As a half-homemaker before time travel, Ji Xing had watched a lot of anime, and he had a lot of understanding of all the worlds he had experienced before.

Not this time.

Although "Hunter x Hunter" is a classic, sometimes something just doesn't feel right.

In his opinion, the protagonist Xiaojie is a bit too young. He is also 12 years old. He feels that Naruto Uzumaki should make him feel more comfortable.

So after watching two episodes, he didn't watch any more. There was nothing to watch later, and he was always dismissed by the wrong author.

Now it's just... a little regretful.

Forget it, there is no way, if you lose the convenience of the prophet, you will lose it, and in the era of information explosion, he is not ignorant.

Ji Xing closed his eyes, and used his powerful memory to retrieve some intelligence and information he had obtained from watching videos and reading novels before traveling.

Supernatural ability, telekinetic ability...

The Phantom Troupe, a popular villain.

Chiya is so cute.

Hisoka, the number one beauty in the world of hunters... is meant to be a joke, a man with a transvestite attribute?

Ant King, the strongest? Killed by a nuclear bomb?

The dark continent, mysterious and dangerous, the world known to hunters is only equivalent to a small island in the middle of the sea? Ants are a group that can't get along there? Later, there was a rebuttal that the ant king itself is a super-class existence?

Scattered fragments and information were extracted by Ji Xing. Now Ji Xing's brain is easier to search than computer data, and he has roughly obtained some information that is difficult to tell whether it is true or false. Let people fully believe.

Ji Xing then analyzed his current identity.

In fact, apart from feeling bumpy when he first invaded, Ji Xing also had an obvious feeling that he was tall and had long legs.

Except for Dunan from Fairy Tail World who became a little giant due to over-exercise, this time the intrusion into the body was the tallest, with a full two meters.

Under this height, he has a pair of legs close to 1.3 meters, slender and firm, with a sense of strength... Of course, it is only compared with ordinary people.

This has something to do with his initial identity as a "crack kicker seeker". The so-called crack kick boxing is the strongest martial arts skill in ancient legends. It can only be practiced after learning all martial arts. It only uses both hands to defend and kicks with both legs. The legs are long and invincible.

This is not in line with the principle of fighting, but Ji Xing has already remembered the origin of this thing.

Youyou Baishu, Xianshui endures.

He had read Yuyu Hakusho, it was a DVD he watched when he was very young, the Japanese version, and he watched it very lively, so he couldn't think of it when he saw "Cracking Boxing", after all, he couldn't understand Japanese at all when he was a child.

"Oh, it's also the work of old thief FJ?"

Observing from the reflection of the glass around him, he found that his appearance was somewhat similar to Xianshui Shinobi, with straight eyebrows, young and handsome.

The name is Xiang Sidibe, 18 years old, started as an orphan, because his father told the story of Lie Cu Quan in his childhood memory, he left the small town where he lived to search at the age of 12, and visited many martial arts schools, but he didn’t know much about him. No one even knows the existence of Lie Cuquan.

The good physical fitness, simple martial arts skills honed in these six years, and the strength of the lower body that is better than the weak upper body due to the pursuit of Lie Cuquan are its own advantages.

In order to pursue Lie Cuquan, Xiang Sidibe took part in a hunter exam a few months ago, and wanted to pass the Hunter Association inquiry, but was eliminated before entry because he could not find the correct meeting place.

A few days ago, I happened to see the end of the biennial "Olympia Fighting Conference" on TV, and a new owner ushered in the 251st floor of the Sky Arena, so I used my little savings to buy a flight ticket to go there, hoping to New clues can be found there, which is the current experience.

"The time is April 15, 1998, but it doesn't make any sense. I don't even know what the main plot is, let alone how far it is from the plot."

"Then concentrate on improving your strength, and don't worry about other things if you have a certain combat power."

Sky Arena, seems not bad.

He turned his head to look at the building that was taller than the airship and almost soared into the sky, and praised the initial identity arrangement of the Seven Star Pearl.


The Sky Arena is a paradise for fighting fans all over the world. It is a building with 251 floors and a height of 991 meters, ranking fourth in the world.

The tower is full of fighting arenas. More than 4,000 fighters sign up to participate every day, and more than 1 billion spectators come to watch the battle every year.

It is below 200 floors, and every 10 floors is regarded as a level. The winner goes up and the loser goes down. Every time you win a game, you can get a bonus, and the higher the floor, the more you get.

charitable? Not really. The main revenue of Sky Arena is the spectator's betting margin, and the bonus is just a small investment to attract fighters.

And if the fighters can reach the 100th floor, they can get an independent room and get higher treatment, and the 200th floor can be replaced with a luxury room.

As for the situation above the 200th floor, it seems that for some reason, it has not been explained.

After entering the Sky Arena, Ji Xing first spent the remaining meal money to buy a Sky Arena brochure, read it in detail, and waited in line to sign up after getting the above information.

The registration queue was very long, and there were men, women and children of all shapes and sizes. Ji Xing found that his two-meter height was not too abrupt here. Looking around, there were only two or three people taller than him.

"A world with high force value, not talking about the limits of human body science? It shouldn't be as exaggerated as Pirate World, but at least it's far better than Ke Xue."

Ji Xing closed his eyes and got familiar with his physical condition while queuing up. Judging from the quality of these guys in the queue, it shouldn't be a problem to hit the 100th floor purely with skills.

After queuing for an hour and a half, he finally arrived at the registration window, and Ji Xing took the registration form as the girl registrar said, "Welcome to the Sky Arena, please fill in your information here" in a sweet voice. The above text is the common language of the Hunter Continent, and it is also the ability that Ji Xing naturally acquired after the invasion. He looked around and quickly filled it out.

The age is 18 years old, but the name is directly used as "Ji Xing". The fighting experience is 12 years, and it is written in the remarks that the actual combat experience is extremely rich.

The girl registrar took one more look at Ji Xing and said with a smile: "Mr. Ji Xing is number 1777. In the arena on the first floor, they are all called by this number. Please pay attention. Now, please go to Let's go inside."

"Thank you."

Through a dim corridor, Ji Xing came to an environment similar to a stadium.

Spectators and players sat scattered around the huge venue, applauding, cursing, cheering, all kinds of voices were extremely noisy.

In the center of the field, there are 16 arenas arranged in 4*4, on which contestants fight in pairs.

Ji Xing took a brief look.

Well, it's basically the level of drunken brawls.

Knowing what he knew, he sat down in the auditorium, waited for another half an hour, and heard the call: "Contestant 1777, contestant 1901, please go to ring C to prepare. Contestant 1777..."

On stage C, Ji Xing stood opposite No. 1901, who was in a group with him. On the opposite side was a well-built man with a height of about 1.8 meters. He was frowning and looking at Ji Xing's height and body shape.

On the side, a referee wearing a Sky Arena uniform with a red background and a white fist printed in the middle explained: "In the competition on the first floor of the Sky Arena, the level of the contestants will be judged according to the process. Within three minutes, show your strength."

Ji Xing turned his head and asked, "If you behave well, can you jump off the floor? How many floors can you go directly to?"

Few people would ask such a question in the tense atmosphere before the game. The referee was taken aback, thinking of the player information that the registration office told him, and said: "If it is the highest, I can make a judgment that will let you go straight to the 90th floor, but you It has to be good enough."

"Which aspect is wonderful? The strength of moves, skills and even the beauty of the process?" Ji Xing asked again.

Before the referee could answer, his opponent was dissatisfied: "Hey! The guy who is as thin as a pole, speaks as if you have already won! Be careful, I will pinch your five limbs!"

"Hahahaha..." The audience also burst into laughter: "Hurry up, hurry up, dawdle, the other competitions have begun!"

Of course, Ji Xing didn't intend to incite hatred, but calculated the time. Today, he might only be able to line up for another round after this one. If he fails to reach the 100th floor in two rounds, he has to go out to live, which will be very troublesome.

And since the opponent is not polite, he is not so sorry for the next move.

He signaled to the referee that he was fine.

The referee looked at him solemnly, raised his arms and lowered them high: "The game...begins now!"

So Ji Xing put his hands in his pockets.

The audience watching this side of the arena showed astonishment, and his opponent's eyes widened even more, and he immediately said angrily: "You are courting death!"

He rushed forward with his hands open.

Ji Xing leaned to the side with a light figure, raised his right leg like a flower arrangement, and kicked hard in the face!


The sound of the collision brought saliva splashing, the strong man staggered, his mind was blank, while Ji Xing still kept his hands in his pockets, as if he didn't need his arms to keep his balance at all. When one leg fell, the other leg rose again.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The successive staggered kicks were gorgeous and powerful, and the opponent was fiddled with by him like a tumbler, wanting to fall but unable to do so. It was not until after 18 consecutive kicks that a heavy blow from the bottom to the chin completely knocked him out of consciousness. Fall back!

There was a brief silence in the auditorium.

"Excellent, amazing!"

"What kind of martial art is that?"

"I haven't seen it at all!"

"Like dancing!"

Ji Xing smiled at the referee: "He suffered all skin injuries, and he will wake up in a while, so can I go directly to the 90th floor?"

The referee nodded, pressed his hands on the instrument, and printed out a number: "No. 1777, you go directly to the 90th floor, use this to register!"

"Thank you."

Ji Xing turned around calmly, and walked out of the venue on the first floor with amazed eyes all the way. He let out a heavy breath when his eyes were no longer focused, and faint sweat broke out on his forehead.

19 consecutive kicks is a bit difficult.

Almost collapsed, haha.

In the competition after reaching the 90th floor, he stopped pursuing such flashy performances, and simply kicked his opponent unconscious with a precise acupuncture point kick.

In the evening, Ji Xing moved into the room provided by the Sky Arena with a one million renunciation bonus equivalent to 20,000 RMB in purchasing power.

The independent bathroom and big bed are similar to the single room of Home Inn, and the floor-to-ceiling windows on the side can enjoy the night view of the city.

"There are cafeterias on the 103rd and 109th floors, and there are exercise rooms and fitness equipment on the 105th and 107th floors, which is really good." Ji Xing said with emotion.

Eat, live and practice, you can do it here, and even the stars are lit up to two stars because of the two competitions. Never before has the initial accumulation been so worry-free!

Next, let's go up slowly, and practice it here for a year or so before going out!

The two shifts are 6k4, and there will be two shifts tomorrow. The first shift may not be at noon, and I have to go out to buy something in the morning.

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