Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 611: Boundary-breaking martial arts!

"Killed one." The tinnitus caused by Wojin's roar was still buzzing, but Kurapika stared at Nobunaga's body with a binoculars, with inexplicable emotions surging in his heart. Genocide event?

Also, it's really strong... If the power of the Phantom Brigade is obviously higher than that of the Yin Beast, the twelve branches of the Hunter Association have shown a strength that is much higher than that.

But... the battle has only just begun.

His gaze moved to the head of the group, Kuroro, and he saw dozens of cold-faced figures beside the cold-faced Kuroro.

Yes, dozens!

The Paconoda and others who acted with him seemed to have mastered the avatar technique, and each of them had several extra copies. Except for a seal on the forehead, there was no discernible difference between the copies and the main body. The slightest difference.

Kurapika, who was watching the whole process, knew that it was a masterpiece built by the little guy in the Phantom Brigade and the leader. It was just a pre-war preparation period, but the Phantom Brigade probably didn't expect that in just half a minute of preparation, , Ji Xing could instantly kill one of them.

Crowd tactics, is it false or true?

Kurapika's gaze turned again, and he was suddenly taken aback for three seconds. An indescribable anger surged in his chest.

"Crying? Would the Phantom Troupe also cry for the death of their companions? But... why?!"


Wojin was crying. Blocked by Hisoka and stopped by Kuroro, Wojin, who barely calmed down, raised his head high, and two lines of muddy tears flowed down his beast-like cheeks.

As the seven veterans of the founding regiment, Wo Jin and Nobunaga have known each other since childhood, and they are partners in the same combat team in the Phantom Brigade. Although they often quarrel and quarrel on weekdays, the relationship between the two is deeper than anyone else .

Why... just died like this?


Amidst the silent cries of the beast, a sad atmosphere enveloped the surrounding area, Paconoda bit her lips tightly, and the Frost Beauty Madge also became a little hideous because of anger.

Tonight, never die!

Everyone is absolutely sure of this!

A large number of replicas of the brigade around Kuroro rushed towards Ji Xing!

'God's left hand, devil's right hand', this is the mind ability of Kubi, a member of the brigade. When the left hand touches an object, the right hand can create the shape of the corresponding object. If the left hand touches a person, it can create a completely The same doll.

The puppet does not move, but it is different when coupled with Kuroro's other mind ability.

'Proof of Humanity', as long as the realized seal is stamped on the forehead of humanoid creatures, their actions can be controlled.

Combining the two, you can explode infinitely!

So while these puppets surrounded Ji Xing, the fighters who had just intercepted Ji Xing were also quickly approaching Kuroro, so that Kuroro and Kubi also produced a batch of them.

Ji Xing had noticed Kuroro's operation before, and determined through the eyes of insight that most of these puppets had a threat level of 0, and a small number of them had a threat level of 1 and 2.

It is not the difference of copying ontology.

The puppets copied from the left hand of the god and the right hand of the devil cannot reproduce Nian, and naturally they cannot completely reproduce the human body.

Dolls with threat levels 1 and 2 should have been given extra abilities by Kuroro.

Ji Xing also understood the details of Kuroro, who exhibited multiple unique reading abilities. In the book in his hand, each page should represent a reading ability, which came from snatching or other methods.

Combining a large number of mind abilities with unknown numbers and effects, and cooperating with as many puppets as you want, harassing Ji Xing to seek opportunities, this is the battle strategy developed by Kuroro.

And Ji Xing saw the threat 1 and 2 dolls, and his ability was called 'Twin Breaker'.

The sun mark appears on the left hand, and the moon mark appears on the right hand. When the hand touches an object, it will be engraved. When the two marks touch again, a powerful explosion will be generated. The engraving can be completed in an instant, or it can be charged to bring greater power.

While continuing to stamp the new puppet made by Kubi, Kuroro gave the golden pot-headed Sunshine Young Knight a look, indicating that the job of one-hit kill was entrusted to him.

The rest of the people naturally cooperated according to the situation until Ji Xing was killed!

This kind of battle plan is beyond reproach, and the strength of all members of the brigade has been utilized to the maximum extent. If it is a person with slightly stronger telekinetic ability than everyone in the brigade, under such a tactic, it may only be exhausted, step by step towards death .

Ku Luoluo, who can use the ability of plural thoughts, is not weak. The threat level is 3 probably because he is a skill type, and Ji Xing can drop ten times with one force.

Ji Xing didn't want to give Kuroro a chance to 'play', so he directly chose... Li Dazhuanfei!

Facing the rounded up puppets, he raised Nobunaga's broken knife above his head.

In an instant, Kuroro stopped stamping, and the expressions of everyone in the brigade changed, even Bisji, who was watching from a distance, showed a strange expression.

"Are you finally going to use your mind ability?"

Sure enough, it is an enhancement system, what effect?

A mighty thought energy exploded on Ji Xing's body surface, covering the sword's edge with Zhou's skills! If Ji Xing's qi was like running water before, at this moment his qi seemed to be boiled!

The flowing fire-like thought energy pulled out an arc of light behind Ji Xing, outlining the character 'human'!

Strengthen the ability to conceive, people, activate!

Accept all the imperfections of human beings, don't envy the wings of flying birds, don't envy the breath of swimming fish in water, deeply feel that being a human being is a blessing, and never regret being a human being. The power brought by such pious restrictions and vows is the "human limit talent" '!

For example, this body is shaped by seven star beads. Although Ji Xing can use experience and skills to make the body develop perfectly, and even break the original limit, but an innate limit of one ton of strength can be raised to three tons and five tons by him. , but after all, it can reach the level of ten tons before reaching the innate limit. This is a talent determined from birth, unless it is modified with drugs or scientific means.

Just like Miri of Ganlu Temple in Ghost Slayer World has eight times the muscle density of ordinary people, no matter how hard other people practice, they can't reach that level, and Ji Xing can't use conventional methods to modify his innate physiology.

But with the ability of 'human', Ji Xing has the ultimate talent that the human race in the full-time hunter world can achieve. His physique can now slowly rise to the limit of a genius who meets once in a million years. Quality and skills can also be improved to the limit of a genius who meets once in a million years!

It is equivalent to breaking the limiter of the human body once.

But this kind of mind ability, apart from allowing him to practice unimpeded, does not mean much to him in other aspects, because his martial arts, kendo, etc. have already reached the limit, and he also possesses abilities that no one can match. learning ability.

So the second effect is created.

When an ability has reached the 'extreme human level', consume a large amount of thought energy to break the limit—that is, to use the limit-breaking force and attack beyond the upper limit of the skill!

This item is actually very difficult to achieve. Having enough talent does not mean that you can realize all your talents, or that there is no one in a million who can realize all your talents, so it conforms to the rules of mind ability, and Ji Xing, obviously did it. cons.

As long as he makes a small move, he will know the limit of the technology that the current world can accept!

Gather energy, gather energy.

"Breakthrough swordsmanship - brush cut!"

"Get out soon?!"

The sound of the sword's edge humming and falling overlapped with Kuroro's shout, one sword fell and a hundred swords were born!

Countless phantoms of sword lights tore apart all the puppets in front of Ji Xing's eyes in an instant, and they landed with a roar and spread for a hundred meters! The ground was torn apart, the rolled mud was pushed to both sides, and the dust and sand rose all over the sky!

Even though everyone in the brigade had already dispersed to both sides in advance, the impacting gravel still gave them a stinging pain, causing them to fly backwards in all directions!

What's this? ! Even Wo Jin's Super Destruction Fist is far beyond comparison! While everyone was shocked, they were also terrified. The visibility became too low, and it was a very dangerous situation in mid-air. They did not forget how they first determined that Ji Xing was a powerful person——Yuan!

Sure enough, the next moment there was a feeling of being enveloped by a circle, no, it seemed that it was not completely a circle, but more detailed than that, so that everyone felt completely seen through from beginning to end!

There is no need for Kuroro to remind, even if it is an assistant, all members of the brigade who have a certain combat literacy quickly use their own means to protect themselves and others.

A special vacuum cleaner with eyes and tongue appeared in Xiaodi's hand, and said, "Popeye fish, suck up the dust that blocks your vision."

"Yaoyao——" the popeyed fish made a weird cry, sucking in a big mouthful to improve its visibility.

No, Kube and Parker will be instantly killed if they are approached by the opponent! The knight had such an idea, so without hesitation, he directly inserted an ability antenna into his body!

His telekinetic ability is called "carrying the fate of others". It is an operation system. As long as the antenna is inserted into the enemy's body, he can completely control the enemy's actions through the puppet mobile phone. Another way of using it is to insert it into his own body.

In this case, he will also be controlled by himself like a puppet, which is equivalent to an on-hook mode, and it is a high-energy AI substitute, which perfectly exerts its strength beyond the limit!

"Start automatic mode."

"Lock the target!"

The golden thought energy burst, and the knight under trusteeship successfully locked onto Ji Xing's trajectory, stopped in mid-air, and flashed away in an unconscious state.

Knight? on that side? !

Everyone in the brigade tried their best to stabilize their figures, and at the same time, Hisoka, who was in a backward state, connected stretches of love to everyone, ready to help and save others, but was startled suddenly.

There was an extreme chill in my heart!

It turned out to be coming at me? !

That's right, he doesn't know that I'm a fake spider, and my thoughts will cause him a lot of interference in the battle, so it's reasonable to choose me!


When Ji Xing's saber fell just now, Hisoka had to admit that he had some regrets, but it was only a momentary emotion.

Losing the courage to challenge the strong and no longer experiencing the joy of fighting makes him more painful than death. Of course, if he can live, he still has to live.

The stretchable love entangled in his body, and instantly accelerated the movement of his internal organs. This is the result of his death once, the adrenaline and other indicators increased rapidly, and it was like taking a stimulant for a while, allowing Hisoka to gain even stronger strength!

Under such a premise, he turned around in mid-air and escaped the fatal attack, but his left arm still fell at the shoulder level, and blood spattered.

Hmm~ took another hand from me~

The severe pain didn't make Hisoka hesitate, because he knew it was too early to survive.

The knight is on the left and will be there soon.

But just a knight, it is difficult to make the monster in front of him have enough worries.

The stretchable love of the right finger shrank the fastest, and a figure was pulled away in shock.


At the same time, Hisoka, who called out his name, seemed to be telling him to cooperate with the attack. This was indeed not a trap for the stand-in. Hisoka had noticed that Finx was rapidly accumulating power earlier.

God, this is Finx's telekinetic ability.

It's not the Huitian of the Hyuga Clan, but a technique called Windmill Fist. Children may have such memories. When they are crazy with their friends, their arms will rotate in circles like windmills. It seems that the more circles they make, the stronger they will be.

This became real in the hands of Finks.

Before being pulled by Sisora, he had already accumulated 20 laps. Although he still didn't think it was enough, he couldn't help accumulating slowly in this situation!

It was golden light again.

On the left is the glittering knight, on the right is Finx with golden fists, and in front is Hisoka who is kicking his legs with all his strength to save himself.

Ji Xing raised his broken sword obliquely.

Yuan's derivative skill field was suddenly compressed, to the extent that it only covered the three of them, except for the knight in charge, an extremely familiar feeling shrouded Hisoka and Finx.

This is Nobunaga's...? !

impossible! Without a scabbard and without a knife tip, how can I chop with Iai? !

Ji Xing told them, of course.

Fast, extremely fast!

Twice as fast as Nobunaga's knife!

If they hadn't beheaded the three at the same time in a semi-circular trajectory, they wouldn't have been able to see the traces of the slash at all. Even so, Finx felt a chill on his neck after punching, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

I am done? !

After a delay of a second, there was no pain and his consciousness did not sink into the darkness, so he touched his neck to confirm that his head was still on the neck.

And when he found Kuroro next to him, he realized what happened. It turned out that the leader moved me away and saved me... Wait? !

His figure froze suddenly, Finks didn't dare to turn his head back, he only raised his head to confirm Kuroro's unconcealed sad expression, as well as Feitan, whose eyes were closed, and Wojin, whose eyes were tearing apart, who were frozen not far away.

"Why... save me?"

He turned back with difficulty, and the two thrown heads just landed on the ground. The knight who died in the hosting mode didn't have time to understand the cause of his death, his eyes were closed tightly, as if he just fell asleep.

Hisoka, on the other hand, had a strange, regretful, sighing expression, and his head that landed was staring straight at this place!

The desperate attack of the three of them seemed to have worked. Ji Xing's figure was 50 meters away from them, and there was an obvious footprint on his white shirt. This is the first time the monster has been hit since the battle, and it should have caused a little damage, but Finx couldn't be happy.

"Why save me... Kuroro?!"

"Only one can be removed, and we need your power, Finx."

"Why...not remove him?"

"That's what he expected." Kuroro looked at the knight's head sadly: "'Changeable distance' is not the kind of mind ability to move as you want, move him, he can probably kill me. "

Finks fell silent.

Save three people at the same time and you will die. But among me, Xia Ke and Hisoka, you thought I could help you in the next battle, so you gave up the other two and let me regain my life.

You are so calm, Chrollo.

"I can die." Kurolo said: "But not now. Because...the Phantom Troupe wants to win!"

Accompanied by the 100-meter small rift that Ji Xing slashed with his sword, Kuroro still did not lose his determination to win. He said in a deep voice, "Fetan! Shelaev!" After calling out these two names, he After pausing for a while, he said tremblingly, "Wo Jin!"


PS: [I've had diarrhea, it's really diarrhea, I don't know what happened, I suddenly had a bad stomach, I had a low-grade fever for a day, I went to the toilet eight times out of ten times, my whole body was numb, I couldn't write anymore.

It will take another day, everyone lightly spray. 】

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