Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 10 Chapter 9: Mini Gundam

"Ahhh, you said this?" Crown Pith touched the back of his neck, and the erosion rate had indeed increased greatly.

But it was also Kraunpith's own fault. The ability to use Otohime when dealing with Kaguya was really refreshing. How pleasant it was to suppress the whole process. Is it the same feeling that accepts the existence of "devices", perhaps this is Otsuki's induction in order to revive himself as soon as possible?

Who expected that the ability to use Otohime would increase not the amount of erosion, but the rate of erosion? If it only increases the amount of erosion, then Otohime's ability is nothing more than a thing that will not be used until the erosion rate is almost 99%, that is, there is no danger; increasing the erosion rate is really terrible.

If you think about it a little bit, you should understand that if you activate the "weapon" to use the power of the big pipe, it will only increase the amount of erosion, so as long as the holder of the "weapon" is a sane person who is not confused by the power, the big pipe may be resurrected forever Nothing. If civilization develops to freely shuttle the world and **** the planet, could the big tube wood use this kind of half-hearted thing? It may not be impossible to say, but it is a small probability event.

Fortunately, the attributes of Klauen Pith itself are not in line with Datongmu, which can be suppressed by mobilizing the energy in the body, but judging from the increase in the erosion rate, at most, it will be covered by the real Otohime in less than ten years.

What will happen then?

Probably the real Otohime desperately ran to other people before he died and attached a "weapon" and died on the spot.

In this case, the resurrection magic was used on her, and whether it was Crown Pith or the walking dead Otoki who was resurrected, Crown Pith was actually quite curious. Of course I don't want to experiment with myself, and there are no other experimental samples.

However, it seemed useless to ask other companions for help on this matter. Doing too much would cause panic. Trying to get Luna into the research team was the last attempt.

"Okay, let's go and see." Crown Pith cupped the back of her head with both hands, looked back at the ceiling, walked a few steps, turned around and said to Otohime, "Okay, let's go and see. Traces abducting a few guys who seem to be suitable for the reincarnation of Otsuki might be simpler... What identity should I use to cover up? Same as last time, with Alice, who used to hammer three tails with Star?"


On this day, Luna looked a little sad on the way back to her room from get off work.

Although there is no big loss if she loses a bet, she doesn't have to worry about doing things like that if she doesn't have to go to the front line. However, it is better to win the game that can be won.

From Luna's point of view, the rivalry played by Kraunpith and Motoulhime was probably a cover for shame? That is, once you quickly make a mech that can perfectly and greatly increase the combat power of that level, or if you don't wear Otohime's clothes, what will happen to embarrass or embarrass Crowen Pith?

But it's certainly not a big deal, or else she wouldn't play like this, so even with interest, Luna wants to win as much as possible.

"It's impossible to work hard. Tomorrow everyone calm down and have a meeting."

The next day--

Luna brought high-ranking goblins from her research team to a place that could be used as a meeting room.

"Do you have any good ideas for speeding up research and development?" Luna said after stating the reason for the bet with Kraunpith.

"I actually want to wear that kind of clothes." A fairy whispered.

"If you want to wear it, then you buy it yourself. If you lose, won't my prize be gone?" Luna said. Another time-space Oriental and Oriental style clothes are relatively rare in this world, but they are customized and found. Compatriots with corresponding magic and skills are no problem.


Another fairy raised his hand and said, "However, the reinforced armor is not a normal enchanted armor. Let alone the development and weight reduction of each component, the weapon, the flight propulsion device, the steering balance device, and the radiator. , How to balance the mobility, firepower, and defense power when all installed on a pair of armor, but also to ensure that the lower creatures can withstand the reaction force of the reinforced armor while exerting a fighting power comparable to that of the adults. Time to experiment slowly, and we need to consider the new problem of the balance of mobility, firepower, and defense after the magic equipment automatically adapts to the size of the user. Not every component can be scaled up and down to maintain strength and performance in proportion. It is much more difficult than the research and development of tanks and battleships."

"After all, is it necessary to specifically integrate a large amount of weapons and equipment and protection into a full-body armor that looks similar to Graeme? At the same cost, build more tanks, magic cannons, or train some magic casters and warriors. Perhaps the overall combat power is even stronger." Another fairy raised the doubts that arose during the research and development process.

"You can't calculate combat power like that." Luna raised her hand and gently stroked her eye sockets, reflecting the blood-red three-hook jade kaleidoscope.

Although it is not the one set of [Limited Monthly Reading], since the prototype is a kaleidoscope writing round eye, it is only natural to be able to use a certain amount of illusion.

Launched an illusion technique to all the fairies who were looking at him, releasing a dynamic picture of a conflict in the human kingdom a few months ago.

Luna does not have the magic of holographic projection and remote monitoring. In the past, she only mastered the information she had obtained in the form of static pictures and used magic projection to reproduce it, and used it to teach people PPT in her research and work.

And this has another advantage over projected is that this magic technique acts on the minds of the participants, making them feel that they have seen the holographic projection, in fact, there is nothing in reality, preventing secret peeking Possibility.

Now Luna admires that the cosmetic contact lenses handed over by the sunflower to Kraunpith are so useful. She usually does not use MP in battle, but fights with the magic ammunition and weapons that she usually stores with excess MP. Doesn't care about MP consumption.

"You don't know about it yet, even though it was just a boring fight by the inferior creatures, it has nothing to do with us, but since I have any questions, I will answer it."

It's not so much a giant wearing a weird scarlet armor-the humans in this world will definitely call it that when seeing this existence, it is better to say that it is a mini-Gundam at all, or it is no problem to call it "Iron Man Giant".

On the front of the Mini Gundam, there are several translucent metallic colors. In addition to the Saint Kingdom coat of arms, there are also large circular five-pointed star crosses, indicating that this is the power of the Hell Fairy Cult.

"This is a chariot? It feels a bit strange and familiar. Was it cleaned up by the Mini Gundam?" a fairy asked.

(to be continued)

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