Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 302: In a hurry, use the forbidden technique to defeat the forbidden technique

"Huh..." Winkawozi breathed a sigh of relief, who had successfully resisted [Tail Beast Jade] with "eyes".

ALFY walked with small steps and poked Alfin on the waist and said: "But it seems to be a problem now." He pointed to the front.

It turned out that Huang Tu used the earth to make an "elevator" to go underground, allowing powerful ninjas such as Terumi Mei to use force in one direction, using powerful ninjutsu to block the golden arrow rain, and avoiding the damage of the shock wave of [tail beast jade] .

At this moment, the "elevator" rose again from the ground and launched an attack on the Kuan Yin giant that was about to fall.

A group of ninjas in Yanyin Village actually spit out a substance like cement, and with the cooperation of a group of ninjas in Wuyin Village with water escape, they fell half of them in the sinkhole where the underground rock and soil were taken away and collapsed. The giant Guanyin was frozen.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of surviving more powerful ninja climbing colossus were killed!

"Innocent!" This time Winkaworth was not facing a high-spec opponent like Datongmu. His confidence in bullying mankind greatly increased. Nioh stood on the top of the colossus, his feet gently pressed against the head of the colossus, and the gold and pink were swiftly. The surface spreads.


The Guanyin Colossus wrapped in gold and pink armor, the wanton gold and pink chakra cracked the cement, and the body crawled out. With a wave of a large number of arms, it lifted off the ninjas who were like little bugs.

Although many ninjas were not afraid to sacrifice and attack bravely at this moment, the shock and explosion of ninjutsu ninjas blasted on the head of the Guanyin colossus, but only Terumi Ming’s attack had a slight result, dissolving a little gold powder armor surface, but Facing the huge colossus is just the bite of harmless little bugs. Other people's attacks are useless, useless at all.

"Oh, it's really a low-level creature. If it's Uncle Snake or Pharmacist's pocket, I will actually be injured if I have the flaws just now. If Raikage cooperates with Shuiying, there should be the possibility of hurting me. Raikage has solved it." Winkawoz joked, raised his hand and said in a loud voice, "Look at the move! [Susa Senshou·Dingshang Huayao]!"

The huge Guanyin colossus exudes golden powder light and stood up! Overlooking a group of tiny ninja coalition forces, only the two-tailed beast-like human pillars of kilometers away can be seen, and the firefly who has just successfully blown up the colossus under the three tails.

A Fei immediately pointed to himself to complain: "Only'Suzuo' belongs to you, and everything else belongs to me."

"It's just for fun! Don't pay too much attention to the small details! It's me who empowers so many hands." Winkawoz argued, giving her a golden pink bow to the Guanyin giant's one hundred hands. .

A large number of dense hand movements interfere with each other, punching and hitting can be done, but it is difficult to pose a precise archery posture, but Winkaworth's arrows never need to be aimed.


Ninja Alliance Headquarters——

"What the **** happened!"

"Now all battlefields are in chaos and seem to have been hit by mass destruction at the same time."

"The battlefield is very chaotic, the details are unknown, but there is no doubt that the losses are heavy... Oh my God, the sixth unit and even a living person are gone." The ninja who was responsible for perceiving the entire battlefield was clearly used to watching the army during this time. Loss, but such a terrible death still made them show extremely shaken expressions.

Although the dead cannot speak or report, the perception system of the coalition headquarters is very powerful. It can accurately locate all its own troops, large and small, and the enemy's unintentionally hidden chakra. The chakra signal of the sixth unit completely disappears means that all Extinct.

Sergeant Nara Luji held his forehead with a headache, and said, "Let the troops sort out and report on the battle situation as soon as possible."

With that, he looked at the sensory water polo that had been deformed not long ago. It is a water ball that produces various bubbles and ripples according to the greatly changed direction and distance of the chakra to indicate different conditions for judgment. However, at this time, the water ball is gradually deforming, and the water seems to be pulled in one direction, which is generally impossible. , Unless-in that direction, Chakra, which occupies a huge proportion of the world, appeared. However, even if all the nine big-tailed beasts run wildly, they cannot make the water ball violently deformed.

"What the **** happened over there? Can no troops get there? That's where Akatsuki achieved her goal. Hiichi, contact Lord Sixdaime." He wore countless pipeline connection helmets to his head while sitting in front of the huge instrument. ——Yamaka Keiichi, who is the communications hub of the coalition forces, said quickly.

Shion’s prophecy for the destruction of the world by Akatsuki is very important, and the loss of a meteorite at the door of Konoha Village’s house is not trivial. The virus-isolated ninjas and maidens are indeed very troublesome. Can the resurrected Hokage be able to quickly integrate into the war? Well, it's the most efficient explanation for the headquarters, right? Although normal people are taboo to use the power of the dead, the enemy has already used so many dead as combat power. Even the latest information mentions that after the medicine master who resurrected a large number of late famous strong men as combat power was subdued, "Uchiha" "Yuekui" has used the resurrection of a large number of ninja coalition forces who have died in this war. In this way, the enemy fights more and more, and the ninja can't quickly replenish it. If the other party has already ignored any ethics and morals in order to win, the world will be overwhelmed by the dead.

The more troublesome thing is that Alphan and Uchiha Madara can drop large meteorites, and both have a certain flying ability. In short, Lujiu immediately thought of the terrible "high-altitude parabolic" also commonly used by Kraunpis. Except for the past generations of Hokage or other shadows, I am afraid that no one can match.

In fact, "Uchiha Alfin" will not talk about the identity of a big villain boss, "Uchiha Tsukikui" has a certain reputation for doing business for big people from all over the Let her be now. News of what he did spread like wildfire. She is already a lunatic in the eyes of the world-

After being defeated by Uchiha Itachi, he did not give up survival, and resurrected with forbidden techniques at all costs; holding【Izanaki】this modified and used other people’s lives and souls (experience points) as sacrifices to give oneself the ability to “resurrect” instantly The illusion technique; because the resurrected dead body has no potential for improvement, the body is transformed into a large number of mechanical devices; it also holds forbidden techniques and secret techniques that can continuously explode and poison on a large scale.

Is this still something people do?

Of course, Sunflower himself didn't know that he had such a reputation. Even if he knew it, he wouldn't have any more reactions except for a little mental shock.

Because she was not a human, infallible.

The topic was accidentally pulled away, and turned back to the topic——

In short, in extraordinary times, the Ninja Allied Forces simply do nothing and do not require the use of [Reincarnated Reincarnation] to replenish their combat power. It can also prevent the dead from being reused by the enemy, just like a famous saying "Use magic to defeat magic."

(to be continued)

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