Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 631 The Song of Enlightenment

It can be said that Ji Xing is 'arrogant' for going to the United Nations in Bergrose alone and proposing to cooperate with a big country as an individual, but a large part of the reason is that Ji Xing is showing strength and self-confidence.

He felt that the two sides cooperated, and the big country provided him with their exploration experience and the precious maps piled up with human lives, and he gave back some resources needed by the big country.

But he obviously underestimated the temperament of the King of the United Nations in Bergerose, and he also miscalculated the way of dealing with affairs of a big country, which eventually led to such a development and ending. The way to show his strength became to kill the king!

The two sides also obviously have very different views on the balance between the power of the country and the peak of personal force, which makes Ji Xing have little confidence in the other four major powers.

Let's wait and see, and see what will happen after killing the King of the United Nations, and whether Princess Faith can take over the position will make a difference. If it doesn't work, Ji Xing can also choose to close his eyes and go to the Dark Continent, nothing more than more Danger takes a little more effort.

He didn't take off that pair of bracelets for the time being. Although there was a powerful bomb hidden in it, the threat level to him was only 3. As long as he reacted in time, it would only break his skin a little bit.

Looking back and analyzing the initial assassination of the third prince in his mind, Ji Xing dialed Kurapika's number: "Well, I'm here, do you have any clues? Okay, I'll go over."


On the other hand, unlike Ji Xing, who was fine after killing the king, an earthquake was happening in the Bergerose United Nations due to the assassination of the king.

The leaders of v5 include kings, heads of state, and presidents... no matter which title they call, they all represent absolute power, and they represent people who stand at the top of more than one billion people. The five countries are all highly centralized countries, and there is no situation where the king is just a decoration or a facade.

Although the Bergrose United Nations is called the United Nations, the leaders of the other countries to be united are at best mayors in this big country, and the fact that they are named after the Bergrose name speaks volumes.

It has been hundreds of years since its founding, and this is the only one among more than ten generations of kings who died suddenly! Even if you look at the leader of v5, this is the third case of being assassinated, and it is the first case in the century since entering modern civilization!

Neither the people nor the king himself was prepared for the king's death at all!

This is completely different from the sudden death of a prince. Every high-level executive who got the news immediately doubted his ears, and after confirming it, he was outraged and unbelievable.

And long before talking to Ji Xing, Faith had ordered the army to act, sealed off the capital, and even sealed off the entrance and exit of the palace, causing every citizen of the capital to fall into panic.

After hanging up the phone, Princess Faith, dressed in silver armor and holding a round gun, breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and entered the room, where several elders of the Bergerose royal family and adult princes and princesses gathered here, looking at Faith enquiringly.

"What are you looking at me for? This call should never have been made. Lie Cuquan Ji Xing has no time and no reason to do such a thing!"

The domineering attitude made several elders who have no real power look away, while the second prince Branheim just shook his head, took off his earphones and said, "Sister, you have a really good relationship with him, and he actually offered to come back to help me?" Are you fighting for the throne?"

"This is the sympathy of warriors, you will never understand." Faith knew that he was eavesdropping, and snorted, "As for the fight for the throne? Father didn't leave any will and order. As his eldest daughter, I will naturally Take over the position of king, do you have any other opinions, uncles and Branheim?"

"Of course not." Branheim raised his hands and said, "However... the assassination of the father is an unprecedented disgrace to the Begrose United Nations. I only agree with my sister that you are temporarily acting as the king, and wait until the day you avenge the father. , and then formally ascend the throne."

"You don't need to talk about this kind of thing, I will do it naturally." Faith couldn't be at peace if she couldn't wait to sit on the throne without avenging her father.

Branheim chuckled in his heart, your temper is too easy to control, and his sister nodded on the surface: "Let's put aside the usual disputes, and we should cooperate fully on this matter."

"You don't need to talk about this kind of thing!" Feisi snorted, "Do you have a direction to investigate?"

"Not yet, but... I still have doubts about Lie Cuquan Ji Xing." Branheim signaled his raised hands, telling Faith not to worry: "There must be a certain number of people with the ability to fight against the guardian white eagle. It is limited. Judging from the degree of destruction of the wall palace, sister, you are far behind, right?

It happened that the father was assassinated at this time, and it was such a powerful assassin. It was hard not to think about him. Even if he had a conclusive alibi, it was still possible that he was disguising with some unknown ability of mind, which cannot be ruled out. suspected. "

"Camouflage? Don't you have the most confidence in your little inventions?" Faith said.

"After all, I have no chance to collect his blood and hair." Branheim shook his head and said, "There are countless ways to interfere with the signal of the bracelet."

"Then why do you bother to make him feel bad for the father?!" Feisi snorted coldly: "Although I believe it is impossible for him to do it, but now there is such a 'what if', it is all your masterpiece!"

"I don't deny this. But if he dared to assassinate the father just because of this, then his degree of danger is really rare in history. If such a guy who does whatever he wants goes to the Dark Continent, maybe he will bring back enough to destroy A disaster for mankind! It is also a good thing to try out in advance.”

"Huh? Do you dare to say such a thing to the remains of the father?!"

"Don't dare." Branheim shook his head: "But look, sister, if things go this way, you still have doubts about him, right?"

Faith froze, her eyes glanced at the elders who were showing consideration, her face darkened.

"You bastard……"

At this moment, a guard quickly approached and reported: "His Royal Highness, Second Prince, there is a result from Lord Debbie!"

"Huh? Okay, let's go there."

Faith looked stern, and didn't bother to talk to her sharp-tongued younger brother Branheim. She took the lead and walked to the monitoring room not far away.

Although this is a royal palace, it has already been improved with the changes of the times. The king's bedroom is all modern villas and mansions. Surveillance cameras are even installed on some important roads of the royal palace, and there are surveillance cameras every other section of the streets of the capital.

After entering the monitoring room, I saw a middle-aged bearded man whose hands turned into tentacles, all of which were plugged into the computer interface, and the pictures were reproduced on each screen with the special memory ability 'mechanical life'.

Seeing everyone entering, he greeted, and everyone's eyes were focused on the screen.

Each one is the figure of 'Urahan Yusuke'.

From walking through the crowds of the streets, to throwing stones at the corner of the palace for the first attack, to storming into the palace and colliding with the guardian white eagle and shocking the king to death, even the destroyed pictures and images are still in the mind of the middle-aged The next restoration is clear!

Even made some data annotations.

The speed and power of the thrown stones are similar to those of the large-caliber sniper rifle newly developed by the United Nations Military Department in Bergerose, and they have stronger wear resistance.

It took only 3 seconds to break through twelve walls and cross nearly 350 meters to reach the king. The two attacks combined took less than 10 seconds, and the king was killed!

Seeing these data, everyone who was not at the scene knew why the king of a country was killed so lightly. Who can stop the assassination of such a guy? Whoever meets him will die! There is no chance for you to mobilize manpower or evacuate at all!

"It's not Ji Xing." Feisi looked at Branheim and said, "I know what you want to say. You can also use telekinesis to disguise your appearance and figure, but just looking at this statistic, his strength is far inferior to Ji Xing's!"

Branheim finally showed a hint of astonishment: "Aren't you joking? Sister."

"Hmph, how could you, a feeble scholar who only works with technology, know that a real reinforcement-type strongman's attack can exceed the speed of sound. Although this guy is also very strong, I can probably block a few moves."

Feisi said coldly: "Of course, if you insist on saying that Ji Xing deliberately kept his strength, then I don't bother arguing with you. That's all right, Debbie, let's compare his appearance and see if this guy has been included in the list." proof of identity."

She was not optimistic about this. The assailant did not hide his appearance, which meant that he was not afraid of investigation.

Sure enough, soon after they got no matching results, Faith, who had been mentally prepared, continued to order: "Then the direction of the investigation is the guy whose identity information has been wiped out, and maybe it will even lead to the discovery of the person behind him." Come out, this may be the same thing as the assassination of the third child!

Oh, and the Meteor Street place, let people go to find out if there is such a person. In addition, release news and offer rewards to the outside world. "

Such a big movement cannot be hidden.

She looked at Branheim again: "How is it? Do you have any extra comments?"

"There is only one suggestion." Branheim pushed his glasses and said, "When the murderer who attacked the king is identified, dispatch the oath team."

Faith fixed her eyes and nodded slowly: "You still know them? You don't need to remind them, they do this kind of thing."


Soon, the news of the assassination of King Bergerose spread across the six continents through the Internet, triggering a much wider discussion than the Olympia Fighting Conference that ended a month ago.

Almost everyone was talking in shock, and many V5 countries and other large and small countries that had received the news earlier issued a statement that they would not tolerate the murderer almost at the same time!

At the same time, what was spread was the appearance image of 'Urahan Yusuke', as well as a sky-high reward - the reward level is naturally S, and according to how much information is provided on the attacker, the Bergerose United Nations will give tens of billions Remuneration to hundreds of billions.

And if they can be captured and killed, they can even be rewarded by the Bergerose United Nations, and their descendants will be guaranteed wealth and honor for generations to come.

Naturally, the Hunter Association also received an order to cooperate with the investigation, and it also received another order two days ago, which resulted in Nitro's absence from the association.

The bean-faced man hurriedly called Nitro.

Pariston on the other side got the news earlier and was staring at the reward at this time. Compared with the assassination of the king, it was very inconspicuous, and the United Nations of Bergerose announced the cause of death of the third prince Jasway by the way—it was also an assassination.

The United Nations of Begrose suspected that the same person was behind the two incidents, and the mercenary Misu Jimola attacked Prince Jessway. Direction investigation and pursuit.

"Misu is dead? It's really sad news." Two lines of tears flowed down Pariston's smiling cheeks: "Things have developed in an unpredictable and interesting direction. The killing of King Bergrose Where did this guy come from? President Nitero, how will you arrange it?"

On the other side, on an airship heading towards the NGL autonomous country, Nitro gently stroked his beard and let out a low laugh: "This is really... a big deal."

"Yeah, someone actually assassinated the king, and it succeeded." Mo Lao Wu, who was physically strong and wearing small sunglasses, shook his head and said with emotion: "It's the association to cooperate with the investigation again, and we are still on the way to kill ants. President Netero, your avatar?"

"Isn't there still twelve?" Nobu pushed the glasses: "It's time to use them, we can't ignore the chimeric ants of the NGL autonomous country."

Nitro thought slightly, and soon seemed to think of something interesting, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and whispered: "It seems that my life can also be without regrets, Ji Xing."

"...What? President?"

Nitero didn't answer, but just called the Doomian man back on the phone: "Doumian, pass the president's order to call the twelve branches to discuss the matter of cooperating in the investigation of the assassination of the king of the United Nations in Bergerose.

I? Hahaha, where do I have time? Let Paristone preside over the meeting. Well, it's okay, let him come. And... to call all 13 members of the twelve branches, including Jin and Ji Xing, if they don't make it, they will be removed from the Hunter Association! "

Mo Laowu and Nuobu beside them were stunned. Wasn't it the removal of the twelve branches, but the removal of the hunter?

Nothing like this has ever happened before, what is this bad old man up to? !


At the same time, deaf to the noise from outside, Ji Xing was holding a violin in his hand, playing a very beautiful melody.

Swipe up and down between the vibrato, the tone is bright and joyful, as if there are larks contending on the top of the mountain, the sun is bright and the scenery is picturesque, making Kurapika, Xiaodi and others in front of them almost forget that they are in a barren countryside!

There was an expression of amazement on the face with exquisite melody, and when the song was over, he couldn't help saying: "It's amazing, the teacher who taught me music back then was a violin master, but even she..."

"There is almost no emotion, but I am cheating in terms of skills." Ji Xing smiled and said.

He has not practiced musical instruments in particular, but he has always been in contact with many worlds since he invaded. With his unforgettable learning ability and strong physical memory ability, he has naturally become a master of many musical instruments.

But today he didn't come to show off his skills, he just showed off his violin, just because they just found another score of the Dark Sonata, which belongs to the violin part!

After confirming that he could do it, he nodded to the three of Kurapika and said, "Go to a place further away, where you can't hear the sound of the violin."

"Okay, please be careful, Mr. Ji Xing." Kurapika, who knew what Ji Xing was going to do, nodded and backed away, Melody's expression became tense, but he didn't persuade him much, he just said to be careful.

When the distance between the three was far enough, Ji Xing took out the kraft paper on which the violin score was recorded, checked it again, and made preparations for playing the violin—yes, he wanted to try playing the Dark Sonata himself to find out the mystery !

"Let's brighten the blood strip."

A blood bar with 100 drops of blood appeared above his head.

Then the dark piano sounded.

Completely different from the previous "Skylark", the sound of the piano this time is hoarse and dark, as if it is Black Friday or a wedding dress, just hearing it will bring people an uncomfortable feeling.

At the same time, a strange fluctuation enveloped Ji Xing, causing the qi in his body to run and collide in a chaotic manner, turning things upside down!

This should have caused a little internal injury, but after the blood bar was brightened, the blood was only deducted. At the end of the song, Ji Xing looked up at the 97 points of blood bar left, and there was a little dazed expression on his face.

Seeing this, the three people in the distance made gestures, and ran over after confirming that they could come. The remaining blood proved that Ji Xing was fine. Melody asked with concern: "Mr. Ji Xing, have you... seen the Demon King?"

"There is no demon king, and this is not a dark sonata, or only for us, it is dark." Ji Xing said: "In fact, this is probably a 'song of enlightenment'."

"... Enlightenment?"

"Well, it's like a person with the ability to use Qi to open the fine pores of ordinary people, perform baptism, and forcibly help them master the same enlightenment as reading." Ji Xing said: "This method of using music is more gentle and efficient, and the success rate may be higher than that of ordinary people." More than 90%."

The melody can't help but be stunned, enlightenment ability? Still soft and efficient? ! The next moment, she had some guesses and said, "Could it be..."

"Well, it's not the 'Song of Enlightenment' of human beings, but another unknown race." Ji Xing confirmed: "Because the body structure is different, human beings can be enlightened with this, and it's hard to survive!"

Another...unknown race?

In addition to human beings, there are also races that master the ability of mind on a large scale... No, if this 90% judgment is true, and such a simple and efficient method of enlightenment, wouldn't the proportion of people with mind ability in that race...far exceed that of humans? ? !

"It's a race from the Dark Continent."

For the first time, Ji Xing was completely sure that on that distant continent, there was at least one highly intelligent race that systematically mastered the mind, and had a high probability of being far stronger than the human race!


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