Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 333: Sister's Wang の Invitation to Naruto

An Qi absorbed the huge thunder light [Lei Dun Leimeng Lei Ren] and hit Tsunade, Jiraiya, Mizumon, and Kusina to jointly launch the [Four Red Sun Formation] that trapped Ten Tails.

"Boom!" The translucent flame barrier was hit hard by the beam of light, impacted, and dented in, but it was unbreakable. The huge quadrangular prism barrier was swaying, seeming to be crumbling, but in fact it felt like a rubber, impacting. They were all scattered throughout the enchantment, and it was impossible to force a single point to break through.

"Huh. Sealing the ten tails? This is not enough." An Qi swept the beam of light towards the few people who were maintaining the barrier outside.

These people are the only mothers in her world who have a large number of Chaturas, and there are no shadow clones, and they must not be able to do the double-layer enchantment that An Qi has used to protect the caster.

"Anqi, you!" Naruto took off and picked up the six magical chakras, and turned the beam of light to one side with a punch.

"Do you really dare to turn your back to me while fighting me?" Ling Xian glared at Naruto's back.

Sasuke suddenly jumped away together.

Immediately afterwards, the ground under Ling Xian's feet collapsed, and then the cracks at the top were closed, but the space below was wide.

"This, this is?! Underground labyrinth?!! This soil escape is really scheming." Ling Xian turned his golden eyes, looking at the earth mountain that collapsed together in the distance-An Qi and Sunflower jointly sealed a few The sealed mountain of ten people.

"The main purpose is to liberate that. By the way, do as many as you can trap us? Please, actually I don’t need to play a maze game with them, can I just blow it up? However, I can do this level of soil. To escape, there must be a lot of people, and they are still very powerful. Even if you just blow up the maze and bury them, you don’t need to breathe, but they will be safer to bother us, so they can be swept away. Yes, just do it." In this way, Ling Xian fell into the underground maze.

This is the guy that An Qi only perceives. It is the former colleague of the four members of Lei Dun, who was killed by An Qi. They are members of the guardian of the twelve ninjas and their disciples. He was caught by the sunflower as a substitute for the nine tails. The gang headed by Ma’s father and Ma were annihilated in the past due to political discord. They were resurrected by the pharmacist for use in warfare, and the contract was taken away by Watergate’s sealing technique, but they did not need Watergate’s manipulation or advice to face the Ninja crisis. , They stood together again.

Ling Xian still needs some time, and it is Naruto and An Qi that are intensifying the contradiction immediately above.

What An Qi was going to attack just now was Naruto's parents and master, as well as An Qi's parents and master!

Naruto's heart is also full of question marks. Why did Angel use Hinata's move before, even if it can absorb Chakra times, can the move be replicated? Did she do anything to Hinata? Is it just like dealing with Lei Dun's crowd of four?

Of course, it is also one of Angel's goals to make Naruto think so.

"Finally hate me?" An Qi's face was filled with a soothing expression on her heart, "Want to kill me? Come on, just fight me for the purpose of immortality."

As she said, the flame wings spread out behind her and flew into the air, and Naruto followed after her.

"Naruto, don't be impulsive!" Sasuke believes that the opponent's purpose is to separate the two of them who have the ability to seal the ten tails. How can you be fooled? Your parents and master are both [Defiled Reincarnations], plus An Qi's sealing technique There may not be an advantage in front of Jiu Xin Na, will not be killed by An Qi? It's too emotional.

Shion followed after him, looking up at Naruto who was shrinking in the night sky, and spread out the pink wings to catch up: "No, I have repeatedly explained that only my sealing technique can stop An Qi, the Six Ways. The power is really great, but can't An Qi absorb any chakras and multiply them back?"

"Shoo!" A red light shot from below, piercing Shiyuan's chest.

"It's getting in the way!" The light wing behind Shion flapped a red light, ignoring the red spear body that was spinning in the air, and continued to chase Naruto.


Igria flew to the starting point of those guys' takeoff, raised her hand to recall the sharp gun, and looked at Shion in the distance like a telescope, her mouth opened and closed: "[Tailed Beast Jade] That kind of trick with an explosive range. Forget it, Shion actually bounced off the Gungnir, the main god's spear that Pi Si gave me. Would you like to talk like that?"

Granbell, who was still sitting not far away, said: "The flames released by the blazing sword that father gave to Bell cannot be released and burn the world like the myth. We are not like Dad and Xiaomi ) That luck was eroded by the godhead."

"Then go straight on." Iglia deliberately pressed a few fists with both hands and made a "click" sound, "I won't be beaten by a group this time, I was so furious when I was killed in such a strange way last time. "

"So, Leah has solved the guy she dealt with before?"

"No, the light cannon fired by An Qi just now evaporates, evaporates! I don't even know what to do with the seal... It's better to say that I was almost evaporated too! I have to beat them again later! She is definitely Deliberately." Iglia turned a sharp spear and aimed at Sasuke, who was dropped by Naruto. "Oh, Sasuke, I will not see you for a while. Not long ago, I was bullied with Naruto and a bunch of Hokage. Come, now. Challenge me to vent my anger!"

Of course it is deceptive.

Sasuke just glanced at Igria hastily, then looked up into the air again, and didn't have time to care over there. Naruto and Shion, who played a key role in combat, were the most important.

"Ignore me! But the moment you look at me, you will be finished, [Illusory Reality]!"

Now Igria's blood dragon eye illusion level can directly make the body effect he let Sasuke fall down just because of the heart numbness.

"Is it that way?" Sasuke said blankly, breaking the illusion with his thoughts.

The strength of the blood dragon eye illusion that has been strengthened to the limit has surpassed that of the kaleidoscope writing round eye, but it is still a lot worse if you want to compete with the people who have obtained the power of the six ways and the eye of reincarnation.

Raising his hand to accumulate the thunder light fused with the power of the eyes of reincarnation [Human Dao], squeezing the dead spirits who had sneaked by Granbell to the soul.

"It's really ruthless, Sasuke. What about the dead spirits made by your deceased clansman? Are you blind in reincarnation?" Granbell twitched.

"Short pain is a hundred times better than being controlled and enslaved by you." Sasuke raised his hand with [Chidori] and shook it. "I have to thank the weather created by Togo, [Thunder Dun·Kirin]!"


Sasuke turned around, and didn't look back at the big explosion caused by the unicorn-shaped sky thunder he made, and was about to summon the winged [Completely Susanoh] to catch up.

(to be continued)

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