Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 364: The Bane of the Candy House

"Found it." Kraunpisi found the compatriot she needed, and landed on the ground, pulling the sunflower into her illusion enchantment space.

"Eh, eh eh? Whose illusion?!" Sunflower looked around in surprise, and suddenly turned into a candy house.

"My illusion, do you have an opinion?" Kraun Pith, who landed at the same time, fell on a high pile of candies, feeling a little troublesome and almost slipped.

She simply kicked a handful of corrugated candy to the foot of the sunflower with a shovel. She tilted her left leg and draped her right leg on top of the candy hill, and said to the sunflower at the foot of the candy hill, "Eat it?"

"Pix... Then I'm welcome, am I?" Sunflower hesitated and picked up the bobantang.

"What's the matter?" Seeing sunflowers lingering, Crowen Pith was a little dissatisfied, you don't like to say it straight, what are you doing?

It's all illusion. You can change what taste you want with a single thought, so that Kraun Pith won't be angry with these condolences that don't take time to prepare.

Sunflower couldn't resist Kraun Pith's consciousness, so she had to tell the truth: "But, this is not Pisi stepped on..."

"What do the compatriots care about so much? Oh, is it because it took a long time for humans to become accustomed to talking about human hygiene? Ann, here is the conversation for your taste buds to enjoy. Actually, there is nothing, let alone not being able to eat. What's dirty. Besides, in this space, my feet are much cleaner than your face." Kraunpisi said with her arms akimbo, and also raised her feet to show Sunflower the soles of her feet.

Indeed, by visual inspection, Klauen Pisz’s feet were clean, and Sunflower had been dirty from the battle, and his clothes had been ragged because of the jade's damage.

However, what Sunflower didn't dare to explain was that although there were no enthusiasts who would eat more happily when Crown Pith stepped on it, sunflowers were not included.

Kraunpith and Sunflower explained this illusion barrier that was enough to deceive the world. Sunflower had to obediently eat sweets and listened to Kraunpith to turn to the topic.

Kraunpith: "Sunflower, it seems that Huiye’s ability to absorb chakras in the starting ball space can compete with my [World Severance] to a certain extent. If I forcefully block it completely, I will consume more HP. Is there any good way?"

Sunflower: "Ask...ask me?"

Kraunpith: "Didn't you communicate the most with scientists who study Otsuki?"

Sunflower: "Even so... Isn't it enough combat power?"

According to Kaguya's [Tianzhiyuchu] battle and Otohime's battle record, it is obvious that Kaguya is not good at fighting than Otohime. Wouldn't it be possible to win if he kept suppressing it like this?

Crown Pith smiled awkwardly, then turned around and lifted a head of blonde hair to expose the back of her neck.

"That is!" Sunflower was shocked. The imprint was a "tool" for resurrection that Datongmu implanted genetic information and personality memory. Isn't it bad?

"Understood, it will be troublesome if you accidentally beat Kaguya to death if you suppress it like this," Kraun Pith cried and laughed. Wouldn’t Kaguya, who is still weak, be killed? Find a way to break Kaguya’s access to Chakra, and then cast an olive branch to knock out the intelligence of the solver from her mouth. I regret it now. I used [Soul Destruction] on Otohime, and the information is not complete, alas."

As Crown Pith said, he lifted his head and shook.

"Wait, wait, Piss, calm down." Sunflower hurriedly flew to the Candy Mountain, hugged Crowen Piss to stabilize her body, "It is impossible to make friends. I also have some research on the "device". , I will think of a way, give me some time, give me some time, this kind of "device" will be fine for many years without intervention, and I can also use the ability of the big pipe, as an experience The card is great."

"I've tried this a long time ago, it's really good, but who said I really want to make friends? Sunflower, have you forgotten my function as a dark princess?" said Kraunpith.

"Oh~" Sunflower remembered. As long as he promised to be a companion of Crown Pith, Crown Pith could possess the spirit and turn it into a doll that he manipulated, but the opposite was high-end Otsuki. Does existence work?

Just like the Sunflower's mental magic and the Sangouyu writing round eye illusion can not control the existence of the elite Shangnin and above, the level gap is too big, isn't it?

"Of course, there are necessary precedents, and it is confirmed that it is available. Of course, the opposite must be weakened first." Kraunpisi opened the infinite backpack and pulled out a white figure from it.

Sunflower was taken aback by the man’s posture, and he was relieved when he reacted. He pointed to the guy and said jokingly, "Is it all right to let her go? Let her knock down her compatriots, and then suppress Kaguya. Will we be able to join forces with Huiye?"

"Good idea!" Crown Pith slapped her into the ground like a sunflower.

"I, I, I... just kidding." Sunflower panicked.

Now the surviving ninjas have all witnessed the goblins calculating the big things, and they are not fools. Don’t you just wear it if you accidentally run into it?

What about killing those ninjas? It's not impossible, but Huiye and Heijue are not fools, are they?

When the enemy of the planet arrives, what is it like to directly kill the combat power that can become a native?

"Acting, leave it to you." Crown Pisz squatted down and looked at the sunflower with only his head and shoulders exposed on the ground, and smiled with a thumbs up.

"...Why me?" Sunflower was I really wanted to lick my mouth and hate my bad mouth. He obviously ate so much sugar.

Kraunpith glanced at the place where the compatriots disappeared: "Originally, the prestige of Konoha Village was enough, and even now the compatriots who have a bad reputation but have a lot of good deeds, you are the only ones who have not been drawn into the [Tianzhiyuzhong], right? ?"

"...Yes." Sunflower reluctantly agreed.

Kraunpisi pulled her out of the ground, threw a shot of cleaning magic to remove the dust and stains accumulated by the sunflower this battle, and used repair magic to restore the dress that the battle had almost turned into underwear coverage.

Kraunpis was about to leave, and was about to participate in the battle against Kaguya, when Sunflower stopped her.

"Pisi! Unlike Otohime, Kaguya can use [Hungry Ghost Road]. Even Pisi can perform physical skills, but it is more difficult to assist with magic? What do you plan to do?"

"Is it necessary to say?" Kraunpisi looked confident, "Since everyone hasn't used parallelism this time, I am 100% sure of it."

(to be continued)

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