Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 372: Hui Ye was born again! She cracked!

"[Tianyu Feather Arrow]." Winkawoz tentatively shot a series of golden and pink arrows at the wooden army.

Ling Xian was quite confident in his attack power, and immediately stretched out his hand to open the scarlet magic circle to the ground: "[DoubleMagic·Ripple], as long as you rely on the huge chakra to support this trick, you will run away. But my slaughter."

The golden and pink arrows hit the wood, and the sawdust suddenly splashed, but the damage was only a drop in the bucket, and the broken wood quickly recovered, and some arrows were even grabbed by the wooden man empty-handed.

The wooden figure bathed in red ripples fell like a broken wire puppet. The wood crumbled and crumbled, but it was nourished by the woods and began to come back to life, and it would be able to get up in a while.

"High-level trash fish, there is no cannon fodder. As long as they are in the space of Shiqiu and Huiye, they can definitely be used like this. No wonder they have the confidence to resist the invasion of the Tatsukimoto family. I knew I should clean up all Baijue from the beginning. "Otohime displeased.

"Sorry." Alfin lowered his head slightly, "Perhaps I shouldn't use Bai Jue for this war."

"Forget it, it's not your fault, there is no doubt that it works perfectly. The answer is right here."

The Jue Legion responded to the attacks of Winkaworth and Ling Xian——

"[Mu Dun·Birthday of Flower and Tree World]." x66

"[Five Escapes·Dalian Bullet Art]." x44

Flowers bloomed in the bushes, and poisonous pollen began to spread, and each wooden man, like A Fei's wooden man, began to spray shadow-level five-element escape into the air.

"These attacks have the qualifications to seriously injure the Big Tsuki without ten tails, you go back quickly."

Otohime narrowed her approach as much as possible, and took off with the fairies to avoid this wave of attacks.

"Huh, it's really arrogant." Ling Xian's finger spear aimed at the ground and fired a shot of [Lunatic Gun], which exploded two wooden men.

"There are so few results, it's a pity that this trick can't be fired like a black stick. But it also shows that it can really defeat them." Ling Xian raised his finger to prepare for other magic, and said to Otohime, "This white puppet lady, let's go When you suppress the ground with all your strength, can you knock down Kaguya?"

"Hee hee ha ha ha, to be honest, it's nothing difficult?" An Qi once again separated thousands of clones, fell sharply towards the ground, and fought together in the forest. As long as it is not the gravity that is enough to crush the clone in the gravitational space, the clone can be used at will.

The other fairies also followed, maybe An Qi is enough, but they are somewhat eager to compare.

Otohime looked up and down, and there was a legion on the ground that could contain the big barrel tree, and there was a [Expanded Seeking Jade] in the sky that was gradually expanding and pressing, and the fighting space that could be used for air superiority would be constantly squeezed.

If the beginning of the ball space can use planetary life to continuously repair the jungle and dozens of Hundred-handed Guanyin giants, the fairies may not be able to win; but if it is only this level, it is not a fear for Otohime and Kraunpith. The probability of defeating Kaguya has not changed. The problem is--

Otohime glanced at the blossoming flowers in the sea of ​​trees.

There are a few obviously different, more like the Overlord Flower, which should have been summoned by Hui Ye to prepare to launch [Tail Beast Jade]. If he intends to clear the field with [Crimson Spiral], Hui Ye will continue to play [Tail Beast Jade] to deal with it. .

The aftermath must sweep the area, the aftermath of the explosion is not enough to cause decisive damage to the wooden figure who seems to be able to grab [Tail Beast Jade] with bare hands, but—

Otohime tilted her head slightly to look at the compatriots of Crowne Pith.

"Now Huiye's concentration must be on the sky and on the ground, her own concentration should be reduced a lot, let's release the'bomb' in Huiye." Yi Ji's blood-red six-gou jade reincarnation eyes flashed again, and they opened again instantly [ Huangquan Biliangzaka].

The fairy in the Stars and Stripes hat and dress peeked out of the black "door".

Otohime raised her head: "The ground is temporarily restrained, and that one needs to be dealt with too."

She launched [Shaoming Vikuna] at [Expansion Seeking Dao Jade], and the two forces of expansion and compression were competing against each other.

"Mom, good opportunity!" Hei Jue shouted, almost all the enemies in front of him were restrained by the ground and sky.

"Aha, Heijue, you made me amused, I was underestimated." Kraunpisi locked up and stretched out his hand at Kaguya who was about to launch [Total Killing Ashes].

Neither Kaguya nor Heijue looked down upon it. After being specially pulled out by Otsuki Otoki, he was relieved to deal with [Expanded Seeking Daoyu] and stopped paying attention to Kaguya, indicating that Kraunpis was strong enough to stop Kaguya for a while.

However, in the current battle situation, Huiye had only the option of attacking immediately besides fleeing the planet, and the situation might not be good for her if it dragged on.

"[Puppet by Yi]." Kraunpisi pointed Huiye to activate the skill.

Datongmu Kaguya is not a companion and friend of Kraunpies. According to the rules, [Puppet Puppet] cannot take effect, and Kraunpiss can't let his clone consciousness attach to Kaguya.

It is a visionary student.

Huiye's expression was painful, and her stomach suddenly bulged, as if she was pregnant.

"Mom?!" Hei Jue was also shocked for a while.

"Puff!" Hui Ye's stomach cracked, and two white little hands stretched out from inside, grabbing the sides of the crack, and pushing it outwards, widening the opening a lot, and then she wore black long straight hair. The head covered with a big blue bow came out from it, just like Sadako.

Hui Ye gritted her teeth, inserted her hand into her body, and shouted, "Get out of my body!"

With a panic, he pulled out the petite and huge body and threw it to the ground.

It's Star and Uchiha Madara!

Before the Ninja World War started Star came to the world of Naruto. As part of the tree fairy race, the plant itself was planted in the Baijue that could plant trees, and this Baijue became [Wooden Dun: Reincarnation Art] The sacrifice of resurrecting Uchiha Madara.

Bai Jue has indeed become a sacrifice, but the Star remains alive in Madara’s body, wrapped and protected by the "sweetheart" inter-pillar cells transplanted by Madara on his chest. It was a bit when Madara was taken away from the pillars by Mu Dun Chakra. Danger, almost exposed.

But fortunately, Star continued to follow Uchiha Madara to become the six-dozen spots and get the power of the six-does together with Madara, launching [Infinite Moon Reading] and [God·Tree World Birth] to connect and absorb the life of the planet and the investigation of sentient beings. Kara even made her MP limit and flow rate usher in the saturation of the soul. At that time, she could leave with satisfaction, but at the combat power level where she spent most of her time in the office, she couldn't get rid of the six spots.

It would be the best result if Kaguya's resurrection could be interrupted and Liudao Madara could be killed later, but the ideal was full and the reality was average.

Kaguya is still resurrected, and the existence of Costa has also become a means of Kraunpith's Yin Kaguya. Star's chaotic state of consciousness and body is unable to break Kaguya's body, which does not mean that Kraunpisi is doing it. Less than.

(to be continued)

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