Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 849 Elemental Magic

"Mr. Sewell, are you at home?"

Standing at the door of Ji Xing's house, Caitlin knocked gently again.

After waiting for a few seconds this time, she finally got a response: "Miss Law Enforcement Officer? More than half a month has passed since Brino's case. All the details are clear. Is there anything else you want to ask?"

"There are still some details that need to be added, such as whether you and Professor Brinor had conflicts before, which led her to choose to steal your research results..." Caitlin had already prepared her words, and of course she had some sense of proportion.

But he heard Ji Xing say: "That's it... let's do it tomorrow. It's too late today and it's not convenient for me. You can come to me anytime during the day tomorrow."

too late? Caitlin was startled. It was just after seven o'clock in the evening, right? Are all scientists’ routines like this? Jess isn't like that either, that Victor seems to never sleep.

But since Ji Xing declined, she couldn't insist on taking the liberty to come to visit, so she had no choice but to say: "Okay, I will come again around nine o'clock tomorrow morning."


Shaking her head, Caitlin left the same way. It wasn't until she returned to the entrance of Lanxun Manor that she suddenly felt something was wrong.

Although he did not expect to obtain special privileges with the surname of Gila Mann, he could not refuse the occasional convenience. If it were not for his status as the daughter of a congressman, ordinary law enforcement officers would not be allowed to enter Lanxun Manor at this time.

Mother gave such a high evaluation, Sewell should not be able to judge this point.

'It's too's not convenient? ’

With an unfounded intuition, Caitlin felt that something might have happened. The policewoman looked back and locked onto Ji Xing's home.

On the other side, Ji Xing, who was sitting on the bed, spread his hands to the woman: "I'm very cooperative. Should we be able to trust each other more this time?"

The war mason from Noxus, Ziatar's blade across Ji Xing's neck did not slacken at all. Her rich experience told her that Ji Xing did not behave like a prisoner from beginning to end, although she didn't know where. Something went wrong, but she was always haunted by an inexplicable uneasiness.

Just listen to Ji Xing say again: "And this is not enough, I have to cooperate with you again. I know that Caitlin, she is the daughter of Congressman Gila Mann, and she should have inherited the wisdom of that Congressman. Just at seven o'clock I Just pretend to rest and not see her, she will soon realize that something is wrong.

There was only one way to get her to leave without leaving any doubts, and that was to pretend there was a woman in my room. How about it? You don’t want to be exposed before your goal is achieved. How about I play another show with you without using knives or guns? "

Ziatar was startled, and his expression quickly turned evil: "You may still have some misunderstandings about some things, Sevier! I really don't want to kill you before I get what I need, but cutting off one of your arms shouldn't have any impact. your thinking.

What's more, if you let me get into trouble and fail the mission, what do you think I will do? Don't play tricks, it's me who takes the initiative! "

"No, it's me who takes the initiative."

Beyond Ziatar's expectations and reactions, without any premonitory movements during the preparation period, Ji Xing's left hand reached out to grasp it with its own consciousness, and buckled Ziatar's knife-holding wrist.

Under Ziatar's conditioned slash, Ji Xing fell backwards, her hair brushing against the blade. At the same time, she exerted force with her left hand and followed Ziatar's power to pull her down on the bed, while he With a flick of the force, she locked the hand holding the knife.

The huge force brought severe pain. Ziatar's hands couldn't help but feel numb and loosen, and at the same time, he quickly pushed back his right leg to save himself. But as soon as his leg was raised, it was shot down by Ji Xing's right foot that stomped down in anticipation.

The pain spread again, followed by a heavy elbow on the back of her neck, boom!

The vital part was hit, and Ziatar's vision suddenly went dark, his consciousness became groggy, and he groaned in pain along with the bed.

Caitlin, who returned to Ji Xing's house at the same time, her ears twitched, her eyes twitched slightly, and she turned around and walked away as if she was taking a walk.

Ji Xing, who was in the bedroom, picked up the short knife that looked like a watermelon knife, placed it on Ziatar's neck and said, "The cooperation was successful."

Ziatar was a little stunned.

This lightning-fast sword-catching counterattack has no unnecessary movements, just like the sword-catching skills taught by the instructors in the Noxian military camp. Even one's own reaction is predicted, and each strike is so precise as if it has been carefully planned. calculation.

Because Sevier was born in a chaotic place like Zaun, and she saw a variety of exercise equipment while lurking at Ji Xing's home today, she was wary that Sevier might have some combat effectiveness, but she was instantly countered. ?


The roles were reversed. The cold blade gradually made her conscious. She raised her hands and turned her head little by little: "I underestimated you."

Ji Xing smiled: "Now finally..."

Before he finished speaking, something unexpected happened again!

"Kucher!" Ziatar suddenly whispered some strange words in her mouth, and then a crackling sound exploded, and a blue arc of electricity danced around her!

The electric arc crackled on the blade of the knife in Ji Xing's hand. It was transmitted along the steel and stabbed Ji Xing's body trembling, and the knife fell with a clang.

Ziatar copied it back and looked fiercely at Ji Xing, who took two steps back in surprise.

Although she was an eliminated student from the Noxus Academy of Magic, what she learned at the Academy of Magic saved her life countless times!

Just like today.

The roles were reversed again, and she said with great vigilance: "Sewell, I will give you one last chance to give me all the technologies related to the universal capsule! Or you can try again...defeat me in this small bedroom! "

What made her uneasy was that Ji Xing, who was opposite him, still didn't show any panic. He just raised his right hand that had just been electrocuted and rubbed it in front of his eyes. A small piece of dead skin fell off and he suddenly smiled.

"Thunder and lightning elemental magic is really good."


How could this guy from Zaun accurately call out the 'scientific name' of the magic I used?

All things in the world are interconnected. The operations of cultivating magic power in the body through meditation and communicating with external magic sources to obtain magic power are always very similar, and Ji Xing can easily master them.

But casting is different.

Each world has its own logic for casting spells. It is impossible to get started. Even Ji Xing cannot roughly turn magic into power. Moreover, during the past two months of meditation, Ji Xing has already discovered that the magic in the alliance world seems to be particularly different.

It has an inherent and special operating logic, just like the "magic network" mentioned in some Western fantasy novels. Is it the rules brought by the world's runes?

Ji Xing thought about it, and then gently rubbed his fingertips that had lost their dead skin, and a small arc of electricity jumped out like a lighter flame.

Ziatar's eyes widened instantly.

Sewell can also do magic? ! And it’s the same lightning element magic as me? !

Her worldview was shocked, and she said in disbelief: "Who the hell are you! Where are you from?!"

Ji Xing looked at her and smiled mysteriously.

The next moment, Ji Xing's body suddenly moved forward, as if he was about to launch an attack. Ziatar, who was in a state of turmoil, subconsciously dodged.

At the same time, the glass behind Ziatar crackled and shattered, and a sharp bullet shot accurately, entering from the back of Ziatar's head and exiting from Ziatar's forehead!

Ziatar's movements froze.

Ji Xing shook his head and said: "Caitlin will leave if there is a woman in the house? It's still wrong, because she will know that if I bring a woman back, the guards of the Philos family will definitely not allow her to visit at this time. mine."

As these words sank into darkness forever, Ziatar forgot the bloody nature of the Noxian war masons, did not shout out the words 'for Noxus' at the last moment, and was even filled with unspeakable sorrow in his heart. Fear and withdrawal.

Even if she wasn't hit by this bullet, she probably wouldn't have the courage to continue the mission!

Outside the window, Caitlin, who set up her spear and fired the bullet just now, was also stunned.

She did find an abnormality, but because she didn't know the exact situation, through the hazy shadow behind the curtain, she aimed at the arm.

But now... why did that person suddenly take a step back? I...kill her? !

She secretly screamed in her heart that it was terrible, but was alerted by the gunshot. Several guards from the Philos family also rushed over and said nervously: "Miss Caitlin, what are you doing?!"

"It doesn't matter, Law Enforcement Officer Caitlin is saving me." Just when Caitlin was struggling with how to explain, Ji Xing opened the window she broke and said, "Come in and clean up, there is a guy in my house. Been lurking all day."


"Mr. Sewell, are you okay?!"

The guards were in panic, and soon the housekeeper and the Philos family rushed over, and the entire Lanxun Manor gradually fell into chaos.

Caitlin was relieved and a little confused. It seemed that I suddenly... became the savior of Xavier, the most popular figure in Piltover recently?

Who is the other party?

When Camille, the gray lady who had dealt with Justo, returned, Caitlin even gained Camille's approval, and she felt that tonight was even more ridiculous.

The one who felt even more ridiculous was her mother.

I asked Caitlin to see the true face of a law enforcement officer and make her retreat, not to make great achievements and get promoted... How did she gain the friendship of the Philos family?

The Philos family was in its 'strong period', and this friendship, especially the friendship from Sewell, was precious. However, after she had a private chat with Camille, she was not happy at all.

The one who was killed was actually a war mason? !

Noxus, a behemoth and a war maniac, weighed heavily on her head, and even Camille felt angry and heavy in her heart.

Especially after hearing Ji Xing say that the war mason who sneaked into his home was still a mage.

The two war masons who came to Piltover are probably elite war masons. How far is Noxus prepared to go?

How should we cope?

On the other side, Caitlin, who was still thinking about tonight's chaos until she returned home with her mother, suddenly said: "Something is wrong, mother. I saw the death of the intruder at the first moment, and her eyes were full of tears without closing her eyes. Terrified and with bruises from being hit hard.

Before I fired, Sewell had already fought with her and even had the upper hand. At the moment I fired, the intruder backed up in fear due to some special circumstances, and just happened to catch me with his head. bullet……"

"So?" The worried Councilor Gila Mann looked helplessly at his daughter who had entered detective mode again: "What do you want to say?"

"What a coincidence." Caitlin said: "Being killed by my shot... what a coincidence."

"It's such a coincidence." Councilor Gila Mann sighed: "Go back to your room and rest, Caitlin."


"Don't worry about anything tonight. Go to sleep and forget about it. Just pretend that you have never been to Feros's house or fired that shot!" Gila Mann said with a straight face.



That night, many people couldn't sleep.

While Piltover was worried about Noxus' transgression, a drastic change was also taking place in the palace of Noxus.

With the scream of the raven, the figure that had been sitting on the throne of Noxus for more than ten years was crushed to pieces by a force. The Emperor of Noxus, Darkwill, was killed!

The person who killed him was a man with gray hair and a face that seemed filled with countless sorrows.

He has a devil's left hand, and a pair of dark wings spread out behind him. The noisy raven sound is emanating from his body, and this terrifying power makes those who follow behind him The people showed fear.

They offered the regicide, the powerful general Swain, as their new emperor, but Swain refused. He has the power of vision and wants Noxus to achieve strength through unity.

Because Draven was among his followers, the returning general Darius quickly chose to support him. Together with the Black Rose who was forced out by Swain and had secretly controlled the throne of Noxus for thousands of years, A Tri-Fali Triumvirate was formed to ensure that no one could monopolize power.

Afterwards, Noxus took back the troops that had conquered various countries and regions, took back the war masons who seemed to be everywhere, adopted a different political strategy from the past, and was about to regroup.

In such earth-shaking turmoil, everything that Camille and Mrs. Gillamann were worried about seemed to disappear. Even the names of Ziatar and Justo, two elite war masons, seemed to be swallowed up in the world. in this turmoil.

It was not until three months later that Swain noticed when cleaning up the previous files: "Justo was sent to Piltover more than three months ago to steal the 'Universal Capsule' technology?"


"No recall?"

"Recalled, but... no contact."

Swain was silent for a moment, and a figure appeared in front of his eyes. He knew Justo.

More than five years ago, Justo was still a young general under him. However, because Darkwill was worried that his growing reputation would threaten his rule, he was transferred away from him along with a group of other close subordinates.

This led to his disastrous defeat at the Battle of Precidium in Ionia, and he took five years of rest before gaining new strength and making a comeback.

Sure enough, things have changed. Not only did Justo withdraw from the orthodox army and become a war mason, but also died in the mission?

What a shame, a decent fighter.

Piltover, the universal capsule... Swain shook his head and said nothing more, as if the matter had just passed by.

At the same time, the progressive city of Piltover is still making progress every day.

In the streets and alleys, anyone with some financial resources will not only have a money bag hanging on their belt, but also a universal capsule box!


PS: (I am in Singapore, attending the Qidian Annual Meeting. There should be no tomorrow. Please forgive me. I will make up for it when I get home on the 30th!)

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