Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 323: The famous sword that rescued the Ninja Alliance

Sakura aimed at the moment An Qi avatar leaped and landed, and hit the ground with a heavy punch, shaking the ground, causing An Qi to lose balance again when it was not stable.

"Haha, you idiot." Even if the ground became like that, An Qi's clone immediately inserted her tail into the ground, pushed her body up, turned on the spot, and flung her sleeves to release the wind blade: "[Feng Dun·Thousand Faces wind】."

Faced with Kozakura who made a fist at her, she threw dozens of wind blades casually.

The wind blades, which are generally dense with barrage, have the power to cause fatal injuries and destroy conventional ninja weapons.

The moment Sakura broke through the wind blade barrage, she had six shots in her body, relying on the power brought to her by the [Hundred Heroes Art], she was **** and hard to resist. Raising his hand to the front of An Qi is a punch [Sakura Punch]!

"Ha, [Huo Dun·Yan Strike]!" An Qi's avatar didn't dodge, and she met a punch from the eruption of flames! The principle is similar to her [Fire Dun·Spiral Pill], with inferior range and power, but with higher speed, it can be used at any time without the need to accumulate power, and is suitable for physique duels.


Sakura's full accumulation and precise manipulation of Chakra's punches, and the moment when they contacted An Qi's fire punches, the impact of punching punches using explosions was not enough. It was simply a small-scale landslide.

After the impact, the ground tens of meters behind An Qi clone and Sakura seemed to be plowed carefully every inch by the pile driver.

Sakura was relieved for a while, and An Qi's second punch immediately hit her stomach, leaving a blood hole at the same time, the flame impact threw her into the air.

Silent saw that Sakura's tragic wound could not be repaired, and it was difficult to regain her mobility in the air, so she jumped up to catch the seriously injured Sakura.

An Qi's clone did not take advantage of the chase, and said hello: "Sakura, I haven't seen you for a few months, it's a lot better." She was wrapped in a red chakra coat at this time, with six tails swaying behind her. Without this, she was definitely going to be caught. The strange force fist shattered.

"Kill!" Shigeo couldn't restrain the urge to run away from the curse, and rushed towards An Qi avatar like a mad. There were fumarole-like organs growing on the elbow of his fist and behind him, and the rocket jet exploded at An Qi avatar.

"Hoo~hehehehe," An Qi whistled and smiled happily, "Is there anyone in this world who can understand the romance of Rocket Hammer? It's great, but it's an enemy."

About to meet him, suddenly the fumaroles behind Zhongwu and elbows turned in place, aiming at An Qi at almost zero distance, and Chongwu shouted: "Fire!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

The chakras expelled from the fumaroles gathered into a burst of bombardment comparable to the mini [tail beast jade], flooding An Qi's avatar.

"Have you won?" Shuiyue said dazedly, no matter how strong the body is, but the clone should be... and then looking at the expression of Xianglin, she can only hold the weapon.

It's a pity it's too late.

"Who is next! After doing the clone, give me the main body!" Before Zhongwu's words fell, the finger of An Qi's clone was pricked between the legs.

"I'm sorry, it's me." An Qi avatar lying on the ground disappointedly, with a look of lack of interest, "Ha, let me so disappointed, it turned out that the jet of high heat blew my face in the end? I have experience, as long as I see, everyone can react, hey, it was so boring in the end. I'll give it back to you, [High Emperor Production Spiritual Venerable·Millennium Kill]."

The shelling from the bottom up was like a volcanic eruption, Shigeo was rushed into the air by his own terrible shelling that had doubled several times, and he didn't come down for a long time.

Maybe it fell somewhere else.

"Yeah!" Shuiyue grabbed the huge weapon wrapped in bandages and smashed An Qi clone.

An Qi was slightly turning her body to avoid this rugged blow. Unexpectedly, the passing weapon swept the tail beast Chakra's coat away?

The weapon quickly swelled and broke the bandage, revealing a sword covered with thorns and a big mouth that looked like a fish.

An Qi: "Isn't this the shark muscle of the ghost shark?"

Shuiyue: "Ah, who told Senior Ghost Shark to invade Konoha Village? This is a trophy. Naturally, I can only use it, the younger brother of the Seven Ninja Swords, and everyone. It took me a lot of effort to tame it. Woolen cloth."

"Really, it's been hard work, but my chakra is not your trophy." An Qi avatar shot Shuiyue who couldn't keep up with her speed into splashes, picked up her chakra and became fat head. A sword like a pufferfish, the moment when he wants to take back his chakra--

A few thorns pierced from the handle of the shark muscle, which was the rejection reaction of the shark muscle to the non-owner, and plunged into An Qi's unsuspecting palm.

"Huh?" An Qi was embarrassed for a while, this time she didn't have the ability to deal with waves in her hand, and she didn't have the protection of Chakra's coat.

So she was slightly injured and dissipated into smoke.

Shuiyue: "... Feel like I can blow for a lifetime?"

It was confirmed again and again that Angel's body had not returned, and the talents began to rescue all the troops who were infected with the virus. Fortunately, it was not a disease that was not in history, and no one died. However, it was half a year later that they got out of bed at the latest, and Hinata, who had the best health and was discharged first, was one day after the end of the war.

However, compared to countless people who died in the war, they are undoubtedly lucky.


Outside the Akatsuki base——

"Zheng!" The simple and neat knife technique brushed the body of Alfin Shadow Clone.

At the last moment, Alphan Shadow’s clone turned his head back and looked at the white-haired handsome figure: "This guy... actually used Thunder Dunn’s attributes to change to turn his body into an electromagnetic cannon, but the burden should be a card. Cassie’s [Raeche] and Raikage’s [Heavy Flow Storm] can’t be compared, not only that, but in order to keep the mind up to speed, the electric current stimulates the brain, the living person is definitely familiar? Because it is a dead person, the restriction is lifted ...No wonder Cacchino can't win."

Had it not been for she had also learned the electromagnetic gun ninjutsu and just crashed, her eyes would not be able to see through the horrible essence of Sakumo Hagi. You can see through and see through, whether you can cope with it is another matter. Neither [Shenwei] nor [Suzano Nohu] can be launched at the speed of the electromagnetic gun that has been out of the chamber.

"Boom!" She turned into smoke and disappeared.

Sakumo Hagi turned his dagger, and took a stance toward Uchiha Madara, who stood high above the ten tails: "First solve one, are you left here."

"Good physical skills, in my knowledge, you are the fastest if you only talk about physical skills," Madara objectively commented.

"This is the fastest sword technique in the Ninja world. Right now, it is used to kill you." Sakumo Hagi sank slightly, raising his head and looking at Madara coldly, "Are you ready? Uchiha Madara, you should I feel regret for abandoning [Foul Land Reincarnation] for the real resurrection of the body."

(to be continued)

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