Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 272: Really? Naruto Warriors?

Madara Uchiha looked up and down a few times at the sunflower dressed up in a white dress and dress: "You, aren't you a ninja?"

"It's really not, but you really...I...resurrected." Sunflower said with a smile, Madara's face a bit scary.

"Forget it, it's not too late for me to continue to implement the plan. In short, let the guy who obstructed the plan first--" Madara jumped and jumped in front of the Ninja Allied Forces.

Among the coalition forces, a small number of old people who came from the era when the village of Konoha was established, recognized Uchiha Madara and informed the whole army by means of communication ninjutsu and radio. Knowing that the coalition forces are confronting the legendary man, they dare not come out.

The battlefield was silent.

"That guy, is Uchiha Madara?" Naruto was also infected by the surrounding atmosphere.

Hinata trembled with a pair of white eyes: "Anyway...this person's Chakra is too...Naruto-kun, be careful."

Sasuke still puts on the high cold fan, but the nerves are also tense to the extreme.

Gaara saw that all the eyes around were focused on that side, and shouted to the surrounding: "Don't look into his eyes!"

Seeing that the ninja allied forces were not moving, Uchiha Madara started to move by himself and began to walk slowly step by step.

The ninja coalition remained motionless.

"I'll help them. [Illusory Shuraan]!" Sunflower looked at the opposite side, and the coral-colored Shulanyan swept over several ninjas who happened to be looking at him in succession.



"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

Driven by the shouts of the ninjas who had been illusioned, the ninja coalition began to rush towards Uchiha Madara like a pile of dumplings!

Madara is like no one in a realm. No one is Madara’s enemy. Even if the Sunflower Writer's eyes are straight, he can’t see any routines. Power and speed are overwhelmed by one side. Madara responds to every change with every wave of people. He has insight into the opponent's actions and takes corresponding actions to defeat the enemy. Using the characteristics of the siege, he breaks each one and guides the enemy's attack. Cannibalism.

For a time, the ninja coalition forces flew all over the sky like ninjas who had eaten "Lushan Shenglong ×".

The Ninja Allied Forces have been surrounded by Uchiha Madara! Is this "Zhen Hokage Warriors"? This is art--

Sunflower patted his forehead, how come he was almost possessed by the art duo?

Under the control of the pocket, the second generation of Tuying also wanted to sneak in invisibly, taking advantage of the chaos to collect a wave of heads... and then was seen by Hina Tian with a blank eye, and forced to show up with a [Gossip Sixty-Four Empty Palms].

Naruto turned into a golden light and moved behind him at a high speed, almost equivalent to teleporting, with a move [Xianfa·Helix Lianmaru] knocked down and sealed.

Naruto was wrapped in golden light, with cross pupils in his eyes, he had obviously tamed the small part of the nine-tailed chakra in his body, and he had completely mastered the [Fox Mode].

"..." Sunflower tremblingly hid behind the rock pillar again, unable to provoke it. Did Naruto learn the [Flying Thunder God Technique]? Not in the intelligence. Is it a new opportunity for not being a Kyuubi person?

At this time, Gaara gathered a large group of chakras, manipulated a large amount of sand into a wave to force the spots to jump around, and led them into the encirclement of the seventh class.


"[Xianfa·Wind Escape·Tornado Spiral Pill】!"

"[Bagua Empty Wall Palm]!"

Sasuke’s black flames and the slender tornado blasted by Naruto merged into a high-speed spinning black flame drill that hits the spot at the predetermined coordinates. The two walls of Chakra air wall blasted by Hinata’s hands blocked the spot even more. Possibility to move on both sides!

Madara showed a little movement, and decisively turned on [Suzano Nohu], the dark blue skeleton wrapped his body, and then flew out to the top.

Sunflower looked up dumbfounded as he watched the dark blue skeleton wrapped in a black flame tornado floating in the air past the spots that flew to the back, and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

Master Ban, are you playing? Obviously Fei Mao was not injured?

No, the ninja coalition rushed towards her.

Such an army of powerful people rushed in and made Sunflower's scalp numb, but it was about to escape like this. How should those compatriots who left the matter to them think of her?

"Bang Bang~" Sunflower hurriedly separated two shadow clones. Although the blue slots are unlimited, each fairy has the same good and bad things. The clones will actually divide their consciousness. She is not Naruto, at most It can only be divided into two.

"[The scope of the most powerful triple magic effect is expanded [T-M-W-M]·Fire escape·Fire extinguishing】!" x3

The three goblins breathed fire together, and a total of nine flames turned into a fan-shaped wall of fire to advance and expand, and the scope was more than one mile wide!

A large number of water escape ninjas lined up in front of the ninja coalition, and various water escapes were fully displayed.

"Very well, human life is very fragile. Even if these flames do not consume much HP, they are scared to stop. Wait, few of them have a way to deal with poison, then do I use it? [Flower Sea Birthday] Is the right choice?"

But in the face of the wave, there is no room to switch tricks temporarily.

Suddenly, a large mass of sand broke through the flames!

"This lump of sand against me?"

The sand ball spread out, revealing the scene of Naruto holding Hinata in one hand and the spirit bullet in the other.

"What kind of love for the war show!"

The sunflower body kept breathing fire and raised his head slightly, sweeping the flame towards Naruto. Unexpectedly, Naruto transformed into a chakra hand and slammed into the flame, almost continuously teleporting past the pincers of several pillars of fire!

"It's not [Flying Thunder God's Art], it just depends on the acceleration of Nine Tails and natural energy, it's too fast!"

Naruto held the [Wind Escape·Dayu Spiral Pill] in his hand with the Nine-Tailed Chakra's hand, and slammed it toward the sunflower like a meteor hammer! Hinata followed and left Naruto's arms and jumped Try this! "Sunflower raised his hand, and a black sphere appeared in his hand.

This is the "absorption array" of the scientific ninja. In the future, Konoha Village seems to have studied the power of Datongmu and the Six Ways, such as [Heaven’s Royal Middle], [Animal Dao], [Hungry Ghost Dao], and [Sura Dao]. They are too open and involve the soul. [Human Dao], [Hell Dao], [Heaven Dao], etc., seem to be absent, but the existing ones are quite powerful, even if they are not widely used as scientific research secrets.

This is the best technique Sunflower got secretly from Shigaraki. No wonder Sasuke can rest assured that she will follow her alone, although it is almost useless in the face of genuine Otsuki.

The scorpion is very good at combining time and space art with the puppet, so that the puppet has more weapons than the surface can hold. The sunflower is to let the scorpion infuse these skills that he does not know into the sunflower's puppet, and then inject the puppet into the puppet. In the sunflower body, in addition, the self-discipline fighting system contained in the puppets Mary brought from the moon is additionally added. In this way, the sunflower can fight like a gamepad.

I'm not used to coordination yet, but it should be easy to cast while standing in place.

(to be continued)

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