Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 718 Father and Son

The spiral sword Kaladboga is the magic sword owned by the warrior Fergus in Celtic mythology. Normally, the probability of summoning Fergus is higher, but when there is a restriction-it was contaminated by King Arthur ten years ago. The blood is different.

After all, it itself is the prototype of the Sword of Promise of Victory. The two phases are accumulated, and the probability of drawing the two by drawing a card is just like Gilgamesh said, roughly half and half.

But Ji Xing knew that it was unlikely that he would win the other half, because Artoria was in a very special state - she was not a heroic spirit after death, but stayed at the moment before death, restrained by the planet. Li Alaya signed a contract and would die and become a guardian after obtaining the Holy Grail and fulfilling his wish.

The battle was interrupted ten years ago, and now she must be responding to the call of the Holy Grail very actively. Not to mention the 50% directivity, even if it is a holy relic with 1% directivity, she may jump out with a whoosh.

Therefore, the probability is 99.9%!

Ji Xing found that he suddenly had Shirou Emiya's script.

The question, then, is whether to do it or not.

Seeing him staring silently at the spiral sword on the ground, Tohsaka Rin thought that this was one of the best solutions and then suddenly thought of another question.

If Tachiboshi's parents died in the Battle of Weiyuan River ten years ago, wouldn't it mean that Tong Yuan, King Gilgamesh, and King Arthur were his enemies in a sense?

The relationship here is too messy.

She turned her head with a headache: "King Arthur can't do it. Let's change it to the shining golden King of Heroes. The battle ten years ago destroyed the home of classmate Li Xing, although I don't know the details..."

"It's not her. Although I don't care about the life and death of the bastard, I won't be so bored that I deliberately kill some ants. With the power of that clown, I won't be able to affect the shore." Gilgamesh didn't care at all. In disguise, he admitted that it was probably him and Tong Yuan who did it.

Tohsaka Rin glanced at Ji Xing and knew that this was an unaccountable debt. If we really want to pursue it, I'm afraid we have to trace it to the construction of the Holy Grail War system.

She didn't know how to comfort her, so she just stabbed Jin Shining, who looked completely unashamed, "Weren't you the first to be killed? How do you know that Tong Yuan and King Arthur didn't fight fiercely afterwards?"

"...Hmph, little girl, are you deliberately provoking my anger?" Jin Shining paused and said arrogantly: "The king's gift is only once. If you don't want to accept it, I don't have to accept it. The clown assistant who claims to be the king!"

"If you tell the truth, you will get angry. You can't even accept your own failure. What kind of king is that?"

Tohsaka Rin didn't go too far. He just muttered again and changed the subject: "You have heard it, Tatexing-san, you can decide for yourself whether you want to choose King Arthur to be your servant."

Ji Xing was silent for three seconds. As if he had finally made up his mind, he raised his head and said, "Then I will trouble you again, Tohsaka-san."

"It's not too troublesome." Tohsaka Rin let out a sigh of relief: "Actually, except for Tatexing-san, you are a complete rookie. It's a good thing to have a trustworthy ally like you."

Although my father didn't know what he would think.

"Don't trust me too much. After the camp war, won't your own camp also have to decide the winner?" Ji Xing said: "I will seriously compete for the Holy Grail, and I may be my opponent by then."

Tohsaka Rin was startled and realized that he didn't seem to fully understand the boy in front of him. Yes, before I knew he became a magician, I didn’t seem to have spoken to him alone during the two years I was in the same class.

He has been living independently since he was seven years old, so he is probably not a shy and introverted person at all.

So she smiled sweetly, with that beautiful face that could charm boys of her age, and stared at Ji Xing and said: "Then just come here, classmate Lixing, don't die before you fight me!"

Jin Shining stands with his arms in his arms, the king stands aloof.

Ji Xing's family.

Mordred lavishly wiped the oil stains from the corner of his mouth with his arm and commented: "It tastes good. That kid is wasting his talent as a magician. It is better to be a cook. So Master, now it's time for us to formulate a strategy."

"Don't be impatient."

Lion Jie Jieli responded and said: "Too many things happened last night. The two of us haven't had a good chat and seriously understood each other's past and wishes."

"Huh?" Mordred was startled, then turned and sat down opposite Lion Jie, crossed his legs and said, "If you have any questions, just ask."

"Well...if it involves questions you don't want to answer, you don't have to answer them." Lion Jie scratched his head: "About the 'rebellion'..."

"I knew you cared about this."

Mordred's face darkened: "There's nothing I can't say. Yes, I did rebel, but that's because my father never recognized my talents from the beginning to the end. Obviously my sword skills, political skills, etc. are no match for hers." Equal, no, I have surpassed her! But just because of my background, she completely denied everything about me!"

Sword skills and political skills? Lion Jie looked at Mordred in front of him and said, "So your wish is to become a king?"

"No, if I become the king in that way, she still won't recognize me! I just want to get a chance to challenge the chosen sword, that's all!"

Legend has it that King Arthur pulled out the sword in the stone that all the strong men had not pulled out when he was a boy, and was selected as the king. If Mordred can do the same, it will indeed prove his qualifications as a king.

But what if the Holy Grail grants your wish but you can't pull it out?

Lion Jie had such doubts, but did not ask. He just said: "Actually, I have been thinking about a question since last night. Since King Arthur has become a servant of the Fourth Holy Grail War, it proves that she must If you have a wish that you want to realize, what would it be?”

Mordred was stunned.

A question that made her feel like her soul was boiling and her heart was about to jump began to beat.

Could it be...does the father regret it?

Although she insisted at the last moment, "I don't have what it takes to be a king," did she actually regret not recognizing me? !

Tohsaka's basement.

With the Tosaka family's storage, the materials to draw the summoning magic circle were not worth mentioning. Ji Xing also easily mastered the process and completed it under "Tohsaka Rin's narration".

So as Tohsaka Rin and the King of Heroes looked on, after a dazzling light, the girl with extremely beautiful appearance appeared in the world again and descended into Fuyuki City!

King Arthur, Arturia Pendragon felt like she had had a long dream.

Ten years ago, he followed Irisviel and Emiya Kiritsugu to participate in the Holy Grail War. Lancer Tōbuchi, who finally participated in the war, actually summoned his true form from the Throne of Heroes, gaining power that she could not resist at all. In the end, her Master Guard Gong Kiritsugu voluntarily gave up on her and formed an 'alliance' with Tong Yuan.

This was not a betrayal, but returning to Camlan's Hill alone, she still felt very unwilling to accept the inexplicable ending of her journey to the Holy Grail.

Even if she learns that the Holy Grail is only the third method and not a universal wishing machine, as a king, she will always have to verify it herself before giving up.

Sitting on the hill with the broken sword's remains, time seemed to have lost all meaning to her, until this moment, she saw the light of the sky again.

She knew that this was another summons from the Holy Grail, and stretched out her hand to the light with all her strength. In the familiar sense of summons, she got the information given by the Holy Grail that this time it was a special seven-on-seven battle.

Then his eyes suddenly brightened.

She saw the figure of the young man in front of her and felt the connection of magic power. The supply of this kind of magic power seemed to be less than one-fifth of Emiya Kiritsugu's, but the loyal King of Knights would not frown for this and asked if there was any Inherited words: "May I ask, are you my Master?"

Then froze.

The nearby Tohsaka Rin looked vaguely familiar, but the other one she remembered deeply. Wearing armor, she immediately became on guard: "King of Heroes?!"

"Oh?" Jin Shining smiled: "You actually retained your memory? Then you can save yourself some extra words. Don't be so nervous. The clown who claims to be the king, this time you are honored to follow me and other kings first. People fight.

When the winner of the camp is decided, I will continue the unfinished battle with you ten years ago. "

In the same camp? Red servant? The opponent last time was actually a teammate this time? !

"So beautiful~" On the side, Tohsaka Rin sighed with emotion that didn't seem to be praising a warrior. There was clearly audible envy in his words.

On the premise of participating in the Holy Grail War, she hopes that the Saber in front of her will become her servant rather than the difficult King of Heroes, even if the King of Heroes will be stronger!

Sighing melancholy in her heart, she summoned up her energy and said: "King Arthur, I am Tohsaka Rin, the master of the King of Heroes. Come sit up here and let's briefly discuss tactics."

It was eight o'clock when Ji Xing entered Tohsaka's house, and it was already ten o'clock when this series of events ended. When he entered Tosaka's house, he was alone. When he came out, he was followed by a blond girl with a delicate face.

Tohsaka Rin, who had warned them about several important matters from behind, watched the two of them leave, and then looked at the King of Heroes next to him, his eyes full of disgust.

Arturia took off her armor and put on the dress she wore ten years ago. She followed Ji Xing step by step, observing her master.

At Tohsaka's house, she learned from Rin Tohsaka the origin of this special seven-on-seven Holy Grail war, and also learned what happened after she left the game ten years ago.

Kiritsugu was the one who took the blame. She knew this better than anyone who had heard it with her own ears. Tong Yuan decided to attack the Clock Tower very early, which had nothing to do with all the evil in this world that polluted the Holy Grail.

She had even heard Tong Yuan's words, "All the evil in this world has been trying to escape from my body," and knew that all the strangeness came from him.

The King of Heroes seems to understand this very well. When Tohsaka Rin told this point, he let out a cold hum twice. So it seems that it is necessary to guard against the reappearance of Tong Yuan in this Holy Grail War.

There was no way he was going to the Clock Tower to die, nor should he be easily purified.

In addition to this, the situation in front of her also made her feel a little troublesome.

The Master is indeed a little weaker.

The supply of magic power greatly affects the combat effectiveness of the Heroic Spirit. Ten years ago, the magic power of Emiya Kiritsugu was enough for her to release the Noble Phantasm five times, but this time there is a possibility that she will not be able to maintain her existence if she releases the Master once.

She is still a special heroic spirit that cannot transform into a spiritual body. This is a challenge for both of them. They have to find a way to change this bad situation.

But what can be done?

As a newcomer who has only been exposed to magic for less than a month according to Tosaka Rin, this supply of magic power is actually very good, but it is not enough to support her to compete with heroic spirits such as the King of Heroes.

"The one currently supplying you with magic power is one of the auxiliary circuits of the magic circuit in my body."

Just as she was considering how to communicate with the seemingly taciturn Master, a voice suddenly sounded, as if it was floating out of thin air. If it weren't for her keen perception, Artoria would not even be able to determine that it came from the person in front of her.

Auxiliary circuit? One?

"Master, you..."

Ji Xing turned around and smiled: "Currently, I have a total of 30 auxiliary circuits. In order not to affect my own combat effectiveness, under normal circumstances I will only unlock the magic power of the auxiliary circuits for you. You should first get used to the feeling of having 30 of them taking effect at the same time."

There was no time to ask anymore. The next moment Arturia felt a surge of energy pouring into her body! The quality and quantity were far beyond those of ten years ago, and she almost lost control of her power for a second, and was exposed abnormally on the street!

Her body shook slightly and the blush on her face disappeared. When Artoria looked at Ji Xing again, she was completely shocked: "Master, what on earth are you..."

"As you can see, King Arthur, I am a powerful magician in 'pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger'. I want to pick up the pieces in the Holy Grail War. My wish is the third magic that exists in the Holy Grail."

Ji Xing smiled and said: "Does this conflict with your king's pride? In the confrontation between the two armies, it shouldn't be too much to use some tactics, right?"


Another Emiya Kiritsugu type Master? !

No, the boy in front of me is not as gloomy as Emiya Kiritsugu. At least he is willing to communicate with me. This kind of behavior can indeed be called a strategy. King Arthur is not a rigid person who doesn't know how to adapt.

But, but this...

His behavior of concealing it even from his teammates was a little un-chivalrous. More importantly, what was going on with this magical power that was so abundant that it far exceeded Emiya Kiritsugu several times or even ten times? Or is it just the auxiliary circuit?

Just like a magician from the age of the gods!

After a short period of filling, the magic water pipe leading into her body quickly turned back into a needle.

"In order to hide under normal conditions, I only give you one circuit. When you face the need of combat, I will give you sufficient battery life in a clever way." Ji Xing said: "One more thing, please keep it a secret for me first and pretend I’m just a newbie magician who doesn’t know anything.”

Arturia was silent for a few seconds. Although the shock had not subsided, she still gave a positive answer. No matter what he thought, the King of Knights as a servant would set the master-slave relationship upright.

There is no doubt about this!

This is why Ji Xing did not refuse to summon her as a servant after considering it.

Neutral and stable.

Regardless of whether there are more or less positive gains, King Arthur will never be a hindrance.

Except for Mordred.

But bad things may not turn into good things.

"Master, can you explain more to me? For example, why you have such magic power, and how far you want to achieve in this Holy Grail War, together with Tohsaka Rin of the class and her servant Hero King Do you want to hide it to the end?”

"These, let's pass on the senses. I'll tell you while we're shopping for groceries (edited)."

So in the vegetable supermarket, everyone buying vegetables saw a wonderful scenery.

The boy who looked like a high school student was picking fruits and vegetables with a very skillful and professional manner. The girl who was following behind him was as beautiful as if she had stepped out of a comic book, but she seemed to be sleepwalking. She nodded suddenly from time to time, showing expressions of shock or thinking.

In Artoria's eyes, her Master this time has become someone who accidentally picked up magic books after losing her parents at the age of seven, who knew the truth about the Holy Grail War and kept hiding herself, who discovered that she has superb magic talents while practicing silently, A magical character that was only slightly revealed before the Holy Grail War and is only waiting for a blockbuster in the Holy Grail War.

After walking out of the vegetable supermarket, Ji Xing looked at Artoria who was looking embarrassed and thinking, and smiled: "Oh, one more thing, I may have left a surprise for you at home, but in order to make the performance more realistic, I won't let you know for a while. Tell you what it is."


My servant is broken.

This is what Lion Jie Jieli is thinking in his heart at this moment. Ever since he 'awakened' Mordred, the other person has been sitting on the sofa, sometimes thinking solemnly and sometimes smiling stupidly.

There is no mention of going out to seek out enemies.

‘Well, it’s 10:30, aren’t you back yet? If this continues, there is a possibility that we won’t have that free lunch... No, I almost forgot that we are in the Holy Grail War. ’

Lion Jie Jieli tapped his temple and suddenly saw Mordred sitting upright.

The broken look faded away instantly, revealing a guarded expression. Lion Tribulation immediately understood that there was probably only one situation that would make Mordred like this.

"Are there any followers nearby?"

"Ah, be careful, Master."

"Outside? Don't worry, it's probably the chef who has completed the summons."

Lion Jie Jieli made a gesture, walked slowly to the window and looked out with half-hidden body. Servants have different strengths in tracking enemies. Mordred can feel the other party, but the other party may not be able to feel them.

Through the window, he could easily see Ji Xing walking on the street in the distance, and the beautiful blond girl following him with her pocket in hand.

"Really...a super beautiful girl, what's her rank? Caster?"

He murmured in his mouth, and the next moment Lion Jie Jieli felt a chill pressing towards his neck again. This was closer than the sharp edge that almost caused him to drive headless last night, almost cutting into his flesh and blood!

"Hey..." He swallowed dryly and looked at Mordred, who almost killed the master with Hengjian, and saw a face that contained countless emotions such as shock, surprise, and hatred.

Even Mordred's body was shaking.

An idea exploded in my mind like lightning.

"No way……"

Is the other party the father? !

Is there such a coincidence? !

At the same moment, Artoria also sensed the Servant's aura, and the bag in her hand fell off to the ground. Half-lying in front of Ji Xing, she looked out the window, and then opened her eyes wide.

This... is a surprise? !


She looked back at Ji Xing, but all she saw was a blank and confused face. The perfect interpretation of emotions made her feel like she had been sleepwalking before.

‘Hey hey, something big is going to happen! ’ Watching Mordred’s spirit body shuttle out, Lion Jiejieli ran outside in a hurry.

Ji Xing quietly took a step back.

Mordred appears before King Arthur.

The father, whose biological age is always stuck at 15 years old, grows rapidly because he is a clone, and his son, who appears to be in his twenties, is actually only 15 years old. This father and son, who basically died together, reunited across a thousand years. Together!

"Mordred..." Artoria whispered again, wearing her armor and raising her sword, with a complicated tone: "Black's Saber, is it you?"

Mordred was not wearing armor, but stared at King Arthur in front of him with complex emotions such as excitement, expectation, and even shyness.

" regret it after all, right? Regret that you didn't recognize my talent back then, and want to change everything through the Holy Grail?!"

King Arthur was silent for a few seconds.

"No." She shook her head: "My judgment has not changed. I reject you just because you don't have what it takes to become a king, Mordred."

"What I want to change through the Holy Grail is my incompetence. The one who led Britain to destruction also has no talent as a king."

Mordred was stunned.

The surrounding air seemed to be stagnant.

Until more than ten seconds later, the steel armor was on his body, and the dark red magic power tore the ground apart!

"What did you say?!"

"You think you're not worthy of being king?!"

For Mordred, this sentence made her ten times more angry than the previous sentence!


Throughout the day, I have been debating whether to let Sakura be the master of King Arthur or Ji Xing. In the end, I decided to stick to the original plan. The reason for choosing King Arthur to be Ji Xing's servant is not because of popularity or the original work, but because of the 'Zhongzheng and Stable'. Ji Xing's servants are indeed easy to play tricks, but it feels like putting the cart before the horse. Opportunities for Ji Xing to perform.

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