Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 10 Chapter 15: Mechanical Fairy and Stitched Basilisk

After Sunflower explained some precautions to Kraunpith, he was enthusiastic about some other research that he had done during this period of time with the necessary spare time.

Sunflower also used the techniques of Dashe Pill, Yakushidou and Amado, and used his shadow clone to make a lot of changes.

Sunflowers are now able to absorb ninjutsu and magic in all directions with their body. There are also multiple sets of coral-colored writing wheels disguised as headbands on their heads. There are also several puppets and scientific ninja transformations, and cameras are installed. A technology product to increase the possibility of not eating illusion.

Each eye can emit a laser with an effect that resembles the original bullet-that is the extension of her kaleidoscope pupil technique. The expandable lightsaber installed in the space technique in the sleeves of both hands extends the longest distance to 100 meters, when short-distance light The cannon is no problem. The Boom cannon has also been replaced by the Green cannon developed by the world so it is more suitable for Chakra, capable of firing thousands of rounds per minute of various stored attacks. Although various scientific ninjas have heat dissipation problems with continuous shooting and saturation, the sunflower itself can use water to escape, so it is not a big problem.

And even with so many modifications, the [Wooden Dun: Reincarnation Art] characteristic of self-regeneration even if the body is broken into pieces and ashes is still well maintained.

Affected by the whim experience of once removing a part of the body and filling the missing part with the shadow clone of that part of the body, Sunflower also improved his [Shadow clone technique] with this. Now it can be said that each of the sunflower clones is equipped with Part of the body, once part of the body is destroyed together with the shadow clone, the destroyed body will regenerate on the other clones. That is one of the best forms of clones——

Each is a clone, and each is the main body; the last surviving one is the complete main body, greatly improving the survival rate, and the strength is all consistent with the main body!

In short, the Sunflower's body has a little more functions. Among them, the most speechless thing is: Have you eaten Luffy's rubber fruit? The impact resistance has increased. No matter what, is it interesting for you to play in front of me. It can be long or short, soft or hard, thick and thin, bendable and stretchable?

When she got excited, she tied the sunflower's hands and feet into a bow, making her struggle and roll on the ground.

"Sunflower, since your body is like this, then this rank card is completely meaningless to you, right?" Kraunpisi was playing with the rank of Sunflower once used to "dream call" Lin Quan Ningfu in his hand? Ka, said.

"Oh, indeed, level 91, even treasures are not good, except for the ability to consume magic power to continue the life, it is nothing. Piss will take it to the compatriots who need it. Wait, Pix will help me untie it. "

"You can figure it out by yourself, you can do it in a few more minutes." Crown Pith remembered that the last sunflower was too funny, so she left with no vigour.

"Aren't Anqi and Oshemaru in the base?"

After bidding farewell to the sunflowers, Kraunpisi could not feel the presence of Oshemaru and An Qi for hundreds of meters in the huge castle-like house, so he took a leisurely pace and walked along the corridor through the doors to the outside.

Suddenly, it was a street full of people coming and going.

When you look at this stone road, you can tell that it is a pedestrian street with no motorized vehicles. It's obviously already in the era of locomotives running everywhere.

"For concealment, set up a research headquarters in such a small country."

Crown Pith thought, walking frivolously into the street.

"I'm wrong, although I didn't wear the Stars and Stripes but Alice's maid costume in order not to appear abrupt, but the maid seems to be too conspicuous here. But it would be more troublesome to change clothes on the spot."

"But the law and order is really bad."

It happened that an uncle's handbag on the side of the road was suddenly snatched by a child who seemed to be passing by. Although the uncle yelled and chased after him, the child disappeared after turning an alley, leaving the uncle staring.

With a sharp eye, Crowenpis saw the child lift up the sewer manhole cover and drill down.

There is no need to help those victims in particular.

On the other side, how come a few custom women fight for a man? Hey, hey, ninjutsu is used? Do ninjas play this? Or is it that you are not fighting for customers, but what is the important task of the man to get him at all costs?

Although it was indeed a very important guy, even if he changed his face when he went out, Crowmpice would recognize it.

As a result, the two women in custom dresses that were still torn on the street a moment ago have both their bodies embedded in the walls of the building.

"Oshemaru, it’s been a long time since you’ve seen it. How did you imitate it, and you are doing your job well, right?" Kraunpisi leaned against the wall inlaid with the two of them, and greeted Oshemaru in a low voice. .

"It's you." As if a little excited, Da She Maru stretched out a long snake head and licked it around. In any case, it was an object that gave him a truly immortal body. There is progress in doing well, but for impatient people who want to get results right away, it may be an unsatisfactory result."

"I'm not so impatient, but in order to avoid long nights and dreams, the progress can be as fast as possible. I have sent the new experiment body. The mental state and the chakra attributes are quite good. Of course, the hidden work is not perfect but it can be guaranteed. Without being tracked down here, go and help Sunflower and Pharmacist."

Kraunpisi's casual remark obviously has some problems, and now he has indeed accepted the pharmacist's pocket, and the pharmacist's pocket is still willing to work for the big snake pill, but this sentence is like counting the big snake pill under the pharmacist's pocket.

Fortunately, Oshe Maru didn't stick to this point in front of Cronn Piss: "Yes, since I want to hurry up, why not give me some of your body tissue as a research sample."

This sentence was heard last time by Considering that this world has the power of using other people’s blood or other body tissues to curse others like a flying segment, of course, Kraunpith can’t give it. But come prepared this time.

"Take it." Kraunpisi took out a handful of golden hair, conjured a magical breeze, and sent the hair to Dashemaru.

Da She Wan grabbed it in his hand and said, "Oh, did you figure it out this time?"

"It's just that safety measures have been taken." In fact, it was Alice No. 2's hair.

"Really, then I'm going back, do you want to observe?" Oshemaru invited.

"No, I have something else."

"Really." Dashemaru conjured up two big snakes and ordered it to stretch out its paws and grabbed the two who threw Kraunpis into the wall and swallowed them, then said again, "But compared to hair, I am right. Your body is more interested."

"Oh~" Crown Pith hugged herself pretentiously and backed away half a step.

(to be continued)

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