife's side. Are you really going to fight? If you don't get my signal within half an hour, your wife will be eaten.

Killed your son, do you want to kill your wife? As long as you give up resistance, I will let your wife go. I can swear that a middle-level hunter has no nutrition! '

A bone-chilling chill instantly enveloped Yi Nan, and he didn't even dare to read any more.

‘I hesitated, but I didn’t compromise. I crushed it into mud with my fist, punch after punch, then lost my strength, fell into a coma, was rescued, and when I woke up again, it was already three days later.

I hurriedly asked about my wife's situation, and got an answer that everything was fine at home. I hoped that the demon was just bluffing me, so I rushed home as quickly as possible, and got a worried hug from my wife.

She complained about why I hadn't heard from me these few days, and she cried and said that she didn't blame her son and stopped arguing with me, everything was so beautiful.

But... Dreams always have to wake up. '

Yi Nan turned the pages of the letter tremblingly.

‘When I woke up the next day, when I was taking a shower, I saw a line of small characters just written on the mirror—Kill me, I really don’t blame you. '

Mistress, replaced by a demon!

Yi Nan looked up at the closed gate of the mansion in disbelief, that, that...

'At that moment, the teacher understood some of my kid's emotions. The death of some people will really make people lose all hope and even dare not believe it.

It's a little ridiculous, after I stared at that line for a long time, the thought came to me that she is not dead, she is still resisting the demon, she is still alive! '

Yi Nan thought of his mother. After being eaten by the monster, she relied on her will to resist the monster's digestion and took care of herself for seven years.

‘I borrowed its brain-eating desire! '

'As long as there is no such desire, my wife can last longer, and even live a normal life with me as if she has not been eaten by a demon! '

'I have succeeded and I have failed. The success lies in the fact that she spent many years safely in this way of deceiving herself, and I can be sure that she was still a human being during that time.

Failure is in, and not for long.

In recent years, she has become more and more silent, and occasionally there will be struggles in her eyes. I know that she is tired. But I selfishly wanted her to stay with me for a longer period of time, so I bought the most remote house. Until now, I am also tired.

The borrowed monster appetite has been tormenting me for 23 years, thanks to my alcohol addiction, hahaha... But it can't go on like this, in another year or so, I will become a brain eater.

It's time to face the harsh reality. '


In the hut on the barren mountain, Tang Bi didn't seem to feel any pain, and calmly let the claws of the lower-level monsters tear his skull open.

"Sorry, Yi Nan..."


‘It’s a great fate to meet you in the last year, the teacher is very lucky.

This is probably the last lesson. I have been tortured by the demon appetite for 23 years, 99% of my humanity cannot be stabilized, and death is also a relief.

You have to remember the teacher's experience, Yi Nan! Demons are cunning, demons are demons after all! The teacher's tragedy all started with 008!

Of course, it was also the teacher's fault. I've done too many things wrong, made too many choices that lead me to a dead end, but... maybe if I choose again, I might still do it? I will still kill 008 and borrow my wife's appetite!

Well, let's stop here.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, in the end I chose to leave the problem to you, the teacher can't do it, and I don't want others to do it. The moment the teacher started to switch courses, the lending ability would naturally be invalidated, and she would be swallowed by the demon in an instant.

In a hunter's life, most of them will experience situations where the knife is difficult to cut. Yi Nan, do you have the courage to swing the knife? Teacher, I implore you, end her exhaustion, end my past! This is the only requirement of the teacher after accepting you as an apprentice!

Help the teacher, kill her! ! ! '

The content of the letter ends here.

The letter paper also fell with the wind.

Tears welled up in Yi Nan's eyes, and while Yi Nan's body was trembling uncontrollably, he heard the sound of the door opening.

Looking up, Yi Nan saw the white-haired old woman standing at the door, looking at him.

"Teacher, Madam?"

A warm and kind smile was outlined on the old woman's face: "Hey, child, that idiot Tang Bi has never taken responsibility and has no guts since he was a child, please trouble you."

Yi Nan cried bitterly.

The warm and kind smile was crushed by the black hair, and he flew towards him with all his teeth and claws.


Hill, wooden house.

Tang Bi's remnant body fell to the ground, and the monster that ate his brain quickly changed into his appearance.

Dirty hands, confused eyes.

It took several seconds before he smiled bitterly.

"This appetite is nothing compared to the borrowed appetite I've been battling for 23 years."

"It turns out I'm not 99% a failure."

"But 100% success?!"


Not dead, that's good, it's absurd.

3k2, there will be two updates tomorrow.

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