Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 833 Vegeta being manipulated! Death of Zero!

Baby? Who is Baby?

Where does it speak? my body? Could it be that Gallo is secretly using it to control me? !

Struggling hard in Broly's anger, Cell One felt panic and anger in his heart. Is the information collected by the old man Gallo reliable at all? Even if Vegeta is countless times stronger than what is shown in the data, it is still within his endurance.

But how come Broly is so strong?

The enemy's information is not reliable at all, but the methods of controlling us are intricate. I don't even know that there are living things in my body? !

Why stay close to Vegeta? Absorbing Vegeta to gain the power to defeat Broly?

Lying at the bottom of the huge abyss pit that dug a kilometer into the planet Imega, the broken limbs of Cell No. 1 were rapidly reshaped with the help of Buu cells, breathing heavily, with countless questions flashing in his mind.

But there was no time to find the answer, so it rolled around in a panic, dodged Broly's left leg that was chopped off vertically, bounced up in the earthquake, and was shot out by Broly's whip kick from his right leg!

The violent power made it feel like its body would be broken into two pieces. It was a power that was not at the same level as Vegeta.

'Hurry up and get closer to Vegeta! My enemy is also the Saiyan Son Goku! If you want to survive, do this! ’

The rumble hit the soil layer, and Shahru-1 clearly heard the sound inside its body again.

Facing Broly, who was coming to kill him, it didn't waste any more time and sprinted in the direction of Vegeta almost on all fours. The running state was far beyond what a tiger or leopard could describe, and its feet were swinging at a frequency of more than 500 times per second. , spanning a thousand meters in an instant. Compared with flying, such a turn becomes more flexible, avoiding Broly's attack.

But soon, it was caught by Broly, and it was naturally greeted by a violent storm of blows, half of which were defensive and half of which were beaten!

"It's amazing..." Krillin murmured from a distance: "Is this Super Saiyan III? Just sensing the energy makes me want to tremble."

Ji Yu nodded lightly: "Uncle Broly is still really powerful. This kind of anger is almost the same as the anger my father showed when he dealt with Majin Buu."

"Super Saiyan 3...will my hair become that long?" Goku reached out and scratched his hair, with a serious look on his face: "The feeling of anger is also a little different, is that right..."

Completely different from Vegeta, Goku will only feel full of motivation when seeing a strong enemy, and learn to absorb the advantages of the strong enemy, and does not care that Broly is several steps ahead of him.

After Vegeta's depressed roar, he lowered his head deeply and stopped paying attention to the battle between Broly and Cell One.

In the Spiritual Time Room, he had already seen Broly's Super Saiyan III.

Broly's basic combat power was originally stronger than his, but after four times the improvement, it reached a level where he could kill him almost instantly.

He also tried his best. When Broly explained to him the feeling of Super Saiyan Three, although he looked dismissive and did not want to receive such a favor, he actually listened very seriously.

But obviously, he hasn't been able to do it yet.

Not even a little bit of margin was grasped.

The gap has always been talent!

"Hey, that guy seems to be trying to get closer to Vegeta?" At this moment, Goku shouted in surprise: "Yes, hey, Vegeta, be careful, come here first!"


Hum, am I so weak that I will become a drag?

Vegeta raised his head viciously.

The energy of the second stage of Super Saiyan exploded on his body again. Facing Cell No. 1, who was covered in scars and weak in breath, desperately rushing towards him, his energy was in his hands!

Saru No. 1 knew that he was in a desperate situation.

Broly is behind him every step of the way. Facing Vegeta head-on in his current state has no chance of reaping the rewards, and there is no chance of absorbing Vegeta. However, if he dodges in a roundabout way, he may not be the next one to get close to Vegeta. If you can't create any opportunities, you will be killed by Broly!

‘I will trust you this time about what is hidden in my body, otherwise we will all die together! ’

Without making any dodge, with old wounds still unhealed and new wounds appearing one after another, Cell used all his strength to stab Vegeta with his tail! Oncoming was Vegeta's full force wave!

Just like the light of the scorching sun, those who resist the energy wave with their physical body will obviously not end well. As Shahru No. 1 screamed, the tail he used to eat evaporated instantly, and then the entire upper body, including his head, exploded into blood and disappeared. !

Broly, who was chasing after Cell 1, sideways dodged the wave's aftermath, causing it to explode in the sky, seemingly turning into fireworks of celebration.

Vegeta watched Cell's lower body, with only a section of his tail remaining, sway twice and fall down, his stern expression unchanged.

Goku in the distance smiled and said: "You were killed by Vegeta in the end! Okay, now there's only one left!"

Broly also nodded, his long hair slowly returned to its original state, released the transformation of Super Saiyan 3, and said: "Your Highness..."

At the same time, Ji Yu's little face changed. His strong perception allowed him to perceive things that others could not. When Vegeta attacked Cell One, something seemed to jump from Cell One to Vegeta? And it seems to be a living creature? Specifically, what kind of creature's egg is it more like? !

He put two fingers on his forehead to enhance his perception, and suddenly remembered a forgotten doubt.

In the beginning, I asked everyone to come together because I felt that Shalu No. 1 was different!

That difference was due to the fact that in addition to Broly and Buu's cells, there was also an unknown evil cell in his body. It was only because of Cell No. 1's amazing transformation into a Super Saiyan that everyone recognized it. This matter was ignored!

That kind of cell...Vegeta's energy...

not good! !

At the same time, in front of Broly, who was completely defenseless after exiting the Super Series state, Vegeta, who was still bursting with Super Two energy, suddenly moved forward.

The sharp energy wrapped around the palm of his hand, and he stabbed Broly's heart mercilessly with his sword!

There was no time to dodge, no time to even show shock. Just when the palm was about to pierce Broly's vitals, a small foot appeared out of thin air and kicked Vegeta's arm hard.


The path of the arm thrust was slightly deflected.

Blood splattered, and as Broly groaned and flew backwards, a thick arm was thrown away in a spin, and Ji Yu was also knocked backwards by Vegeta's explosive energy!

"Ji Yu?!" Gohan exclaimed.

This sudden change in lightning shocked everyone, and they even found it hard to believe their own eyes.

What happened? Vegeta suddenly launched a sneak attack on Broly? Did Ji Yu lead Vegeta's power away in time? Even so, Broly still had an arm cut off? !

"You bastard in the way." In a gloomy and hoarse voice, Vegeta pushed out with one hand, and an energy wave made Broly's broken arm vaporize and disappear.


"What are you doing?!"

"He's not Vegeta!" Ji Yu stood up in the distance and said, "Maybe Vegeta is controlled by something weird, everyone, be careful!"


Broly, who climbed up from the ground while holding his wound, originally had a pained and confused expression on his face, but his expression suddenly darkened when he heard this: "His Royal Highness has been manipulated?!"

The corners of Vegeta's mouth curled up in an indifferent arc.

"How is this going?!"

In Kaioshin Realm, Xin, who was overjoyed to have killed another Cell a second ago, pressed his face tightly against the crystal ball at this moment: "Vegeta was controlled by something? When did it happen?!"


The powerful enemy in Dragon Ball GT is a copy that inherited the memory and genetic factors of King Zifur. He was born with the help of Dr. Myu. He is a life-and-death enemy of the Saiyans. He can control living bodies with eggs and is very powerful. If you enter the strongest In this state, it would even take Super Saiyan IV to rival it.

How could this thing appear on Imega and on Saru-1?

What's more, Dr. Miao has been killed by Wukong who traveled through the universe in advance. Wasn't this guy killed in the training warehouse? What a mess.

And this kid Vegeta...

"Let me go there." Ji Xing shook his head.

Xin was startled, glanced at Buu and Cell Zero who were having fun in the distance, and said, "Is the situation that serious? Ji Yu should have a fairy bean carrying the earth on his body, right?"

"The situation may not be serious, but I should go there." Ji Xingyi pointed out.

With a flash of his body, he disappeared into the realm of Kaioshin. As a trainee Kaioshin, he naturally has the ability to move instantaneously like Gebit.

East Kaiojin Shin looked at Buu and Cell Zero again with some worry, and then continued to pay attention to the picture displayed in the crystal ball for a few seconds.

But he didn't notice that at the moment Ji Xing disappeared, Cell Zero's ears moved slightly, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face, and he said in a harmless voice: "Buu Buu, the two of us How about playing hide and seek?”

"Hide and seek?" Buu was startled.

"It's just hide and seek. It's very interesting." Shahru Zero smiled and said: "You cover your eyes and count to a hundred. I hide during this period. Then you come to me again and find me within five minutes." Even if you win, okay?”

Fat Buu blinked innocently, as if he was amused, so he covered his eyes with both hands: "Okay, I'm going to start counting."

"You must not open your eyes until you count to one hundred, otherwise you will lose!"


"You must not open your eyes!"

"I know! 1, 2, 3..."

Cell Zero's face showed a secret joy, and he turned around instantly and flew to the open space in the distance. He landed on the ground before flying out of Buu's sight. Suddenly, his body emitted an astonishing amount of energy!

He knew that even so, Buu, who was afraid of losing the game as a child, would never pay attention to him, and the only one who would notice him was Kaioshin.

But that... doesn't matter!

"Saru Zero, what do you want to do?!"

Sure enough, Xin immediately noticed the unrestrained Qi and asked, but the only response he received was the Qi that continued to improve.

Xin looked at the vast demonic energy that seemed to penetrate the sky and the earth of Kaioshin Realm, and slowly showed a shocked expression, and he couldn't help but hesitate to move forward... This energy? How can it be? ! Isn't Cell Zero only on Krillin's level? !

Wait, could it be that...

He had been wary of one thing.

Before the battle with Buu on the moon, Ji Xing once told him that the current Buu is not a complete body, and a lot of power has been taken away by the Cells. It stands to reason that after the Cells die, this part of the power will gradually Returned to Buu's body.

Buu should be stronger now, and the returned energy is likely to breed evil again, turning Buu into a time bomb again!

It is precisely because of this that Ji Xing stayed in Kaioshin Realm most of the time, leaving Cell to others to deal with. What makes Xin relax is that Buu has not shown any abnormality so far, he is as simple as a Millions of years old.

Could it be that...the power of Cell's demon cells first flowed back to Cell Zero? Let this guy grow up quietly? !

"Cell Zero, don't mess around!" Xin's Kaio divine power was activated, but the immobilizing power only took effect for a moment before Cell Zero broke away!

In Xin's perception, this energy was no longer inferior to Vegeta's, and he couldn't handle it at all!

"If you mess around, Ji Xing will never let you go this time!" He could only threaten with a sullen face: "Buu! Majin! Please stop it, let's have cake tonight!"

But Buu was still counting with his eyes covered: "13, well, after 13 comes 14, 17..."

Cell Zero showed a proud smile: "You won't let me go? Hahahahahahahaha..."

Under Xin's astonished gaze, the sky of the Kaio Shen Realm actually opened a hole in the sky under the wash of Cell Zero Qi, forming a space passage to an unknown direction, and it was shuttled in!

The light and shadow in front of Cell Zero's eyes kept changing, and he soon arrived at a remote planet. He saw a Cell, who was also bursting with anger and two sizes older than himself. He had 9 printed on his chest. He was the last one not to be killed. Found Shalu.

This is the ability that Zero has hidden.

As the master controller of the Cells, he not only has the ability to contact the nine Cells, but also has the ability to resonate with any one of them and quickly appear next to the other person.

And Cell 9, which has Sun Wukong cells, is extra special. It has some permissions that Cell Zero does not have. It is a tool designed by Dr. Gallo as a precaution to counter Cell Zero!

Use Cell Zero to control nine Cells, use ten Cells to jointly restrict and control Buu, and then use Cell Nine to slightly restrict Cell Zero.

Because of the disobedience of Androids 17 and 18, Dr. Gallo was very worried.

But unfortunately, none of them were used.

No, Quan made me a wedding dress!

Shalu Zero flew closer to Shalu No. 9, feeling extremely excited. Having endured the humiliation and served as the devil's toy until now, it used the hands of Earth warriors to take back the power of each Cell and quietly evolved into a semi-complete body.

Now that Cell 9 is absorbed, the missing authority can be completed, and he will gain the power to control Majin Buu! And as long as I find a chance to absorb Majin Buu, no matter Ji Xing or Broly, they can only be my food!

Humph, you won’t let me go?

I won't let it go...


Suddenly, Shahru Zero froze in the air, and its excited expression turned into unspeakable fear.

"you you you?!"

Celluloid 9's body suddenly turned into powder and disappeared, and the power flowed back into Cellulite Zero's body. Warm currents surged in the body, but Cellulite Zero felt the extreme cold.

Looking at Ji Xing who appeared in front of him with his right finger raised and holding a three-phase destruction bomb, he said ferociously: "You, you deceived me?! When did you see through my intentions?!"

"You should ask yourself when did you get lucky that I can't see through you." Ji Xing shook his head and said: "Because you are good at accompanying Buu, I have given you many opportunities."

"...Give it one more time, please."

"There might have been a chance, but you're unlucky. There's a naughty kid over there waiting for me to take care of. I'm in a hurry." Ji Xing twitched his fingers.

The despair in Cell Zero's vertical pupils was reflected in the dark three-phase destruction bomb!

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